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! ! ! ! ! June 3 – 4, 2015 The Council of State Governments Justice Center 22 Cortlandt St., Floor 22 New York, New York 10007 !



! INTRODUCTION Congratulations on receiving your FY2014 Second Chance Act (SCA) grant. The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center is excited to host you for this two-day FY2014 SCA Grantee Intensive Training Summit. This event features national experts who will discuss innovative, research-driven strategies for reducing recidivism and improving outcomes for people returning from prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities. This summit provides an opportunity for grantees to network with peers from around the country, meet with CSG technical assistance staff, and learn from subject experts. The CSG Justice Center has developed this workbook for you and your colleagues to prepare for this summit and use throughout the event. Prior to traveling to the summit, please meet with your program staff to review this workbook and discuss the issues herein. This workbook will provide those colleagues unable to attend the summit the opportunity to have their questions and issues addressed by national experts and CSG Justice Center staff. For summit participants, this workbook provides the opportunity to bring the feedback and program recommendations discussed at the summit back home. GRANT AWARDEES Epidaurus DBA Amity Foundation


Friends of Island Academy

New York

Old Pueblo Community Services


Odyssey House, Inc.

New York

Special Service for Groups


The RIDGE Project, Inc.*


The Connection, Inc.


Connection Training Services*


Safer Foundation


Employment Opportunity & Training Center of Northeastern PA


Volunteers of America of Indiana, Inc.


Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota*

South Dakota

United Teen Equality Center, Inc.


Cornerstone Assistance Network, Inc.


Detroit Central City Community Mental Health, Inc.


Family Pathfinders of Tarrant County, Inc.


Fathers’ Support Center, St. Louis*


Kanawha Institute for Social Research & Action, Inc. (KISRA)

West Virginia

Volunteers of America Delaware Valley

New Jersey

Center for Self-Sufficiency, Inc.


College and Community Fellowship

New York

Connections to Success


Exponents, Inc.

New York






Post Summit

Ask program staff and partners what questions, issues, and challenges they face in the summit topic areas and record the responses in the workbook. We’ve provided some questions to use as guidance.

Use the workbook to take notes and refer to and report on the issues, questions, and challenges that program staff raised; use breakout sessions to strategize on how to incorporate lessons learned into program goals.

Use the notes, feedback, and strategies documented in this workbook to begin the process of refining your implementation plan and solidifying action items.


There are three parts to each exercise: • Pre-Training Items to Consider: Issues and questions to discuss with program staff before arriving at the summit that will inform the Q&A period during each presentation. • Supporting Resources: Resources pertaining to the issues discussed in each presentation that can be found on the USB drive provided at check-in. • Breakout Discussion Sessions: Discussion questions to consider after each presentation that will help facilitate discussion during breakout sessions.





Wednesday, June 3, 2015 8:00 a.m.

Registration (22nd Floor Lobby)

8:30 a.m.

Welcome (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) o Suzanne Brown-McBride, Deputy Director, The Council of State Governments Justice Center o Andre Bethea, Policy Advisor, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice o Patrick Dunckhorst, Program Specialist, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice

9:00 a.m.

Keynote (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) Vivian Nixon, Executive Director, College and Community Fellowship

9:30 a.m.


9:45 a.m.

Integrating Risk-Reduction Strategies into Case Management (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) Presenter: Ann-Marie Louison, Co-Director of Adult Behavioral Health Programs, CASES

11:15 a.m.

Breakout Discussion Session

12:00 p.m.

Lunch (on your own)

1:15 p.m.

Fostering Client Engagement –Simultaneous Livestream– (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) Facilitator: Kati Habert, Deputy Program Director, The Council of State Governments Justice Center Presenters: o Jac Charlier, Director, Consulting and Training, Center for Health and Justice, TASC o Amelia Murphy, Director of Recovery Support, Santa Maria Hostel o Vivian Nixon, Executive Director, College and Community Fellowship, NY

2:45 p.m.


3:00 p.m.

Breakout Discussion Session

4:15 p.m.

Day 1 Group Session with TA Providers/DOJ Staff o Chidi Umez/Maureen Richey (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) o Nicole Jarrett/Dan Baeder/Jan De la Cruz (Manhattan) o Ronin Davis/Patrick Dunckhorst (Bronx)

5:00 p.m.





Thursday, June 4, 2015 8:30 a.m.

Engaging Mentees through Motivational Interviewing (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) Presenter: Michael Clark, Director, The Center for Strength-Based Strategies

10:30 a.m.


10:45 a.m.

Strengthening Families; Supporting Fathers through Reentry (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) Facilitator: Ronin Davis, Policy Analyst, The Council of State Governments Justice Center Presenters: o Chris Brown, President, National Fatherhood Initiative o Vernon Wallace, Manager, Baltimore Responsible Fatherhood Project, Center for Urban Families o Rose Bynum, Program Specialist Region III, Office of Child Support Enforcement, Administration for Children & Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

12:00 p.m.

Lunch (on your own)

1:00 p.m.

Strategy Session: Applying Lessons Learned to your Agency’s Work (Grantees meet with TA providers) o Chidi Umez/Maureen Richey (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) o Nicole Jarrett/Dan Baeder/Jan De la Cruz (Manhattan) o Ronin Davis (Bronx)

2:00 p.m.

Closing Remarks (Brooklyn/Queens Training Room) o Suzanne Brown-McBride, Deputy Director, The Council of State Governments Justice Center o Andre Bethea, Policy Advisor, Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice

2:30 p.m.





Incorporating Risk-Reduction Strategies into Case Management •

Pre$Training*Items*to*Consider! Does!your!program!have!access!to!risk/needs!assessment!data?! ! o If!so,!how!is!that!information!used?! o If!not,!what!are!the!barriers!to!getting!this!information!and!how!might!those!barriers!be!overcome?!

! •


! •

Does!program!staff!have!questions!concerning!how!assessments!result!in!appropriate!service/program! referral?!

! •

How!do!mentors!and!program!staff!address!the!criminogenic!needs!of!their!mentees?! o How!are!mentors!focusing!on!the!nonEcriminogenic!needs!of!their!mentees?!

! •


! •

• • •

• •

Does!your!agency’s!vision,!mission,!goals,!and!service!delivery!model!reflect!evidenceEbased!practices!and!data! driven!work?! Supporting*Resources! Crime!and!Justice!Institute!at!Community!Resources!for!Justice,!Implementing!Evidence/Based!Policy!and! Practice!in!Community!Corrections,!2nd!ed.!(Washington,!DC:!National!Institute!of!Corrections,!2009).!! David!D’Amora,!Risk!Need!Responsivity!101:!A!Primer!for!SCA!and!JMHCP!Grant!Recipients,!webinar,!2015,!91! minutes.!! Elizabeth!Seigle,!Nastassia!Walsh,!and!Josh!Weber,!Core!Principles!for!Reducing!Recidivism!and!Improving!Other! Outcomes!For!Youth!In!The!Juvenile!Justice!System!(New!York:!The!Council!of!State!Governments!Justice!Center,! 2014).!! Mark!Carey,!Coaching!Packet!/!Effective!Case!Management,!ed.!Madeline!M.!Carter!(Silver!Spring,!MD:!The! Center!for!Effective!Public!Policy,!2010).!! The!Pew!Center!on!the!States,!Risk!Needs!Assessment!101!/!Science!Reveals!New!Tools!to!Manage!Offenders! (Washington,!DC:!The!Pew!Charitable!Trusts,!2011).!





Breakout Discussion Sessions ! Learning*Objectives* • • • •

Determine!the!difference!between!criminogenic!and!nonEcriminogenic!needs! Apply!the!riskEneedEresponsivity!principle!to!case!planning!and!service!delivery! Utilize!mentoring!as!a!tool!to!address!identified!needs! Identify!trainings!for!staff!and!mentors!to!effectively!incorporate!the!riskEneedEresponsivity!principle!in! their!work!

! ! Discussion*Question*1:* How!is!your!program!currently!using!risk/needs!assessment!data?!Given!the!information!presented! today,!how!do!you!think!that!your!program!could!use!risk/needs!data!more!effectively!to!connect! individuals!to!the!services!that!match!their!needs?! ! ! ! ! ! !! Discussion*Question*2:* How!does!your!program!coordinate!case!planning!with!mentoring!or!other!services?!How!can!you! incorporate!evidenceEbased!practices!into!the!mentoring/client!relationship?!! ! ! ! ! ! Discussion*Question*3:* What!challenges!do!you!anticipate!when!it!comes!to!training!program!staff/mentors!on!RNR!principles?! How!will!you!monitor!or!measure!whether!staff/mentors!are!implementing!RNR!principles!in!their! work?! ! ! ! ! !




Fostering Client Engagement •

Pre$Training*Items*to*Consider! What!is!your!program’s!attrition!rate?!How!is!attrition!being!measured?!How!do!your!actual!attrition!rates! compare!to!attrition!rates!you!may!have!planned!on?!

! •

How!are!clientEmentor!matches!made?!How!does!your!program!solicit!feedback!on!the!effectiveness!of!this! matching!process!(or!what!might!be!improved)?!!

! •



We!ask!that!you!take!5–10!minutes!to!complete!the!Keirsey!Temperament!Sorter!at!!This!KTSEII! test!is!one!example!of!a!free!and!widely!accessible!tool!that!can!help!identify!people’s!intrinsic!motivations,! desired!communication!styles,!general!outlook,!and!more.!!

! !

! • •

Supporting*Resources! National!Reentry!Resource!Center,!Using!a!Systems!Approach!to!Increase!Client!Engagement!and!Retention!in! the!Community,!webinar,!2014,!90!mins.!! Council!of!State!Governments!Justice!Center,!Treatment!Alternatives!for!Safe!Communities,!and!the!Addiction! Technology!Transfer!Center!Network,!Reentry!Planning!to!Support!Post/Release!Engagement!and!Retention!in! Community!Treatment,!webinar,!2013,!80!mins.!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !




Breakout Discussion Session ! Learning*Objectives* •





! ! Discussion*Question*1:* What!challenges!has!your!program!experienced!in!engaging!clients!in!preErelease!and!postErelease! services?!Which!strategies!contribute!to!client!engagement?! ! ! ! ! ! Discussion*Question*2:* What!are!some!ways!that!you!and!your!partners!could!improve!engagement!in!reentry!services!in!your! program!and!community?!! ! ! ! ! ! Discussion*Question*3:** How!does!your!mentor/mentee!matching!process!foster!client!engagement?!In!what!ways!do!your! mentors!support!or!promote!engagement!in!reentry!services?! ! ! ! ! !



! SPEAKER BIOGRAPHIES Andre Bethea, Policy Advisor for Corrections Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Andre Bethea is the policy advisor for corrections at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance. Previously, Mr. Bethea served as the director for program operations and policy at the New York City Department of Correction (NYCDOC) where he managed external relationships with community-based organizations and research institutions, as well as developed policy/curriculum, identified best practices, and supervised programmatic initiatives for adolescents and young adults in custody. As a legal coordinator prior to this, he provided law library and research services for individuals in custody at NYCDOC. His career in criminal justice began as an analyst for the New York City Police Department. Mr. Bethea received his MA in library and information science from Pratt Institute and his BA in criminal justice from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Christopher A. Brown, President National Fatherhood Initiative Christopher A. Brown is president of National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI). Chris has been with NFI since 2000, having previously served as executive vice president. He served as a social marketing specialist and health communications consultant with the Texas Department of State Health Services before joining NFI. Chris oversees NFI’s strategy and business model development and implementation, operations, and fundraising. He is responsible for the development, implementation, evaluation, and improvement of NFI’s products, programs, training, and services. Chris has played a critical role in shaping NFI’s focus as the leading provider of fatherhood skill-building resources in the country and the leading trainer of organizations and practitioners seeking to offer fatherhood programs in their communities. He has been the organization’s foremost developer of its world-class fatherhood programs. Mr. Brown received his BA in anthropology from the University of North Texas, and his MA in applied anthropology from the University of South Florida. Rose M. Bynum, Program Specialist Office of Child Support Enforcement, Region III, Administration for Children & Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Rose M. Bynum is a program specialist with the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) Region III with oversight responsibility for the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. She has more than 26 years of combined county, state, and federal child support experience. Her responsibilities include technical review and assistance for the state child support programs as well as the initiation and coordination of activities and projects that support the child support mission of strengthening families and family stability. Ms. Bynum is the fatherhood lead for the Region III OCSE and for the OCSE’s Homeless Veterans’ Project for Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC. Additionally, she provides leadership that ensures responsiveness to all formal or external inquiries addressing concerns about individual child support cases. She has a BA in criminal justice from LaSalle University and is pursuing an MA in divinity at the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Philadelphia. !


! Jac A. Charlier, Director of Consulting and Training Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC) Jac Charlier is an expert in community corrections policy and civic engagement, including developing strategies and solutions that meet the needs of both the criminal justice system and the community. He currently leads criminal justice consulting and training services for the Center for Health and Justice at TASC, specializing in system-level solutions to substance use and mental health challenges across the criminal justice system. Mr. Charlier joined TASC in 2011 after 16 years of service in the State Parole Division of the Illinois Department of Corrections, where he specialized in building connections between parole and the community, and bringing innovations from research into practice. He served as the criminal justice representative for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the University of Illinois-Chicago and is an adjunct faculty member at several Chicago-area universities, where he teaches criminal justice courses around ethics, leadership, research, and management. Mr. Charlier is a military veteran and is active with the American Legion. He received his MPA from The Ohio State University and his BS in mathematics at University of Illinois-Urbana. Michael Clark, Director The Center for Strength-Based Strategies Michael Clark is a forensic social worker who has served as a probation officer and circuit court magistrate in Lansing, Michigan. For the past 15 years, Mr. Clark has directed the Center for Strength-Based Strategies, a Michigan-based training and technical assistance group. He is long-time member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers. In 2014, Mr. Clark was contracted to join the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna, Austria as a secretariat/consultant for substance use issues. He is also a co-author to the upcoming book, Motivational Interviewing for Offender Rehabilitation and Reentry, to be published in 2016 by Guilford Press. Patrick Dunckhorst, Program Specialist Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Patrick Dunckhorst is a program specialist with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Prior to joining OJJDP, he served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 27 years, where he became well versed in working with young men and young women as well as families. His last assignment in the U.S. Marine Corps was as the executive director of the Community Services Division headquarters in Washington DC. In this capacity, he was responsible for family, youth and individual services ranging from alcohol and substance use prevention and treatment programs, to family advocacy programs, to transition/relocation services, to mental health services, to wellness programs at 19 installations serving Marines and their families throughout the United States and Japan. In March 2002, he joined the Drug-Free Communities Support Program Team at OJJDP as a program manager.



! Ann-Marie Louison, Co-Director of Adult Behavioral Health Programs CASES Ann-Marie Louison is the co-director of Adult Behavioral Health programs at CASES. She joined CASES in 1999 and is the co-founder of the Nathaniel Project, the first alternative-to-incarceration program in the Manhattan Supreme Court for adults with severe and persistent mental illness who are convicted of felony offenses. The Nathaniel Project won the 2002 Thomas M. Wernert Award for Innovations in Community Behavioral Healthcare and was licensed in June 2003 by the New York State Office of Mental Health to provide evidenced-based Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) services. Ms. Louison became the director of Mental Health Programs in 2002, overseeing Nathaniel ACT and subsequently launching the EXIT and Transitional Case Management programs. In 2011, CASES merged its criminal court and mental health programs into a new program group known as Adult Behavioral Health. Prior to joining CASES, Ms. Louison was a social worker for the Manhattan Psychiatric Center on Ward’s Island and a probation officer in England. Amelia Murphy, Director of Recovery Support Services Santa Maria Hostel, Inc. Amelia Murphy was among the first graduates of Santa Maria Hostel, Inc. in 1990 and became a member of the alumni association. Ms. Murphy is in long-term recovery and a strong advocate of the peer-to-peer model in the recovery community. Currently, Ms. Murphy is a member of the Recovery Oriented System of Care-Houston (ROSC) and is part of the Recovery Advocacy Committee and Criminal Justice Committee. She also serves as an active member with The Reentry Coalition, The National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare, and the Houston Super Neighborhood Council. Ms. Murphy works in many capacities with the drug and alcohol treatment field for women and their children, and has a passion for people who need recovery coaching as part of the continuum of care. She focuses on chemical dependency, trauma support, mental health support, and dual recovery support for incarcerated, indigent, and homeless individuals. Ms. Murphy is currently working towards her BA in psychology at Walden University and has received the recovery coach train-the-trainer certificate. She recently passed the Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals exam for the State of Texas. Vivian Nixon, Executive Director College and Community Fellowship Vivian Nixon is executive director of College and Community Fellowship, an organization committed to removing individual and structural barriers to higher education for women with criminal record histories and their families. She is currently a Columbia University Community Scholar and has received multiple honors, including the John Jay Medal for Justice, the Ascend Fellowship at the Aspen Institute, the Soros Justice Fellowship, and the Petra Foundation Fellowship. Her leadership activities include co-founding the Education Inside Out Coalition, a collaborative effort to increase access to higher education for justice-involved students, and serving on the Advisory Board of JustLeadershipUSA.




Vernon Wallace, Baltimore Responsible Fatherhood Project Program Manager Center for Urban Families Vernon Wallace joined the Center for Urban Families in August 2011 as the program manager for the Baltimore Responsible Fatherhood Project. Prior to joining the Center for Urban Families, Mr. Wallace was the director of two homeless shelters in Baltimore. In 2007, he first became involved in the responsible fatherhood field as program coordinator of the Youth Fathers’ Program in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. As a married man and father of a 3-year-old, Mr. Wallace’s passion for assisting fathers has grown tremendously. He performs outreach in jails in different counties as well partners with local elementary schools to provide fatherhood services for parents and students, and continues to strengthen partnerships with Baltimore City Child Support, where he has sat on the advisory board. Mr. Wallace was recently appointed by former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley to be a member of the Commission for Child Custody Decision-Making. As a result, a child custody statute was drafted. Mr. Wallace was selected as one of the commissioners to present the statute to the Senate and House Judiciary Committees in Maryland. He received his BS in telecommunications from Morgan State University. !




! COUNCIL OF STATE GOVERNMENTS JUSTICE CENTER STAFF BIOGRAPHIES Daniel Baeder, Program Associate Dan Baeder is a program associate within the Reentry Program, where he focuses particularly on health care policy issues affecting individuals who are involved with the criminal justice system. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Mr. Baeder worked as a research associate at the Ohio Legislative Service Commission, where he focused on insurance law and policy—including the impact of the Affordable Care Act at the state level—and the development of state-based health insurance exchanges. He holds a BA in economics and political science from Case Western Reserve University. Suzanne Brown-McBride, Deputy Director Suzanne Brown-McBride is the deputy director of the CSG Justice Center. Previously, Ms. Brown-McBride served as the executive director for two statewide victim assistance associations, the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault and the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs. She acted as chair of both the California Sex Offender Management Board and the Washington State Department of Corrections Victims Council. Ms. BrownMcBride was also an appointee to the California Alliance to Combat Trafficking and Slavery and the Washington State Sentencing Guidelines Commission. Prior to this, she worked on behalf of sexual assault victims as a community education specialist and crisis line advocate. She is a 2010 recipient of the Lois Haight Award of Excellence and Innovation, which honors a professional whose efforts have had a significant impact on local, state, national, or international public policy development and implementation that promote dignity, respect, rights, and services for victims of crime. She received her BA in English and history from Pacific University. Jan De la Cruz, Program Associate, Jan De la Cruz is a program associate working with the Reentry Program. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, he worked as an administrative/operations specialist at TGM Associates. For his Master’s degree capstone, Mr. De la Cruz studied policy issues in New Jersey’s community release program and presented alternatives to improve oversight on the state’s halfway houses. Mr. De la Cruz received his BA in Criminal Justice and his MPA, specializing in operational oversight, from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.



! Ronin A. Davis, Policy Analyst Ronin Davis is a policy analyst with the Reentry Program at the CSG Justice Center. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Mr. Davis worked on the Strong Fathers, Stronger Families program at Seedco, where he oversaw four community-based organizations that provide services to parents who are low income. He has also worked on alternatives to incarceration for vulnerable populations through internships at the Legal Aid Society and the Center for Court Innovation’s Midtown Community Court. Before moving to New York, Mr. Davis worked in juvenile detention as a bond commissioner and community justice professional at the Boulder County Juvenile Assessment Center in Colorado. He is a licensed master social worker in the state of New York. He received his MS in social work from Columbia University and his BA in psychology and English from the University of Colorado-Boulder. Kati Habert, Deputy Program Director, National Initiatives Kati Habert works mainly with the National Reentry Resource Center to support grantee activities focused on family substance use treatment and co-occurring substance and mental health disorders. Previously, as a senior associate with the National Association of Counties in the County Services Department’s Community Services Division, she worked on criminal justice technical assistance and education, working with various federal and foundation partners to bring justice assistance to counties. Ms. Habert has worked on a diverse range of issues, including reentry, methamphetamine prevention, mental health and substance use co-occurring disorders, juvenile justice, and pretrial services. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a BA and an MA in criminal justice/criminology. Nicole Jarrett, Senior Policy Analyst Nicole Jarrett works on the Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project team and provides support to some of the center’s health-related efforts. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Dr. Jarrett served as the director of Health Policy Research at the National Medical Association, where she worked on a variety of research and stakeholder projects on improving systems of care for underserved populations. She was also a research and evaluation consultant to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation and the director of Community Health Policy for the Baltimore City Health Department. She received her BS in public health from Rutgers University and her PhD from Johns Hopkins University.



! Gerard Murphy, Deputy Director, National Initiatives Gerard Murphy is the deputy director of National Initiatives at the CSG Justice Center. In this role, he coordinates activities among program areas and provides administrative oversight. In addition, he directs the Law Enforcement Program. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, he was the director of Homeland Security and Development at the Police Executive Research Forum, a nonprofit membership organization of law enforcement leaders. There, he managed a variety of grant-funded projects focusing on research and technical assistance for law enforcement agencies; oversaw the development of new project ideas; and authored twenty publications that provide policy advice and guidance to leaders in law enforcement. He also spent 12 years with the Baltimore County Police Department as assistant to the chief and director of Planning and Research, where he wrote agency policies and procedures, developed strategic plans, conducted program evaluations, and directed the Baltimore County Police Foundation. He received his MA in public policy and administration from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and his BA from Providence College. ! Maureen Richey, Policy Analyst Before joining the staff of the CSG Justice Center, Maureen Richey was an analyst with the Joint Public Policy Office of the Alliance for Children and Families and the United Neighborhood Centers of America in Washington, DC, where she focused on neighborhood revitalization and place-based policy. Ms. Richey has diverse experience in housing policy, especially homeless services and housing instability. She has worked as a consultant for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and completed two years of AmeriCorps VISTA service in southwest Oregon. Ms. Richey has a BA in history from the University of Chicago and an MA in public policy from Duke University. Michael Thompson, Director Michael Thompson is the director of the CSG Justice Center. He has worked on criminal justice policy issues with the organization since 1997, getting his start with CSG’s Eastern Regional Conference. He has launched and overseen various national policy initiatives to improve outcomes for people with mental illnesses in the criminal justice system; enhance the ability of people released from prisons and jails to succeed in the community; and increase public safety, reduce spending on corrections, and improve conditions in the neighborhoods to which most people released from prison return. These efforts have prompted congressional hearings, federal legislation, national news coverage, and bipartisan legislative and programmatic initiatives in states across the country. Prior to joining CSG, Mr. Thompson worked for three years for the Office of the Court Monitor, established by a U.S. District Court judge, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Mr. Thompson received his BA with honors from Middlebury College.



! Angela Tolosa, Deputy Program Director Angela Tolosa is a deputy program director for reentry within National Initiatives at the CSG Justice Center. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, Ms. Tolosa worked at the New York City Department of Correction (NYCDOC) as the assistant commissioner for Skills Development and Program Services, responsible for the oversight of NYCDOC’s provision of educational services, job training, grievance resolution, and law library services for individuals in NYCDOC custody. In that capacity, she managed relationships with NYCDOC stakeholders and partners, including the New York City Department of Education and several community-based organizations. Additionally, she oversaw the operations of the city’s first social impact bond-funded initiative, which seeks to reduce recidivism among adolescents in NYCDOC custody. Previously, Ms. Tolosa worked as an executive director of the New York City’s Department of Small Business Services, managing operations of Workforce1 Career Centers. She also worked at the Center for Court Innovation in various capacities, most recently as the project director of Midtown Community Court. She received her JD from Brooklyn Law School and her BA in sociology from Brown University. Chidi Umez, Policy Analyst Chidi Umez is a policy analyst with the National Division’s Reentry program, providing technical assistance to organizations that implement adult mentoring reentry programs. Prior to joining the CSG Justice Center, she worked at the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health at the University of Texas-Austin, where she contributed her writing on juvenile justice legislative reform to an annual publication. She has also served as a legislative aide in the Texas House of Representatives and as a court attorney in the New York Civil Supreme Court. Ms. Umez received a BA in English and corporate communications from University of Houston, and a JD from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University.




NRRC Technical Assistance Providers Nicole Jarrett

Jan De la Cruz

Chidi Umez

Maureen Richey!!

Dan Baeder

Ronin Davis

Andre Bethea | Policy Advisor Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice

Patrick Dunckhorst | Program Specialist Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs U.S. Department of Justice

Suzanne Brown-McBride | Deputy Director The Council of State Governments Justice Center

Jerry Murphy | Director of Technical Assistance The Council of State Governments Justice Center

Michael Thompson | Director The Council of State Governments Justice Center

Angela Tolosa | Deputy Director of Reentry The Council of State Governments Justice Center



! SECOND CHANCE ACT Signed into law on April 9, 2008, the Second Chance Act (SCA) (P.L. 110-199) was designed to improve outcomes for people returning to communities after incarceration. This first-of-its-kind legislation authorizes federal grants to government agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide support strategies and services designed to help reduce recidivism by improving outcomes for people returning from prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities. The Second Chance Act’s grant programs are funded and administered by the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice. Within the Office of Justice Programs, the Bureau of Justice Assistance awards Second Chance Act grants serving adults and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention awards grants serving youth. For more information, please visit ADULT MENTORING AND TRANSITIONAL SERVICES GRANTS FOR SUCCESSFUL REENTRY PROGRAM First funded in 2009, this SCA mentoring grant program supports nonprofit organizations and federally recognized Indian tribes that provide mentoring, case management, and other transitional services to adults returning from prison and jail. SCA mentoring grants provide up to $300,000 over a two-year grant period. Beginning in 2011, BJA began offering mentoring grants in two categories: adult mentoring, and mentoring focused on promoting responsible parenting. COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY-BASED ADULT REENTRY PROGRAM UTILZING MENTORS In FY2014, the Bureau of Justice Assistance introduced the SCA Comprehensive Community-Based Adult Reentry Program Utilizing Mentors grant solicitation. This grant is intended to support nonprofit organizations that have a documented history of providing comprehensive, evidence-based reentry services. Recipients of this grant award are able to receive $1 million over a 36-month period. The goal of this program is to promote effective and successful reentry for formerly incarcerated individuals by supporting programs that offer comprehensive wraparound reentry plans while utilizing trained mentors. The primary goal of the mentoring process in this program is to prepare an individual prior to release for reentry, and support him/her during the reentry process to enhance success and promote public safety post-release. STRENGTHENING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN YOUNG FATHERS AND THEIR CHILDREN: A REENTRY MENTORING PROJECT In FY2014, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention awarded $2 million in grant funds to five grant recipients under the SCA Strengthening Relationships Between Young Fathers And Their Children Reentry Mentoring Project. This initiative supports nonprofit organizations and federally recognized Indian tribes that provide mentoring and transitional services to young fathers who are reintegrating from secure confinement facilities and out-of-home placement back into their communities. The goals of this solicitation are to reduce recidivism among young fathers; improve outcomes for young fathers, their children, and family members; and promote responsible fatherhood.



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