Central Vietnam's Bid for Glory

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囊中之物 a ’nam to contend with

越南中部海濱城市一直被視為布吉和峇里島等旅遊熱點的 潛在威脅,隨著基礎設施大幅提升,大展拳腳的時機已到

For years, central Vietnam has been tipped as a potential rival to regional tourism heavyweights like Phuket and Bali. Now, with rapid improvements to infrastructure and facilities, this destination could finally be ready to step into the limelight text connla stokes

十年前,峴港富麗華度假酒店是峴 港海灘唯一一間高級酒店,而峴港 是越南中部最大的海濱城市。酒店 門口可見到一個簡陋廣告牌,介紹 一間叫Hoa’s Place的平價民宿。每 間客房只須幾美元,由客人自己記 帳。民宿老闆阮晉和( Nguyen Tan Hoa)是一位有趣人物,他對每一 位路過的背包客說,他在這裡的悠 遊日子即將結束,因為政府已為峴 港制定大型旅遊發展計劃,他很清 楚自己最終會被請走。 旅遊發展商會相中越南中部海 濱城市,不僅因為此地區可進行衝浪 戲水等各種海灘活動,中部還擁有豐 富多元的文化遺產,至少有三個項目 被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺 產。問題是,多年來旅遊業卻未見有 突破。富麗華度假酒店繼續享有其壟 斷地位,而Hoa’s Place亦安然無恙, 仍留守原地營業。但位於備受遊客歡 迎的河內和胡志明市之間的峴港,始 終相形失色。

just over a decade ago,

past the entrance to Furama Resort — at the time the sole high-end resort on the beach just outside Da Nang, central Vietnam’s largest city by a stretch — there was a shabby sign on the road advertising a more modest digs, called Hoa’s Place, where rooms cost a few bucks and guests wrote their own bills. The laidback proprietor was Nguyen Tan Hoa, a colourful local character, who told every passing backpacker that soon he’d be moving on, and his seemingly permanent vacation would end. There were big tourism development plans for this part of Vietnam, and Hoa was under no illusions. Eventually, he’d get the heave-ho. It’s no surprise that tourism developers coveted the central coast — not just for the surf and sand, where American GIs partied during the Vietnam War. Central Vietnam is also home to a rich and fascinating cultural heritage — there are no fewer than three UNESCO-protected World Heritage Sites in the area. But for years, nothing much happened. And while the Furama enjoyed its monopoly on luxury accommodation, despite his predictions, Hoa’s Place never moved. Da Nang remained the lesser-known halfway point on the well-pounded tourist trail between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. > > 024 < <

Fusion Maia Da Nang

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航班選擇 Getting there 你可由廣州、台北、新加坡、 首爾及上海直飛到峴港國際 機場,亦可去河內的內排國際 機場或胡志明市的新山國際 機場,轉內陸機。 You can fly direct to Da Nang International Airport from Guangzhou, Taipei, Singapore, Seoul and Shanghai; otherwise you can fly via Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport or Tan Son Nhat International Airport in Ho Chi Minh City on domestic airlines.

現在,一切跡象顯示峴港即將 出現大轉變。峴港機場已升級至國 際水平,並開通了峴港與廣州、台 北、新加坡、首爾及上海的直航服 務,直飛曼谷和香港的航班也很快 會投入服務。從北部古都順化、峴 港、會安以至南部的歸仁,多間世 界級的度假酒店陸續開幕。由Colin Montgomerie及Greg Norman分別設 計的兩個國際知名高爾夫球場經已 啓用。出自Nick Faldo手筆的新高爾 夫球場也即將於今夏開幕,這是悅 榕莊的順化發展項目之一。 中部各項基礎設施不斷改善, 資金亦不斷湧入。世界最長的纜 車系統讓遊客直達早年法國殖民 者的避暑勝地巴拿山。你可以從 巴拿山俯瞰茶山半島上的自然保護 區、白雪沙灘、五星級的芽莊豪華 峴港酒店和新落成的洲際酒店度 假村InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort。 Indochina Capital是越南中部 旅遊業的主要發展商,最新開發 項目是峴港凱悅度假村及水療中心 和蒙哥馬利海灣球場,其董事John Blanco指峴港現時仍被視為短暫停 留的旅遊目的地。而他認為「這個 地區充滿活力和多元特色,加上直

(上圖)蒙哥馬利海灣球場, (右圖)富麗華度假酒店的 私人海灘 (Above) Montgomerie Links Golf Club; (right) Furama resort's private beach

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Now, there is a palpable sense of great expectation in the air. Da Nang’s airport has been upgraded to meet international standards, with direct flights already arriving from Guangzhou, Taipei, Singapore, Seoul and Shanghai, and routes to Bangkok and Hong Kong soon to follow. A string of world-class resorts have opened up, from the former imperial capital of Hue in the north, through Da Nang and Hoi An, down to the rugged shoreline of Quy Nhon in the south. Two internationally renowned golf courses are already operating in Da Nang — designed by Colin Montgomerie and Greg Norman — and yet another, Nick Faldo-designed course is set to open this summer as part of the Banyan Tree-developed Laguna Hue project. Everywhere in the region, infrastructure is improving and investment flowing. The world’s longest non-stop cablecar system is ferrying visitors up the precipitous slopes of the Central Highlands to Ba Na, where French émigrés once sojourned in cooler climes. From Ba Na you will be able to see down to the Son Tra peninsula — home to a nature reserve, unspoiled white-sand beaches and a stunning fivestar resort, the Vinpearl Luxury Danang. According to John Blanco, director of Indochina Capital — a major player in central Vietnam tourism, which developed the recently opened Hyatt Regency Danang and Montgomerie Links golf club — the coast has hitherto been billed as a two- or three-night stop in a more extensive itinerary of the region. But, he believes, “the diverse and robust features that distinguish the region, combined with increased direct air access, will merit longer visits from all

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(右起順時計)La Résidence,生命喜來

住宿選擇 Where to stay

得度假村的字畫興趣 班,富麗華度假酒店 (Clockwise from right) La Résidence; Life Heritage Resort's Chinese character painting class; Furama Resort

南海酒店 The Nam Hai

這個全別墅式度假村酒店擁有60 套單房別墅及40套附有私人泳池 的2至5房別墅。 The Nam Hai features 60 bedroom retreats and 40 privately owned two- to five-bedroom residences, each with a private infinity pool. www.thenamhai.com

會安生命喜來得度假村 Life Heritage Resort Hoi An

位於風景秀麗的秋盆河邊,鄰近 會安舊城區,提供四星級設施及 面向花園或河景的優雅客房。 Located along the scenic Thu Bon river, Life Heritage Resort is right on the edge of Hoi An’s Old Quarter, offering guests elegant rooms with garden or river views. www.life-resorts.com

La Résidence Hôtel & Spa

位於香江河畔,鄰近順化古都皇 城,擁有122間客房及主題套房, 曾為法國總督官邸。

航航班持續增加,有足夠條件吸引 旅客延長逗留時間。關鍵是要進一 步促進航空交通發展,並加強與各 大城市如香港和曼谷的聯繫。」 但並非所有條件都已準備到 位。Come and Go Vietnam旅行社 董事總經理Tim Russell就一針見血 地說:「越南旅遊業要起飛,必須 先處理好落地簽證安排,開展有效 的目的地行銷策略,以及加強宣導 有關發展旅遊業的長遠利益。」 令旅遊業界擔憂的是目前只有5% 的旅客會再次到訪。「度假區要發 展,必須有旅客不斷重複來訪,」 Russell說。「但如果上述問題不盡 快解決,很難做得到。」 越南中部的酒店業者深有同 感。會安生命喜來得度假村總經理 Stuart Murphy說:「沒有一個旅遊 目的地比這裡更多姿多彩,但我們 需要更快速、簡單的入境手續,我 們現在就需要。」 順化La Résidence Hôtel & Spa總 經理Anthony Gill對越南中部的旅 遊優勢滿懷信心,他說:「要保持

markets. The key will be added air traffic and connections to hubs such as Hong Kong and Bangkok.” The portents are certainly good, but not all of the elements have fallen into place. Tim Russell, managing director of the tour operator Come and Go Vietnam, is quick to address the key issues. “So much in Vietnam’s tourism industry depends on introducing a proper visa-on-arrival process, marketing the destination effectively and creating an awareness of the long-term benefits of tourism,” he says. Part of the tourism industry’s concern is the disconcertingly low rate of returning visitors, which currently stands at 5%. “Resort areas need repeat business from the holidaymaker market,” says Russell, “and that won’t happen if the aforementioned issues are not sorted out urgently.” Russell’s sentiments are echoed by hotel operators throughout central Vietnam. According to Stuart Murphy, general manager of Hoi An’s Life Heritage Resort: “I can’t think of another holiday destination that can compare from the standpoint of diversity, but we need quicker and easier immigration and arrival procedures to facilitate entry, and we need them now.” Confident of the region’s attractions, Anthony Gill, general manager of La Résidence Hôtel & Spa in Hue, says: “To be competitive, the central coast must play to its strengths, and harbour the essence of what visitors expect > > 029 < <

Situated on the fabled Huong River, overlooking the flag tower of Hue’s Citadel, La Résidence Hôtel & Spa offers 122 rooms and themed suites in a colonial-period villa that was once home to the French Governor. www.la-residence-hue.com Fusion Maia Da Nang

包含水療服務的全新度假酒店概 念。此別墅式度假村酒店有87 個泳池套房、水療別墅及沙灘別 墅,並各擁有一個私人庭院和 泳池。 Fusion Maia Da Nang is a groundbreaking concept: a resort where all spa treatments are included in the room tariff. The resort's villas come with a private courtyard and swimming pool. www.fusionmaiadanang.com

峴港富麗華度假酒店 Furama Resort Da Nang

由澳洲得獎建築師Denton Corker & Marshall設計,並由香港Hirsch Bedner & Associates作室內設計, 坐擁迷人海濱景致,樹影婆娑。 Designed by award-winning Australian architects Denton Corker & Marshall, with interior design by Hirsch Bedner & Associates of Hong Kong, the Furama enjoys a stunning beachfront location fringed by natural pines and coconut palms. www.furamavietnam.com

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越南中部文化遺產 Central Vietnam’s heritage trail 順化皇城 Hue – The Imperial City

1981年一位前聯合國教科文 組織總幹事形容古都皇城為 「城市之曠世傑作」。阮氏 王朝由1802年至1945年統治 越南,宮殿坐落於香江北岸, 現已向遊客開放。 After beholding Hue’s architectural heritage in 1981, a former directorgeneral of UNESCO described the former imperial city as “a masterpiece of urban poetry”. Hue ruled Vietnam from 1802 until 1945; its Citadel occupies a large, walled area on the north side of the Huong River, and is now open to tourists.


Photos © Dau Tu, The Nam Hai, Life Heritage Resort Hoi An, La Résidence, Fusion Maia Da Nang, Furama Resort Da Nang, Mandarin Media

Hoi An – The Old Town

公元16至18世紀會安是亞洲主 要的貿易港口。19世紀初秋盆 河受淤泥阻塞,貿易商轉移陣 地,以峴港取代會安作為越南 中部的重要港口。會安古樸的 建築遺產使之成為越南最受歡 迎的旅遊目的地之一。

競爭力,我們就必須發揮所長,讓 旅客體驗越南的純樸文化、悠久歷 史及美麗沙灘。但我們最逼切需要 完善的旅遊品牌管理,一切才能成 真。」 會安南海度假村總經理Ed Linsley指中部「最有條件成為下一 個旅遊熱點,但必須有一個周全的 市場推廣計劃」。他透露南海業務 涵蓋酒店及旅遊業,並由Indochina Capital的John Blanco領導,他們的 計劃最終將包括度假村、高爾夫球 場、餐廳、航空公司和旅遊部門, 目的是要通過有效的宣傳方法為越 南中部打響知名度。 國際航班數目增加,必定令峴 港的豪華酒店受益。但這對Hoa’s Place有何影響?這位小老板無視 當局所發出的最後通牒,最新消息 是可以繼續營業。阮晉和在電話中 說:「放心,我們仍然在這裡享受 世界。」電話中傳來海浪聲和他的 朋友們舉杯歡呼的聲音。他暫時可 繼續享受假期。

when they consider Vietnam — pure cultural experiences, buffered by hotels of history and charm, and complemented by a couple of days on the beach. But we really need strong destination management for the brand that it could become.” Ed Linsley, general manager of The Nam Hai in Hoi An — one of the most stunning resorts in all of Asia — describes the region as being “on the cusp of becoming the next must-visit destination” but agrees that it also needs “a cohesive, unified marketing campaign.” He disclosed that The Nam Hai is one constituent of a hospitality and tourism group led by Indochina Capital’s John Blanco, which will eventually include resorts, golf courses, restaurants, airlines and tourism authorities. The purpose is to create a publicity campaign that will bring central Vietnam the worldwide attention it deserves. As more international flights touch down, Da Nang’s luxury hotels will undoubtedly benefit. But what about Hoa’s Place? After ignoring ultimatums for nearly a decade, the latest news is that he can stay for good. Speaking over the phone, he affirms: “Don’t worry man, we’re still here, just hanging out…” In the background, the sound of the sea and clinking glasses can be heard as his friends toast Hoa’s latest reprieve. For now, the permanent vacation continues. (左起順時計)會安 Senses餐廳 陽台,秋盆河,南海酒店

From the 16th to the 18th century, Hoi An was a major Asian trading port. But in the early 19th century, the Thu Bon river silted up and the traders moved on. As a result Da Nang developed into central Vietnam’s major port and Hoi An faded into obscurity. Now, thanks to its quaint architectural heritage, Hoi An is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations.

(Clockwise from left) Senses Restaurant balcony at Life Heritage Resort Hoi An; cruise the Thu Bon river on a boat trip; The Nam Hai

美山聖地帝王谷 My Son – The Valley of Kings

占婆王國統治越南中部地區近 千年,美山聖地為占婆王國所 興建的神殿遺址。雖然很多古 蹟已被美軍破壞,但仍可從殘 存保留的建築群中窺探當年的 精湛工藝。 Once the capital of the Champa Kingdom, My Son Sanctuary is a centre for spirituality and worship. My Son exemplifies the pinnacle of Cham-era architecture. American bombs sadly obliterated many of the structures, but it still offers a fascinating insight into Cham cultural and spiritual influences.

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