Data Collection and Sustainability
FY2011 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Grantee Orientation Meeting March 2012
Panelists: Andrew Barbee, Senior Researcher, CSG Justice Center Melissa Reuland, Consultant, CSG Justice Center Henry Rosen, Program Associate, CSG Justice Center Moderator: Hallie Fader-Towe
Build me a database!
Council of State Governments Justice Center
Learning Objectives
Identify key decisions about data collection and management
Understand how data collection relates to program goals and sustainability
Describe the relationship between BJA’s JMHCP performance measures and other program data
Council of State Governments Justice Center
Your panelists
Andrew Barbee
Melissa Reuland
Hank Rosen
Facilitator: Hallie Fader-Towe
Council of State Governments Justice Center
A Framework for Understanding Data Collection/Management Issues WHY should we collect data?
HOW should we collect data?
WHAT data should we collect?
Council of State Governments Justice Center
What are some of the common reasons that programs to collect data? • Program management
WHY should we collect data?
• Know whether its working • Feedback to funders • Comparison to other programs
HOW should we collect data?
• Sustainability
WHAT data should we collect?
• Allow for in-depth research
Council of State Governments Justice Center
How can a program figure out which data to collect? • Program goals
WHY should we collect data?
• Data “audience” HOW should we collect data?
WHAT data should we collect?
• Program processes
Council of State Governments Justice Center
Understanding how people enter and participate in the program is critical Contact w/ Law Enforcement Arrest?
MH Diversion?
Booking into Jail
MH/ Other Pretrial Services?
Initial Court Appearance Pretrial Release? No
• MH Screening and Assessment • Risk/Needs Assessment
• Referral Source
MH/ Other Pretrial Services?
• Intervention/Program Type
Adjudication Not Prison Probation Guilty or Jail 8
In addition to the many criminal justice system process points, the MH intervention points entail a variety of data collection opportunities:
MH/ Other Services?
• Termination Type (successful, dropout, removal)
Council of State Governments Justice Center
What do programs need to consider in collecting data? • Is there a magic bullet on how to collect data?
WHY should we collect data?
HOW should we collect data?
WHAT data should we collect?
Council of State Governments Justice Center
What do programs need to consider in collecting data? Common barriers:
Who & When
Information privacy
Council of State Governments Justice Center
What do programs need to consider in collecting data? Common barriers: vs.
Quality management information systems (MIS) can take time and money
“Termination type?” “Unsuccessful.”
“Termination type?” “Dropped out.”
People often understand and record data differently 11
Council of State Governments Justice Center
How do you use data to sustain your program? Program Descriptions & Talking Points
Council of State Governments Justice Center
How do you use data to sustain your program? Evaluation Write-ups & Annual Reports
Council of State Governments Justice Center
Thank you Questions? Comments? Want more resources? Please contact: Hallie Fader-Towe
This material was developed by presenters for the 2012 JMHCP Orientation Event. Presentations are not externally reviewed for form or content and as such, the statements within reflect the views of the authors and should not be considered the official position of the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Justice Center, the members of the Council of State Governments, or funding agencies supporting the work. 14
Council of State Governments Justice Center