NINJA,ninja shadow,ninjutsu,The art of Ninjutsu,Shinobi,Ninpo
FOR You !
The art of Ninjutsu NINJA : Ninjutsu epitomizes the fullest concept of self-protection of not only the physical body, but the mind and spirit as well. The way of the ninja is the way of enduring, surviving, and prevailing over all that would destroy one. More than merely delivering strikes and slashes, and deeper in significance than the simple out-witting of an enemy; ninjutsu is the way of attaining that which we need while making the world a better place. The skill of the ninja is the art of winning. In the beginning study of any combative martial art, proper motivation is crucial. Without the proper frame of mind, continuous exposure to fighting techniques can lead to ruin instead of selfdevelopment. If an expert in the fighting arts sincerely pursues the essence of ninjutsu, devoid of the influence of the ego's desires, the student will progressively come to realize the ultimate secret for becoming invincible - the attainment of the 'mind and eyes of the divine.' The combatant who would win must be in harmony with the scheme of totality, and must be guided by an intuitive knowledge.
NINPO : "Ninpo", the higher order of ninjutsu, should be offered to the world as a guiding influence for all martial artists... ...Without complete and total training in all aspects of the combative arts, today's martial artist cannot hope to progress any further than mere proficiency in the limited set of muscular skills that make up his or her training system. Personal enlightenment can only come about through total immersion in the martial tradition as a way of living. Principle of a warrior : A warrior must never deviate from his or her path of Bushido and he or she must (1 of 5)7/13/2004 11:37:07 PM
NINJA,ninja shadow,ninjutsu,The art of Ninjutsu,Shinobi,Ninpo
endlessly seek knowledge to ever improve his or her path to enlightenment. Above all, a warrior must know that knowledge can only be attained from the obvious truth, by observation, and wisdom. It cannot be attained, gained, nor accepted from magic, superstitions, ghosts, spiritual messages, psychics, faith healers, conjurers, or mysticism. This is the important key to the principle of Bushido (500 BC), without this a warrior may fall into disillusion.
By opening his eyes and his mind, the ninja can responsively follow the subtle seasons and reasons of heaven, changing just as change is necessary, adapting always, so that in the end there is no such thing as surprise for the ninja.
What makes a Ninja special ? What makes a Ninja formidable is that they have to learn "Taijutsu" (hand to hand combat) which incorporates "Bugei Juhappan" (18 Samurai Arts) and "Ninjutsu Juhakkei" (18 Ninjutsu Arts). The "Bugei Juhappan" arts ranges from "Art of self defense" to "Art of throwing blades". The "Ninjutsu Juhakkei" arts ranges from "Art of spiritual refinement" to "Art of special disappearing". "Art of special disappearing" (Inton-jutsu) is the ability to trick the enemies senses.. ! Ninja needs not only to learn these arts but also to master them !!! Mysterious Art of Ninjutsu : Ninjutsu is a Martial Art based upon the use of strategy, fighting tactics of mountain warrior monks and the philosophy of Buddhism, all working together in accordance with the laws of nature. Ninja themselves had a number of secrets common to the Yamabushi. These secrets mainly concerned the same areas: Para psychological knowledge, resistance to pain, etc., essentially exploited by their concern for effiency. Written in the form of a code which was indecipherable to the unitiated, these secrets, which in modern times have been committed to the computers of the Japanese spy service, have been revealed, only to be shrouded once more in great secrecy. (2 of 5)7/13/2004 11:37:07 PM
NINJA,ninja shadow,ninjutsu,The art of Ninjutsu,Shinobi,Ninpo
Ninja History : "Ninja" were professional spies during the age of the samurai. Their origins go back to the twelfth century, when the samurai class began to gain power. When the scale of fighting increased in the fourteenth century, it became necessary to conduct espionage activities against enemy forces, and ninja became even more active. Ninja were called upon by their feudal lords to gather information, plunder the enemy's food and weapon supplies, and lead the way in nighttime attacks. They received specialized training and were given special duties. Ninja remained active until the beginning of the Edo period (1600-1868), when social order was restored by the government in Edo (now Tokyo). It was from the latter half of the eighteenth century that ninja became popular subjects of books and dramas. In the twentieth century ninja have been depicted in films using special effects and comics as imaginary characters with superhuman powers. Myths & Mysticism :
Many movies that portray the Historical Ninja as a member of a mystical magical warrior family. The ninja in the movies cast magic spells, project their images, become invisible, fly through the air or even run across water. These inaccuracies are not particularly damaging to the legendary image of the ninja. They even add to the mystery and popularity of ninjutsu. The ninja seems to overlook all concepts of right and wrong and and all morality in order to achieve his self serving goals. None of these concepts are even close to describing the real ninja. More than eight hundred years of history stretch back to the founder of the system of ninjutu, Daisuke Nishina of Togakure Village. After defeat at the hands of Heike troops, Daisuke escaped from his place of birth in Nagano and moved to the remote region of Iga. He changed his name to Daisuke Togakure and later was credited with founding the Togakure ryu of ninjutsu. The ninja developed as a highly illegal counterculture to the ruling class of samurai elite. It is for (3 of 5)7/13/2004 11:37:07 PM
NINJA,ninja shadow,ninjutsu,The art of Ninjutsu,Shinobi,Ninpo
this reason alone that the true origins of the art were shrouded in deliberate mystery and confusion. Tactics :
The Ninja are revered for their seemingly mystical ability to enter any structure no matter how well guarded, without being seen or heard. Although this skill is a reality, it cannot happen without a great deal of pre-preparation. One does not simply decide to infiltrate on a whim. It requires an in-depth plan based on the extensive information gathering of the Teisatsunin (reconnaissance Ninja). A well planned infiltration operation would only be attempted when the enemy would offer the least resistance. The Shikomunin (infiltrating Ninja) must learn that patience is the key. Even on a well planned assignment the Ninja knows they may have to wait concealed for long periods of time before to opportunity to infiltrate presents itself. When the concept of infiltration is brought up, the first thing that comes to mind is a black-clad Ninja stealthily moving past an unsuspecting sentry and entering a structure using only the shadows for concealment. This is a totally simplistic view of a very complex craft. Although stealth is the basis for the Shikomunin's arsenal of skills, there are a multitude of specialized tactics that cannot be overlooked. Once the Ninja has successfully entered , they move on to complete whatever task they were sent to perform. Eavesdropping, assassination, poisoning food and water stores, planting false information, stealing or any other such task.
Shinobigatana-jutsu (art of the Ninja sword) :
The "Shinobigatana" is designed to allow for quick maneuvers. its short blade makes it an excellent single handed weapon, but because of its extended hilt it is equally effective when wielded with both hands. All of the Shinobigatana’s unique uses make it the preferred weapon of the warrior. It should be known that the Samurai’s Katana is viewed as being an aggressive weapon, whereas the Ninja’s shorter sword is considered to be more defensive. It is said that the sword can be maneuvered three or four times faster than other weapons, so speed is an important factor in its application. The Ninja sword is designed for speed and concealment. its blade length ranges from between 16 and 24 inches and is usually straight. The straight blade design is known as “Muzori” and this design is also used in the (4 of 5)7/13/2004 11:37:07 PM
NINJA,ninja shadow,ninjutsu,The art of Ninjutsu,Shinobi,Ninpo
construction of the elusive Shinobi zue (Ninja sword cane) and Nagimaki (halberd). However, it is a common myth that Ninja of old were limited to the use of the straight bladed sword. This is inaccurate. Historical evidence dictates that the Ninja also wielded the curved blades (katana and wakizashi) that are most often associated with the Samurai class.
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