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The sharing of ideas, perspectives and expertise is critical for states to better understand and improve their policies. The 2021-22 CSG Healthy States National Task Force brought together a diverse and bipartisan coalition of state leaders, subject matter experts and private sector practitioners who endeavored to meet this need by providing recommendations that were developed through bipartisan consensus through four crucial indicators of state health.
While not every policy option presented in this report may fit the context of every state, the task force believes that in this consensus list of 38 bipartisan policy recommendations there is an opportunity for state leaders to advance policy conversations and better address their state’s unique challenges. Whether in the work to improve faith in public institutions, strengthen state workforces for the jobs of tomorrow, budget for the broadband infrastructure needed today, or modernize health care delivery and payment systems so that residents can enjoy a high standard of living, collaborative and bipartisan efforts mean for healthier states.
As state leaders consider the recommendations in this report, The Council of State Governments is available to provide further assistance in how the presented policy options may best fit their state needs.