“Championing the cause of Social Returns”
“Krinvanto Vishwam Aryam , Kri>h Vishwa>shayani”
(Let us make this world a noble place to live in, May what we create, be the best in the world)
To remain credible and ethical and work for empowering People, Planet & Society.
Genesis of Indian Centre for CSR (ICCSR)
The growing concern about the impact of Businesses on environment and society is a global phenomenon. Performance in terms of environmental, social and governance impact of business have become important indicators to achieve sustainable development of an economy In India everyone has a view on CSR but when comes to knowledge and understanding the essence of CSR for Corporate-‐ there is an impending need of clarity as people confuse philanthropy and charity with CSR. This simple understanding which is well seBled in Europe is sDll a point of contenDon. Accordingly, ICCSR has mandated itself to spread CSR Knowledge and Global Best PracDces on CSR for People, Society, Government and most importantly Corporate as these stakeholders need to understand that. Philanthropy and charity are significant but limited in their efficacy & scale to achieve the desired progress in sustainable and inclusive development Rajesh Tiwari, our Founder & CEO, and other leadership team of Alok Goel, Vipan Chopra, Bhanu Pratap Singh & Sanjeev Verma were driven by zeal to eradicate the knowledge gap in CSR space in India. Having worked for three decades in government, public and private sector in leadership posiDons having raised billions of dollar, all were driven by passion to create a world class enDty in CSR space. At, Indian Centre for CSR, we believe that PracDcal and correct usage of CSR creates a “WOW” effect in the minds of stakeholders and this needs to be understood by the companies. CSR aims at Sustainable Development, which revolves around the four pillars of CSR: the work place, which revolves around the Employees; Market Place, which means the customer; the Society in general; and the Environment in parDcular
ICCSR-‐Right place, Right Time! CSR has been gaining momentum in India. The inclusion in the Companies Bill, 2011, to include Sustainability Reports in the Annual Report and mandatory spend 2% of average net profit (approx Rs. 8,000 crore) of last 3 years on CSR acDviDes has given it a very important push All companies including SMEs will be required to submit Sustainability Report The SecuriDes and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) issued a mandate that the 100 top listed enDDes must submit CSR Reports, as a part of their annual report The large transnaDonal companies are asking their suppliers to be CSR compliant. Today CSR acDviDes are managed by differently qualified managers, inexperienced in this field – not specialists. CSR and Sustainability is the aggregate of strategies, methods and tools that an enterprise or an organizaDon uses in its business acDviDes, in order to assure compliance with ethical standards as well as a posiDve impact on the three pillars of sustainability: environment, society, economy.
The World is imbibing the concept of “Shared Vision.” The best of the corporates are transforming themselves by including Social Returns along with Financial Returns in their Core Strategic Vision.
About Indian Centre for CSR (ICCSR) Indian Centre for CSR (ICCSR) is a not for profit Global Advisory and Training organizaDon engaged in the business of promoDng Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India and globally. As a Global OrganizaDon, through our network of Specialist's / Consultants / Advisor's / Partners, We are genuinely pursuing with Government's , OrganizaDons, InsDtuDons in providing state of the art, World class services to achieve stakeholders value across the OperaDonal and OrganizaDonal Frameworks. Working with both Public and Private sector in India, ICSSR offers strategies and plans that focus on the social and environmental aspects while offering the business an opportunity to share what they have for People, Planet & Society. ICCSR is Run by people who have created companies worth billions of dollars ICCSR has establish robust advisory board. ICCSR has advised Govt of India in CSR policy frame work. ICCSR CEO has been nominated as judge of InternaDonal Green Awards. ICCSR is on review of frame work for UN Environment Program. Our magazine CSR Today is read by many prime ministers, global bodies and CEOs. ICCSR has received exempDon from Income Tax for SecDon 80 CC benefits. Featured in various media including Economic Times. Apponited CSR Partners for Govt of UBar Pradesh for Maha Kumbh.
Advisory Board • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Pankaj Pachauri: CommunicaEons Adviser to the Prime Minister of India Rajesh Tiwari: Former Group Director Reliance and Founder Tikona Digital and ex I & B and Telecom ministry bureaucrat MarPn Neureiter : Founder and CEO of The CSR Company, Vienna Chandir Gidwani : Founder of Centrum Investment Ltd Kingshuk Nag, Editor : The Times of India Toby Webb : Founder and Chairman of Ethical CorporaEon Jitendra Bhargava : Former ExecuEve Director, Air India Sanjiv Kaura: CEO, Times FoundaEon Nikos Avlonas : Cofounders and President of the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE), Brussels SaPsh Jha : President and CEO, OLPC India Amit ChaTerjee : Country Director for HP SoSware (India) Kapil Dev : Renowned Indian cricketer Ted McFarland :Former President for Turner InternaEonal Asia Pacific Dr. Kamal Kant Dwivedi : Vice Chancellor , Apeejay Stya University Dinesh Awasthi : Entrepreneur Development InsEtute of India
InternaPonal Partners
ICCSR V erPcals CSR Advisory • CSR Advisory • CSR Benchmarking • CSR Report Review-‐ Gap Analysis • Impact Study of a CSR Program • Baseline/Need assessment survey • CSR AnalyDcs • Cause Related MarkeDng • Environmental Strategy • HDI Index • Human Right Strategy • CSR in Supply Chain • Green MarkeDng • CSR CommunicaDon • Climate Foot prinDng • Climate & Energy Management • CSR Labels
EducaPon & Training
• MS Program in CSR & Ethical Management (full Dme) • MS Program in Environment Management • MS Program in CSR & Ethical Management (part Dme) • Four months Diploma in CSR for working execuDves • Two day workshop in CSR Strategy for Senior managers • Online cerDficaDon in CSR & Environment management • Strategic CSR for CEO
Magazine & Awards
• CSR Today Magazine • CSR Today Awards • CSR Today Company RaDngs
ICCSR Advisory PracPce
ICCSR-‐ Advisory PracPce ICCSR appoints InternaDonal Advisors/partners to ensure that Indian Corporates set a processes'’ which are Globally Acknowledged as Best CSR PracDces and are fully compliant as per Global Standards ICCSR helps you implement your CSR report along with KPIs and write it to a global standards so that report finds acceptance with GRI, UNCompact, UNPRI, CDP and ulDmately ensuring ISO 26000 compliance. At each stage of this work we involve best of the global experts. Such for GRI ReporDng, we involves Irene Daskalakis who has supervised 100s of companies in the process of GRI ReporDng. Similarly, for ISO 26000, we involve MarDn Neureiter who has been himself Chair of ISO 26000 and advises Fortune 500 companies Globally. For UNCompact, we involve Toby Webbs who has advised BriDsh Prime Minister on CSR and is Chairman of Stakeholder Intelligence. For UNPRI, Michael Hopkins of MCHi Geneva advises top global companies.
ICCSR Services SEBI’s Business Responsibility ReporDng Advisory CSR Advisory CSR Benchmarking CSR Report Review-‐ Gap Analysis Impact Study of a CSR Program Baseline/Need assessment survey CSR Research CSR AnalyDcs CSR Training & CerDficaDon Cause Related MarkeDng
Environmental Strategy HDI Index Human Right Strategy CSR in Supply Chain Green MarkeDng CSR CommunicaDon Climate Foot prinDng Climate & Energy Management CSR RaDngs CSR Labels
InternaPonal Green Awards ™ Our Founder and CEO , Rajesh Tiwari , on the jury of the presDgious InternaDonal Green Awards™. He is the only Indian on this select jury. He has nominated to UNEP Panel of Experts. ICCSR is well represented in Global bodies like UNEP & European Union CSR Programs 8 areas of assessment • • • •
Energy • Water • Waste Resources • •
Carbon Supply Chain Transport Social Impact
Judgement criteria a. Sustainability Vision i.Display long term vision towards sustainability and demonstrate potenDal to add incremental posiDve value across all sustainability areas ii. Is the project proacDve or reacDve b. InnovaPon i.Does this entry break new ground in its approach? ii.Does it have the potenDal to be a game changer? c.Leadership / Advocacy on sustainability issues i. Has the entry been able to change behaviour across its sector or community? ii. Has the entry demonstrated potenDal to influence widespread policy changes?
UN Compact Guidelines Human Rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protecDon of internaDonally proclaimed human rights; and Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Principle 7: Business should support a precauDonary approach to environmental challenges; Principle 8: undertake iniDaDves to promote greater environmental responsibility; and Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Labor Standards Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of associaDon and the effecDve recogniDon of the right to collecDve bargaining; Principle 4: the eliminaDon of all forms of forced and compulsory labor; Principle 5: the effecDve aboliDon of child labor; and Principle 6: the eliminaDon of discriminaDon in respect of employment and occupaDon.
AnP-‐CorrupPon Principle 10: Businesses should work against corrupDon in all its forms, including extorDon and bribery.
Global ReporPng IniPaPve (GRI) The GRI ReporDng Framework is intended to serve as a generally accepted framework for reporDng on an organizaDon’s economic, environmental, and social performance. It is designed for use by organizaDons of any size or spread, sector, or geography. The GRI ReporDng Framework contains general and sector-‐specific content that has been agreed by a wide range of stakeholders around the world ReporPng Principles and Guidance
Main elements here help determine what to report on and cover the ReporDng Principles of materiality, stakeholder inclusiveness, sustainability context, and completeness, along with a brief set of tests for each Principle. ApplicaDon of these Principles with the Standard Disclosures determines the topics and Indicators to be reported. These principles conclude with guidance for reporDng organizaDons on how to define the range of enDDes represented by the report (also called the ‘Report Boundary’).
Standard Disclosures
The Guidelines idenDfy informaDon that is relevant and material to organizaDons and of interest to stakeholders . There are three types of Standard Disclosures: •Strategy and Profile: sets the overall context for understanding organizaDonal performance such as its strategy, profile, and governance. •Management Approach: covers how an organizaDon addresses a given set of topics in order to provide context for understanding performance in a specific area. •Performance Indicators: Indicators that elicit comparable informaDon on the economic, environmental, and social performance of the organizaDon.
UNPRI ReporPng The United NaDons-‐backed Principles for Responsible Investment IniDaDve (PRI) is a network of internaDonal investors working together to put the six Principles for Responsible Investment into pracDce. The Principles were devised by the investment community. They reflect the view that environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues can affect the performance of investment portolios and therefore must be given appropriate consideraDon by investors if they are to fulfil their fiduciary (or equivalent) duty.
ReporPng Principles and Guidance
• Incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-‐making processes. • AcDve owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and pracDces. • Appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the enDDes in which we invest. • Promote acceptance and implementaDon of the Principles within the investment industry • Enhance our effecDveness in implemenDng the Principles. • Report on our acDviDes and progress towards implemenDng the Principles.
Asset owners: The importance of ESG issues is recognised by top pension funds and investors, who want to reduce both risk and generate sustainable financial returns. Asset managers: Being a signatory to the PRI gives asset managers a compeDDve edge over non-‐signatory peers by helping them to develop their experDse to beBer incorporate in investment strategies the risks and opportuniDes posed by ESG issues. Service providers: As investors increasingly look to incorporate ESG issues into their investment processes, the implementaDon of the Principles will affect the investment supply chain.
Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Risk Management
Why report to CDP?
Companies that measure their environmental risk are beBer able to manage it strategically. And those that are transparent and disclose this informaDon are providing decision makers with access to a criDcal source of global data that delivers the evidence and insight required to drive acDon.
Companies demonstrate:
Realize several benefits
• How they are future-‐proofing their business from climate change and water impacts.
Thousands of companies around the world from medium sized enterprises to large publicly quoted corporaDons are realizing the benefits from this process.
• Increased awareness of greenhouse gas emissions hot spots so that they can begin to reduce them. • Business leadership in understanding the risks from climate change and water scarcity. • How they are creaDng opportuniDes to innovate and generate revenue from sustainable products and services.
Leadership indexes Companies with the top scores for disclosure qualify to be listed in the Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI) . Top-‐scoring companies for performance qualify to be listed in the Carbon Performance Leadership Index (CPLI) provided they also meet some addiDonal criteria that are explained in detail on the performance scores page.
ISO 26000: the GOLD standard OrganisaPonal Governance OranisaDonal governance
Human Rights
Due diligence, Human rights risk situaDons, Avoidance of complicity, Resolving grievances, DiscriminaDon and vulnerable groups, Civil and poliDcal rights, Economic, social and cultural, rights, Fundamental principles and rights at work.
Labour PracPces
Employment and employment relaDonships, CondiDons of work and social protecDon, Social dialogue, Health and safety at work, Human development and training in the workplace
PrevenDon of polluDon, Sustainable resource use, Climate change miDgaDon and adaptaDon, Environmental protecDon, biodiversity and restoraDon of natural habitats
Fair operaPng pracPces
AnD-‐corrupDon, Responsible poliDcal involvement, Fair compeDDon, PromoDng social responsibility, in the value chain, Respect for property rights
Consumer issues
Community Involvement and Development
Fair markeDng, factual and unbiased informaDon and fair contractual pracDces, ProtecDng, consumers’ health and safety, Sustainable consumpDon, Consumer service, support, and complaint and dispute resoluDon, Consumer data protecDon and privacy, Access to essenDal Note: services, EducaDon and awareness
Community involvement, EducaDon and culture, Employment creaDon and skills development, Technology development and access, Wealth and income creaDon, Health, Social investment
The numbers menEoned in figure above refers to the paragraph numbers in the ISO 26000
ICCSR EducaPon & Training
ICCSR EducaPon & Training The sheer magnitude of work to be done in CSR space across private sector companies, public sector undertakings , government bodies and government itself is overwhelming CSR, Sustainability, Ethical Management are no longer concepts but germain to survival of human enterprise Unfortunately, today these acDviDes managed by differently qualified generalists , in-‐ experienced in this field – not specialists The aim of the ICCSR –EducaDon & Training IniDaDves is provide integrated teaching of economics fundamentals, business ethics, CSR management and the enDre field of sustainability to budding managers, senior execuDves and CEOs. It includes understanding the economic and social sustainability for the opDmal allocaDon of resources According to the results of the Indian Centre for CSR, a majority of Indian companies believe that the development of a CSR strategy can deliver real business benefits However, only 11% have made significant progress in implemenDng the strategy in their organizaDon: this indicates huge requirement for talent
One Year MS course in CSR and Ethical Management Indian Centre for CSR, Lavasa
University of Applied Sciences, Vienna
University of Applied Sciences, Vienna UAS is Austria's Largest Technical With over 5,000 alumni and more than 2,700 students currently taking its 11 bachelor’s and 17 master’s degree programs, UAS Technikum Wien is the largest purely technical university of applied sciences in Austria. It offers an extremely diverse range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. All of the programs are based on a solid theoreDcal foundaDon, while also being pracDce-‐oriented. UAS Technikum Wien was founded in 1994 and became Vienna’s first university of applied sciences in 2000. It is a network partner of the AssociaDon of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries (FEEI). The University conducts MBA and MS Programs in CSR.
Why this course ? The aim of the MSc course in CSR and ethical management is an integraDve teaching of economics fundamentals, business ethics, CSR management and the enDre field of sustainability. It includes understanding the economic and social sustainability for the opDmal allocaDon of resources According to the results of the Indian Centre for CSR, a majority of Indian companies believe that the development of a CSR strategy can deliver real business benefits However, only 11% have made significant progress in implemenEng the strategy in their organisaEon: this indicates huge requirement for talent
Crippling need of CSR professionals is forcing companies to scout for CSR talent as it has emerged as one of the most important management needs of the corporates. Recent bill of making 2% mandatory spent makes it abundantly clear that soon every organizaDons would necessarily have CSR division.
Course Content
The Social Dimension – 12 CSR acDviDes in employee field Methods and tools of CSR – management – • Investment and CSR – CSR cost plans and IntroducDon of the concept Corporate ResponsibiliDes rules parameters, ImplementaDon CSR – Strategies – Small business strategies Examples of good pracDce, best pracDce and to affiliated group companies strategies worst p racDce i n E uropean a nd InternaDonal CSR concepts – DefiniDon of goal, Mission project management statements and Company visions • Norms, s tandards a nd Q uality a ssurance in CommunicaDon with stakeholders – Cross-‐ CSR management – Overview with focus on cultural competence and communicaDon European and InternaDonal standards Business Ethics, Corporate governance, Compliance and values • IntroducDon t o E uropean a nd I nternaDonal Business p lans MarkeDng and PresentaDon of European for and InternaDonal CSR projects • Examining t ools a nd g oal m anagement CSR – Measurement of CSR performance, Ethic and Anthropology – Human Rights and AnD – discriminaDon in CSR Projects Diversity m anagement a nd H uman Resource • Remotely draving Project closures/ Environmental analysis and Project launch in CSR Projects – Problem matrix and presentaDons and examinaDons Stakeholders informaDon • CSR for small and medium size business •
• • • • • • • •
Developing a CSR Project and Thesis and • compleDng at least one module in Vienna is mandatory for Indian students to become Globally acceptable.
Globally respected MS Cer>ficate awarded by the University of Applied Sciences, Vienna
Global Faculty
This course prepares you for • CSR Overview-‐ the concept of CSR as business model • CSR Strategy Development • ImplementaDon – from gap analysis to acDon plan, budgets, Organogram • Standards in CSR – ISO 26000, GRI, OESD , UNGC etc • Stakeholder IdenDficaDon and Engagement • Good Governance • Responsibility of business to respect Human Rights • Impacts on Environment and how to deal with them
• Customers & Consumers Issues • Transparency, fair adverDsement, CSR as brand factor • CSR & Employees HR, labour pracDces • CorrupDon prevenDon, anD cartel measures, protecDon of intellectual property • Community development • CommunicaDon, dialogue with stakeholders, the media, the general public,
Unique to this Program: Many global and Indian CEO would address students every month. This will be interacDve discussion enabling our students to gain first hand knowledge, awareness, and exposure to Global Best PracDces.
Other Courses from ICCSR • • • • •
MS Program in CSR & Ethical Management (part Dme) MS Program in Environment Management Four months Diploma in CSR for working execuDves Online CerDficate course in CSR Online CerDficate course in Environment management
Training & Seminars • • • •
Two-‐day CerDficate in CSR Strategy for Senior managers One-‐day CerDficate in Environment Strategy Two-‐day CerDficate in Principles of Responsible InvesDng One-‐day Program for CEOs
Training Seminar Glimpses-‐ Ahmedabad
Training Seminar Glimpses-‐ Indian Merchant Chambers Mumbai
Training Seminar Glimpses ICCSR Leadership Room, Navi Mumbai
CEO as CSR Faculty at UAS Vienna
CSR Today Magazine
CSR Today Magazine-‐ At a glance
CSR Today Awards & RaPngs • CSR Today will host annual Corporate Social Responsibility Awards program, which honors the most outstanding efforts powering CSR and green iniDaDves. The winners of the CSR Awards represent corporaDons, agencies and nonprofits in India. • CST Today will rate companies on 10 indicators of employee, environment, community and governance performance. By aggregaDng and normalizing the data, CSR Today intends to create a broad, consistent raDng system.
Core Team
Rajesh Tiwari is founder and CEO of Indian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR). Earlier, he founded Tikona Digital Networks Pvt. Ltd. in 2008 and served as its JMD. He was Group Director at Reliance CommunicaDons. He was art of the elite government service for 14 years where he was part of the founding team of public sector telecom company MTNL. He also worked as Private Secretary to Minister of InformaDon and BroadcasDng (Government of India). He was ExecuDve Director of Bharat Aluminum. He started his career with Hindustan Lever Limited. He also served as ExecuDve Vice President of Afro-‐Asian Satellite CommunicaDons. He is an alumni of St. Xavier Kolkata, an MBA from University of Hull, England and a Doctorate in Social AdministraDon from USA. MarPn Neureiter is Chair of the ImplementaDon Task Group within ISO (InternaDonal Standards OrganisaDon) Working Group Social Responsibility wriDng the ISO 26 000 standard. He has advised a number of companies worldwide such as SAP, NaDonal Bank of Abu Dhabi, Vivacell Mobile phone and others. He also lectures at the St. Gallen Management InsDtute (Switzerland) and coaches at CEO level. Alok Goel is an IIT and IIM alumnus and has worked with TELCO, ICI, JUBILANT ORGANISYS, INDO RAMA, RIL ,Reliance CommunicaDons,USHA InternaDonal & NITCO. He has rich 32 years of work experience in running a mid cap company as well as large SBUs ; having worked through Sales and MarkeDng, Global LogisDcs and Procurement, ProducDon, Project management etc. in different industries such as Automobiles, Chemicals, FerDlizers, PharmaceuDcals, Agrochemicals, Petrochemicals, Telecom,Consumer Durables,& Building Material etc. – both in mulDnaDonal and in family-‐ run business environment. Irene Daskalakis is an InternaDonal Advisor on Corporate Responsibility Management and Business Management. She holds a Bachelor in Business AdministraDon with a concentraDon in InternaDonal Business from George Washington University in Washington, DC, USA and a Master in Business AdministraDon with a concentraDon in InternaDonal Business from the Athens University of Economics and Business. Irene has worked at the Global Programs and Partnerships Unit at the World Bank, where she was involved in the promoDon of strategic partnerships with FoundaDons. Sanjeev Verma is a graduate in engineering from NaDonal InsDtute of Technology and an MBA from Washington University. He has almost 18 years of experience in technology, media, adverDsing & PR, manufacturing, and retail companies such as Naval Mazagaon Dockyard, Raptakos-‐BreB, Vogel-‐Jasubhai Media, AdFactor, CBS InteracDve Inc. (CNET, CMP Media), 9.9 Media, Belle View Plc. Pratap Bhanu Singh is a development professional and has grass root experience of over decade in human development and cluster management. He has worked with some top NGOs in the country. He hold MBA degree from IGNOU. Vipan Chopra has over 30 years of telecom experience in senior posiDons. He has worked in ITI, TCIL and MTNL. He is also President of Society BriDsh Scholars in India. He has an MBA degree from University of Hull.
Accolades Â
ICCSR in News
ICCSR in News
ICCSR in News
ICCSR in News
Investment Case for ICCSR
• There are plenty of examples which shows social ventures like ICCSR drives superior values… Aavishkar, Accion, Acumen, BlueOrchard Group, India Financial Inclusion Fund, Lok Capital have got higher IRRs someDme over 40% in social enterprise investments • Top class Leadership (board and execuDve) • Expert Management (senior, mid-‐level and program) • Financial Robustness in the first year itself • Achieved RegistraDon under secDon 12 AA of IT Act to issue 80G exempDon • Strong CapaciDes and OperaDonal Processes’ • Created a World-‐class Infrastructure • Strategic Partners and other key stakeholders • World class magazine CSR Today • ImparDng World class EducaDon in CSR & Ethical Management • Created InternaDonal Brand Equity • A strong pipeline of Projects in hand
Metrics of New Age Social Enterprises Potential social returns?
Potential financial returns?
“Pure play” companies
Business Plan Summary CALENDAR YEAR
2013 -‐14
Year Number
OperaDonal months EDUCATIONAL
Thank You!
Indian Centre for CSR 601, 6th Floor, Greenscape Technocity, Plot No. X4/5 A, TTC Industrial Area Mahape, Navi Mumbai-‐ 400701 (India) +91 22 27788481 +91 22 27788482 +91 22 27788483