Dashboard Definitions Admissions Measure Detainee Admissions Sentenced Detainee Admissions Offender Admissions Admission from Supervision (Failure)
Calculation from Vermont Snapshot Notes Prison/Jail Offender Admissions Detainees Prison/Jail Offender Admissions Sentenced Detained Prison/Jail Offender Admissions Sentenced Sentenced from furlough + sentenced from parole + sentenced from probation + sentenced from probation. (Prison/Jail Offender Admissions Sentenced from Furlough + Parole + Probation) This is pending the 90 day lag pull.
Recidivism related, but not exhaustive list of those driving recidivism; This is a lag measure. They are to provide us with the population coded “sentenced from X” that entered last quarter with a statute of parole/probation/furlough. They must have stayed for at least 90 days and not more than 120. This makes it the recidivism measure, but does not duplicatively count the population.
Population Trends Measure Detainee Population Sentenced Population Supervised Population
Calculation from Vermont Snapshot DOC Population Trends Detainees DOC Population Trends Sentenced DOC Population Trends Field Supervision
Notes This is a cumulative number of all field supervised types: prob/parole/furlough
Offender Releases Measure Total Offender Releases
Felony Offenders released
Calculation from Vermont Snapshot Prison Released Total All Types + Jail Releases Total All Types Prison Released Felony
Notes The DOC has to pay for all these people, so I combined them
Average length of stay
Felony length of stay
Percent of Felons Released at Minimum
+ Jail Releases Felony ((Prison Releases Average LOS Total All Types x Total Prison Releases) + (Jail Releases Average LOS Total All Types x Total Jail Releases))/ (Total Offender Releases) ((Prison Releases Average LOS Felony x Total Felony Prison Releases) + (Jail Releases Average LOS Felony x Total Felony Jail Releases))/ (Total Felony Offenders released) (% of prison inmates release on before minimum Felony x Felony prison releases + % jail inmates release on/before minimum Felony x Felony jail releases)/ (Felony Prison + Felony Misd Releases)