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Reducing Recidivism and Promo1ng Recovery: Implemen1ng Effec1ve Programming for Individuals with Substance Use Disorders Alexa Eggleston, J.D. Program Director, Substance Abuse The Jus;ce Center, Council of State Governments JMHCP Conference February 28th, 2013

Today’s Presenta.on

What Works: Developing Responses

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State and Local Applica.on




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Reach of the Criminal Jus.ce System

The High Cost of Correc;ons in America hJp://­‐visualiza;ons/the-­‐high-­‐cost-­‐of-­‐correc;ons-­‐ in-­‐america-­‐85899397897


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Individuals Incarcerated for Drug Offenses: 1980 and 2010


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Women in Prison: 1980 -­‐ 2010


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Children of Incarcerated Parents

7 Parents in Prison and their Minor Children, Bureau of Jus;ce Sta;s;cs Special Report, US Department of Jus;ce, Office of Jus;ce Programs 2008

Substance Abuse & Addic.on in Criminal Jus.ce 60

Percent of Popula.on


47 %

53 % 44 %

40 30

Alcohol use disorder (Includes alcohol abuse and dependence) Drug use disorder (Includes drug abuse and dependence)


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54 %

8 %

10 0

2 % Household


Source: Compton et al., Am J Psychiatry, 2010.

State Prison


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SMI with Substance Abuse/ Dependence in Criminal Jus.ce

Source: General Popula;on (Kessler et al. 1996), Jail (Steadman et al, 2009), Prison (DiJon 1999), James (2006)


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Most Resources Spent on Prisons


Low U.liza.on of EBP’s in Criminal Jus.ce Mean EBPs Adopted

Adult Prison


Adult Jail


Adult CC


Juvenile Res.


Juvenile CC


Drug Court


Less than 1/3rd Adopted CSG Jus;ce Center


11 Friedmann, Taxman, & Henderson, 2007: Young, Dembo, & Henderson, 2007; Henderson, Taxman & Young, 2008

Key Trends: States Are Moving Towards Evidence-­‐based Strategies

•  Development of training programs for proba;on and parole officers •  Funding for community-­‐based programming as ‘alterna;ve to incarcera;on’ and/or post-­‐ release ‘reentry’

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•  Target programming to individuals at high-­‐ moderate risk of reoffending


Today’s Presenta.on

What Works: Developing Responses

CSG Jus;ce Center


State and Local Applica.on



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Combining Supervision and Treatment Can Improve Outcomes


•  Use criminogenic and clinical screening and assessment tools to iden;fy high RISK cases and focus resources on them •  Target criminogenic NEEDS an;social behavior, substance abuse, an;social agtudes, and criminogenic peers

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The Cornerstone of CJ Programming: Risk-­‐Need-­‐Responsivity

•  RESPONSIVITY – Tailor the interven;on to learning style, mo;va;on, culture, demographics, and abili;es. Address the issues that affect responsivity (e.g. mental illnesses).


•  Criminal history (number of arrests, number of convic.ons, type of offenses) •  Current charges •  Age at first arrest •  Current age •  Gender

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Sta.c Risk Factors

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.

An.-­‐social aUtudes An.-­‐social friends and peers An.-­‐social personality pabern Substance abuse Family and/or marital factors Lack of educa.on Poor employment history Lack of pro-­‐social leisure

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Dynamic Risk Factors

17 Criminogenic Risk Factors in Sentencing and Supervision Planning Risk Factor


History of An;social Behavior

Build alterna;ve behaviors

An;social Personality PaJern

Problem solving skills, anger management

An;social Cogni;on

Develop less risky thinking

An;social Associates

Reduce associa;on with criminal others

Family and/or Marital Discord

Reduce conflict, build posi;ve rela;onships

Poor school and/or work performance

Enhance performance, rewards

Few leisure or recrea;on ac;vi;es

Enhance outside involvement

Substance abuse

Reduce use through integrated tx

Source: Andrews, 2006


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Following RNR Principles Impacts Recidivism


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Framework for Criminal Jus.ce and Behavioral Health


Priori.zing Your Target Popula.on

Low Criminogenic Risk

Medium to High Criminogenic Risk



Low Severity of Substance Abuse

Substance Dependence (med/high)


Low Severity of Mental Illness (low)

Serious Mental Illness

Serious Mental Illness


Low Severity of Mental Illness (low)

Group 1 I–L CR: low SA: low MI: low

Group 2 II – L CR: low SA: low MI: med/high

Group 3 III – L CR: low SA: med/high MI: low

Low Severity of Substance Abuse

Substance Dependence (med/high)


Serious Mental Illness


Low Severity of Mental Illness (low)


Low Severity of Mental Illness (low)

Group 4 IV – L CR: low SA: med/high MI: med/high

Group 5 I–H CR: med/high SA: low MI: low

Group 6 II – H CR: med/high SA: low MI: med/high

Group 7 III – H CR: med/high SA: med/high MI: low

Serious Mental Illness (med/high)

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Group 8 IV – H CR: med/high SA: med/high MI: med/high


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Mental Health, Substance Use, Co-­‐occurring Disorders and Risk Occur Along Con.nuum


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No Single Factor Determines Addic.on

23 hJp://;on.pdf

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Length of Treatment is Important

24 hJp://


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CSG Jus;ce Center

Relapse does not Equal Treatment Failure

26 hJp://

Key Elements of Substance Abuse Programs Standardized substance abuse assessment tool(s) Standardized risk assessment tool(s) behavioral/behavioral modifica.on techniques Target factors that are associated with criminal behavior Services that address co-­‐occurring medical and mental health disorders

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Interven.ons to encourage engagement and

Family involvement in treatment Treatment dura.on of 90 or more days Systems integra.on and a con.nuum of care Use of sanc.ons and incen.ves


Target factors that are Associated with Criminal Behavior

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28 hJp://­‐Behavioral Interven.ons

•  ACTION-­‐ORIENTED…engages individuals in ac;vi;es, such as role plays as part of therapeu;c process. •  FOCUSED ON THE PRESENT…aimed at changing current risk factors that impact behavior. •  FOCUSED ON LEARNING…significant amount of ;me learning and prac;cing new ways to handle risky situa;ons.

SAMHSA TIP 41 Group Therapy Inservice Training and University of Cincinna? Correc?ons Ins?tute, Cogni?ve Behavioral, Interven?ons for Substance Abuse

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•  “Well tested and shown to demonstrate a posi1ve impact on both addic1on and criminality”


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Systems Integra.on Can Improve Outcomes


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The Importance of Fidelity



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Staff Training and Supervision

Structured Program Model

Right Dosage of Treatment

Monitoring and Change

External Researcher /Evaluator

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Five Components Associated with Successful Program Implementa.on

33 Andrews and Dowden (1999)

Preparatory Knowledge, i.e. ‘ground school’

Supervision and Coaching

Monitored Prac.ce with Feedback

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Three Steps to Support Staff EBP Use & Fidelity

34 W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (2006) 25–39 Intercept Model

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Today’s Presenta.on

What Works: Developing Responses

CSG Jus;ce Center


State and Local Applica.on



Lessons in Transforming Proba.on

2. Employ smart, tailored supervision strategies 3. Use incen.ves and graduated sanc.ons to respond promptly to behavior 4. Implement performance-­‐ driven personnel management prac.ces that promote and reward recidivism reduc.on

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1.  Effec.vely assess criminogenic risk and need, and strengths


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Travis County Supervision Strategies Related to Assessment


Travis County’s Experience

•  Felony technical revoca;ons fell by 48 percent—the largest reduc;on in the five most populous coun;es in Texas, and nearly 10 ;mes the statewide reduc;on of 5 percent.

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•  Felony proba;on revoca;ons declined by 20 percent.

•  The decreased number of technical revoca;ons averted $4.8 million in state incarcera;on costs. •  The one-­‐year re-­‐arrest rate for proba;oners fell by 17 percent.


Lessons Learned: Second Chance Act •  Clear risk/need criteria for program eligibility ü  Priori;zing based on risk and need •  Use of standardized curricula that incorporate cogni;ve-­‐ based approaches •  Emphasis on Con;nuity of Care ü  ü  ü  ü

Intro to post-­‐release programming and what to expect Set appointment prior to release Develop treatment con;nua;on plan ‘Inside -­‐ Out’ service delivery

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ü  Engaging ‘less mo;vated’ clients


Lessons Learned: Second Chance Act ü  Family programming ü  Co-­‐occurring capacity ü  Skype ü  MAT access ü  Peer support programs

•  Supervision policies post-­‐release have significant impact on transi;on •  Opportunity to strengthen and leverage RSAT funding

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•  Innova;ons in strengthening use of EBP’s


Today’s Presenta.on

What Works: Developing Responses

CSG Jus;ce Center


State and Local Applica.on



In Summary: 5 Key Things to Improve Outcomes

2. Iden.fy individuals who are most in need, i.e. higher/ moderate risk and high need target popula.on 3.  Match programming to criminogenic risk/need

CSG Jus;ce Center

1.  Use valid and standardized screening and assessment processes

4.  Respond with right type and length of treatment 5.  Provide con.nuity in services and ‘warm hand-­‐off’ 43 Taxman, F.S. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Special NCJTP Issue, April 2007, Volume 32(3)

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And of course Fidelity…Staff Training and Support…Data Collec.on


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Resource: ‘What Works’

45 hJp://na;

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Resources: Health Reform


Resource: A Checklist for Implemen1ng EBP’s for Jus1ce-­‐ involved with Behavioral Health Disorders

hJp://­‐assets/documents/ 73659-­‐994452.ebpchecklistinal.pdf


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48 hJp://

Alexa Eggleston For more informa1on:

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Thank you!


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