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Level I Handbook

The History Modern Army Combatives

The History Modern Army Combatives (MAC) nd

In 1995 when the Commander of the 2 Ranger Battalion ordered a reinvigoration Combatives training within the battalion, it didn’t take long for serious problems with the Army’s existing Combatives program to surface. There was the general feeling among the Rangers that the techniques would not work and that it was a waste of valuable training time. In general the Rangers would rather have been shooting, road marching or anything else that they felt they would get actual training value from. At that time the Army had a Combatives manual, FM 21-150 (1992), but had no program to produce qualified instructors or any system for implementing the training in units other than the vague approach of leaving it to local commander’s discretion. Unit instructors inevitably ended up being whatever martial arts hobbyist happened to be in that unit and the training progressed along the lines of whatever civilian martial arts they had studied in their off duty time. In most units there was no training at all. The Ranger commander appointed a committee, headed by Matt Larsen, which began to look for a better method. The instructors within the battalion consisted of various traditional martial artists: karate, ju-jitsu, ninjitsu, boxing, wrestling etc. J. Robinson, the head coach of the University of Minnesota wrestling program, himself a Vietnam era Ranger, came out to evaluate the emerging program and gave some valuable advice, mainly that a successful program must have a competitive aspect in order to motivate Soldiers to train and that it must include “live” sparing in order to be useful in growing a combative culture. The committee began to develop a program based around wrestling, boxing and the various martial arts they had experienced such as Judo and Muay Thai. Eventually, after looking at many different systems, several Rangers went to train at the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Torrance, California. The Jiu-Jitsu taught at the Gracie Academy fit many of the battalions needs. It was easy to learn, had a competitive form, and was proven effective within the arena of Mixed Martial Arts fighting. It did however have some problems. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu was principally designed for the venue that had made it famous, one on one arena fighting, also, sportive Jiu-Jitsu, had great potential to change the art into something not oriented toward fighting at all. Rorion and Royce Gracie made three trips to the battalion over the next couple of years and Larsen and a couple of others made the trip down to Torrance on their own. During this time within the battalion they were developing the drill based training program that has become an essential element in the Modern Army Combatives (MAC) program. The basic idea is that, since commanders have many competing priorities when it comes to training their units, any Combatives program that competes for training time with, for example, shooting is doomed to failure. A successful Combatives program then must fit around the other elements of a units training. By developing a system based on drills, each drill being designed to engrain the basic concepts behind the system, small unit leaders can train Combatives as a part of their existing physical training program without displacing other elements such as running our other forms of PT. With this approach, Combatives can become an integral part of every Soldier’s normal day. As the system matured they began to realize what it was about the techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that made them work, namely that you could practice them at full speed against a fully resistant opponent. With this principle, techniques that do not work are quickly abandoned for those that do. They also began to draw from other martial arts that share various levels of this “live” training to fill in the tactical gaps of pure Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. The classic plan of taking an opponent down and submitting them works well in the arena but in the real world the tactics must fit the tactical situation and therefore this basic “rice and beans” approach of take them down and finish them on the ground wasn’t enough for the Ranger’s needs.


As the program began to grow technically, its success made it grow outside of the battalion, at first to the rest of the Ranger Regiment, and then throughout the infantry and eventually, with the publishing of the new Field Manual FM 3-25.150 (2002) written by Larsen, became doctrine Army wide. As they began to explore the various training methods of the other “feeder arts�, the ways they complemented each other and exposed each others weaknesses become clear. The concept of positional dominance from Jiu-Jitsu was expanded to the other ranges of combat and blended with techniques from wrestling, boxing, Muay Thai, judo to name just a few. With weapons fighting lessons from Kali and the western martial arts and their own experience from years in the infantry including actual th combat, by September 11 , 2001 they had developed a totally integrated system of Close Quarters Combat and laid a sound foundation from which to learn the lessons of the battlefields to come. By that time Larsen had already established what would become the U.S. Army Combatives School at Ft. Benning Georgia, to train the cadre at various infantry leadership courses, and the first two levels of Combatives Instructor qualification which at that time was still primarily drawn from the lessons from Mixed Martial Arts competitions mixed with the prevailing wisdom on Close Quarters Battle. When fighting started in Afghanistan, they began to conduct post action interviews with Soldiers who had been involved in hand-to-hand fighting, developing an interview format and procedures to draw out the lessons that might be missed in a simple narrative. What equipment was the Soldier wearing, what was the tactical situation and other questions? In the years since then, the Combatives School has conducted hundreds of these interviews and adjusted the curriculum with the lessons learned. For example, while every hand-to-hand fight documented has involved grappling, there have not been any that involved striking alone although striking is always a part of the grappling. Also, around thirty percent of the fights have ended with gun shots. Fighting in an environment where everyone is armed means that very frequently the fight is over who controls the weapons. In order to improve the hand-to-hand fighting ability of every Soldier in a unit, it is necessary to systematically develop skills, movement patterns and understanding of fight strategy. The basic techniques are a blueprint for doing just that. This is the method used in the first two instructor training courses. Before moving on Soldiers should have mastered every detail of these basic techniques and drills. Beyond these basics, which must be proscriptive because of the demands of teaching over a million students, the training will become conceptual, more how to train than technique specific. At that level the techniques should be taken as examples of the kind of things that work and should point you in the right direction. The nature of today’s battlefield, the equipment we may be wearing, the missions we find ourselves tasked with, like the needs that you may have for Combatives training, are constantly changing. Effective Combatives training must also be an ever evolving process. The Modern Army Combatives Program will point you in the right direction to begin that process.

FIGHT TACTICS/TRAINING STRATEGY When two untrained fighters meet, almost anywhere in the world, their tactic to win the fight will most likely be to pummel each other with their fists until one of them receives enough damage that they cannot fight back effectively. This is referred to as the Universal Fight Plan because everyone knows it instinctively. The approach that most martial arts take to training is to make fighters better at executing this same strategy. This has the drawback of pitting fighters directly against their opponent in what essentially becomes a contest of athletic ability, the bigger, stronger and faster of the two having a natural advantage. With a large enough skill advantage this can be overcome but striking skill is one of the more difficult areas of combative technique to master. It is more efficient to teach fighters to control a fight by controlling the elements of the fight. These elements are the Range, Angle and Level. The first step is to teach a tactic that defeats the universal


fight plan through this control and lays a foundation for mastering more complex tactics that are dependant on higher levels of skill. The Basic fight strategy of MAC has three phases. They are: 1. Close the distance The untrained fighter is primarily dangerous at punching range. The goal is to avoid that range. Even if you are the superior striker, the most dangerous thing you can do is to spend time at the range where the enemy has the highest probability of victory. When training soldiers, the primary goal should be instilling the courage to close the distance. The willingness to close with the enemy is the defining characteristic of a warrior and the ability to do so against an opponent who is trying to hit you is the first step in learning the use of range to control a fight.

2. Gain dominant position Before any killing or disabling technique can be applied, the soldier must first gain and maintain dominant body position. It is the leverage gained from dominant body position that allows the fighter to defeat a stronger opponent. An appreciation for dominant position is fundamental to becoming a proficient fighter because it ties together what would otherwise be a long confusing list of unrelated techniques. If a finishing technique is attempted from dominant position and fails, the fighter can simply try again. If, on the other hand, a finishing technique is attempted from other than dominant position and fails, it will usually mean defeat. 3. Finish the fight When dominant body position has been achieved, the fighter can begin attempts to finish the fight secure in the knowledge that if an attempt fails, as long as he maintains dominant position, he may simply try again. Training will start with ground grappling, which is not only easier both to teach and to learn, but also provides a sound base from which to move to the more difficult standing techniques. The material covered in this handbook is considered the baseline knowledge that every soldier should know.


1. Stand in Base (pg-6)

-- Fall to the side -- Scoot out to that side -- Use the ground to “scrape” him off your back -- Get the knee on the ground at his hip -- Use the foot to hook under his knee -- Roll into and gain the mount

-- Sit like a fighter -- Knee through the armpit -- assume a fighters stance

2. Escape the Mount, Trap and Roll (pg-16) -- Elbows in and on the ground -- Capture the arm -- First hand with no thumb -- Second hand with the thumb on the outside -- Capture the leg on the same side -- Knee in the butt -- Lift with the hips -- Roll over into his guard

7. Escape the Mount, Shrimp to the Guard(30)

Drill One

3. Pass the Guard (pg-18) -- Assume good posture -- Control the arms at the biceps -- One leg comes up to turn the hips -- Same side hand goes through the legs, fingers first -- Place the hand on the ground and the knee on the ground and scoot away -- Step and reach -- Grasp the collar with the thumb on the inside -- Change the knees and bring the hips around to the side -- Stack him up, pushing his knee straight over his head until you break the grip of his legs -- Let his leg past your head -- Place the elbow in the elbow notch -- Place the other hand under the hips and assume a good side control position

8. Scissors Sweep (pg-42) -- Enemy creates space when raising leg to pass guard -- Grasp opposite arm, relax guard, pivot on his thigh with your calf -- Drop opposite knee flat on ground in front of his posted knee -- Drop knee of pivot leg across enemy’s waist line, hook hip with foot -- Grasp collar with free hand, pull down -- Scissors legs, end up mounted

4. Achieve the Mount from Side Control(21) -- Sit through and place your knee against the hip -- Spread your legs to avoid being taken over backwards -- Use the hand to clear the legs -- Step over and mount

9. Rear Naked Choke (pg-32) -- Biceps against one side of the neck -- Forearm against the other side -- Shrug to synch it up -- Place the hand of the choking arm on biceps of other arm -- Hand comes behind his head as if you were combing his hair -- Tuck your head down -- Choke by expanding the chest -- Only done from the rear mount

Drill Two

5. Arm Push and Roll to the Rear Mount(24) -- Trap opponent arm with your chest -- Ratchet opponent onto his stomach -- Position your feet near opponent’s hips -- As opponent rises to hands and knees execute the rear mount

10. Cross Collar Choke from the Mount and Guard (pg-33)

6. Escape the Rear Mount (pg-27) -- Arms beside your head and other hand in your armpit -- Opponent’s hand points the way

-- Weak hand opens the collar -- Hand goes in fingers first


Drill Three

--You have captured your opponent’s arm in an attempt to roll him. He moves his leg to avoid being rolled and creates an opening -- Uses your elbow to lift his leg, face toward the opening and move your leg under it until the knee comes out, loops over leg, and hooks that leg -- Places your weight on the foot of that leg and turn to face the other side -- Use your hands to push on the opponent’s leg -- Moves your other leg under the opponent’s leg and over like -- If you foot gets caught faces away from it and moves your hips back to make space -- Places your opponent in your guard

-- All the way behind the neck -- Second hand goes under the first -- Fingers on the inside all the way until it meets the other hand -- Turn wrists so that your palms face you -- Pull him into you -- Choke by expanding the chest, pulling the shoulders back and elbows in to your sides -- Done from either the mount or the guard

-- Break the elbow with forward hip pressure

14. Sweep from the Attempted Straight(pg-44) Arm Bar -- The enemy tucks his head to avoid the arm bar -- Pull his leg close to your head -- Swing leg to gain momentum, and curl it -- Push him straight over to come up mounted

15. Close the Gap and Achieve the Clinch(pg-46)

11. The Bent Arm Bar (Mount and Side Control) (pg-35) -- You are mounted and your opponent blocks with arms parallel -- With the heel of the hands, strike the opposite arm and drive it to the ground -- Elbow in elbow notch and thumb-less grip -- Other arm goes under the elbow and grasps your own wrist -- Drag like a paintbrush and raise the elbow at the same time -- Keep head down on the wrist /protect eyes

-- Start from a fighting stance outside of kicking range -- Tuck in your chin and use the arms to cover the vital points of the head -- Aggressively close the distance -- Head goes to the enemy’s chest and cupped hands to his biceps -- Face away from the side you are moving to -- Control the far side arm by reaching over it and pulling into your armpit, holding it at the elbow -- Drive the other elbow under his elbow -- Grasp him around the waist

12. The Straight Arm Bar from the Mount (37)

16. Front Takedown to the Mount (pg-50)

-- The opponent tries to defend the mount by pushing straight up again your chest -- Lean on his arms and decide which arm you want to break -- Arms go over and under the arm to the broken -- With all of your weight resting on his hands, pop up to a low squatting position Note: Keep butt low -- Turn away from the arm to be broken and move the foot over the head -- Slide down the arm like a fireman’s pole -- Pinch the arm between your legs -- Break the arm by raising the hips up against the elbow joint -- Do not cross the feet

-- Release the grip on the elbow and grasp hands behind his hip -- Step slightly to his front -- Pull with the hands and push with head to push him over backwards -- Release the grip as he falls and step over to the mount

17. Rear Takedown (pg-51) -- Head in opponent’s lower back -- Trap opponent’s far foot -- Sit down while maintaining hold on opponent -- Release grip as opponent falls and step over into mount

13. The Straight Arm Bar from the Guard (39)

18. Front Guillotine Choke(pg-40)

-- Your opponent is in the guard and attempting a choke -- Decide which arm to break -- Grasp the arm to be broken at or above the elbow -- Place the other hand to the knee, palm up -- Relax the legs and bring them above you -- Curl your back -- Pull with the arm under his leg and spin -- Place the leg over his head -- Pull the hand from behind the knee and grasp his wrist

-- The opponent attempts a double leg takedown -- Sprawl slightly so that his head is in your armpit -- Reach around under his chin -- Without going around his arm grasp the hand of the first arm with the second -- Both palms should be facing you -- Pull up to tighten the choke -- Sit down to place the enemy in the guard -- Finish the choke by pulling with the arms and pushing with the legs



(1) Sit like a fighter. Place your dominant hand behind you on the ground to provide a base. Bend your non-dominant leg at the knee, and post the foot on the ground. Bend your non-dominant arm at the elbow, and place the elbow near the knee of your nondominant leg, with the palm of your hand in front of your head facing your opponent to defend blows. Keep the striking foot of your dominant leg parallel to the ground, and use it to kick your opponent to create space to stand. (2) Placing your weight on your dominant hand and non-dominant foot, pick up the rest of your body.

NEVER bend over at your waist. This will allow your opponent to strike your face with knees and kicks.


(3) Swing the leg between the two posts.

NOTE: Keep the knee behind your same-side arm, as shown.

(4) Place the foot behind your dominant hand.

on both feet, lift your hand from the ground, and assume a Fighting Stance.

(5) After placing your weight

Stand In Base allows the fighter to stand in the presence of an opponent or potential opponent without compromising his base and making himself vulnerable to attack. Leaders should reinforce the principles of body movement inherent in this technique every time a fighter stands up.



Place your lead foot 12 to 18 inches in front of your trail foot, and turn your lead foot about 15 degrees inward. Position your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. Turn your trail foot about 45 degrees outward to provide stability in all directions. Keep the heel of your trail foot off the ground, and carry your body weight on the balls of your feet.

Keep your chin tucked. Look just beneath your eyebrows at your opponent. Block the side of your face with your lead shoulder.

Hold your hands high, with the palms facing each other in a loose fist. Keep your line of sight just above the hands.

NOTE: The lead foot is the non-dominant foot. The trail foot is the dominant foot.

Bend your lead knee, and push it forward so that your knee is directly above your toe. Bend your trail knee slightly.

Keep your elbows tucked into your body to cover the sides of your torso; they should not fly out horizontally while punching. Hold your forearms perpendicular to the ground so that your elbows are positioned over your knees.

Turn your waist slightly so that the lead hip is facing your opponent, but keep your head and shoulders above your hips.

The Fighting Stance allows the Soldier to assume an offensive posture conducive to attack, while still being able to move and defend himself. The Fighting Stance is not only a platform for unarmed fighting; it can also be used for various weapons, from close-range contact weapons to projectile weapons.



Grasp hands tightly together, with one thumb facing up and the other facing down. Tuck both thumbs tightly.

Keep all fingers together, and use each hand as one unit.

NOTE: DO NOT interlock your fingers. This may allow your opponent to break your fingers or escape the lock.

The fighter uses the Opposing Thumbs Grip when his opponent may be able to attack his grip by peeling back his fingers; for example, when his hands are positioned in front of his opponent.



Hold hands together as though clapping. Tuck both thumbs.

Tuck the bottom thumb to prevent your opponent from escaping.

The fighter never uses the Wrestler’s Grip when his hands are positioned in front of his opponent.



The Thumbless Grip is very strong in the direction of the fingers and when clamping against something, such as a fighter's chest. The Thumb Grip can provide more control, but is very weak in the direction of the thumb and fingertips.






Wrap both legs around your opponent, with your heels "hooked" inside his legs.

Clasp your hands Thumbs Grip.

When in the Rear Mount, DO NOT cross your feet; this would provide the opponent an opportunity for an ankle break.


Place one arm under your opponent's armpit and the other over his opposite shoulder.

NOTE: Keep your head tucked to avoid headbutts.

The Rear Mount gives the fighter the best control of the fight. From this position, it is very difficult for the opponent to defend himself or counterattack.



(4) Keep your hands up to protect your head.

(3) Hold your head off of the ground to prevent secondary impact concussions from strikes.

(2) Pull your elbows tightly into your sides, and keep them on the ground to prevent your opponent from assuming a High Mount.

(1) Lie on your back, bend your knees, and post both feet on the ground.

When practicing this position, the Soldier assuming the role of the opponent should position himself using the instructions below:

NOTE: The Mount allows the fighter to strike the opponent with punches, while restricting the opponent’s ability to deliver effective return punches.

Place your toes in line with or inside of your ankles to avoid injuring your ankles when your opponent attempts to roll you over.


Position your knees as high as possible toward the opponent's armpits.

The Mount allows the fighter to strike the opponent with punches, while restricting the opponent’s ability to deliver effective return punches. The Mount also provides the leverage to attack the opponent's upper body with chokes and joint attacks.



(3) Keep a straight waist.

(2) With your elbows turned inward, place your hands on your opponent's hip flexors.

(1) Assume a good posture by establishing a wide base with your knees, keeping your toes inside of your ankles to prevent breaking them if you are swept.

When practicing this position, the Soldier assuming the role of the opponent should position himself using the instructions below:

WARNING The Soldier defending against the Guard must keep his toes inside of his ankles to prevent breaking them if he is swept.


A fighter never wants to be under his opponent; the Guard enables him to defend himself and transition off of his back into a more advantageous position. The Guard allows the bottom fighter to exercise a certain amount of control over the range by pushing out or pulling in his opponent with his legs and hips. With skill, the bottom fighter can defend against strikes and even apply joint locks and chokes.



Keep the leg closest to your opponent's head straight, and bend the other leg so that the knee is near your opponent's hip.

Place your elbow on the ground in the notch created by the opponent's head and shoulder (elbow notch). Position your other hand palm down on the ground under the opponent's near-side hip.

Keep your head turned away to avoid knee strikes.

Although the Side Control position is less dominant, it allows the fighter to hold his opponent down and inflict damage, and if reversed, allows the fighter to avoid being positioned underneath his opponent. Further, Side Control is a transitioning position; a fighter can strike or submit an opponent while in this position.


15 NOTE: Align your opposite-side knee with the center of your opponent’s spine to avoid the Grapevine.

(3) Align your opposite-side knee with the center of your opponent’s spine.

(2) Plant the foot on the same side as the trapped arm on the ground outside of the opponent’s foot.

When performing this technique, the top fighter must position his toes in line with or inside of his ankles to prevent severe ankle injury.



NOTE: Keep your elbows in and on the ground, even while your opponent is choking you. Raising your arms will allow your opponent to secure a High Mount or Arm Lock.

(1) Trap one of your opponent's arms. Wrap one hand around his wrist with a Thumbless Grip, and with the other, grab above his elbow notch with your thumb on the outside. Pull your elbow to the ground, if possible.

NOTE: Conduct this technique when you are on your back on the ground and your opponent is sitting on top of you with both knees and feet on the ground near your ribs.

A fighter applies the Arm Trap and Roll when his opponent secures the Mount and invests his hands or arms into a choke. The non-dominant fighter must remain relaxed and fight the position, but not focus his energy on attempting to defeat the submission until he has placed himself in a better position.



(4) Thrust upward with your hips, driving your opponent's head to the ground.

(5) Roll your opponent over, trapping his leg.

(6) Secure good posture in the Guard. Control your opponent's elbows.



NOTE: Your opponent will often attempt to drag both of your arms to one side of your body to force you to submit or get behind you.

(1) Assume a good posture by establishing a wide base with your knees, keeping your toes in line with or inside of your ankles. Place your buttocks on your heels. Keep a straight waist to avoid having your posture broken. Keep your elbows tight, and reach your hands down to control your opponent's hips. Place your hands outside of your opponent's hip flexors, fingers point out.

(2) Turn your fingers inward, and drive your hands to your opponent's chin, placing your face in his sternum. This position exposes only the top and back of your head to his strikes.

NOTE: Never use a Thumb Grip, as your opponent can attack with a wrist lock.

(3) Move your arms out to control your opponent's biceps. Roll your hands back, and cup them with a Thumbless Grip.

(4) Post one foot, and turn your hips to create space.

When locked inside of his opponent's Guard, a fighter cannot finish the fight as quickly or efficiently as he can from a more dominant body position. Additionally, his opponent can attack him with strikes, submissions, and sweeps. Often, a fighter will attempt to strike or submit the opponent from within the Guard, further setting up these attacks.



(5) Release your same-side grip. Drive your hand (with a knife edge) through the opening. Turn your head and eyes in the opposite direction to prevent blows to the face from the arm you no longer have secured. (6) Place your hand on the ground.

(7) Place your knee on the ground. Scoot the same-side leg back at a 45-degree angle, and drive your shoulder beneath your opponent's knee.

(8) Grab your opponent's leg just above the hip.


19 (11) Reach your same-side hand across, and secure your opponent's collar, thumb on the inside, fingers on the outside. (12) Drive your knee to the ground, toward your opponent's ear to prevent the Overhead Sweep. Position yourself perpendicular to your opponent. Post your trail foot. Drive your opponent's hips upward, and keep them in place by resting his hips on your trail knee.

(10) Step toward your opponent's shoulder with your outside leg, your knee pushing inward to control your opponent's hip. NOTE: Drive your hips into your opponent, and maintain this pressure throughout the remainder of this move to prevent your opponent from escaping.

(9) Pull your opponent onto your lap by straightening your back. Keep your head above his knee.

NOTE: Maintain a good straight posture with your waist to prevent your opponent from choking you with his legs.



(14) Lift your opponent's legs past his head.

NOTE: Maintain tight body contact when transitioning from the Guard to Side Control to limit your opponent’s ability to compose Guard.

(13) Push your opponent's knees over his head until you break the grip of his legs. Remove your arm from his bicep, and grab his belt line.

(15) Assume good Side Control.



(1) Achieve good Side Control.

(2) Move the hand closest to your opponent's leg to control his hips. Be aware of his knees, and look down to avoid strikes.

(3) Sit through facing your opponent's legs, and place your bottom knee against the hip. Spread your legs to avoid being thrown backward. Use the hand that was securing your opponent's hip to control his legs.

Fighters often move from Side Control to the Mount or Rear Mount, where they can land more effective strikes and submissions.



(4) Swing your back leg up and over the top.

(5) Secure a mounted position.




(2) Place one hand on the back of your opponent's elbow and one hand on his wrist, both with Thumbless Grips.

(3) Push the arm across your opponent's body in the direction of his hand. Pin the arm with your body.

When performing this technique, the bottom fighter must form a fist with the hand of his trapped arm. Further, he must be mindful of where the hand and wrist of the trapped arm are located to prevent injury.

(1) Target the arm closest to the top of your opponent's head.

NOTE: Conduct this technique when you have achieved the Mount and are attempting to strike, but your opponent is using a Standard Block to avoid your strikes.

The fighter uses the Arm Push and Roll to the Rear Mount to turn the opponent from his back to his stomach, giving the fighter a better opportunity to employ strikes and submissions.



(4) Release the grip of the hand on the elbow, and drive it under your opponent's neck to secure his wrist with both hands in Thumbless Grips.

(5) Move the hand that was on the opponent's wrist to his elbow.

NOTE: Maintain body and chest pressure to prevent your opponent from escaping.

(6) Change your posture to make room for your opponent to roll.



NOTE: Make sure you don't go too far over center.

(7) Use your body strength to push your opponent with your chest (using ratchet motions) until his elbow stops him from going any further.

(8) Take your weight off of your opponent, and fold his arms underneath him while pushing him forward.

(9) From this position, the opponent normally tries to rise using his knees. When he attempts this, sit up and hook both legs inside of the opponent's legs. Push to straighten your arms with your hands in the back of your opponent's collar.



(2) Once your opponent reaches in, the hand under your armpit secures his wrist and pulls it through.

(1) Place one hand over your head, with your palm facing out, your bicep very tight to the side of your head, and your hand covering your ear. Place the other hand near your armpit, with your palm facing in.

(3) Wrap your other arm around, making a Figure Four.

When his opponent has assumed the Rear Mount, the fighter must defend attacks while escaping the position in a timely manner.



NOTE: Do not put your back on your overhook side.

(4) Place your back on the ground on your underhook side.

(6) Push your hips through your opponent's legs, one hand on his hip and the other on his knee to prevent him from achieving the Mount.

(5) Once your body weight is on your opponent's arm, let go and move your shoulders to the ground, using the ground to scrape your opponent off of your back.



(7) Continue until your hips clear his legs.

(8) Move your hips to clear your legs. Move your inside leg through and to the ground, knee toward your opponent's armpit and foot hooking his groin area. Move your opposite leg through the middle, and hook the back of his knee with your foot.

(9) Reach your top hand into your opponent's far-side collar (or grab the back of his head, if he does not have a collar), with your bottom hand posted on the ground. Roll into the Mount, and achieve good posture.



(1) Place your leg flat on the ground.

NOTE: Turn on your hip to create more space.

(2) Turn on your side, and face the opening created by your opponent. Using the space the opponent created by posting his leg, prop the opponent's leg up with your elbow.

(3) Turn facing the opponent's posted leg, with that side leg flat.

NOTE: Conduct this technique when you are on your back with your opponent mounted on your chest.

(4) Move your knee from underneath your opponent's leg.

While the fighter is attempting to escape the Mount, Trap, and Roll, his opponent may move his leg away, making the fighter unable to capture it. This movement, however, creates an opening under the same leg. The term "shrimp" refers to the action of moving the hips away, which is crucial to the success of this technique.



(5) Turn to your other hip, and hook your opponent's leg to prevent him from reestablishing the Mount. (6) Use both hands to push your opponent's hip away.

(7) Move your other knee from between your opponent's legs, and put your weight on your posted foot.

(8) Turn your body, and face the opposite direction. Loop your legs around your opponent, and lock your feet to reestablish your Guard.



(1) Achieve a Rear Mount, and hook both legs in place.

(2) Leaving the underhook in place, sneak the hand of your overhook arm around your opponent's neck. Put your bicep against the side of your opponent's neck. Roll your forearm to the other side of your opponent's neck, with both the bicep and the forearm resting against the carotid arteries. Position your elbow against the trachea. Externally, your opponent's chin will line up with your elbow.

(3) Place the bicep of your underhook under your overhook with a Thumbless Grip.

NOTE: Tuck your head to avoid getting hit.

(4) Move your underhook to the back of the opponent's head to the knowledge bump, as if combing his hair back.

(5) Pinch your shoulder blades together, and expand your chest to finish the choke.

The Rear Naked Choke slows the flow of blood in the carotid arteries, which can eventually cause your opponent to be rendered unconscious for a short period of time.








NOTE: When in the Guard, change your angle to position yourself for the choke.

(1) With your non-dominant opponent's same-side collar.

(2) Reach across your body, and insert your dominant hand into the collar you just opened.

(3) Relax the dominant hand, and reach all the way behind your opponent's neck, grasping his collar with your fingers on the inside and your thumb on the outside.

The Cross-Collar Choke is a blood choke that can only be employed when your opponent is wearing a durable shirt. This choke should be performed from either the Mount or Guard.





(4) Release the grip of your non-dominant hand, and move your dominant-side forearm across your opponent's neck under the first arm, clearing his chin. (5) Using the same grip (fingers on the inside, thumb on the outside), reach all the way back until your dominant hand meets the other hand.

NOTE: When conducting this technique from the Mount, post your head forward on the ground, over your top arm.

(6) Turn your wrists so that your palms face you, and pull your opponent into you. Expand your chest, pinch your shoulders together, and bring your elbows to your hips to finish the choke.






(1) With Thumbless Grips, drive your opponent's wrist and elbow to the ground, moving your elbow to the notch created by your opponent's neck and shoulder (elbow notch).

NOTES: 1. As with any submission technique, apply this shoulder lock using slow, steady pressure, and release as soon as your training partner taps. 2. Conduct this technique when your opponent uses the Parallel (Boxing) Block.

The Bent Arm Bar is a joint lock that attacks the shoulder girdle. This technique can be employed from either the Mount or Side Control.






(2) Keeping your head on the back of your hand to protect your face from strikes, place your other hand under his elbow.

(3) Grab your own wrist with a Thumbless Grip. Drag the back of your opponent's hand toward his waistline. Lift his elbow, and dislocate his shoulder.



(1) Decide which arm you wish to attack. Isolate that arm by placing your opposite-side hand in the middle of your opponent's chest, between his arms. Targeting the unaffected arm, press down to prevent your opponent from getting off the flat of his back. Loop your same-side arm around the targeted arm and place that hand in the middle of your opponent's chest, applying greater pressure. NOTE: Be conscious not to raise your hips. This will allow your opponent to escape.

(2) Placing all of your weight on your opponent's chest, raise to your feet in a very low squat.

NOTE: While turning, keep a slight forward posture, stay in a very low squat, and continue to apply pressure on your opponent's chest to prevent escape.

(3) Turn your body 90 degrees to face the targeted arm.

NOTE: Remember to isolate the elbow joint by trapping only the bicep/triceps region between your legs.

(4) Bring the foot nearest to your opponent's head around his face, and plant it in the crook of his neck on the opposite side of the targeted arm. Slide your hips down the targeted arm, keeping your buttocks tight to your opponent's shoulder.

NOTE: As with any submission technique, apply this elbow joint lock using slow, steady pressure, and release as soon as your training partner taps.

The Straight Arm Bar is a joint lock designed to damage the elbow. While this exercise outlines a Straight Arm Bar performed from the Mount, this technique can be performed from any dominant position.



(5) Secure your opponent's wrist with both of your hands in Thumb Grips. Keep his thumb pointed skyward to achieve the correct angle. Pull your heels tight to your buttocks, and pinch your knees together tightly with the upper arm trapped between your knees, not resting on your groin.

(6) Apply slow, steady pressure by trapping your opponent's wrist on your chest, and arching your hips skyward.



(1) When your opponent presents a straight arm, secure his arm at or above the elbow. Hold your opponent's elbow for the remainder of the move. (2) Insert your other hand under the opponent's thigh on the side opposite the targeted arm. The hand should be palm up.

(3) Open your Guard, and bring your legs up, while curling your back to limit the friction.

(4) Contort your body by pulling with the hand that is on the back of your opponent's thigh. Bring your head to his knee. Place your leg over his head. With your leg, grab your opponent, and pull him down by pulling your heels to your buttocks and pinching your knees together.

(5) Move the hand that was behind your opponent's thigh to grasp the wrist that you secured at the elbow with a Thumb Grip. Curl your calf downward and push up with your hips to break your opponent's arm.

NOTES: 1. As with any submission technique, apply this elbow joint lock using slow, steady pressure, and release as soon as your training partner taps. 2. Conduct this technique when your opponent uses his arms in a choke or attempts to bend your arms up.

Fighting from your back can be very dangerous. When your opponent attempts to strike and apply chokes from within your Guard, use the Straight Arm Bar from the Guard, a joint lock designed to damage the elbow.



(1) As your opponent charges your legs, direct his head underneath one of your arms, and take a step back.

(2) Wrap your arm around your opponent's head and under his neck.

Often an opponent will attempt to charge the fighter and will present his neck during the tackle. The Guillotine Choke allows the fighter to present a defense to the takedown.



NOTE: Your palm should be facing your own chest.

(3) With your other hand, grasp the first hand where a watch would be, ensuring that you have not reached around your opponent's arm. Cinch the choke by bringing your arm further around your opponent's head, improving your grip.

(4) Sit down.

NOTE: You must lock both legs around your opponent to prevent him from securing a top position. Even with a choke in place, if the opponent can clear your legs and get on top, he will be able to defeat the submission and you will be in a non-dominant position.

(5) Place your opponent within your Guard, and finish the choke by pulling with your arms and pushing with your legs.



(1) When your opponent posts one of his legs to create space, relax your Guard, and keep your knees tight.

(2) Hang your calf on your opponent's posted leg, and post your opposite shoulder to swing your hips toward his posted leg.

(3) Drive your leg across your opponent's waist like a belt. Use your foot to hook his waist tightly, with your knee lower than the ankle. Position your other leg flat on the ground to trap your opponent's non-posted leg.

NOTE: Conduct this technique when your opponent attempts to pass your Guard as you control his arms at the elbows.

A fighter can use the Scissors Sweep to reverse positions with his opponent and gain a dominant position.



(4) Reach across your body and secure your opponent's collar on the opposite side of his posted leg, maintaining control of the arm on the side you intend to sweep. Extend your body to take your opponent off his base, while pulling him forward by his collar.

NOTE: If your opponent attempts to prevent the sweep by posting his sweep-side arm, sweep the posted arm in the direction of the fingers.

(5) Make a scissoring motion with your legs to sweep your opponent over.


(6) Achieve the Mount.

43 (2) Swing the leg that was supposed to hook your opponent's head in a big circle, originating from your head following a path to your opponent's far-side leg.

When performing this technique, the fighter being swept must keep his toes in line with or inside of his ankles to prevent injury.



NOTE: Do not release control of the previously targeted arm.

(1) With the hand that is behind your opponent's thigh, pull his knee as close to your head as possible in order to position your body perpendicular to your opponent.

When a fighter attempts to apply the Straight Arm Bar from the Guard, his opponent will often tuck his head to avoid the Arm Bar. Should this occur, do not abandon the position; simply change the attack to the Sweep from the Attempted Straight Arm Bar.


44 NOTE: Ensure that you tuck your leg to prevent it from being trapped beneath your opponent's body.

(3) With the leg that is hooked under your opponent's armpit, push toward his head so that you will roll right up into the Mount. Use the momentum from the leg that is swinging in a circle to sweep your opponent.



(1) Face your opponent, and assume the Fighting Stance just outside of kicking range.

(2) Tuck your chin, and use your arms to cover your head while aggressively closing the distance.

Fighters use Close the Distance when the opponent is within striking range.


(3) Drive your head into your opponent's chest, and move your cupped hands to your opponent's biceps.


(1) After Closing the Distance with your opponent, raise one of his arms. Move yourself perpendicular to your opponent.

(2) Reach around your opponent's waist to grab his oppositeside hip. With your other arm, pull his arm into your chest, controlling his arm at the triceps.

Once the fighter has Closed the Distance, he uses the Modified Seatbelt Clinch to draw his opponent in.



(1) Drive your overhook hand (with a knife edge) under your opponent's underhook arm.

(2) Clasp your hands in a Wrestler’s Grip behind your opponent, while keeping head pressure on his chest.

The fighter uses Double Underhooks when both fighters have an overhook and an underhook grip on each other, with their heads on their overhook sides.



(1) Step behind your opponent.

NOTE: Tuck your head into your opponent's lower back to avoid elbows to the head.

(2) Clasp your hands around your opponent's waist in an Opposing Thumbs Grip, and place your forehead in the small of his back to avoid strikes. From this secure position, you can attempt to take the opponent down.

The fighter uses the Rear Clinch when he moves too far as he attempts to achieve the Modified Seatbelt Clinch.


49 (3) Pull your opponent into you with your hands, and push your upper body and head to make his back arch.



opponent's elbow, and reach over his arm, keeping it trapped under your overhook armpit. Secure a Wrestler’s Grip low on your opponent's side at the hip near the small of his back.

(2) Release your grip on your

Release your hands to avoid landing on them.


(4) Step over your opponent and release your grip, ending in the Mount.

Opponents must not attempt to reach for the ground while being taken down, as this will lead to severe injuries.

(1) From the Modified Seatbelt Clinch, step slightly in front of your opponent so you can drive him off his leg. Ensure that you keep good head control to drive his upper body backward.

The Front Takedown is a simple technique used to throw the opponent off-balance. It allows the fighter to transition from the Modified Seatbelt Clinch to the Mount.



(1) Step to one side so that you are behind your opponent at an angle. Place one foot on the outside of his foot so that your foot is perpendicular to your opponent's.

(2) Place the instep of your other foot behind your opponent's far-side foot so that he cannot step backward.

NOTE: Conduct this technique when your head is positioned behind your opponent's arm after you have achieved the clinch.

After achieving the clinch, the fighter is often positioned with his head behind his opponent's arm. Once he reaches a secure position, he can attempt to take his opponent down.




Tuck your elbow to avoid landing on it.


(4) The opponent will fall backward over your extended leg. As he does so, tuck your elbow to avoid falling on it, and release your grip.

(5) Rotate into the Mount.

Opponents must not attempt to reach for the ground while being taken down, as this will lead to severe injuries.

(3) Sit down as close to your other foot as possible, and hang your weight from your opponent's waist.


10 Lesson Training Plan: These are the 90-minute lesson plans that should be followed to train all soldiers in the Basic Combatives tasks of the Modern Army Combatives Program. Note: All lessons should begin with a warm up and finish with an AAR.

Session 1 - Grappling History/Demo/ Lecture/Safety - Stand Up in Base - Dominant Body Positions - Demo

Session 2 - Escape the Mount, Trap and Roll - Pass the Guard - Explain Side Control - Achieve the Mount from Side Control - Drill #1

Session 3 - Drill #1: Detail: Hand & Knees on Ground - Escape the Mount, Shrimp to the Guard - Shrimp, PE - Escape the Mount, PE - Pass the Guard, PE

Session 4 - Drill #1: Detail: Thumb Inside Collar & Choke - Arm Push and Roll to the Rear Mount - Escape the Rear Mount - Drill #2 - Bouts for Dominant Body Position Only

Session 5 - Drill #1: Detail: Change Hips - Drill #2: Detail: Thumb less Grip - Rear Naked Choke - Cross Collar Choke from Mount/Guard - Bouts for submission by Chokes

Session 6 - Drill #1: Detail: Good Posture - Drill #2: Detail: Ratcheting - Bent Arm Bar - Straight Arm Bar from Mount - Bouts for submission

Session 7 - Drill #1: Detail: Head Above Knee - Drill #2: Detail: Sitting Up - Straight Arm Bar from Guard - Scissors Sweep - Sweep from the Attempted Straight Arm Bar - Bouts for submission

Session 8 - Drill #1: Detail: Savor the Moment - Drill #2: Detail: Protect Neck & Control Arm - Drill #3: Detail: Shrimp to Guard - Fighters Stance - Close the Gap and achieve the Clinch - Bouts for submission

Session 9 - Drill #1: Detail: Control Hip & Legs - Drill #2: Detail: Proper Feet Position - Drill #3: Detail: Use both Sweeps - Front Takedown to the Mount - Rear Takedown - Front Guillotine Choke - Bouts for submission

Session 10 - Drill #1: Practice - Drill #2: Practice - Drill #3: Practice - Review/Demonstrate Combatives Evaluation - Combatives Evaluation


Combatives Evaluation: The thirteen core moves of the Modern Army Combatives Program are evaluated during the performance of five tasks. This is designed to emphasize that these moves form the core of a complete system and are not just memorized individual moves. Some tasks simultaneously evaluate both fighters conducting the offensive and defensive moves. Task Number 1 Basic


Article II.

The enemy is mounted on the Soldiers chest

2 Rear Mount

The Soldier is mounted on the enemy’s chest

3 Shrimp

Fighter is Mounted on the Enemy’s chest.

4 Front Takedown


1- Fighter uses Escape the Mount, Arm Trap and Roll. 2- Pass the Guard. 3- Achieve the Mount from Side Control. 4- Repeat task for 2 nd Fighter.

1-Fighter uses Arm Push and Roll to the Rear Mount. 2-Establishes Rear Naked Choke. 3-Releases the choke 4-2nd Fighter Escapes the Rear Mount. 5-Repeat task for 2 ndFighter. 1-Fighter uses Escape the Mount, Shrimp to the Guard. 2-Attacks using the Cross Collar Choke or the Straight Arm Bar from the Guard. 3-Fighter uses Sweep from the Attempted, Straight Arm Bar, or the Scissors Sweep if attacks fail.

1-Fighter Achieves the Clinch. The Soldier is facing the enemy 2-Fighter uses Front Takedown to the Mount on the enemy. at approximately ten feet 3-Properly applies the Bent Arm Bar or Straight Arm Bar.

5 The Soldier is facing the enemy Rear Takedown at approximately ten feet

1-The Soldier Achieves the Clinch and when the enemy turns, goes behind 2- The Soldier uses the Rear Takedown to the Mount 3- Properly applies the Bent Arm Bar or Straight Arm Bar 6 The Enemy attempts a double- 1-Fighter defends takedown attempt with Guillotine leg takedown on the Fighter. the Front Guillotine Choke. 2-Then Places the Enemy in the Guard. 3-Completes the choke by pulling with his arms and pushing with his legs. Note: Stand up in the base is evaluated each time the Fighter stands.


Session One: Demonstrations Fight scenario demonstration: fighter 1 closes the gap achieves the clinch and takes fighter 2 down, 1 mounts 2, 2 trap and rolls 1, 1 puts 2 in guard, 2 passes guard achieves side control and mounts, 1 shrimp escapes and puts 2 back in guard, 1 scissors sweeps and mounts 2, 2 traps and rolls 1, 1 conducts a straight arm bar from the guard and 2 taps out. End of the Lesson Demonstration: Soldiers want to know how these dominant body positions will put them in a place to finish the enemy: What did I learn today? How is this going to relate to winning a fight? Demonstrate: Cross Collar Choke, Bent Arm Bar, and Straight Arm Bar from the Mount Demonstrate: Cross Collar Choke, Straight Arm Bar, and the Sweeps from the Guard Demonstrate: Rear Naked Choke from the Rear Mount Demonstrate: Bent Arm Bar, and Mount from Side Control Note: Don't do a thorough talk through. State the dominant body position you are in and the name of the finishing move you are going to demonstrate. Demonstrate the finishing moves and transition on to next dominant body position and the finishing moves available from there. Explain this is where the training is headed and that they will learn these moves in subsequent sessions. DO THIS AT END OF SESSION. By presenting this demonstration here, the student can walk away visualizing how each dominant body position can and will lead to a finishing move that they can demonstrate in later sessions where they will bout.


General Competition Information A look at the history of Combatives systems reveals two fundamental mistakes, both of which are related to competition. The first mistake is having no form of competition. This is generally done due to the misguided thought that the techniques are “too dangerous� to be done competitively. While many techniques are too dangerous to be executed during live competition; there are great benefits to be gained by competing even in a limited set of techniques. The boxer is a better puncher than the traditional martial artist not because of the mechanics of punching but because his technique has been refined in the crucible of competition. The feel for an enemy’s body movement of most high school wrestlers is superior to most traditional martial artists for this very same reason. For military units there are many other reasons that a competitive form is useful. The problem of developing a strong unit program is really the problem of how to motivate subordinate unit leaders to emphasize the training. Competitions can be useful for this in several ways. Competitions are also a very good way to encourage the pursuit of excellence in soldiers. The other mistake is that once you have decided on a method of competition, training will naturally become focused on winning at competition rather than on winning in combat. Over time, the system changes until it bears only a slight resemblance to the original combat art. This is evident in almost every Combatives system. Boxers do not concern themselves with how to defend against takedowns. Wrestlers do not concern themselves with defending against chokes. The dilemma then is how to garner the benefits from competition without falling into the trap of a competitive focus. The answer is to have a graduated system of competition rules. In this way there will not be a competitive advantage to training specifically for competitions. Those who do will find themselves unprepared for the additional techniques that are allowed at the next level of competition. This also allows for a very safe subset of techniques to be used at the lower levels without losing the combat focus. There are four sets of rules governing Combatives competition. Other combative sports are also encouraged, however it should be recognized that they sometimes reinforce bad combative habits. Basic Competitions The basic competition rules are designed for entry level soldiers, or soldiers with a limited knowledge base. Soldiers will begin with a handshake, face each other on their knees and fight until submission or a designated time limit. On reaching the time limit, a winner will be designated by the referee based upon aggressiveness and technical superiority.


Standard Competitions 1. Uniform: Soldiers should compete wearing BDUs and bare feet or wrestling shoes. For ease in scoring, one soldier may wear a DBDU top. 2. Duration: Matches last five to ten minutes. Specific match duration is decided in advance. 3. Scoring: Points are awarded to establish good fight habits and emphasize the importance of dominant body position. It is important to remember that submission will end the fight regardless of the score. The point values are: 2 Points---------Take Down: From the standing position, the fighter places his opponent on the ground but fails to gain dominant position.

3 Points----------Take Down: From the standing position, the fighter places his opponent on his back and gains a position past the guard: side control, mount, knee mount, northsouth, etc. 3 Points----------Pass the Guard: From between his opponent's legs, the fighter clears the legs and gains side control or the mount. 3 Points----------Sweep: From the guard position, the fighter changes positions, placing his opponent on his back. 3 Points----------Knee Mount: From side control, the fighter establishes one knee in his opponent's chest / abdomen and the other knee up and away from him and stabilizes himself. 4 Points----------Mount: The fighter establishes the mount with both knees and feet on the ground. 4 Points----------Back Mount: The fighter establishes the back mount with both feet hooked in position. 1 Point --------Stalling: Planning to use the clock to your advantage. Fighter will receive three warnings, after which his opponent will be awarded the point, this process will continue until action is resumed. 2 Points--------Passivity: Fighter disengages from the top position, the referee awards two points to the other fighter.


Standard Competition: Continued Note: All positions must be stabilized to the judges’ satisfaction to earn points. 4. Judging: Each match has one judge and one score keeper. It is the judge’s responsibility to ensure a safe and fair match. All decisions are final.

5. Illegal Techniques: The following are illegal and dangerous techniques. Their use may result in disqualification:

Strikes of any kind Twisting knee & ankle locks Finger techniques Wrist techniques

Grabbing the fingers Toe holds Attacking the groin Spiking Slam Slamming the opponent to pass the guard 6. Tie Breaking: If the score is tied at the end of the allotted time, the match will continue until the next point is scored or deducted. 7. Time limits: Time limits tend to change the type of technique commonly employed. There is however a need to limit the length of matches, especially when conducting a large number of them, for instance in a tournament. It is preferable to have no time limit, the victor decided by submission. If time limits are to be employed, a specific time limit will be decided on in advance, commensurate with the number of fights to be conducted. Another technique is to have a set amount of maximum points, usually fifteen. The first fighter who reaches that limit is the winner. Everyone involved should however keep in mind that a victory by submission is far preferable to a point victory.



A. All Standard rules apply. B. Tapping procedures will be adhered to. 1. Students will Tap when in pain, they feel that they are about to go unconscious or an effective joint lock is being applied. 2. Students preferably will attempt to Tap vigorously on there opponent when the above conditions apply. If a student can not Tap on there opponent they should Tap on either themselves or the Mat. 3. In the event that a student is unable to Tap they should verbally submit, exclaiming “Tap Tap Tap�. 4. Once opponent taps students will immediately stop what they are doing. 5. Students should not tap to just to escape an uncomfortable position. C. Students may not stand up unless to pass the guard. D. Students may not pick an opponent up and slam them on the mat. This includes when they are in there opponents guard. E. No finger chokes are allowed. F. Students may not apply any sort of small joint manipulation. This includes wrist locks and the bending of fingers. G. All joint manipulation will be applied with slow steady pressure. H. When grabbing the hand, students will grab either the whole hand or at least four fingers. I. No leg attacks of any kind are allowed in the level I Course. J. No striking is permitted. K. No pressure points will be applied L. No fish hooking will be permitted. M. Students will at no time grab there opponents genitals. N. No eye gouges. O. Conduct proper hygiene 1. Clean uniforms daily. 2. Wash hands after using the latrine. 3. Ensure soldiers trim finger/toe nails. 4. No rings, watches, belts, ID tags, or pin on rank. 5. Tape up zippers on ACUs. 6. Have bleach rags outside of latrines. 7. Mop mats with bleach water before & after training. P. Cold Weather 1. During times of Cold Weather Soldiers will ensure they have adequate change of clothes to meet weather condition IAW USARAK Policy Letter 0-08


Head Injury Warning Dear Student: You may have suffered a head injury. Head injuries vary in severity from mild to severe concussions to skull fractures. Though most severe head injuries can be recognized at the time of the injury, the signs and symptoms of others may not develop until a later time. Therefore, it is imperative that any Soldier who may have sustained even a minor head injury to take prudent precautions. We suggest the following: 1. Eat a light diet. 2. Do not take any sedatives or consume any alcoholic beverages. 3. Immediately go to the emergency room and call the cadre if any of the following occur: • Severe or progressively worsening headache • Nausea and/or vomiting • Unusual drowsiness • Blood or other fluids draining from ears nose or mouth • Convulsions and/or seizures • Confusion and/or inability to concentrate • Blurred vision and/or double vision • Ringing in the ears • Balance difficulties • Dilated and/or unequal pupil size • Temperature above 100.5 with or without neck stiffness 4. Do not take more than two (2) Extra-Strength Tylenol (Acetaminophen) or three (3) regular strength for headaches. Do not take aspirin or Ibuprofen!! Do not take any other pain medications. If any symptoms occur, report them to the cadre before your next class.


1130-1300 Lunch 1300-1330 RPT (1/2) 1330-1430 Standup Review 1430-UTC Sparing with submissions

FLWCA Level I Schedule – 40 Hours Monday 0630-0730 In-processing/Admin 0730-0800 Intro/ history 0900-0930 Stand in base (w/ kick also) Dominant Body Positions 0930-1130 Escape the mount/ trap and roll Pass the guard Achieve the mount/ drill #1 1130-1300 Lunch break 1300-1400 Film/lecture on realistic training plan 1400-1430 Shrimp escape/ (`escape the double grapevine) Shrimp drill 1430-1500 Escape the mount practical exercise 1500-1530 Arm push and roll to the rear mount 1530-1600 Escape the rear mount/drill #2 (Quick roll rear mount escape) 1600-UTC Sparing for dominant position

0800-0900 0900-0930 0930-1000 1000-1030 1030-1130 1130-1300 1300-1400 1400-1430 1430-1500 1500-1530 1530-1600 1600-UTC

0800-0830 0830-0900 0900-1130

1130-1300 1300-1400 1400-1530 1530-1630 1630-UTC

Thursday Warm-up(1/2) and review Stand-up fighting class Clinch against the puncher exercise ( close the distance/ achieve the linch/Pummel near side, far side/ pummel drill/ trapping arm in your armpit) Lunch Film/lecture on training plans Front takedown to the mount Rear takedown to the mount Guillotine choke Gauntlet/Drill/Review

Friday Warm up (1/2) and Review Student teaching Lunch Warm-up and review Grappling with punches class Grappling with punches exercise Knees from side control 1600-1630 Class on the realities of fighting on the battlefield

Tuesday Warm-up and review Rear naked choke/ (unbreakable Japanese strangle) Cross collar choke (from the knees, mount, then guard Bent arm-bar from mount and side control Straight arm-bar from the mount Straight arm-bar from the mount drill Lunch Film/lecture on realistic training plan Warm-up and review Straight arm-bar from the guard Straight arm-bar from the guard drill Sweep from the attempted straight arm-bar Scissors sweep/ kick the knee out/ Drill #3 Sparing with submissions

0800-0900 0900-1130 1130-1300 1300-1400 1400-1500 1500-1600

Wednesday 0800-0900 Warm-up and review 0900-1000 Drill/Review 1000-1130 Sparing with submissions


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