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Program Adult/Juvenile Grant Category Name The 2009 Alabama Alabama Department of Justice and Planning & Mental Health Mental Health Both Implementation and Mental Collaboration Retardation Training Initiative The Gila River Indian Community Gila River Justice and Indian Adult Planning Mental Health Community Collaboration ("JAMHC") Program

State Grantee Name




Pima County Recovery Juvenile Court Connection Center


Los Angeles County Project DIRECT Sheriff's Department


Marin County STAR Program Department of (Support and Health and Treatment Human After Release) Services


The 20th State of Judicial District Colorado Juvenile Judicial Integrated Department Treatment Court


Citrus County Justice and Board of Mental Health County Collaboration Commissioner Program: s




Implementation/ Expansion

Implementation/ Expansion

Implementation/ Expansion


Implementation/ Expansion


Planning & Implementation

Jurisdiction Type

Rural, Urban


Rural, Urban



Mental Health Entity

Criminal Justice Entity

Alabama Dept of Alabama Mental Health Administrative and Mental Office of Courts Retardation

Program Description

Point of Contact

The Alabama Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Task Force will develop and implement training for local communities in Alabama that would like to utilize diversion or specialty court programs. The task force will also create an evaluation tool for these jurisdictions to use.

Shannon Byrd

A multi-­‐agency approach to create a strategic plan to address the needs of offenders with a mental illness or co-­‐occurring disorder, especially females. Goals include to Behavioral Community Court develop community awareness through education of mental illness, collaboration of Health Services service providers, development of a data driven strategy and to develop a sustainable long term plan to intervene where deemed appropriate.

Jan Morris

Recovery Connection will expand co-­‐occurring treatment in the Pima County community. The program will provide intensive 12-­‐week gender-­‐specific, trauma-­‐ informed, co-­‐occurring treatment to youth in the community. Probation supervision will be individualized for these youth as well. The program will enroll 24 youth per year. The program enrollment will be one-­‐third female, in order to provide treatment options specifically for females, which is currently lacking in Pima County.

Ann Meyer

Pima Prevention Partnership

Special Service for Groups, Inc.

Pima County Juvenile Court Center (PCJCC)

LA County Sheriff's Department

Marin County Department of Marin County Jail Mental Health Services

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will use the FY 2009 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration funding to expand existing in-­‐jail therapeutic services for offenders with mental illness and/or co-­‐occurring substance use disorders. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) in collaboration with Special Service for Groups (SSG) is the largest sheriff’s department in the United States responsible for managing and securing approximately 19,000 inmates in eight custody facilities. LASD Rachelle Jackson is proposing to address the high recidivism rate of mentally ill offenders by expanding current mental health and support services available to inmates prior to their transition back to the community. LASD and SSG will also expand services available to provide comprehensive jail in-­‐reach therapeutic services and individualized discharge planning to supplement the existing in-­‐jail services. The STAR program began in Marin County in 2001 and focused on incarcerated offenders with serious mental illnesses. The program's key components are: small caseloads, team approach, multi-­‐disciplinary treatment, integrated case management and crisis services, and continuation of care after release. The STAR program will expand its capacity to 1) conduct jail-­‐based assessment, planning and engagement; 2) initial case management; and 3) integrated substance abuse services.


This grant will allow for the expansion of Colorado's 20th Judicial District's Juvenile Mental Health Integrated Treatment Court (ITC). The ITC aims to integrate substance abuse Center for CO's 20th Judicial treatment, mental health treatment, intensive family services, supervision, and Boulder and District Probation judicial oversight for juveniles with co-­‐occurring disorders at most risk of becoming Broomfield Department involved further in the juvenile justice system. The program's funds will allow the Counties program to build its capacity from 15 to 30 youth in Boulder and Broomfield Counties.


Office of the Application discusses increasing # CIT-­‐trained law enforcement, expanding Mental Sheriff; Health Court (from 10 to 20), and hiring an additional forensic case manager as Corrections Corp. pieces of the county collaboration on this issue, which is led by the Public Safety of America Coordinating Council with the mental health court team handling operations.

The Centers

Diane Slager

Gregory Brown

Catherine Pearson


Planning and Implementing Two Key Elements of County's Preliminary Palm Beach Strategic Plan County to Address Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Substance Abuse


Appalachian Pickens Mental Health County Court Task Government Force



Chatham County

Chatham-­‐ Savannah Mental Health Court

Idaho Supreme Court

Bonneville County Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program


Logan County Logan County Mental Health Probation Initiative (LCMHI)


Justice and Mental Health Macon County Collaboration -­‐ Category I: Planning







Planning & Implementation


Implementation/ Expansion

Planning & Implementation



Rural, Urban

This program has a two pronged focus. First, the provision of intensive, transitional Criminal Justice case management services to approximately 60 individuals per year who have an Axis Oakwood Mental Commission of I mental health disorder and a history of recidivism within the past 5 years. Case Health Center Palm Beach management services will be offered in the initial 60 days of release from jail. County Secondly, training to law enforcement, and behavioral health workers will be expanded by a CIT training professional.

Appalachian Funding to plan a mental health court for the three-­‐county Appalachian Judicial Pretrial and Circuit (total population 80,000) to convene a Task Force and hire a program Probation; coordinator. Target population is non-­‐violent misdemeanants with mental illness or Sheriff's Offices co-­‐occurring substance abuse. Background: only one of the three counties has a jail from 3 counties; mental health professional; there is already a shared Drug Court and Juvenile Drug Georgia DOC Court


GenCare of Georgia; Gary L Rogers LLC; Genesis


The Chatham-­‐Savannah Mental Health Court (CSMHC) began in September of 2007. Chatham County The program targets adult offenders who have a documented primary mental health Gateway; Superior Court; diagnosis with or without a co-­‐occurring substance abuse disorder and have been American Work, DA's Office; charged with a non-­‐violent misdemeanor or felony. The program plans to expand its Inc.; Recovery Sheriff's Dept; capacity by adding one case manager; attending various training events; and Place Probation incorporating other elements to the program like drug screens and Sheriff's Department supervision.



Dept. of Health & Welfare Region 7 Idaho DOC Behavioral Health District 7; Services; Badger Strategically expand Jo An Wood Project (diversion for high risk individuals with co-­‐ Bonneville County Medical (Jail); occurring disorders) statewide from Bonneville County, in particular to address Misd. Probation; District 7 Drug & women Bonneville County Alcohol Jail Treatment Services

Tazwood Mental Health Center

Logan County Probation Department

Michael Rodriguez

Stacy McClure

Erica Usher

Norma Jaeger

The LCMHI is an effort to address the needs of individuals with mental illness or co-­‐ occurring disorders in a rural Illinois county and the county's ability to respond to these individuals. The planning grant will enable the LCMHI to: 1) convene Kimberly Turner community forums comprised of justice agencies, treatment providers, community partners, residents and consumer advocacy organizations and 2) form a steering committee of systems stakeholders.

State's Attorney's Macon County will use the planning grant funds to design sustainable structures that Office; Circuit will intercept persons with mental disorders as early as possible during their Heritage Court; Macon involvement in the criminal justice system, using the Sequential Intercept Model. Behavioral Health County Court Project objectives are to: (1) increase collaboration among the criminal justice and Rural, Suburban Center; MH services; Decatur behavioral health systems; (2) connect persons in the criminal justice system with Association of Police Dept; mental health and co-­‐occurring disorders with treatment services; (3) achieve an Macon County Macon County's appropriate disposition of cases while enhancing public safety; and (4) monitor Sheriffs Office progress of treatment with intensive case management.

Jack Ahola


Cook County Mental Health Sheriff's Office Collaboration


FY 2009 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program



City of Indianapolis

Plan and Implement a Kentucky Juvenile Drug Administrative Court in Office of the Jefferson Court County, Kentucky

MISSION-­‐ Massachusetts Community Department of Reentry for Mental Health Women

Adult Co-­‐ occurring Treatment Court


51st District Court


Washtenaw Justice Project County Outreach Community Team (JPORT): Support and Off the Beaten Treatment Path Services


FY 2009 PACT 4 Justice and Families Mental Health Collaborative Collaboration Program


Planning & Implementation



Planning & Implementation







Planning & Implementation

Implementation/ Expansion


Implementation/ Expansion


Rural, Urban

Suburban, Urban

Rural, Urban

Rural, Urban


A post arrest jail diversion program for adult females with a non violent offense. Cook County Cook County Females will be screened for mental illness at the DOC Receiving. The program will Department of Courts and House entail different phases from stabilization (at a residential facility) to re entry into the Women's Justice of Corrections community, first through electronic monitoring. Program will include both treatment Services for co-­‐occurring disorders and case management. Midtown Community Health Center;

Indianapolis DPS; Provide additional mental health and co-­‐occurring treatment and improved reentry Marion County planning/transitional services for women by hiring an additional care coordinator. Sheriff; Liberty The new coordinator will work with 40 women post-­‐release over 2 year period. Hall

The Kentucky Administrative Office of the Court will utilize funding to eliminate the duplication, interruption, and fragmentation of the system of care services for youth with mental illness and/or co-­‐occurring disorders. It will serve a minimum of thirty Seven Counties Administrative (30) youth the first year and then up to forty-­‐five (45) youth in each subsequent year. Services, Inc. Office of the It will also include the development of a ‘one front door’ entry system for youth to (several other Courts (focused access mental health and substance abuse treatment services, through the Louisville supplemental MH on Jefferson Adolescent Network for Substance Abuse & Co-­‐Occurring Treatment (LANAcAT) providers) County) network. The project will also adopt a framework similar to a mental health court or a juvenile drug court to facilitate the coordination of treatment services across the agencies, and to promote the needed accountability for both the youth being served and the agencies providing the services.

Dept. of MH; Dept. of Public Health; Umass Medical School

MA Dept. of Corrections

Joseph Bellettiere

Liz Allison

Joanna Cruz

The program aims to reduce the criminal justice involvement of women with co-­‐ occurring mental health and substance use disorders by using evidence-­‐based treatment that addresses the trauma. The expansion of current reentry services will include: 1) convening an advisory committee to discuss female-­‐specific reentry Stephen Spencer issues; 2) expand the current reentry services (MISSION) to women with PTSD and COD; 3) train mh/cj personnel in trauma-­‐informed care; 4) pilot this approach with non-­‐violent female offenders and evaluate the recidivism outcomes, MH/SA outcomes; and 5) involve stakeholders in a meeting regarding the evaluation.

To plan a program that will divert offenders with "moderate to severe mental Oakland County 51st District illnesses" into community treatment. Training for law enforcement agents, judges, Community Court, Waterford attorneys and jail staff in the identification of symptoms of mental illness will be Jennifer Phillips Mental Health Township, MI provided, with the hope that positive identifications of mental illness will lead to Authority referrals to the Mental Health Court.

Community support and Treatment Services (CSTS)

This project will expand upon an existing initiative in Washtenaw County: JPORT. JPORT is an integrated mental health/substance abuse treatment team that provides Washtenaw treatment at various intercepts from jail diversion to reentry to individuals with County Sheriff's mental illnesses or co-­‐occurring disorders. The new components of the program will Office be 1) psychiatric assessments in the jail; 2) nursing services that integrate health and trauma services for women leaving the facility; and 3) increased and improved trauma groups for women.

PACT 4 Families Collaborative, along with partners in juvenile justice, mental health, PACT 4 Families Kandiyohi County family services, public health, and substance abuse treatment, will use the planning agencies (various Community grant to support planning efforts aimed at expanding and improving appropriate MH and Family Corrections comprehensive and accessible services for corrections-­‐involved youth with mental serving agencies) illness/co-­‐occurring disorders living in four rural counties in west central Minnesota.

Kelly Belknap

Deborah Sheehan






County of Jasper

Criminal Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program: Jasper County Mental Health Court

St. Louis Mental Health County Release Government Assistance



Planning & Implementation

Implementation/ Expansion


Dept. of Mental Health's Dept of Probation Planning a mental health court (30 people p/ yr; post-­‐plea, for six months); County is Administrative & Parole young (median age 34.9) and has grown 23% since 1990 to current pop of 115,000 Agent Ozark Center


SLCJS will use the expansion funding to provide release planning and follow-­‐up services for offenders with mental illness, substance abuse, or dual diagnosis. The goal of the project is to build upon existing jail diversion and other community-­‐ based services by implementing a process within its Justice Center to expand services to BJC Behavioral St. Louis County those incarcerated for municipal charges who are typically released within days of Health; NAMI St. Justice Services Steve Stiffelman entry. The project will identify and engage individuals and offer services upon re-­‐ Louis (SLCJs) entry to the community, increasing the likelihood of extended engagement in community-­‐based treatment for mental health and substance abuse. The services will include identification, engagement, release planning, community support, treatment, medication management, and resource linkage as necessary.

Hattiesburg Jail Diversion Project


Planning & Implementation


CSKT Justice Confederated and Mental Salish and Health Kootenai Collaboration Tribes Program


Planning & Implementation


City of Hattiesburg

Community Hillsborough Connections County Mental Health Court


Implementation/ Expansion

Rural, Urban

Del Camp

Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Hattiesburg Jail Diversion Project (idea begun Jan.2008) will look for opportunities to Resources; Hattiesburg PD; Brett intercept individuals with mental illness and co-­‐occurring disorders. They are Clearview Forrest County Benson;Ragan interested in modeling their program on the Bexar County Jail Diversion Program in Recovery Center; Jail Downey San Antonio Mississippi Dept. of Mental Health Confederated The provision of case management services to American Indian adults (n=65) who CSKT Health and Salish Kootenai display symptoms of or carry a diagnosis of a mental health concern or substance Human Services Tribes of the abuse issue and who are involved in the criminal justice system. Involvement may and Tribal Flathead Nation James Steele include pre or post arrest. Case management services and referrals to social service Behavioral Health (CSKT) Tribal agencies will forego punitive measures. Training of police officers will facilitate Program Defenders Office diversion of potential clients to the program. and CSKT Police

Greater Nashua MH Center; MH Center for Greater Manchester

Nashua and Manchester District Courts

The Community Connections Mental Health Court Project (CCMHCP) began its pilot in Nashua District Court in 2006, with the goal of diverting offenders with mental illnesses either pre-­‐trial or providing alternatives to incarceration, such as mental health treatment. The program has enrolled 198 participants since its inception. The Susan Stearns expansion grant will allow the program to: expand to 2FTE case managers; expand the number of district courts served from 1 to 5; increase enrollees from 65/year to 300/year; and implement further evaluation to measure outcomes of the program.


NYC Mayor's Bronx Office of the Community Criminal Solutions Justice Mental Health Coordinator Initiative


Court Assessment Services Team Allen County (CAST) Program Expansion




Hamilton County

Teen Intervene




Oklahoma FY 2009 Department of Justice and Mental Health Mental Health and Substance Collaboration Abuse Services Program

Linn County Linn County Behavioral Department of Health Justice Health Task Force Services Plan

Planning & Implementation

Implementation/ Expansion

Implementation/ Expansion

Planning & Implementation




New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

New York City Office will utilize its funding to implement the Bronx Community Solutions Mental Health Initiative. The New York City Office of the Criminal Justice Coordinator and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, in collaboration with mental health agencies in New York City and State and the Center for Court Innovation, will provide hundreds of mentally-­‐ill misdemeanants and those Office of the with co-­‐occurring disorders with treatment and transitional services. This initiative Criminal Justice will test the extent to which a large number of offenders with serious mental health Coordinator of problems can be encouraged to voluntarily seek long-­‐term services when there is the City of New limited legal leverage available to compel them to seek treatment. The project will York provide the courts of the Bronx criminal division with the tools to provide 12,000 misdemeanants coming through the court with post-­‐disposition screening for mental illness. Participants who are identified as having potential mental health issues will receive assessment, counseling, treatment readiness classes, and case management combined with links to services for voluntary engagement.

Erica Wood


Family Resources Center; Mental Health and Allen County Recovery Services Juvenile Court Board of Allen, Auglaize and Hardin Counties

The Court Assessment Services Team (CAST) is a screening and aftercare program that provides intervention services and treatment to youth who demonstrate delinquent behaviors. To assist with linkage to mental health treatment and substance abuse services, the program developed the Mental Health Court Liason program in 2008. The MHC Liaison provides screening, assessment, treatment, and community service linkage. The expansion of this program will fund two FTE MHC Liaison positions for the Allen County Juvenile Court.

Julie Norberg


The Hamilton County Juvenile Court will use the FY 2009 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration funding to add a research-­‐based substance abuse education program to the Hamilton County Pretrial Diversion Docket. The program, Teen Intervene, will Hamilton County Hamilton County serve all youth and families who have been assessed as being at-­‐risk for future drug Dept. of Job and Juvenile Court or alcohol dependence. Additionally, the project expansion will include the Family Services development of an infrastructure of informal, non-­‐traditional linkages that will provide physical, emotional, social, recreational, educational, vocational, and spiritual support and resources for the youth and families on the docket.

Deanna Nadermann



Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services

Oklahoma Department of Corrections

To address the 5th sequential intercept of community corrections, this program is dedicated to planning and implementing a state wide cross-­‐training program to address the needs of re-­‐entering offenders (n=300), probation and parole officers (n=300), and community mental health care providers (n=1200). A steering committee will plan this program which will include screening and referring reentering offenders to community based services, and developing cross-­‐system training for community corrections staff and community based treatment services.

Linn County Behavioral Health Linn County Justice Task Force Behavioral Health A task force will develop a project to reduce the number of offenders with mental (including the Justice Task Force health concerns. Using the Sequential Intercept Model, the task force will look at Public health (including police, existing data to understand the best point of intervention and look towards existing administrator, court and successful programs for direction. behavioral health corrections staff) and substance abuse managers)

Randy May

Frank Moore


Oregon Justice and Criminal Mental Health Justice Court Commission


County of Beaver

Criminal and Juvenile Justice and Mental Health Strategic Plan

Dauphin County

Justice and Mental Health Collaborative Program Proposal



Charleston Charleston County Mental County Health Court Expansion


TN Integrated Department of Court Mental Health Screening and and Referral Developmenta Project l Disabilities


Davidson Davidson County County and Community Metropolitan Corrections Government Justice and of Nashville Mental Health Program







Planning & Implementation


Planning & Implementation

Implementation/ Expansion

Planning & Implementation

Implementation/ Expansion


The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission will use the funding to support the implementation of a Mental Health Court. The Oregon Criminal Justice Commission will be implementing the plan that was developed with a previous Justice and Mental Options for Josephine County Health Collaboration Program grant. The implementation phase will build on the Devarshi Bajpai Southern Oregon Circuit Court planning process outcomes. The overall goals of the implementation phase are to improve systems collaboration between community corrections and the mental health systems, address the needs of individuals with mental illness and reduce recidivism, and promote positive outcomes for offenders with mental illness.

Rural, Urban

The preexisting County Justice Advisory board will create and arrange for training for a subcommittee regarding mental illness, the criminal justice system and the behavioral health system. This subcommittee will then be equipped to train other Beaver County Criminal Justice community entities. MOUs will be completed by subcommittee members and finally Nancy Jaquette Behavioral Health Advisory Board current services offered to offenders in Beaver County will be assessed. The target population is adults or juveniles, identified as having a mental health disorder or co-­‐ occurring disorder charged with a misdemeanor or non violent offense

Rural, Urban

Rural, Urban


Rural, Urban

Develop a Mental Health Court (misdemeanor, launch April 2010, serve 160 in first Dauphin County year). They received a 2008 SAMHSA grant to develop a jail diversion program and Mental Dauphin County now would like to expand the diversion program and add sentencing alternatives and Health/Mental Pretrial Services increased supervision through a mental health court. There is also a plan for Reentry Retardation Program that would be managed by a contractor, Case Management Unit for the Program mental health provider.

Jack Wright

Charleston County will use the FY 2009 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration funding to address the problem of the growing number of individuals with mental illness in the local jail by increasing the number of participants the program has the Charleston capacity to serve and improving the quality of services. The Charleston County Dorchester Charleston Mental Health Court (CCMHC) plans to expand screening efforts, increase access to a Mental Health County Probate psychiatrist, expand a contingency management system of rewards for positive Tamara Starnes Center; Court behaviors, ensure that the CCMHC team receives appropriate training, increase Charleston Center funding for transportation to treatment and court appointments, and provide more assistance in the areas of emergency housing. With the expanded and enhanced efforts, it is expected that recidivism among participants will be reduced by 65 percent, and the CCMHC will become a model for other jurisdictions in the state. The TN Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities will plan and TN Department of implement the Tennessee Integrated Court Screening and Referral Project over the Mental Health TN Administrative next 30 months. The project will design and implement a screening and referral and Office of the system in conjunction with the existing MH/SA services. The project plans to serve Developmental Courts 6000 children/youth with non-­‐violent charges in 10 juvenile courts across the state, Disabilities with a special emphasis on rural areas and females.

Jeff Feix

The Community Corrections Program of Davidson County (DCCCP) aims to divert Davidson County felony offenders from the state prison system. In an effort to expand its current Behavioral Health Community services, and also serve offenders with co-­‐occurring disorders, the program is Andreka Smith Services Program Corrections/Drug collaborating with the Davidson County Drug Court Intensive Out-­‐Patient Program. Court The program will expand by adding a community treatment team, medication management, and intensive out-­‐patient mental health services.




Strategic Bluebonnet Planning for a Trails Pre-­‐ Community Adjudication MHMR Center Mental Health Court

Montgomery County

New River Valley Planning Grant

Vermont Court Vermont Administrator' Integrated s Office System of Care


Collaborative Safeguards for Skagit County Court-­‐Involved Youth


Milwaukee FY 2009 County Justice and Department of Mental Health Health and Collaboration Human Program Services


FY 2009 Justice and Racine County Mental Health Collaboration Program









Planning & Implementation

Planning & Implementation

Planning & Implementation


Mental Health Mental Retardation Center

155th Judicial Court District

Bluebonnet Trails Mental Health Mental Retardation (MHMR) Center and the 155th Judicial District Court will use the FY 2009 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Planning funds to build consensus about the development of a pre-­‐adjudication mental health docket that utilizes telemedicine. Both are emerging as best practices across the country and in the State of Texas. A structured consensus building process called Interest-­‐Based Negotiation (IBN) will be used to design the plan. Interest-­‐ Based Negotiation (IBN) is a process in which an impartial third party uses a combination of facilitation, mediation and organizational development methods to assist in constructive resolution problems. The value of this process is that it allows entities with widely varied interests to balance and evaluate those interests to arrive at agreed upon solutions to mutual problems.

Local Police Montgomery County plans to research and identify, through community consensus, Depts.; VT Police; alternatives to divert consumers from their local jails, decrease the burdens on law New River Valley Montgomery enforcement, and humanely serve their MI/COD consumers. The community has not Rural, Suburban Community County Sheriff's been able to implement the no-­‐refusal drop-­‐off site component of the CIT model, Services (NRVCS) Office; Blacksburg and changes to the VA Code after the Virginia Tech tragedy have made alternatives Police Dept. to jail placements critical.

Rural, Urban



VT Dept. of Mental Health

VT Court Administrator's Office

Andrea Richardson

Angie Hill

This planning and implementation grant will allow the VT CAO and the Dept. of MH to plan and implement the enhancement of the Chittenden County Integrated Treatment Courts. The objectives of this project are: 1) map community resources along each intercept point; 2) identify system gaps and needs; 3) develop local Karen Gennette strategies to address these gaps; and 4) assess the impact of system development activities upon the criminal justice diversion and recidivism of people with mental illnesses or co-­‐occurring disorders. The project proposes to serve an additional 80-­‐ 120 people in Chittenden County Treatment Courts.

Skagit County will use their funding to support the "Collaborative Safeguards for Court-­‐Involved Youth" program. The sixth month strategic planning process will Skagit County include local stakeholders invested in mental health and juvenile justice issues, with Youth and Family Skagit County specific emphasis on participation by consumers, family members and advocates. Services (Skagit Human Services During the implementation phase, the program homes to enroll and serve 120 County Juvenile youths, who are either incarcerated or under community corrections in order to Court) provide discharge planning and comprehensive mental health and other social services once released back into the community.

Bob Hicks

Milwaukee County will use the funding to plan and implement a comprehensive Behavioral Health aftercare program for youth with severe emotional disorders and/or co-­‐occurring Division -­‐ Child substance use disorders who are transitioning from incarceration into the Delinquency and and Adolescent community. The initiative will build upon and expand existing programs and services Court Services Community available to approximately 30 aftercare youth during the grant period. Participants Michelle Naples Division (part of Services Branch will have access to wraparound clinical, crisis, and other types of support services. In Milwaukee DHHS) (part of the addition, reach-­‐in services to help plan for aftercare and provide support to Milwaukee DHHS) identified youth and their families will be provided by community based organizations while the youth are incarcerated.

Departments of Racine and Planning & Human Services Rural, Suburban Kenosha County Implementation for Racine and Circuit Courts Kenosha Counties

Building upon a previous 2007 JMHCP planning grant, the counties of Racine and Kenosha will be working collaboratively to implement a post-­‐arrest/pre-­‐trial diversion program for individuals with mental illnesses in the county jails. Planning for this program will include the development of a comprehensive identification, Andrea Bumpurs screening and assessment process, and the development of a protocol for release plan development with the courts. Participants will receive weekly in-­‐person case management and be required to report to the court frequently. The team will also develop a method for evaluating the program on a long-­‐term basis.


Project Inter-­‐ Kanawha Cept County Implementatio Commission n


Planning & Implementation


Kanawha County Prestera Center Kanawha County Juvenile Justice Task Force brings together representatives from 13 Probation; for Mental Health agencies and has met regularly to plan project INTER-­‐CEPT. The program includes Kanawha County Services early screening with the MAYSI-­‐2 after probable cause hearing. Juvenile Referee

Carrie Clendening

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