Wag Ranch

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Wag Ranch 807.46± Acres | $1,126,407 | Roaring Springs, Texas | Motley County

Wag Ranch LOCATION AND ACCESS We are proud to have obtained an exclusive listing on 807.46 acres, more or less, located in a desirable ranching/ hunting area, being southeast of Roaring Springs, Texas and approximately 80 miles east of Lubbock. The Roaring Springs Ranch Club golf course and swimming pool is conveniently located 3.5 miles west of this ranch. Access is by a graded county road that dead-ends into the property. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The terrain is generally rolling and hilly draining to the South Pease River (Tongue

River), which runs in a southeasterly direction through the ranch for approximately .7 of a mile. Live water and intermittent holes of water are found throughout this creek bottom area. Fish Hole Creek runs through the southern end of the ranch in a northeasterly direction, merging with the Pease River, just off of the property boundary. Good holes of spring water are also found in this creek. Soils are generally sandy over most portions of the ranch. A small area of the property has been re-seeded to improved grasses. On basically the south-half of the ranch, much of the mesquite has been

cleared. Lying north of the Pease River, the property elevates and has a moderate to sometimes fairly dense canopy of mesquite and scattered cedar. Oak brush, which is an outstanding browse for wildlife, is found throughout this area of the property. The Pease River bottom is wide and fertile and much of the bottom is sub-irrigated, producing substantial forage for livestock and wildlife. As an added bonus, wild plum thickets are abundant. This area also has large cottonwood trees, willows and hackberry trees scattered all along the river. CONTINUED ON PG 4


The ranch has good variety of palatable native grasses in addition to the improved grass pasture on the west side of the ranch. IMPROVEMENTS A ranch style home is located on the southern end of the property overlooking Fish Hole Creek. This ready-built house was constructed in 2002. It consists of 2,400 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and has central heat and air throughout. This home has been well maintained and is currently in excellent condition. Water is provided by a well equipped with an electric submersible pump running through a water softening system. The majority of the furnishings currently inside the home will be conveyed with the sale. A 25 ft. x 45 ft. insulated heavy gauge metal barn/garage with a concrete floor and electric overhead door is located at the house. An equipment/horse barn with an attached leanto and pipe horse runs is located south of the house. This equipment barn is a 45 ft. x 50 ft. structure, with the lean-to being approximately 20 ft. x 50 ft. on its south side. This is a steel frame structure with heavy gage metal siding and a concrete floor.






The ranch is fenced and cross-fenced with all of the fencing being in excellent condition. The fences range in age from new to approximately 10-years old and all are of barbed wire and steel t-post construction. Approximately 2,300 lineal feet of pipe fencing is located around the house and other structural improvements. Additionally, there is a small set of pipe livestock pens located at the equipment/horse barn. All of the improvements located on the WAG Ranch have been well maintained and are in good condition. CONTINUED ON PG 11




HUNTING The WAG Ranch offers excellent hunting opportunities, with wildlife typically found in the area being white tail deer, quail, turkey and dove. Basically, the north-half of the ranch has the perfect combination of water and habitat, ranging from live water to plum thickets, oak brush and large mesquite trees for excellent cover. The majority of the ranches that adjoin this property are larger places, which should reduce the hunting pressure in the area. This ranch has had only light hunting pressure over the years. WATER In addition to the live water, this ranch has three (3) wells equipped with electric submersible pumps and two (2) working windmills. Several dirt ponds are located throughout the ranch. PRICE AND REMARKS The asking price for the WAG Ranch is $1,395 per acre, surface only. The annual property taxes are $2,683. This offering is a rare opportunity to own a small ranch in a close proximity to Lubbock with live water and excellent improvements. As mentioned, the WAG Ranch has been well maintained over the years and is in a position for a new owner to just enjoy without spending time and money on deferred maintenance. For more information or to schedule a showing, please contact Rusty Lawson at (806) 778-2826.




RUSTY LAWSON Associate Broker Certified Appraiser

m 806.778.2826 rusty@csmandson.com

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