State Grantee Name
Program Name
Mobile County Mobile County Jail Diversion Commission Program
Alameda Alameda County Justice County Health and Mental Care Services Health Agency Planning Collaboration
San Francisco AIIM Higher Department of Program Public Health
Colorado Judicial Department
Project SOAR (Success Opportunity Advancement & Renew)
State of Connecticut Assist Home Department of Corrections
Dougherty Superior Court Albany Area Mental Community Health/Substa Service Board nce Abuse Division
Adult/Juvenile Grant Category
Planning and Implementation
Implementation and Expansion
Implementation and Expansion
Jurisdiction Type
Mental Health Entity
AltaPointe Health Systems
Criminal Justice Entity
Program Description
Point of Contact
Mobile County Police Department
Currently, AltaPointe Health Systems is providing a limited diversion program in Mobile County, AL. The Mobile County Jail Diversion Program seeks to "formalize, expand and develop full support for continued operations of this effort." The program will provide assessments, therapy services, and legal consultation to those individuals deemed in need of services. The services will take place at an adult outpatient clinic. The program also plans to implement CIT training for law enforcement to assist in this process.
Michelle Herman
In this project, the Alameda County Justice and Mental Health Planning Collaboration will develop a strategic plan to ensure that youth involved in the juvenile justice system receive appropriate mental health screening and treatment. Screening and treatment will allow for the proper intervention and increased public safety. This effort is the second phase of the County's Juvenile Justice Redesign.
Ellen Muir
Alameda County Alameda County Behavioral Health Probation Care Services Department
San Francisco Department of Public Health
Kempe Center; Denver Department of Human Services
Planning and Urban/Suburba Implementation n
Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHAS)
Implementation Urban/Suburba and Expansion n
Albany Area Community Service Board; Southwestern State Hospital
The AIIM Higher Program (Assess, Identify Needs, Integrate Information, and Match to Services) seeks to improve problems with San Francisco's juvenile justice system with an implementation and expansion grant. The program will address the following San Francisco problems in the juvenile justice system: (1) assessment, (2) information sharing, (3) Juvenile Sai-‐Ling Chan-‐ planning for level of care, and (4) identifying appropriate community-‐based services. Probation Sew The program will serve 400 youth with moderate to serious risks and mental health Department needs at San Francisco's Juvenile Hall and Log Cabin Ranch, a residential detention facility. The program plans to evaluate the outcomes of youth in the program based on recidivism and functioning. Lilas Rajaee-‐ Moore Denver Juvenile The goal of Project SOAR is to increase public safety through a multi-‐disciplinary 1301 and Family Justice collaboration that identifies and treats 30 youthful female offenders (per year) with Pennsylvania Treatment mental health and/or co-‐occurring substance abuse issues. The project will expand Street, Suite 300 Accountability for the current diversion programs to "resistive" girls who are not eligible for treatment Denver, CO Safer courts. Project SOAR will provide technical assistance to providers as well as training 80204 Communities to systems that interact with adolescent girls suffering from co-‐occurring disorders. lilas.rajaee-‐ Program moore@judicial. State of Assist Home is a project to expand housing reentry options and diversion of seriously Connecticut mentally ill offenders from the criminal justice system. The project is a statewide Department of effort designed to serve adult offenders diagnosed with mental illness and Christine Corrections incarcerated on a $100 to $25,000 bond. Assist Home aims to reduce incarceration Fortunato (CTDOC); Court bed days and help offenders rejoin the community. The CTDOC, CSSD, and DMHAS Support Services will comprise a collaborative team, called the ASIST Program (Advanced Supervision Division (CSSD) and Intervention Support Team). The Dougherty Superior Court Mental Health/Substance Abuse Division utilizes Mental Health Screening in the Dougherty County Jail. Attorneys, the Probation Officer, MH/SA Court Coordinator, and Mental Health Professionals will screen Dougherty Jennifer possible candidates. The program focuses on probation and the court will meet twice Superior Court Bernecker a month to review the participant's compliance with the program. Probation officers in this program will have a specialized caseload, and the court coordinator will be the participant's main point of contact through the process.
Project S.A.F.E. is a diversion program that targets juvenile offenders ages 12 to 17 with mental health problems, who have been charged with a non-‐violent offense and Douglas County Douglas County are under the supervision of the Douglas County Juvenile Court. The program builds Community Juvenile Court; upon the successful implementation of the Douglas County Young Offender Reentry Planning and Services Board; Suburban/Rural Douglas County Project (YORP), which was funded by SAMHSA. The program aims to serve a total of Implementation Douglas County Juvenile Programs 80 adolescents and 160 family members and/or guardians over 30 months of service KidsNet Administration implementation. Project S.A.F.E. will provide court-‐based alternatives to dispositions, Committee evidence-‐based mental health services, technology to reach across geographic and professional boundaries, and cross-‐systems professional development.
Project S.A.F.E. Douglas (Serving County Adolescents Community and Families Services Board Effectively)
Henry County Henry County Board of Justice Liaison Commissioner Program s
Planning and Implementation
Guam Mental Health Court Pilot Project
Planning and Implementation
Planning and Implementation
Government of Guam
Hawaii No Title for Department of Project Public Safety
Wichita-‐ Sedgwick County Justice Collaborative: Alternative City of Wichita Treatments and Interventions for Consumers (ATIC)
Cumberland County Sheriff's Department
Project Connect
Kalamazoo Community Kalamazoo Mental Health Mental Health & Substance Court Abuse Services
Planning and Implementation
Planning and Implementation
Deborah Duewson
McIntosh Trail The Henry County Justice Liaison Program is an effort to formalize and enhance the Henry County Community County's existing system of early identification, service referrals, and systems Courts (Probate, Service Board; collaboration. The County would like to establish a mental health court, but this was Diane State, Magistrate, Henry County not possible for fiscal reasons. The primary goal of the project is to decrease Cavenaugh Superior); Law Counseling criminalization of people with psychiatric disorders through early and ongoing Enforcement Center identification and treatment. Superior Court of The Guam Mental Health Pilot Project is a collaborative effort between the judicial Department of Guam; Public and mental health systems to plan and implement a pilot mental health court to Mental Health Defender Service better serve mentally ill or developmentally disabled individuals in the Superior Court Jacqueline Cruz and Substance Corporation; of Guam. The planning phase of the project is expected to take six months, and the Abuse Agency Department of implementation phase is scheduled for 24 months. Law The project seeks to target incarcerated individuals with mental illness who are Department of eligible for parole. The goal of the program is to reduce the high recidivism rates of Health-‐Adult parolees with mental illness in Hawaii using three program components: (1) BRIDGES Department of Mental Health (Building Recovery and Individual Dreams and Goals through Education and Support); Mark Mitchell Public Safety Division (AMHD); (2) Peer Mentoring Program using certified peer specialists; (3) Project Partners, a United Self Help collaboration of representatives from partnering agencies and community-‐based programs.
The City of Wichita Municipal Court and COMCARE will collaborate on the Wichita-‐ Sedgwick County Justice Collaborative: Alternative Treatments and Interventions for COMCARE of Wichita Municipal Consumers (ATIC) in an effort to improve the outcomes for individuals with mental Sedgwick County Court illness in the criminal justice system. ATIC will identify individuals both pre and post-‐ booking through two programs: Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training and a Mental Health Court (MHC).
Donte Martin
Through a collaborative effort, the Cumberland County Sheriff's Department and the Co-‐Occurring Collaborative Serving Maine (CCSME) will develop a strategic plan for Cumberland Project Connect. The program will aim to utilize evidence-‐based practices to address County Sheriff's Paul Coleman behavioral health needs and criminogenic risk to support diversion and reduce Department recidivism for individuals with mental illness or co-‐occurring disorders involved with the Cumberland County correctional system. The Kalamazoo Mental Health Court will aim to increase public safety and address Kalamazoo fairness in diversion, sentencing, and crisis intervention of people with mental illness Kalamazoo District and with co-‐occurring substance abuse disorders. The lead entity will be the Mental Community Circuit Courts and Health Court Multidisciplinary Team that is comprised of the assigned Mental Health Mental Health & Jeff Patton the Kalamazoo judge, the prosecuting attorney, the defense attorney, the Mental Health Court Substance Abuse Prosecutor's Liaison and the Forensic Peer Support Specialist. While there is formal evaluation Services Office included in the proposal, the Kalamazoo MHC plans to learn how other mental health courts have measured their outcomes. Co-‐Occurring Collaborative Serving Maine (CCSME)
Jackson County Mental City of Kansas Health Court City Expansion Project
Implementation and Expansion
Jackson County Mental Health Fund
City of St. St. Louis Youth Louis Mental Diversion Health Board Project of Trustees
Implementation and Expansion
Mental Health Board
Rimrock Foundation; Community Crisis Center; Billings Mental Health Center
NE Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health; NE Alliance for the Mentally Ill; NE Mental Health Association; NE Advocacy Services; DHHS Office of Juvenile Services
Billings Municipal Court
Billings Mental Health Court (BMHC)
Planning and Implementation
Adult ("Youth in Nebraska Justice and Transition" or Planning and Office of the Mental Health 18-‐24 year Implementation Governor* Initiative olds)
County of Durham*
Durham Jail Diversion Program
New Jersey Department of Seeking Safety Corrections*
New York Queens State Unified Mental Health Court System Court
Implementation and Expansion
Implementation and Expansion
Implementation and Expansion
The City of Kansas City, Missouri will enhance and expand three Jackson County Mental Health Courts (JCMHC) to serve an additional 120 individuals in the jurisdictions of Raytown, Independence, and Blue Springs, Missouri. The current City of Kansas Tracie JCMHCs are community-‐based and voluntary courts that link the legal system with City, Missouri McClendon Cole social services in an effort to divert non-‐violent offenders with mental illness to treatment. The project aims to increase the numbers of those who receive treatment as well as reduce the costs of unnecessary incarceration. The St. Louis Youth Diversion Project will expand the Juvenile Justice Initiative, a collaborative effort to improve the availability and access to community-‐based Juvenile Court; behavioral and mental health services for youth involved with the juvenile court Community Allyce Bullock system. The Youth Diversion Project will make it possible for pre-‐adjudicated youth Alternatives to be screened, assessed, and referred for either Multisystemic Therapy or an alternative community-‐based health service. Billings Municipal The Billings Municipal Court seeks to collaborate with mental health and law Court; Montana enforcement agencies to plan and implement the Billings Adult Mental Health Court Board of Crime (BAMHC) to respond to individuals with mental illness and/or a co-‐occurring disorder Mary Jane Control; in order to further the Court's mission of promoting public safety. The BAMHC will Knisely Yellowstone collaborate with community mental health and law enforcement to create a system County Detention of screening and diversion and treatment programs. The project's long-‐term goals Facility are independent living, reduced recidivism, and increased sobriety.
Omaha Police Department
Building on the work of their 2007 JMHCP planning grant, the Nebraska Justice-‐ Mental Health System Collaboration Planning project, the Justice Mental Health Initiative plans to implement an improved vision of the state's mental health and criminal justice system interaction by providing mental health interventions across the phases of justice involvement. The steps involved in accomplishing this vision include: (1) expand training for law enforcement, (2) improve coordination between law enforcement and mental health crisis services, (3) implement standardized screening, (4) utilize jail diversion programs, and (5) increase the availability of housing and employment options for young adults (18-‐24 years old) involved in both systems.
The Durham County Jail Diversion Program seeks to improve jail diversion through the use of diversion specialists that comprise the Mental Health Jail Diversion Team. A licensed clinician will supervise a professional and paraprofessional, who will Mental Health Jail Durham County provide a range of services. The Duke University Department of Psychiatry and Diversion Team Jail Behavioral Health will evaluate the outcomes of the program. The evaluation will be based on the program's ability to effectively (1) promote public safety and (2) improve access to services for offenders with mental illness. New Jersey The NJ Department of Corrections seeks to implement a trauma-‐substance abuse-‐ Department of mental illness program that is integrated with a reentry program. The program will Mental Health combine the Seeking Safety program with prison-‐based reentry interventions New Jersey DOC; Services; Center incorporating an orientation, a Reentry Survival Manual, and alife skills curriculum. New Jersey State for Behavioral The Seeking Safety program is a 25-‐session program that utilizes Cognitive Behavioral Parole Board Health Services Therapy (CBT) to target trauma/PTSD and substance abuse. The Center for and Criminal Behavioral Health Services and Criminal Justice Research will conduct an evaluation Justice Research of the program. Queens Mental Queens Mental The Queens Mental Health Court (QMHC) took its first participant in November 2005, Health Court Case Health Court; and has had a total of sixty-‐two participants thus far. The QMHC accepts felony Managers (group Assistant Queens offenders with serious mental illness as an alternative to incarceration program. A of case managers District Attorney; participant's eligibility is determined by his or her criminal history and clinical from various Legal Aid Society; assessment. This Implementation and Expansion grant seeks to improve access to community-‐based Queens Law treatment services for defendants through (1) Enhanced Resources, (2) Evaluation, MH agencies) Associates and (3) Training.
Jim Harvey
Michelle Zechmann
Therese Matthews
Michael Magnani
Deschutes County*
Deschutes County Mental Health Court (DCMHC)
Bexar County Mental Health Bexar County Court for Juvenile Board Female Offenders
Kanawha County
Project INTER-‐ CEPT
Implementation and Expansion
Implementation and Expansion
The Deschutes County Mental Health Court (DCMHC) seeks to build upon the initial District Attorney's planning for this project with two main purposes: increasing program capacity and Office; Circuit improving service delivery. Through set goals and objectives, the collaborating Court; Deschutes agencies will allocate responsibilities in implementing and expanding the use of the Deschutes County County Sheriff's DCMHC. The goals of the DCMHC are: (1) maintain public safety; (2) develop links Mental Health Amber Clegg Office; Adult between the criminal justice, mental health, and social service systems for improved Department Probation and coordination; (3) reduce the revolving door nature of those individuals with mental Parole health and co-‐occurring disorders; (4) decrease reliance on institutionalization for Department people with mental illness; (5) improve the mental health of participants; (6) improve and expedite case planning. The Bexar County Mental Health Court for Female Juvenile Offenders aims to divert young females who have been traumatized, and whose behaviors have brought them Bexar County Bexar County under the supervision of the juvenile justice system, into treatment and away from Jeannie Von Juvenile Mental Juvenile Justice further criminal justice system involvement. The project will implement and expand Stultz Health Task Force Task Force the Mental Health Court for Female Juvenile Offenders that the Bexar County Juvenile Justice & Mental Health Task Force spent developing last year with a planning grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Project INTER-‐CEPT plans to devise a comprehensive framework of mental health and substance abuse services available to youth at all critical entry points along the Prestera Center Kanawha County Kanawha County juvenile justice system continuum. The INTER-‐CEPT Planning Team, for Mental Health Juvenile Justice a subcommittee of the Juvenile Justice Task Force, will accomplish the planning Jennifer Herrald Services System activities of this project. The Planning Team consists of professionals from government, the juvenile justice system, law enforcement, the behavioral health system, faith-‐based groups, housing, transportation, and families.