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AROH Foundation AROH

Annual Report 2015-16


Empowering People... Building Resources...



AROH seeks a world where people live in dignity and security and there are equal opportunities for all. The vision is for empowerment of the underprivileged and deprived communities and to see that their development creates a productive force for the process of national development.

To provide eective assistance to the underprivileged, weak and poor people and communities, especially women, in rural and semirural areas and slums by way of developing their life-skills, economic-skills and socio cultural-skills and making them self-reliant. AROH's overarching mission is to create an equitable society where all human beings coexist with dignity.

Message from the President Though it is said that India is at the cusp of change, there is still a long way to go in improving the socioeconomic status of its citizens. A run-through of its national profile shows an India that’s exponentially growing, yet its negative effects are a concern. And still larger parts of the nation continue to be at a disadvantage as the benefits of development still have not reached them. Almost 68 per cent of the country is rural, yet the other 32 per cent is always in the news. In fact, the very perception of “development” is narrowly based on what constitutes Western urban development, or development that benefits urban India more than rural India. Today, after 7 decades of independence, the villages take a backseat in almost every aspect of socioeconomic analysis. We have created an economy of rich cities and poor villages, surging urban areas and decaying rural areas. A look at the Socio-Economic Census (2011) data regarding rural livelihood and employment is scary. Almost three fourths of the rural households live with a monthly income of less than Rs 5000. More than half the rural households do not own land and more than half of them are casual labour.

For the past 15 years, AROH has been working in the sectors of Education, Skill Development and empowerment of youth and women, specially from rural backgrounds. The Foundation has developed some pioneering programmes in Education and Skill Development which have benefited several of poor and backward communities. In the year 2015-16, in addition to education and skills and enterprises, the Foundation has started working on an integrated approach for rural development. Selected villages are provided all round help and support to bring improvement to their socio economic and environmental status. The Foundation strives to eliminate poverty and gender inequality through its various focussed programmes on women’s empowerment and capacity building. The Foundation has gained rich experience in running women oriented skill development programmes, specially for rural women, thereby empowering them for taking up gainful engagement, either through job placement or enterprise. We thank our partners from prestigious corporates and public sector organisations, who have made our journey possible. Dr Neelam Gupta Founder President & CEO



‌to create a sustainable pool of resources (human, natural and others) to bring social and economic transforma on in villages

Rural Development - Key to Nation’s Progress

Eorts Towards Sustainable Rural Development Holistic Rural Development Programmes were continued in the 24 villages of Chhattisgarh and 5 villages of Meghalaya covering a population of over 50,000. A programme on Natural Resource Management and environmental improvement was also taken up in 6 villages of Gautam Budh Nagar District in UP. In 2015-16, the various programmes envisage to provide better life and prosperity in a total of 35 villages in 3 states through various interventions.

Training and capacity building of farmers During the year 2015-16, more than 4,000 farmers were trained in better farm and crop practices in 35 villages in the states of Chhattisgarh, UP and Meghalaya. As a result of training and exposure to better practices, most of the farmers were able to improve the quality and quantity of their produce and subsequently earn better incomes. The intervention also gave them nutritional support through successful cultivation in their backyards.

Non-farm practices for farmers’ sustenance During the year 2015-15, more than 400 farmers were trained to set up their azolla and vermicompost units to improve the status of their livestock and crops.

320 SHGs 3,000 Women 5 States Successfully trained to run enterprises such as: Mushroom cultivation Goatry Piggery Rabbit Rearing Soap and detergent making Pickle making Badi and Papad making Bee Keeping Vermicomposting Azolla Culture Soft Toy making SHGs are being constituted and promoted in all programmes of rural development, skill development and rural enterprises. During the year, AROH has worked with more than 350 SHGs on various types of trainings, skills and income genetaion programmes.

Women SHG working on mushroom cultivation in Chhattisgarh

Enriching Lives through Rural Enterprises During the year 2015-16, over 1,600 women received skills and capacity to take up an additional vocation to help them earn some extra income while being at home for their family. Women participated in large numbers and learnt the skills to create new things and a source of income for themselves.

Women SHG working on mushroom cultivation in Chhattisgarh

Improving Rural Economy through Rural Enterprises During the year 2015-16, 1,700 women received training in various trades to take up an additional vocation and supplement their family income. Several market driven trades like cutting & tailoring, beauty culture, computer applications, weaving, accounting, retail and hospitality, etc were taken up at various project locations. Women beneďŹ ciaries were gainfully engaged in job or self employment. Some women who could not take up any job or enterprise, could utilise their acquired skills by doing their own work and saving money.

Addressing Unemployment and Poverty DDU-GKY AROH Foundation is the PIA (Programme Implementing Agency) for the prestigious and agship scheme of Ministry of Rural Development. The scheme called Deen Dayal Upadhyay Grameen Kaushalya Yojna (earlier known as Aajeevika) aims to prepare poor rural youth for jobs through training and placement services. During the year, DDUGKY programme was in operation in the states of Bihar, Odisha and UP. The Centres are state-of-the-art modern residential training centres which provide all facilities required for quality training in selected trades. After the training, all beneďŹ ciaries are placed in suitable jobs in good industries. During 2015-16, overall through various DDU-GKY and other skill development projects, more than 3500 poor rural youth were trained and placed in jobs.

Rural Innovations Women Empowerment is at the core of all programmes taken up by the Foundation. In order to improve the lives of women by reducing drudgery and misery in their lives the Foundation continued with the deployment of innovative tools like smokeless chulhas, water wheels, innovative ways of composting, nutritional gardening, etc., which started in the previous years. In the year 2015-16, more than 3000 women in the states of Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh were helped in improving their lives.

Promoting Quality in Education During the year 2015-16, initiatives were taken up to improve quality of education in more than 250 schools in the states of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh through the following initiatives: Ÿ

110 school buildings repaired and repainted to make them appealing to students.


Water facility provided for children in 50 schools.


Toilets constructed in 128 schools in Bihar and Chhattisgarh under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.


Statewide mass awareness campaigns under CLTS.


BALA Concept painted in the classrooms of 30 schools.


Library shelves provided in 32 schools.

Improving Learning Outcomes During the year 2015-16, initiatives were taken up to improve quality of education for 500 educationally backward children in the slums of South Delhi. Project RISE (Remedial Innovation in School Education) seeks to provide educational facilities to poor and backward slum children so that they can be taught after school in order to improve their learning outcomes. Most of the slum children do not study at home. Parents are generally not around and even if they are at home, they do not pay attention to education of their child. So far programme Padho aur Badho and RISE have helped more than 40,000 children improve their learning outcomes.

Improving Natural Resources During the year 2015-16, several initiatives were taken up to improve the natural resources in villages under the integrated rural development projects in the states of Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh. Ÿ

5 ponds were rejuvenated in Chhattisgarh during the year.


3 rainwater harvesting ponds were created.


Group borewells were created as an innovative measure to revamp lost water bodies


Plantation drive was taken up in 35 villages covered under different initiatives


Awareness was created in 35 villages about judicious use of water.

Working Towards Swachh Bharat In the year 2015-16, various interventions were taken up to contribute towards the national mission of Swachh Bharat. 타

Construction of toilets with water lifting and storage units was taken up in 250 schools in Chhattisgarh and 5 schools in UP.

140 old and defunct toilets were taken up for renovation in Chhattisgarh.

Large scale awareness campaigns were taken up in the states of Chhattisgarh, UP and Meghalaya to facilitate Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in project areas.

Bal Sansads and Swachhta Doots were created for maintenance and use of toilets constructed.

Harnessing Renewable Energy During the year 2015-16, various interventions were taken up to provide solar powered infrastructure in areas receiving inadequate power supply or water supply. 345 solar street lights were installed in villages in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. Solar Lanterns were distributed to 400 students and to help them study at night. Solar home lighting systems were installed in 5 Panchayats in Rajasthan and 300 households in Chhattisgarh.

Financial Reports 2015-16 In the year 2015-16, the Foundation had a turnover of 15,77,06,825.70 as against the last year’s turnover of Rs. 9,36,76,294.00. Some of the extensive programmes which contributed to the funding in 2015-16 were Sanitation and Rural skills and placement programmes. The Foundation reported a growth of nearly 25% from the previous year’s income. The growth trend seems to continue in the coming year as some of the programmes are long duration which would continue for three of more years.








…“ Current Year F. Y 2015-16 (Rs.)

INCOME : Project Grants Bank Interset & Other Income Total

9,29,05,448.00 7,70,846.02 9,36,76,294.02


7,76,99,173.63 18,56,902.00 33,09,466.10 8,28,65,541.73

6,52,30,397.20 14,84,283.17 44,80,420.00 7,11,95,100.37



Surplus/ (Deficit)




Previous Year F. Y 2014-15 (Rs.)

14,69,99,984.60 8,04,718.00 14,78,04,702.60

EXPENDITURE : Projects Expenses Deprecation Adminstration Expenses


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…“ Current Year F. Y 2015-16 (Rs.)

Assets : Fixed Assets Current Assets Loans & Advances Total

Previous Year F. Y 2014-15 (Rs.)

1,17,17,494.00 11,71,66,749.70 2,88,22,582.00 15,77,06,825.70

1,22,16,315.00 4,63,55,218.83 3,22,86,652.00 9,08,58,185.83

2,21,48,771.50 11,50,89,956.20 2,04,68,098.00

2,72,40,550.98 4,50,59,015.85 30,00,000.00 1,55,58,619.00



Liabilities : Corpus Accounts Funds Accumulated Unsecured Loan Current Liabilities Total Surplus/ (Deficit)



Project Sector

Details of major projects running in the year 2016-17 Funding Partner Projects


Integrated Village Development Programme

HDFC Bank, Uflex Ltd., Food Flex Ltd.

Integrated village development programme in states of UP, Meghalaya and Chhattisgarh with inetrventions such as Natural Resource Management, Rural Enterprises, Health and Sanitation, Agriculture and Livestock, 3 years, starting Renewable Energy etc. from 2015-16

Skills and Rural Enterprises

WAPCOS Ltd., Angelique Foundation, SAIL, BALCO, USHA International

Skilling of rural youth and women in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and Bihar and preparing them for rural enterprises through creation of SHGs.

3 years starting from 2014-15

Placement Linked Skill Development

Ministry of Rural Development, PREF

Placement linked skill development and training of rural youth and women in the states of Bihar, UP and Odisha.

Continues from 2014-15


Agricultural Insurance Company of India, Global Giving, HDFC Bank

Remedial Innovations in School Education in Delhi/NCR. Improvement in school infrastructure and quality of education in 3 years starting Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya and Uttar Pradesh from 2015-16

CSR Professionals Tarining


Training of young professionals in CSR domain

AROH Governing Body Members Dr. Neelam Gupta, Founder President and CEO Versha Gupta, Secretary Anupma Jain, Execu ve Member Shirley Jain, Execu ve Member Ashish Gupta, Execu ve Member Alka Jain, Execu ve Member Rita Gupta, Execu ve Member

ongoing from 2014-15

Statutory Details Organisation Name Registered Address Corporate Address: Phone Nos: Fax Nos. Registration Details: (Act & reg. number) Date of Registration: Type of Organisation Exemption-I.T/S-11 FCRA Registration E-mail Website Credentials/Associations

AROH Foundation 338, Than Singh Nagar, Anand Parbat, New Delhi-110 005 F 52, Sector 8, NOIDA 201301, U.P 0120-4328400- 30 0120-4328411 Registration as a Society under Societies Registration Act XXI 1860 . Registration No. : S 40061 2 August 2001 NGO Income Tax Exemption Certificate u/s 12 A & 80 G Regd. Under Section 6 (1) (a) of the FCRA Act, No. 231660518 ISO Certified 9001:2008 Certified Organization Empanelled with National IA Hub of Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) Empanelled with TISS CSR Hub Permanent registration with MoRD Empanelled with Niti Aayog Accredited by Credibility Alliance Member of Education Committee of PHD Chamber Empanelled with MNRE



F 52, Sector 8, NOIDA 201301 Regd Office: 338, Than Singh Nagar, Anand Parbat, New Delh 110005 Ph: 0120 4328401-30 Email: Websire:

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