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Available now at learning.csgjusticecenter.org. The curriculum was developed by the Council of State Governments Justice Center with the support of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and in partnership with the National Center for State Courts, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s GAINS Center, The National Judicial College, and the Center for Court Innovation.

Developing a Mental Health Court: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum • Handbook for Facilitators

The Handbook for Facilitators is a companion resource to Developing a Mental Health Court: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum—a free, online multimedia curriculum that features a flexible series of engaging and comprehensive presentations and activities for individuals or interdisciplinary groups interested in starting, improving, or simply learning about mental health courts. The curriculum is an invaluable resource for judges, attorneys, behavioral health treatment providers and administrators, corrections and law enforcement officers, court administrators, and many others.

Developing a Mental Health Court: An Interdisciplinary Curriculum

HANDBOOK FOR FACILITATORS csgjusticecenter.org

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