Welcome and Overview to the FY15 Second Chance Act Grant Program for Juvenile Reentry Grant Recipients Kathy Mitchell, Program Manager, Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement Division Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Elizabeth Seigle, Grantee Technical Assistance Manager, Juvenile Justice The Council of State Governments Justice Center
Joshua Weber, Program Director, Juvenile Justice The Council of State Governments Justice Center Friday, October 30, 2015 Council of State Governments Justice Center | 1
Overview Introduction to the USDOJ Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 2015 Second Chance Act Grant Program Overview Post-Award Grant Management and Federal Compliance Introduction to The Council of State Governments Justice Center and the National Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) NRRC Technical Assistance and Resources Council of State Governments Justice Center | 2
Our Vision OJJDP envisions a nation where our children are healthy, educated, and free from violence. If they come into contact with the juvenile justice system, the contact should be rare, fair, and beneficial to them.
OJJDP’s Organization
OJJDP Program Divisions • Juvenile Justice Systems Improvement Division: Administers policies and programs that connect directly with the juvenile justice system.
• State and Community Development Division: Administers OJJDP’s formula and block grants and major Department of Justice policy and program initiatives.
• Youth Development, Prevention, and Safety Division: Administers policies and programs that focus on positive youth development and protecting children against victimization.
OJJDP Improves Outcomes for Incarcerated Youth • Signed into law on April 9, 2008, the Second Chance Act (P.L. 110-199) was designed to improve outcomes for people returning to communities from prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities. • This first-of-its-kind legislation authorizes federal grants to government agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide employment assistance, substance use treatment, housing, family programming, mentoring, victims support, and other services to reduce recidivism and protect public safety.
Federal Partners • OJJDP, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), and the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships are collaborating closely on the Second Chance Act to support both juvenile and adult reentry efforts. • Similarly, BJA and OJJDP are working with the National Institute of Justice in support of the research and evaluation activities required in the Act.
OJJDP Grant Deliverables
1. Categorical Assistance Progress Reports (CAPR) are required twice a year. Reporting Period
Due Date
Delinquent After
July 1 – December 31
January 30
January 30
January 1 – June 30
July 30
July 30
The Federal Grant Life Cycle
Technical Assistance
Programmatic/ Financial
Monitoring Activities
Federal Grant Monitoring • Ensures programs are implemented in a manner consistent with the approved task plan. • Provides guidance on OJP grant program requirements, federal regulations, and compliance with award Special Conditions, and administrative and financial reporting requirements.
Grant Monitoring Options 1. An Enhanced Program Desk Review (EPDR) is conducted largely over the phone following a review of requested documents.
2. Onsite monitoring visits assess overall program progress, administrative or financial issues, technical assistance needs, collaborative engagement and youth services at target sites.
Monitoring Schedule
• Monitoring frequency depends on the need or complexity of the grant. Your OJJDP program specialist will notify you in advance and work with you to prepare for monitoring activities.
Grant Reporting Requirements (1) In each report, include the following information: •
Progress toward development of the strategic plan. o Who are the partners? o What are their responsibilities?
Meeting minutes, action plans, and other documentation
Describe how the partnership works together: Include the role of state and tribal corrections departments, community corrections agencies, and local confinement systems in ensuring successful reentry of juveniles to their communities.
Grant Reporting Requirements (2) • Describe the project assessment process and attach the instrument, data, and findings report to the CAPR. Notify your program specialist before implementing your program.
• Issues, challenges because they may require a modification to the scope of work. Promptly inform your OJJDP program specialist of all issues affecting the project. Some issues may require Office of Justice Programs pre-approval before changes can be made.
Grant Reporting Requirements (3) • Discuss progress toward including evidence-based methodology and outcome measures. • Include a description of planned project activities over the next reporting period.
• Identify next steps in meeting grant project goals. • Describe perceived challenges in meeting project goals and strategies for addressing challenges. • Analyze, in detail, the goals met and note any goals that were not accomplished with justification.
Additional OJJDP Grant Deliverables 2. Federal Financial Reports (FFR – SF 425) are
required four times per year. See grants.ojp.usdoj.gov. Reporting Period
Due Date
Delinquent After
October 1 – December 31 January 1 – March 31
January 30
January 30
April 30
April 30
April – 1 June 30
July 30
July 30
July 01 – September 30
October 30
October 30
Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 •
Discretionary grants and some formula grant programs require recipients to submit reports to OJP that describe project status and accomplishments.
Reports regarding sub-awards will be made through the FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (FSRS), found at fsrs.gov.
To register information with the the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), visit fsrs.gov.
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OJJDP Grant Deliverables
All reports and other documents must be attached in the Grants Management System.
Visit grants.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmsexternal/ *Funds will be withheld for late reports.
Post-Award Reminders • Comply promptly with the Special Conditions of the award. Non-compliance will result in a hold on grant funds. • Review the post-award Instructions at ojp.usdoj.gov/funding/pdfs/post award_instructions.pdf
Post-Award Reminders • Complete the Grants Management System Computer-based training at ojp.gov/gmscbt/. Email the completion certificate to your assigned program specialist. • Familiarize yourself with the Office of Justice Programs Financial Guide: ojp.usdoj.gov/financialguide/index.htm
Helpdesk Contact Information • Grant Management System: (888) 549-9901 (Option 3) • Office of Justice Programs, Office of the Chief Financial Officer helpdesk: (800) 458-0786 • Online Data Collection Technical Assistance Tool (CSR, Inc.): (866) 487-0512
OJJDP/JJSI Improvement Program Specialists Gwendolyn Dilworth, Program Manager, OJJDP: (202) 514-4822 Patrick Dunckhurst, Juvenile Justice Program Specialist, OJJDP: (202) 514-4158 Angela Parker, Program Manager, OJJDP: (202) 353-9252 Leanetta Jessie, Program Manager, OJJDP: (202) 598-1160 Julia Alanen, Program Manager, OJJDP: (202) 616-1725 Kathy Mitchell, Program Manager, OJJDP: (202) 616-5176
OJJDP News Now • Connect with OJJDP for the latest news and information— • OJJDP News @ a Glance, an award-winning, bimonthly online newsletter that features highlights of OJJDP’s programs and activities, publications, training opportunities, news, and events. • The JUVJUST listserv provides email notifications on the latest publications, funding opportunities, training resources, and conferences of interest to the juvenile justice field. • OJJDP’s social media shares brief announcements and updates on what is happening in OJJDP and the field.
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It’s easy… Go to ojjdp.gov and click on “E-News” to access these and other free online resources. Subscribe to OJJDP News @ a Glance and JUVJUST, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and visit the official Office of Justice Programs YouTube channel.
@OJPOJJDP facebook.com/OJPOJJDP youtube.com/user/OJPOCOM
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Introduction to the National Reentry Resource Center
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• Authorized by the passage of the Second Chance Act in April 2008 • Launched by The Council of State Governments in October 2009 • Administered in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice
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National Reentry Resource Center Objectives
Provide a one-stop, interactive source of current, userfriendly reentry information. Identify, document, and promote evidence-based practices. Advance the reentry field through training, distance learning, and knowledge development. Deliver individualized, targeted technical assistance to the Second Chance Act grantees. Council of State Governments Justice Center | 27
csgjusticecenter.org/nrrc Council of State Governments Justice Center | 28
Issue Areas
csgjusticecenter.org/reentry/issue-areas/health/ Council of State Governments Justice Center | 29
Distance Learning
csgjusticecenter.org/reentry/webinars-and-video/ Council of State Governments Justice Center | 30
Online Publications
csgjusticecenter.org/reentry/publications-library/ Council of State Governments Justice Center | 31
Reentry and Employment Project
csgjusticecenter.org/reentry/the-reentry-and-employment-project/ Council of State Governments Justice Center | 32
What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse
whatworks.csgjusticecenter.org/ Council of State Governments Justice Center | 33
Sign Up for the NRRC Newsletter
csgjusticecenter.org/nrrc Council of State Governments Justice Center | 34
The Council of State Governments Justice Center’s Youth Program: csgjusticecenter.org/youth.
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The NRRC’s Juvenile Reentry page provides the most current information and resources on what works to improve youth reentry and overall juvenile justice outcomes.
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CSG developed a roadmap to guide states on improving outcomes for youth in contact with the juvenile justice system. July 2014
Core Principles for Reducing Recidivism
July 2014
Measuring and Using Juvenile Recidivism Data
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Texas Juvenile Justice Study Released at Event at Texas Supreme Court
Closer to Home: An Analysis of the State and Local Impact of the Texas Juvenile Justice System Reforms
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CSG Justice Center will make new tools and products available to guide all states to assess their systems and adopt research-based policies and practices.
• Recidivism reduction checklists
• Infographic series highlighting key 2015 lessons learned • Issue briefs on education and young adults
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Approximately 20 percent of all SCA grantees are targeted at reforming juvenile reentry systems with select grant programs focused on specific populations and services.
Red: JSR Implementation Blue: Young Fatherhood Mentoring Yellow: FY09-FY14 SCA juvenile grantees Purple: Community Supervision Green: Strengthening Families and Children of Incarcerated Parents Council of State Governments Justice Center | 40
2015 Second Chance Act Programs Comprehensive Juvenile Reentry Systems Reform Implementation
• Implement a comprehensive, system-wide reentry strategy to reduce recidivism and improve other outcomes for youth under system supervision.
Smart on Juvenile Justice: Community Supervision
• Develop and implement a juvenile community supervision strategy to reduce recidivism and improve other outcomes for youth under system supervision.
Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers and Their Children: A Reentry Mentoring Project
• Develop and implement a juvenile reentry plan that ensures the transition young fathers make from secure confinement facilities back to their families and communities is successful. Council of State Governments Justice Center | 41
2015 Second Chance Act Programs
Strengthening Families and Children of Incarcerated Parents
• Expand services to children who have an incarcerated parent through services that facilitate healthy and positive relationships between incarcerated individuals, their children, and caregivers.
Supporting Latino/a Youth from Out of Home Placement
• Develop and implement a juvenile reentry plan that promotes effective and successful reentry services for Latino/a youth who are transitioning back into their communities from secure confinement facilities.
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3-Juvenile Reentry Systems Reform Implementation Grants
3- Strengthening Families and Children of Incarcerated Parents
6- Smart on Juvenile Justice: Community Supervision
2015 Second Chance Act Juvenile Grantees
7-Supporting Relationships between Young Fathers and Their Children
6- Supporting Latino/a Youth from Out-of-Home Placement Council of State Governments Justice Center | 43
Smart on Juvenile Justice: Community Supervision Technical Assistance Partnership Please visit us at:
John A. Tuell, MA, Executive Director Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice Phone: 703-753-0059 jtuell@rfkchildren.org
Please visit us at: www.appa-net.org/eweb/ Tracy Godwin Mullins, Deputy Director American Probation and Parole Association Phone: 859-244-8215 tmullins@csg.org
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National Reentry Resource Center Technical Assistance Activities Monthly phone calls Site Visits
Peer Learning Opportunities
Resource Sharing
Webinars Expert Trainings Council of State Governments Justice Center | 45
Examples of Technical Assistance
Assisting with data collection and analysis
Facilitating strategic planning sessions or meetings of reentry task forces
Helping translate research into proposed policy and practice improvements
Training on what works to reduce recidivism and improve other youth outcomes
Supporting the development of Implementation and/or Sustainability Plans
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NRRC Technical Assistance Timeline October/November: Initial outreach from NRRC TA Provider with corresponding material November/December: First call with NRRC TA Provider December: NRRC Webinars and Conference Calls on Planning & Implementation Guides December: Grantees begin completing the SCA Planning & Implementation Guide December 16-18: Second Chance Act Conference January 2015-September 2015: Grantee Deliverable Completion and ongoing NRRC TA Council of State Governments Justice Center | 47
NRRC Technical Assistance Providers Liz Seigle, Grantee Technical Assistance Manager, Juvenile Justice, eseigle@csg.org, (646) 383-5763 Cynthia Thaler, Program Associate, Reentry and Juvenile Justice, cthaler@csg.org, (646) 753-5212 Mark Ferrante, Senior Policy Analyst, Juvenile Justice, mferrante@csg.org, (301) 915-9702 Ronin Davis, Grantee Technical Assistance Manager, Community Initiatives, rdavis@csg.org, (646) 383-5760
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Thank You Join our distribution list to receive CSG Justice Center project updates! csgjusticecenter.org/subscribe
For more information contact Elizabeth Seigle, Grantee Technical Assistance Manager, Juvenile Justice at: eseigle@csg.org
The presentation was developed by members of The Council of State Governments Justice Center staff. The statements made reflect the views of the authors, and should not be considered the official position of the Justice Center, the members of The Council of State Governments, or the funding agency supporting the work. Citations available for statistics presented in preceding slides available on CSG Justice Center web site.
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