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A Place for Generations to Come
Through their philanthropic support, Rev. Jim, AA '61 and Karen Laatsch are committed to ensuring that Concordia University, St. Paul is able to serve students in this place for generations to come. “I had a great experience at CSP,” Jim says. “My feeling is if CSP can do that for a poor, shy kid, in the pre-pastoral program, they have education figured out pretty well.”
Karen remarks that as she’s learned more about CSP, she sees a number of appealing qualities, including “CSP’s determination to live and teach from a Lutheran faith perspective, [a] very desirable location close to a metropolitan area, [and the University’s] efforts to reach out to and attract students from diverse cultures and backgrounds.”
Jim and Karen have committed to a blended gift in support of CSP students. A blended gift is a commitment to a specific total gift amount, given in cash and other assets during a donor’s lifetime.
"For many their most significant gift will be made through their estate,” adds Vice President of University Advancement Mark Hill. “However, by giving a portion during our lifetime from assets such as stocks, mutual funds, gifts from our IRA account, cryptocurrency, and grants from our donor-advised funds, we can experience the joy of giving and witness the immediate impact of our gift while celebrating the creation of a lasting legacy."
Donors may choose to designate their blended gift however they wish. For Jim and Karen, contributing to Concordia’s endowment ensures they can make an impact far beyond their lifetime.
“I tend to think in the long term when making a significant gift,” Karen shares. “I like the idea of a gift that keeps on giving.”