CSG Justice Center SCA Reauthorization Act 2015 -‐-‐ Social Media Toolkit Template Twitter & Facebook Posts
Week of Sept. 21, 2015 THURSDAY at NOON: THURSDAY at 4PM: #SecondChanceAct supports improvement of corrections and #SecondChanceAct supports improvement of corrections and supervision practices to reduce recidivism. Learn more: supervision practices to reduce recidivism. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct THURSDAY at 4PM: Leadership on #SecondChanceAct: How Investing in Reentry Rebuilds Lives [Insert GRAPHIC 1] FRIDAY: 1 in every 201 U.S. residents are in prison. What happens when they get out? Time to pass #SecondChanceAct: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct
Week of Sept. 28, 2015 TUESDAY: #SecondChanceAct works with almost every US state to build productive lives after prison. Take action: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Insert Graphic2 THU: More than 127,000 people have been served by #SecondChanceAct. Let’s push to serve the next 127K. Take action today: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct FRIDAY: #SecondChanceAct has life-‐changing impacts, connecting people after prison to education, housing, and jobs Insert GRAPHIC 4 Week of Oct. 5, 2015 MON: THURSDAY: 40% of people who received direct employment services through #SecondChanceAct has life-‐changing impacts, connecting people after #SecondChanceAct since 2011 obtained a job. prison to education, housing, and jobs Insert GRAPHIC4 TUE: 67% of people who received direct housing services through #SecondChanceAct since 2011 obtained housing. WED: Since 2011, 31% of people who received direct education services through #SecondChanceAct obtained a degree or qualification Week of Oct. 12 MONDAY: Through #SecondChanceAct, states like Iowa, Georgia & Vermont are MON:
streamlining government programs and focusing on what works. See Through #SecondChanceAct, states like Iowa, Georgia & Vermont are how: Insert GRAPHIC 5 streamlining government programs and focusing on what works. See how: Insert GRAPHIC 5 Tell Congress #ReentryMatters: TUES: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct States from Arizona to Texas to W. Virginia boost public safety via #SecondChanceAct. Tell Congress #ReeentryMatters TUES: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct States from Arizona to Texas to West Virgina boost public safety through #SecondChanceAct. Tell Congress #ReeentryMatters: WED: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Does your elected official in Congress know you support the #SecondChanceAct? Tell them #ReeentryMatters: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Week of Oct. 19 TUE AM: Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Meet the people and TUE: Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Grace, Bexar Texas: Insert programs that demonstrate real success – and hear from leaders who GRAPHIC 6 made it happen. #SecondChanceAct makes a person's transition from prison or jail safer and more successful. Add your voice to tell Congress that TUE AM: Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Grace, Bexar Co., #ReentryMatters: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Texas: Insert GRAPHIC 6 WED: #SecondChanceAct makes a person's transition from prison or jail safer and more successful. Add your voice to tell Congress #ReentryMatters: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Week of Oct 26 TUESDAY: TUE: Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Ron started Ohio’s RIDGE Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Ron, started Ohio’s RIDGE project, now mentors young fathers in the justice system: Insert project, now mentors young fathers in the justice system: Insert
GRAPHIC 7 GRAPHIC 7 More than 40 percent of released offenders return to prison within 3 WEDNESDAY: years. #SecondChanceAct helps reduce that number: Tell Congress that 40% of offenders return to prison within 3 yrs. #SecondChanceAct #ReentryMatters: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct helps reduce that #. Tell Congress #ReentryMatters http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct THU: Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Case Study: Harlem Parole THU: Reentry Court, New York: Insert GRAPHIC 8 . Tell Congress to back Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Case Study: Harlem Parole reentry that works: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Reentry Court, New York: Insert GRAPHIC 8 Act now: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Week of Nov. 2 WED: Almost 1 in 3 reentry programs supported by the WED: #SecondChanceAct are faith-‐based or community organizations. Insert Almost 1 in 3 reentry programs supported by #SecondChanceAct are GRAPHIC 9 Tell Congress to back reentry that works: faith-‐based or community organizations. Insert GRAPHIC 9 Take action http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct to protect SCA reentry: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct THU: Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Case study: Texas Juvenile THU: Justice Department Youth Program GITReady: : Insert GRAPHIC 10 Tell Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Case study: Texas Juvenile Congress to back reentry that works: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Justice Department Youth Program GITReady: Insert GRAPHIC 10 Tell Congress to back reentry that works: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct
Week of Nov. 9 WED: WED: Employment rates and earning histories of people in Employment rates and earning histories of people in prisons and prisons and jails are often low thanks to limited education. jails are often low thanks to limited education. #SecondChanceAct helps remedy this. #SecondChanceAct helps remedy this. THU: THU: Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Allegheny Co. Jail Success Stories of #SecondChanceAct: Allegheny Co. Jail Collaborative Reentry: Insert GRAPHIC 11 Tell Congress what Collaborative Reentry: Insert GRAPHIC 11 Tell Congress what works: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct works: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Week of Nov. 16 MON: MON: #SecondChanceAct shows bipartisan determination to change #SecondChanceAct shows bipartisan determination to change outcomes for those leaving prison. #ReentryMatters Insert outcomes for those leaving prison. #ReentryMatters Insert GRAPHIC 12 GRAPHIC 12 Thanks to the 28 cosponsors in US House and 15 in US Senate MON: committed to #SecondChanceAct. Tell your lawmakers to join Thank you Rep. Sensenbrenner & @RepDannyDavis for them: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct leadership on #SecondChanceAct to improve #reentry #CJReform @JimPressOffice MON: Thank you @SenRobPortman & @SenatorLeahy for leadership on #SecondChanceAct to improve #reentry #CJReform TUE: Thanks to the 28 cosponsors in US House and 15 in US Senate
committed to #SecondChanceAct. Tell your lawmakers to join them: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct WED: Dignity of work and a living wage makes a difference for many leaving prison. Support them. Support #SecondChanceAct: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Week of Nov. 23 MON: MON: As #SecondChanceAct matures, grant programs have evolved As #SecondChanceAct matures, grant programs have evolved with greater focus on research and accountability. with greater focus on research and accountability. #ReentryMatters #ReentryMatters Insert GRAPHIC 13 Insert GRAPHIC 13 Tell Congress you support data-‐driven justice programs for reentry. http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct TUE: #SecondChanceAct: @SenRobPortman believes TUE: #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct #SecondChanceAct: Sen. Rob Portman (R-‐OH) believes Insert PULLQUOTE PORTMAN #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Insert PULLQUOTE PORTMAN #SecondChanceAct: @SenatorLeahy believes #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Insert PULLQUOTE #SecondChanceAct: Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-‐VT) believes LEAHY #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Insert PULLQUOTE LEAHY #SecondChanceAct: Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner believes #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct #SecondChanceAct: Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-‐WI) believes @JimPressOffice Insert PULLQUOTE SENSENBRENNER #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct: Insert PULLQUOTE SENSENBRENNER #SecondChanceAct @RepDannyDavis believes #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Insert PULLQUOTE #SecondChanceAct Rep. Danny Davis (D-‐IL) believes DAVIS #ReentryMatters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct
Week of Nov. 30 MONDAY: Dignity of work and a living wage makes a difference MONDAY: Dignity of work and a living wage makes a difference for many leaving prison. Support them. Support for many leaving prison. Support them. Support #SecondChanceAct: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct #SecondChanceAct: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct TUESDAY: #SecondChanceAct: Many reentry court programs emphasize job readiness, employment to promote self-‐sufficiency + accountability #ReentryMatters http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct WEDNESDAY: Key #SecondChanceAct programs have built strong partnerships
with employers in the community to increase participants' job opportunities #ReentryMatters http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct THURSDAY: #ReentryMatters: Individuals who participate in correctional education programs are 43% less like to reoffend upon release than others. Take action: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Week of Dec. 7 MON: MONDAY: #SecondChanceAct provides vital reentry services, employment #SecondChanceAct provides vital reentry services, employment training, mentoring. Don’t lose SCA momentum: training, and mentoring. Tell Congress why this momentum http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Insert GRAPHIC 1 (repeated from matters: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Insert GRAPHIC 1 before) (repeated from before) TUES: Strengthening Families: Many #SecondChanceAct programs prep people on parole/probation and parents of minors to get paying jobs #ReentryMatters WED: #SecondChanceAct promotes economic stability: People leaving prison earn 40 percent less annually than before incarceration #ReentryMatters Week of Dec. 14 MONDAY: #SecondChanceAct grantees and experts gather for annual conference Dec. 14-‐18 , Tell Congress that you support a strong
future #ReentryMatters: http://bit.ly/SecondChanceAct Links & Tags for Social Media Program Website:
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