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FY2011 JMHCP Grantee Orientation Event March 8-9, 2012

Breakout Session by Profession: Attorneys Session Goals:  Making connections among practitioners and programs  Learn about different projects and communities  Identify resources, people, and organizations who can support JMHCP programs  Gain perspective/identify ideas on how others in your role have participated effectively in collaborative efforts  Identify challenges for your role in a collaborative project and how others have addressed these challenges Discussion Questions:

What did you observe in your current role that led you to participate in this project? What is your vision for the project’s goals?

For those who are already experienced in collaborative criminal justice/mental health (CJ/MH) projects: What have you needed to learn in order to make your project successful? For those who are new to collaborative CJ/MH projects: What do you see yourself wanting to learn?


FY2011 JMHCP Grantee Orientation Event March 8-9, 2012

Do you see this project changing the way your do your job? Do you see any potential challenges to your professional ethics? For example: Problem-solving court practitioners are often concerned that pre-court “staffing” meetings may be impermissible ex parte communications. How does referral to a mental health program square with the defender’s obligation for zealous advocacy? How can prosecutors ensure that programs protect public safety and keep victims informed? For experienced participants: How have you adapted to working with this population? Have you found that your role has changed from before you worked in this area?

What legal rights and court processes are relevant to criminal justice/mental health collaborations? How do you plan to ensure that these rights are protected? What processes do you anticipate changing?


FY2011 JMHCP Grantee Orientation Event March 8-9, 2012

What concerns do you have about the new partnerships anticipated by this project? How familiar are you with existing mental health, substance use, and other support services in your area?

How do you see your role in program management and sustainability? Will you be contributing data to the performance measures or a program evaluation?


FY2011 JMHCP Grantee Orientation Event March 8-9, 2012

What advice have you received that you really appreciate or what do you wish you had known and want others to know? What resources/people have you found helpful?

What questions do you have/what do you want to learn more about relevant to your role?

Names & Contact Information for Breakout Participants


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