A&ID- Retail Interior Project

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Retail Interior

Work required:

Complete Design project including-

1 Plan, Elevation & Perspective research drawings other retail layouts 2 Experience research- this should include spaces other than shops ie Museums, Hotels, Theme Parks etc 3 A range of CAD models, including: 1st stagesimple forms, 2nd stage- more detailed ideas, 3rd stage-final stage design solution 4 Development drawings of your models that show ideas for layout for store interior 5 Plan & Elevation design drawings of your Store 6 Sketchup drawings of your Store design 7 Full colour rendered Sketchup drawing in Archicad of your design

Design Brief: • With the ever increasing demand from online shopping, traditional bricks and mortar high street retailers need to find new ways to entice shoppers into their stores. Stores need to become more experience based, providing buyers with a reason to want to shop there. Store interiors should contain more than just racks and shelves of products, shoppers should could be given demos, take part in making, learn and be educated thus establishing a greater brand connection. • Consider a range of different areas within your store design that provides different activities for buyers to engage with. You should seek inspiration from existing stores that do this well eg Nike Town, Sketch Restaurant (London), Armani Store in NY (Fuksas Architects)

Research Images For Interiors

Retail images for existing plans

Foot flow Research



One of the things that I had researched was floor plans of existing designs of retail spaces. One key aspect that I noticed was that the foot flow of people coming and leaving certain spaces was very important. So, this is something that will heavily influence the design of my project. The idea of the layouts that I had found and experimented with was the fact that the space is co-ordinated in a manner that makes the flow of the people work efficiently and maximises the amount of people that walk around and browse the entire shop. This maximises sales so the foot flow of the space could really have an influence on the success of the retail store. So, this will be a key aspect of the design and the floor plan should be easy to navigate where customers can find their required products

Shop Front Research As part of the design process, I decided to research into the aesthetical design of shop front as this then leads on to the interior and is what really sets the tone for the entire interior design. You can see from the research that the design of the shop fronts sets a theme that is used within the building so when making my design the front of the shop will still be something that influences my design and give a theme to my interior space.

Organic Shape Research After having analysed the shape, I found it in context with the glass in a door and this shows how it can be used in terms of materials to be used.

As you can see from this sketch the shapes fit together well which allows it to be a creative source for my design.

Once having decided the material would be glass, I decided to sketch the design again giving it the context the look. After having seen this, you can see that it is a very organic design and has a modern touch which is something that will be copied through into the interior design.

This is a front sketch of the design that I created after having sketched and developed on the shape research from above.



Organic Components Research Structural Design Organic Form Structural Design Colour Schemes

Organic Components Research

I finally researched into organic components which I could integrate into my space to give it the theme that I have chosen from the brief. The shapes that are sketched below really would help give my design a sense of scale and purpose. Both the shapes have an organic shape with the one on the left looking like a tree and the one on the right look like a mushroom. The shapes could be used a structural components of the space meaning that instead of using posts an organic looking alterative can be used. With the design on the mushroom look it could be used as a lighting feature as well to give a unique design to the space. The gain of the design on the right is that

With the design on right it could be used as a lighting feature to help give a unique design to the space. The gain of the design on the right is that it uses less space on the actual ground so more space can be used for the retail

Light can pass through the gap

Component Models

SketchUp Model

Development on Models

I used the sketch above from my previous research and developed the shape and merged it with the model I had made previously to design a form of service counter with an organic shape. This is a interior space that could be used centrally to the space. Allowing the space to be maximized whereby people can be served all around. The walls coming of the design both separate the lines of people especially important during the pandemic and to allow people to browse more products whilst still waiting in the line to be served. To serve the organic purpose I have also allowed as you can see from the SketchUp design on the left the feature of live shrubs to give that green open space that helps give an even more unique design.

Final Solution

For my final solution I decided to develop the previous design and make it more fit for purpose. I concluded that on the previous idea the counter space at the bottom was a redundant area and was not needed and the structural design would work better if it was not there and allowed people through the gap helping to merge the space together and make it more free flowing. This space was much more fit for purpose and was more aesthetically arranged compared to the previous designs. It also helps meet the organic design theme that I had chose. This design also matches the brief well. However, I believed that this design could have been improved even further to have a more organic form. This is when I explored into the designs that are on the right of the page. I have merged the idea of serving people in the middle of the space with the idea of allowing people to pass through to make a free-flowing space. This idea has an organic and modern design to it the wall that is shown behind can be used for displays that you usually have behind the tills or leave it bare to get the organic effect it is giving. With this final design every shape that has been used has an organic form and meets all the needs the space must meet.

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