America A an Probation annd Paroole Assoociationn c//o The Council of Staate Governments 2760 2 Research Park Drive Lexington, KY, 40511-8482 PPh. (859) 244-8203 Fax (859) 244-8001 E-mail: appa@
FOR IMMEDIATE R RELEASE – Deceember 1, 2015 5
New Exe ecutive Directo or Named by thhe American Probation and P Parole Associattion After a nationwide se earch, Veronicaa Ballard Cunniingham, a 35‐yyear veteran off pretrial, prob bation and paro ole ms in Louisiana,, Texas and Illin nois, has been appointed as tthe new Execu utive Director ffor the America an system Probation an nd Parole Asso ociation (APPA)). She officiallyy takes the helm m on January 4 4, 2016.
PRESIDENTT Susan Burke Utah
PRESIDENTT-ELECT Erika Preuitt Oregon
VICE-PRESIDENT Deborah Minardi Nebraska
PAST-PRESIIDENT Carmen Rodriguez Illinois
SECRETARYY Deena Corso Oregon
TREASURERR Paula Keatiing Massachusetts
Veronica Ballard Cunningh ham
nningham brin ngs with her the credentials oof having workked in the field as an officer aand the skills off an “Ms. Cun executivve, both of which we were se eeking in a new w Executive Dirrector,” said AP PPA President Susan Burke. Ms. Cunningham has aa Master’s Deggree in Crimina l Justice from Louisiana Statee University. She is currently Orleans Pretrial Services, a deemonstration p project through the Vera Insttitute of Justice e. the Director for New O ouisiana Deparrtment of Publiic Safety. She She begaan her career aas a probation and parole offficer for the Lo then relo ocated to Texaas and became the Director oof Parole Servicces for the Texxas Departmen nt of Criminal Justice. A As director she e led service prrovision to 70,0000 clients and d directed a staaff of 2,400 in 70 offices statewid de. After 17 years in Texas, sh he moved to C hicago to beco ome the Directtor for Cook Co ounty Adult Probatio on where she h had responsibillity for a $45 m million budget aand staff of 1,0 000. Ms. Cunningham also has work expe erience as a vic e president in the non‐profitt sector promo oting successful nt for people w with criminal reecords. From 22008 to 2014 she led fundraising and publicc workforcce developmen policy effforts, facilitate ed strategic plaanning, secureed public and p private grants, and led the external commun nications strate egy. She also h had a brief stintt as a national government rrelations directtor for a private company that offered a treatment protocol for inddividuals with aalcohol and dru ug addictions. orward to lead ding the associaation as its straategic direction evolves to in nfluence the naational “I look fo conversaation about the role of comm munity correctiions in reducin ng our reliance on jails and prrisons,” said M Ms. Cunninggham. The Ame erican Probatio on and Parole A Association is aan international association composed of m members from m the United States, Canada and otherr countries actiively involved w with pretrial, p probation, paro ole and commun nity‐based corrrections, in botth criminal andd juvenile justice arenas. Thee Association delivers training g and education to its m membership and d other professsionals; leads and participatees in research and program e‐based practicces in commun nity corrections; and promotes national development for advancing evidence ds and practice es for commun nity correctionss professionalss. standard
Les Schultz Minnesota