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Orienta9on and Grant Management Webinar for 2013 Second Chance Act Grantees

© 2013 Council of State Governments Jus9ce Center

Agenda I.  Welcome and Congratula9ons: §  Gwendolyn Dilworth, Program Manager, OJJDP

II.  Introduc9on to the Na9onal Reentry Resource Center (NRRC): §  Leah Kane, Deputy Program Director, CSG Jus9ce Center §  Josh Weber, Director of Juvenile Jus9ce Program, CSG Jus9ce Center

III.  Post-­‐Award Grant Management and Federal Compliance: §  Gwendolyn Dilworth, Program Manager, OJJDP

•  Authorized by the passage of the Second Chance Act in April 2008 •  Launched by the Council of State Governments in October 2009 •  Administered in partnership with the Bureau of Jus9ce Assistance, U.S. Department of Jus9ce

Na9onal Reentry Resource Center: Objec9ves •  Provide a one-­‐stop, interac9ve source of current, user-­‐friendly reentry informa9on. •  Iden9fy, document, and promote evidence-­‐ based prac9ces. •  Advance the reentry field through training, distance learning, and knowledge development. •  Deliver individualized, targeted technical assistance to the Second Chance Act grantees.

Technical Assistance Ac9vi9es •  •  •  •  •  •

Bi-­‐monthly phone calls Peer-­‐to-­‐peer learning opportuni9es Webinars Training from experts in the field Resource sharing Site visits

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Youth Program Page


Distance Learning



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SCA Juvenile Grantees (FY09-­‐FY13)

2013 Second Chance Programs •  State and Local Reentry Demonstra9on-­‐ Planning Projects •  State and Local Reentry Demonstra9on-­‐ Implementa9on Projects •  State and Local Reentry Co-­‐Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Projects

FY13 SCA Juvenile Grantees •  4 Demonstra9on-­‐Planning Grants •  10 Demonstra9on-­‐Implementa9on Grants •  5 Co-­‐Occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders Grants

NRRC Technical Assistance Providers •  Elizabeth Seigle, Policy Analyst eseigle@csg.org 212-­‐482-­‐2320 (main); 646-­‐383-­‐5763 (direct) •  Nastassia Walsh, Policy Analyst nwalsh@csg.org 240-­‐482-­‐8581 (direct) •  Ka2 Habert, Deputy Director, Substance Abuse khabert@csg.org 240-­‐482-­‐8576 (direct) •  Sarah Wurzburg, Policy Analyst, Substance Abuse

Technical Assistance Timeline •  Early December: All grantees will receive P&I Guide and invita9ons to P&I Guide Webinar •  December 19: P&I Guide Webinar •  December-­‐January 2014: Grantees complete P&I Guide •  February 2014: Grantee calls with TA Provider to review completed P&I Guide •  March 2014: Begin scheduling NRRC site visits •  May 2014: Poten9al SCA Conference

Working for youth justice and safety

Keys to Effective Grant Management of Your OJJDP Second Chance Act Award Presenter: Gwen Dilworth Juvenile Justice System Improvement Division OJJDP

Session Purpose sď łâ€Ż

Participants will gain vital insight on the performance expectations of SCA award recipients and learn how active communication between OJJDP program managers and grantees supports achievement of goals and objectives.

Session Goals sď łâ€Ż

Establish among new and previously funded grantees a common understanding of grant requirements and resources available to enhance project performance.

Session Goals (cont’d.) s

Encourage timely and regular communication as an essential tool toward successful project planning, implementation, and sustainability.

Session Goals (cont’d.) s  Illustrate

interventions for addressing situations participants may encounter as grantees.

The Grant Life Cycle

Programmatic/ Financial

Technical Assistance

Monitoring Activities

Financial To Access Grant Funds‌

- Program work plan and Budget must be cleared by OJJDP and OCFO. - Special Conditions prohibiting spending draw downs must be removed by OJP. - Administrative issues (e.g., audits, missing reports or information) must be resolved.

Financial (cont’d.) OJJDP and OCFO perform financial monitoring to: - Review FFR’s and rate of expenditures against the approved budget and program plan. - Ensure compliance with financial guidelines and general accounting practices. - Ensure grant expenditures are allowable.

Monitoring Activities Grant Monitoring Responsibilities include‌ - Ensuring that programs are implemented in a manner consistent with the approved task plan. - Providing guidance on OJP grant program requirements, general federal regulations, and basic administrative and financial reporting requirements.

Grant Monitoring Requirements: - Periodic desk review (EPDR) of grant activities, financial matters, and files via telephone and e-mail. - Possible site visit to assess overall progress, review program and financial issues, identify TA needs, and visit other program sites.

Grant Monitoring “When will my grant be monitored?” ü  Monitoring

frequency depends on the type of monitoring necessary based on Grant Assessment Tool and other factors based on need or complexity of the grant.

Technical Assistance Program Managers are your “go-to� person for issues regarding your award. They will: - Provide technical and programmatic direction. - Assist in defining operational or programmatic options. - Present solutions to challenging issues.

Technical Assistance (cont’d.) s  s



OCFO provides TA through regional trainings and monitoring site visits. GMS training is available on-line at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/gmscbt CSR, Inc. provides training on data collections and performance measures: www.ojjdp-dctat.org NTTAC program development and operational trainings: www.nttac.org

Grant Close Out Tips s

90 days after the project period end date, submit final progress (CAPR), DCTAT and financial reports (SF 269).


Draw down all funds or deobligate (return) remaining funds to OJP.

Grant Close Out Tips (cont’d.) s

A no-cost extension (NCE) may be requested, if a need exists to continue program activities.


NCE request must be received 45 days prior to the project end date.

Common Situations s  s

s  s

Call or E-mail the PM for assistance. Include your name, grant award number, telephone number, and short description of the problem in your message. Be familiar with the award instructions, Special Conditions, and OJP Financial Guide. Only the grant POC, FPOC, or Authorized Representative should contact the PM.

Handouts Available

Thank You!

(877) 332-­‐1719 info@na9onalreentryresourcecenter.org

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