Kentucky's Inclusive Worker Health Leadership Network

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Kentucky’s Inclusive Worker Health Leadership Network

Annual Report to the Governor - Year Two

April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023

Kentucky’s Retaining Employment and Talent After Injury/Illness Network (RETAIN KY) is a U.S. Department of Labor grant focused on helping people who have non work-related injuries or illnesses continue to work. RETAIN KY supports the commonwealth’s commitment to the health and well-being of its citizens and workforce development by providing immediate, customized intervention and supports for workers who experience injury or illness off the job so they can stay at work or return to work. RETAIN KY helps employers keep valuable staff and helps employees keep their jobs. RETAIN KY also is helping to address the enduring implications of COVID-19 on the physical and mental health of Kentucky’s workforce.

RETAIN KY partners include the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet, Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, University of Kentucky Human Development Institute, Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board, University of Kentucky HealthCare, University of Louisville Health, Kentucky Department for Public Health, Kentucky Hospital Association, Council of State Governments, and the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.

A key strategy in RETAIN KY’s efforts to promote multisystem improvement, innovation and change is the Inclusive Worker Health Leadership Network (IWHLN). This network, comprised of medical professionals, public health leaders, employers, workforce development and the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, focuses on the coordination of state and local initiatives to accelerate opportunities for Kentuckians to stay at work or return to work.

The IWHLN’s efforts align with and support Kentucky’s Employment First policy, helping to ensure that competitive integrated employment is considered the first and primary option for persons with disabilities of working age who desire to

become employed. Relatedly, Employment First strengthens employer outreach through RETAIN KY by providing employers a policy incentive to engage with their employees who have disabilities or who may be at risk of developing a disability. Recognizing the impact of health and the healthcare system on bolstering an inclusive workforce in the commonwealth, this diverse group of practitioners and leaders make annual recommendations to the governor regarding policy and systems change to promote timely, coordinated and effective services, leading to better employment outcomes for Kentucky citizens.

2023 Recommendations

To advance state workforce efforts, the Kentucky IWHLN recommends the governor consider taking the following actions:

Recommendation #1

Direct the relevant state agency or department to establish an educational training program for employers, including HR managers, to increase employer awareness of workplace accommodations and disability employment issues with emphasis on the following:

• increasing access to reasonable accommodations in the workplace and removing employment barriers for Kentuckians with disabilities to grow Kentucky’s workforce and address its labor shortage.

• Improving limited or lack of awareness and understanding about disability employment issues, including access to workplace accommodations to positively impact Kentucky’s workforce development efforts and economic advancement.

• dispelling common myths related to disability and employment by increasing employer and employee awareness

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through efforts such as Employment

First and Kentucky’s State Plan for Workforce Development.

Recommendation #2

Direct the relevant state agency or department to establish a centralized and accessible portal or website focused on stay-at-work and return-to-work best practices for employers, healthcare providers and employees.

• A centralized and accessible portal should include (though not be limited to) the following:

• standardized communication templates;

• access to Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT)/Occupational Information Network (ONET) job descriptions;

• the win-win approach to reasonable accommodations;

• Department of Labor (DOL) physical demand categories

• University of Kentucky Human Development Institute’s Mental Capacities Checklist (available in appendix A on the RETAIN website).

Recommendation #3

Direct the relevant state agency or department to facilitate a statewide network of groups and programs, in consultation with Kentucky’s Employment First Council, to highlight people with disabilities as an untapped talent pool. The network should do the following:

• actively identify and connect people with disabilities and employers

• intentionally engage the talent of Kentuckians with disabilities to promote competitive integrated employment and an increasingly skilled and diverse workforce.

Kentucky is experiencing a significant workforce shortage with slow growth in its workforce over the last 20 years and low

rates of participation. Kentucky’s workforce participation rate historically has been in the bottom 10 states. According to the 2021 Chamber Workforce Report, Kentucky was third lowest in the nation in June 2021 and seventh lowest in 2022.

In addition, the commonwealth has one of the highest disability rates in the nation and one of the lowest employment rates among its citizens with disabilities at 33.7%. Even though this is a largely untapped talent pool, people with disabilities often are intentionally excluded in plans and efforts focused on talent pipeline management.

Ranking at 48th in the nation and behind all seven of its border states, Kentucky has one of the highest employment gaps in the U.S. between people with and without disabilities. The 2023 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium shows 76% of Kentuckians without disabilities are employed compared to 33.7% of people with disabilities, a 42.3% difference.

To promote an inclusive workforce, Employment First became law in July 2022. As a result, Kentucky established the Employment First Council and now promotes competitive, integrated employment in the general workforce as the first and preferred option for workingage individuals with disabilities who desire employment.

Employment First will help ensure meaningful employment, fair wages and career advancement for Kentuckians with disabilities. It will significantly advance efforts to realize a truly inclusive workforce in Kentucky, strengthen its economy and improve the quality of life for citizens with disabilities across the commonwealth.


In addition to its ongoing work associated with and resulting in the recommendations cited above, the IWHLN conducted the following activities in Year Two.

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Quarterly Meetings

Met four times in Year Two: April 28, 2022; July 12, 2022; Oct. 26, 2022; and Jan. 25, 2023.

Inclusive Workforce Definition & Graphic

Developed an inclusive workforce definition graphic. The definition (below), with input from diverse stakeholders, was developed in Year One. The graphic is available in appendix B.

“An inclusive workforce is one in which the unique skills, contributions, and diversity of qualified individuals, including those with disabilities, are recruited, valued, and integral for success. It is an environment where the engagement, development, retention, and advancement of an increasingly skilled and diverse workforce is promoted and supported across all employment sectors and levels.”


Recruited and welcomed 12 additional voices and perspectives to serve on the IWHLN. The new members represent policy, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), healthcare, employment, mental health, disability, substance use disorder and veterans. The new members also expand geographic representation across the commonwealth. The membership list is available in appendix C.

National Exposure

Presented a poster (appendix D) on “Striving for Health Equity Through Leadership and Partnership: The Inclusive Worker Health Leadership Approach” at the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) 2022 National Conference.

Action Items

In Year Three (April 2023 – March 2024), the IWHLN will continue its work of promoting timely, coordinated and effective services leading to better employment outcomes for Kentucky citizens, including making recommendations on multisystem improvement, innovation and change that accelerate opportunities for Kentuckians to stay at work or return to work following a non-work-related injury or illness.

RETAIN Kentucky is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration under a grant award of $21,600,000 to the Kentucky Department of Workforce Development (DWD) that will be incrementally provided.

100% of grant funding is from U.S. federal funds. This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor or the Social Security Administration, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.

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Appendix A

University of Kentucky Human Development Institute's Mental Capacities Checklist

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Mental Capacities

Date of Birth:

Based upon your assessment of the individual, are they able to work on a regular and sustained basis specific to their mental capacities? Yes No

Based upon your assessment of the individual, are they able to work an eight-hour workday? Yes No

If No, how many hours per day is this individual able to work?

Based upon your assessment of the individual, please indicate the level of functioning in the associated category, using the definitions provided below:

None: There are no limitations.

Mild: There are limitations on ability to function, but they are mild or transient.

Moderate: The ability to function in this area is less than severe, but more than mild.

Severe: The ability to function in this area is limited.

Extreme: The ability to function in this area is precluded and cannot be done.

In an eight-hour workday, the individual can perform the following activities:

Ability to understand simple instructions.

Ability to carry out simple instructions.

Ability to understand detailed instructions.

Ability to carry out detailed instructions.

Ability to remember locations and work procedures.

Ability to maintain attention and concentration for extended periods (more than 10 minutes).

Ability to work within a schedule, maintain attendance and be punctual.

Ability to work with others without being distracted by them.

Ability to work with others without being a distraction to them.

Ability to make simple, work-related decisions.

Level: None Mild Moderate Severe Extreme/ cannot do
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Ability to work effectively with customers/clients.

Ability to tolerate daily stress without feeling overwhelmed.

If there are OTHER medical facts, situational factors, equipment, or devices that need to be considered to identify a position for this person, please explain:

If applicable, please identify other limitations that may impact this person’s ability to work:

Health Care Provider’s Signature Date Health Care Provider’s Address Office Phone Number 2023 Recommendations for the Governor: RETAIN KY IWHLN | 6


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Inclusive Workforce Graphic

What is an Inclusive Workforce?

An inclusive workforce is one in which the unique skills, contributions, and diversity of qualified individuals, including those with disabilities, are recruited, valued, and integral for success. It is an environment where the engagement, development, retention, and advancement of an increasingly skilled and diverse workforce is promoted and supported across all employment sectors and levels.

To learn more about RETAIN Kentucky, visit

RETAIN Kentucky is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration under a grant award of $21,600,000 to the DWD that will be incrementally provided. 100% of grant funding is from U.S. federal funds. This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor or the Social Security Administration, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.

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IWHLN Membership 2023 Recommendations for the Governor: RETAIN KY IWHLN | 9
Appendix C

IWHLN Membership

Angela Guyton, MA

Murray State University, Administrative Assistant II

Betty Whittaker

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Staff Assistant

Cora McNabb

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Executive Director

Debbie Dennison

KY Workforce Innovation Board, Deputy Executive Director

Deborah R. Campbell, RN, BC, MSN, CPHQ, IP, T-CHEST, CCRN alumna

Kentucky Hospital Association, Vice President of Quality and Health Professions

Dena C. Sparkman, MHA, FACHE

Appalachian Regional Healthcare, Vice President of Clinical Excellence

Dennis McClain, MD

Norton Healthcare, Medical Director - Norton Occupational Medicine

Derek Stern

Unum, Director, Health & Productivity

Dina Klimkina

The Council of State Governments, Program Director

Jim Tidwell, MD

Owensboro Health, VP Population Health

Jason Hutchinson

Education & Labor Cabinet/Career

Development Office, Executive Director

Lisa Paxton, LPCC-S

Mountain Comprehensive Care Center, Clinical Supervisor Manager and Therapist

Marty Keith, SPHR

CHI Saint Joseph Health, Vice President, Human Resource Operations

Priya Chandan, MD, PhD, MPH

University of Louisville, Clinical Associate Professor

Rebecca Bray

RRJ Solutions, Executive Director

Sara S. Salles, DO

University of Kentucky, Dept of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Professor and Vice Chair

Tukea L. Talbert, DNP, RN, Certified Diversity Professional (CDP)

UK HealthCare, Chief Diversity Officer

Vivian Lasley-Bibbs, MPH

Office of Health Equity KY Dept for Public Health, Director

Zach Morgan

Kentucky Chamber Foundation, Talent Pipeline Project Manager

Kathy Sheppard-Jones, PhD, CRC

Human Development Institute, Executive Director, RETAIN KY Implementation Lead, IWHLN Co-lead

Johnny Collett, MEd

Human Development Institute Deputy Director, RETAIN KY Workforce Development Lead, IWHLN Co-lead

Shirley Kron, BSN, COHN-S

RETAIN Director of Outreach and Engagement, IWHLN Co-lead

Kimberly Wickert, MRC, CRC

RETAIN KY Director of Organizational Partnerships

Austin Nugent

IWHLN Coordinator

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Appendix D

Striving for Health Equity Through Leadership and Partnership: The Inclusive Worker Health Leadership Approach Poster

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Striving for Health Equity Through Leadership and Partnership: The Inclusive Worker Health Leadership Approach

University of Kentucky Human Development Institute


 Retaining Employment and Talent After Injury/Illness Network Kentucky (RETAIN KY) is a research study examining how an early, intensive vocational intervention impacts recovery and the likelihood of remaining employed for people with nonwork-related injuries, illnesses, or impairments.

 RETAIN KY works with employees, employers and healthcare providers to address issues related to successful returnto work and stayatwork.

 Eligibility criteria to participate in RETAIN KY research study are:

• 18 years of age and older;

• Kentucky resident;

• Employed now OR employed in the last 12 months;

• Have a non-work-related illness, injury or impairment that could prevent them from keeping OR getting a job; and

• Not currently receiving SSI/SSDI OR not applied for SSI/ SSDI in the last three years.

The Network

 The Inclusive Worker Health Leadership Network (IWHLN) is a key strategy in RETAIN KY efforts to promote multi-systems improvement, innovation and change. This statewide network is comprised of medical professionals, public health leaders, employers, workforce development, representatives

from state government, policymakers, and individuals with lived experience (consumers).


 Help connect healthcare and workforce systems;

 Advise on best practices that promote the ability of Kentuckians to stay in the labor force;

 Advance the coordination of state and local disability initiatives to amplify and accelerate opportunities for Kentuckians to stay on the job or return to work as quickly as possible:

 Provide recommendations for multi-systems improvement, innovation and change


Define, specifically, what we mean by “inclusive workforce”

Employment First

 The IWHLN’s efforts align with and leverage Kentucky’s Employment First legislation (2022) in the following actions:

• created a policy statement related to competitive integrated employment for Kentuckians with disabilities;

• defined competitive integrated employment; and

• established the Employment First Council.

Examine the current state of our system with respect to inclusive workforce and healthcare

Advise, from diverse members’ perspectives, what is working well and not working well


Identify and prioritize areas in need of improvement

Reach consensus on proposed solutions to address barriers and lead to true systems change

Inclusive Workforce

"An inclusive workforce is one in which the unique skills, contributions, and diversity of qualified individuals, including those with disabilities, are actively recruited, valued, and integral for success.

It is an environment where the engagement, development, retention, and advancement of an increasingly skilled and diverse workforce is promoted and supported across all employment sectors and levels."

 RETAIN KY is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration under a grant award of $21,600,000 to the Kentucky Career Center that will be incrementally provided. 100% of grant funding is from U.S. federal funds.

 This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor or the Social Security Administration, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.

Johnny Collett
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