11 minute read
Class Notes
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1 Donna (Helm), BA '65 and Roger Kuhn were blessed with their first great-grandbaby, Roger Santiago Meinholz. Darrell, BA '69 and Terri Kobs have three grandchildren.
2 Valerie (Anderson) Sellmeyer, BA '86, welcomed a grandson into the family in September 2019 and will welcome a second grandbaby into the family in December 2020.
3 Reed, BA '03 and Joy (Wubben), BA '05 Tietz welcomed Jade Maven Tietz, born January 14, 2019. Phyleasha (Blooflat) Grauman, AA '12 is expecting her 11th child.
4 Eliza Faith was born April 7, 2020 to Aaron, BA '07 and Amanda (Mraz), BA '07 Cawthorn. She joins siblings Jonah, Kira and Jocelyn. 5 Amanda (Kuechenbecker), BA '08 and Derek Arens were blessed with a baby girl, Evelyn Marie Arens, on September 11, 2019.
6 Billy, BA ‘08, MA ’11 and Erica Schultz celebrated the birth of their son, Emerson, on May 9, 2020.
7 Craig, BA '10 and Natalie (Cochrane), BA '10 Heiman have welcomed their first baby, Hadley Alma Heiman, born October 9, 2019.
Vue Lee, BA '12 now has four grandchildren Marketia Thomas, MA '18 gave birth to her fourth son, Marshawn Thomas. He is a miracle baby born at 2lb 4oz.
1950s Bob, HS '50, JC '52 and Lois (Brakenhoff), BA '66 Holtz
celebrate 65 years of marriage on July 3, 2020. Sharon (Biel), AA '56 and Raymond Schlichtmann celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 15, 2020.
Robert Krueger, HS '63, JC '65 married Katherine Klemp on May 18, 2019. They reside in Jordan, Minn. Virginia (Krinke), BA '67 and Ken Buehring celebrate 50 years of marriage in 2020. Jennie (Arnold) Shreve, BA '69 celebrated her 50th anniversary in 2019. She has six great-grandchildren.
1970s David, BA '70 and Louella (Boomgaarden), BA '69 Green
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 25, 2020. 9 Jim, BA '70 and Marjean (Haack), BA '70 Hahler celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 8, 2020.
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10 Ben, BA '86 and Jeanne (Tolzmann), BA '86 Holten celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary on June 7, 2020.
11 Christine Borscheid, BA '00 married Scott Habeck of Jordan, Minn. on October 19, 2019. Their wedding took place in Stillwater, Minn. on the St. Croix River.
12 Anne Tiberg, BA '07 got engaged to Pastor Timothy Anderson (CU Bronxville NY, ‘09) in January 2020. The wedding will be in January 2021 in Arizona. 13 Tara (McMiller), BA '09 and Ryan Darling were married in January 2020. Ryan adopted Tara's daughter, Maggie, in June, and they are anxiously awaiting the birth of another child in November.
14 Matt Hewitt, BA '09, MA '11, MBA '13 married Jillian Klopke on May 9, 2020. Their original wedding plans were affected by COVID-19 but instead of postponing the wedding, Matt and Jill moved the ceremony to Matt's backyard and invited just their immediate families to be present.
15 Brittany (Arlow), BA '15 was married to Greg Nagel on May 2, 2020 in Pine River, Minn. Jessica (Borchardt) Blocker, BA '16 and Anna (Shaw) VanVleet, BA '14 helped to celebrate the occasion by serving as Matron of Honor and Bridesmaid!
16 Alice (Kratt) Smith, AA '62, MA '00 has received in her career: 1996 LEA Distinguished Elementary Teacher of the Year, 2006 LEA Distinguished International Educator of the Year, and 2017 CSP Alumni Distinguished Service Award.
Rev. James McDaniels, BA '72 was honored with the Christus in Mundo (Christ in the World) award in November 2019 by the LCMS. This award recognizes his contributions to LCMS Specialized Pastoral Ministry as both chaplain and pastor. Pastor McDaniels will also be receiving a Doctor of Letters from Concordia St. Paul at its spring commencement ceremony. 17 Dr. LeRoy Wilke, '72 received the Christus Vivit Award from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis during virtual Commencement on May 15, 2020. LeRoy was awarded the honorary Doctor of Letter degree from CSP in 1999 and retired from professional church work in 2005. LeRoy also served as Director of CSP's DCE Program from 1976-1985.
18 Chad Gieseke, '92 is celebrating six years working as the Director of Visual Merchandising for the Mud Pie family of brands. He was recently honored as one of the top ten influencers in the gift industry by Gifts and Decorative Accessories Magazine.
Wilda Pomales, BBA '04, MBA '10 graduated from FAMU College of Law in December 2019. She took the February 2020 Florida Bar, passed, and was sworn in on April 16, 2020. Pauline Bradford, MA '06 is currently completing a terminal degree from Saint Mary's University of Minnesota and will graduate in 2020.
Shelly Schwalm, BA '10, MFA '19 completed her MFA (Masters of Fine Arts) in Creative Writing at Concordia St. Paul in August 2019. Wendy (Nosbush) Schroeder, BA '12 earned a Masters in Early Childhood Special Education. Leonard Cain, MA '13 is completing a Doctorate in Educational Leadership at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minn. Maria Markman, BA '16 graduated with her Master of Divinity on May 31, 2020 from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn.
Robert Rahn, HS '54, JC '56 has three books coming out in the next year including History of Lutheran Heritage Foundation Volume II, an autobiography and a book of devotions.
David Preuss, HS '57, JC '59 celebrated his 55th anniversary of ordination, marriage, and pastoral ministry in grace-full gratitude to God.
Robert "Bob" Hathaway, HS '62, AA '64 retired from Century College in White Bear Lake, Minn. in spring 2020, after 51 years of teaching. Robert Tasler, '65 has published several daily devotionals, novels and Bible studies, all on Amazon under Robert L. Tasler.
Barrie Henke, BA '69 ended his Senior Pastorate position in July 2019 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond, Okla., and now serves as Visitation Pastor. He also continues as President of the Oklahoma District until April 2021. Ted Werfelmann, BA '69 is retired, serving as Intentional Interim Pastorate. He also serves as the Puget Sound VP for the Northwest District of LCMS.
Carol (Krenz) Lauterbach, BA '71 was recognized for 43 years of commissioned service to the church by the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the ELCA during their celebration of women's achievement in the church.
Mary Yerks, '76 retired from Heritage Christian Academy at the end of the 2020 school year. After 35 years of service at Concordia-Portland, Dr. Joel Schuldheisz, BA '78 is entering the Specialized Ministry Program (SMP) through Concordia Seminary-St. Louis and was called as a Vicar to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Preschool in Tacoma, Wash.
Mary (Hertwig) Schuldheisz, BA '77 is the School Administrator at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church and School in Federal Way, Wash. and Development Director at Concordia Christian Academy in Tacoma, Wash. Annamary Seltz, BA '77 finished her 40th year of teaching at St. Martin's Lutheran School in Winona, Minn.
Kim (Lees) Pfaff, BA '79 retired from the teaching ministry on May 31, 2020.
19 Rev. Charles Adams, BA '81 retired after 34 years in parish ministry. During those years he served on many district committees, as a circuit visitor, hospital chaplain and a reserve chaplain in the Iowa National Guard. His wife, Laura (Vogt) Adams, BA '77 has served as a church organist for 42 years. Paul Hickey, BA '84 works in computer programming for Zurich Insurance. His wife, Tricia, does accounting for a healthcare company. They are both involved at their congregation. Their daughter, Rebekah, BA '20 was recently married and their son Christopher is working for YWAM in Wisconsin and around the globe. 20 Joel Quinnell, '84 has spent 30 years singing with the Apollo Male Chorus of Minneapolis, Minn. and serves on the Board of Directors. Joel is also a co-chair for the Senate District 49 Republicans, serving Edina, Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka and South Minneapolis, Minn. Jim Nunn, BA '85 retired from competitive coaching after 35 years. He coached four seasons each year in football, wrestling, and baseball.
Todd Jenks, BA '87 received a promotion to Teaching Professor in the Communication Studies program at Iowa State University, where he teaches leadership communication theories.
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Jim Scriven, BA '90 celebrated his 30th year serving in Lutheran school ministry, including 12 years as a teacher, 13 as a principal, and now five years serving as the Education Executive for the Northwest District-LCMS.
Stewart Mednick, BA '97 is Senior Business System Analyst at US Bank and served as President and Vice President for the Minnesota Chapter of International Institute of Business Analysis. Stewart has published numerous articles in nationallycirculated magazines. Allan Hansen, BA '99 is an Adjunct Professor at Grand Canyon University.
Michael Meyer, BA '01 is currently serving as Assistant Principal at Silver Valley High School, Yermo, Calif. Michael and his wife, Katherine (Kohls) Meyer, '02 have three kids, Elizabeth, 14, Emily, 12, and Andrew, 8. They live in Victorville, Calif.
Jackie (Gronbach) Ohmann, BA '03 started a coffee and ice cream shop in Cannon Falls, Minn. in 2019 while also continuing her cheese business with two great business partners. 21 Dena Mayne, BA '05 is the new chief marketing officer for Ergotron, a global company focused on improving how people work, learn, play and care for others. Orval Peters, BA '05 was ordained and installed as pastor for St. John’s Lutheran Church in Hinton, Okla. and Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Watonga, Okla. on June 28, 2020. In March 2020, Philip Zastrow, BA '09 became a fully-licensed mental health professional in the state of Minnesota.
Sara (Sather) Pimental, BA '10 launched a new business, We Adventure Well LLC, which provides an iconic travel trailer rental service in the Twin Cities metro area.

22 Kenneth Garnier, MA '12 celebrated the release of his 16song, fourth studio album, 'Churchman' by Akouo in June 2019. Jason Manz, MBA '13 was named National Accounts Manager at PBI-Gordon in February 2020. Miguel Torneire, MA '13 is serving as the vacancy Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Centralia, Ill. He is also working as an executive director at his non-profit organization, Developing Our World.
23 Aric Bieganek, MA '14 started a new role at Concordia St. Paul as Retention Data Manager in Academic Advising in May 2020.
Elliot Powell, BA '14 works as Assistant Athletic Director for Development at South Dakota State University. 24 Reed Johnson, BA '15, MA '18 couldn't be more proud than to have the opportunity to work as an alum coaching for the CSP football program. Haya Haj Ahmad, MBA '16 is currently the Director of Alumni Affairs at the ivy league medical college, the Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar, the first and only branch outside the US. Timi Ogundipe, BA '17, MBA '19 started a podcast titled “Shed Some Light,” where people of color share experiences of profiling and discrimination. 25 Megan Bergman, MA '19 was named the new Isanti County Court Administrator, effective June 17, 2020. Drew Sannes, MA '19 was hired as the head baseball coach at North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) in Mason City, Iowa.
Alberto Tineo, MA '19 has been working in HR in a nursing home since August 2019.
Courtni Holloway, BA '20 is a seventh grade English teacher at Hiawatha Academy-Northrop in Minneapolis, Minn.

Rev. Victor Schultz, HS '45 passed away on March 7, 2020. Wilfred Nieting, HS '46 passed away January 3, 2020.
Rev. James "Jim" Johnson, HS '52, JC '54 passed away on April 4, 2020. Rev. Lloyd Hackbarth, HS '54, JC '56 passed away on September 11, 2020. Rev. William Robinson, JC '57 passed away on August 14, 2020.
Byron Stolzenburg, JC '58 passed away on January 26, 2020. Yvonne (Thom) Petersen, JC '58 passed away on June 20, 2020.
Robert Holland, HS '59 passed away on July 25, 2020.
Gunard Heikkila, '61 passed away on August 23, 2020. Rev. James Mueller, HS '61, JC '63 passed away on November 8, 2019. Joseph Fountain, BA '68 passed away on August 10, 2020. Joe is a 2020 Concordia St. Paul Alumni Distinguished Service Award recipient. Lana (Becker) Schaefer, BA '68 passed away on August 14, 2020.
Nancy (Anderson) Ruff, BA '69 passed away on June 3, 2020.
Alan Winn, HS '70 passed away on February 28, 2019.
Gregory Tyler, BA '83 passed away on February 28, 2020. Jeff Wegner, BA '83 passed away on June 20, 2020. Cindy (Frietag) Denman, BA '83 passed away on July 21, 2020.
Jerry Person, BA '96, MA '99 passed away April 14, 2020. Stephen Lammers, BA '97 passed away on May 3, 2020.
Larry Schlichting, BA '01 passed away on September 13, 2020. Rachel (Rossin) Vrudny, BA '02 passed away on June 8, 2020. Thomas Sendecky, BA '04 has passed away. Eric Cannedy, BA '05 passed away on July 22, 2020.
Darla Lidke, MA '10 passed away on October 16, 2019.
Longtime music faculty Robert Leininger passed away Oct. 9, 2020. Leininger, known as "Chief" to his students, taught at Concordia St. Paul from 1965 until his retirement in 1996.