Rock Creek Ranch 9,757.575± Acres | $8,050,000 | Amarillo , Texas | Potter County
Rock Creek Ranch We are extremely proud to have obtained an exclusive listing, co-brokered with Triangle Realty, LLC, on one of the most diverse ranches the Texas Panhandle has to offer - the Rock Creek Ranch. This outstanding and rare offering, in the Canadian River Breaks, includes approximately 9,757 acres adjoining the Lake Meredith National Recreation Area.
north of Amarillo, Texas in the heart of the Texas Panhandle. Access to the ranch is provided by a deeded easement off of graded Hagy Road. The ranch is secluded and private. Three large private land holdings adjoin the south, west and north sides of the ranch, with the Lake Meredith National Recreation Area adjoining the east boundary.
LOCATION The Rock Creek Ranch is conveniently located approximately 20 linear miles
TOPOGRAPHY The topography of the Rock Creek Ranch is diverse with a variety of land
types ranging from upland flats, elevated ridges, rugged canyons and creek bottoms. The ranch is situated in the Canadian River Breaks, approximately ½ mile west of Lake Meredith. Elevated uplands, with views of downtown Amarillo, extend, primarily, through the central part of the ranch with elevations in the 3,350-foot range. Rugged and scenic canyons surround the uplands, where elevations descend dramatically some 300 feet to the CONTINUED ON PG 9
bottoms. Rock Creek heads in the northern part of the ranch, draining to Lake Meredith. Other prominent drainages include McDowell Creek and Devil’s Canyon. Numerous other deep canyons and creek bottoms are found throughout the ranch. Along the winding graded ranch roads, one will find scenic lookouts over the many creek and canyon bottoms and stunning vistas over many miles of the Canadian River Breaks. The ranch has been conservatively stocked over the past several years and includes a good stand of native grasses and desirable browse for wildlife. Mesquite, along with buffalograss and grama are common on the uplands. The bottomland, along the creeks and draws, supports tall and midgrasses such as wildrye and bluestem, along with scattered plum thickets, hackberry and mesquite. WATER FEATURES The Rock Creek Ranch includes a variety of water features. The ranch has several different watering locations. Approximately 8 miles of pipeline, fed by a large storage tank and electric submersible well located in the west trap, supplies water to 10 different drinkers. Water wells include seven windmills, one solar well and two wells with electric submersible pumps. Surface water features include several earthen tanks and seasonal holes of water in the many draws and creek bottoms. IMPROVEMENTS Livestock facilities include a set of working pens with scales and an overhead two-hopper cake bin. The ranch is fenced and crossfenced into four main pastures and three traps. HUNTING, WILDLIFE & RECREATION The Rock Creek Ranch has excellent recreational features. The Canadian River corridor is famous for its trophy quality mule deer. The ranch also supports a good population of quality white-tail CONTINUED ON PG 12 deer, as
well as quail, bobcat and coyote. The ranch shares a boundary with the nearly 21,000-acre Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, providing easy access to public hunting lands. RESOURCES The Rock Creek Ranch is offered on a surface only basis. However, the ranch includes mineable caliche and all wind energy rights will be conveyed. REMARKS The opportunity to purchase a ranch property such as the Rock Creek Ranch is rare. With several large long-term family land holdings in the area, seldom does a ranch of this size within 30 minutes of Amarillo become available for purchase. This rare and unique offering is realistically priced at $825 per acre. If you are in the market for productive and very scenic Texas Panhandle ranch, look no further than the Rock Creek Ranch. This fine ranch property is offered exclusively by Chas. S. Middleton and Son, LLC and Triangle Realty, LLC. For more information, please contact Chad Dugger at (806) 773-4749 or JT Haynes (Owner/ Broker) at (806) 681-3421.
Aerial Map
Rock Creek Ranch
Amarillo , Texas | Potter County 9,757.575± Acres | $8,050,000
Topographic Map
Rock Creek Ranch
Amarillo , Texas | Potter County 9,757.575± Acres | $8,050,000
CHAD DUGGER, ARA Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker | TX General Certified Appraiser | TX, NM
m 806.773.4749
JT HAYNES, OWNER & BROKER Licensed Real Estate Broker | TX, NM, OK, CO
m 806.681.3421
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