Geographical Information Systems Certification
Geographical Info Systems Certification This certification program is designed for the general public, professionals, students in natural resource management, urban and regional planning, local government, and other fields who need to become skilled and knowledgeable users of geographical information systems. Students entering into this program must have a sound GIS technical background and should be self-disciplined in achieving results. Through this program students will develop the necessary tools and technical knowledge to work in the field of GIS. Note: There are no formal prerequisites, but participants should be familiar with a GIS and have good computer skills.
REGISTRATION Registration for the Certificate in Geographical Information Systems is on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact Continuing Studies to register online, by phone, by fax, by mail or in person.
COST $295.00 per module, plus textbooks as required.
SCHEDULE The program is usually available once in the Fall (Sept - Dec) and once in the Winter (Jan - Apr) semesters. The courses are each two full days in length. Courses are offered consecutively so that the program may be completed over approximately a two week period.
XGIS 111-1 Module One: Data Creation and Manipulation Explore GIS data in ARCGIS 9.x ArcView (ArcMap). Acquire, display, manipulate and employ basic queries of spatial layers and attribute data. Display raster data (e.g. digital orthophotos). Employ spatial referencing to define projection systems (e.g. Albers, UTM, Geographic). Edit Shapefile and Geodatabase point, line and polygon features and attribute tables. Copy CAD features into your edit session. Import Garmin GPS waypoint and track data and edit in ArcView. Display x,y table data (e.g. Excel) as ArcMap features. Develop distance/bearing values into vectors. View web-based data layers directly in ArcMap. XGIS 112-1 Module Two: Software Customization, Data Symbolization, Labelling and Map Elements Acquire and use basic VB scripts & software customization to enhance your workflow. Explore map creation in ARCGIS 9.x ArcView (ArcMap). Create map elements (legends, scale bar etc.), metre grids, graticules. Implement spatial reference definition and re-projection, i.e. define UTM. Data and project to Albers. Develop graphic, dynamic labels & feature class annotation and implement scripts for advanced labelling. Locate, download and process web-available free vector data (e.g. BC’s LRDW and Federal GeoGratis).
XGIS 113-1 Module Three: Geodatabases, Attributes and Data Conversion Explore GIS Geodatabases and table creation in ARCGIS 9.x ArcView (ArcMap). Data fields and their attributes, records, table joins, relates and query languages will be used to track and extract information, enhance editing and generate new data layers employing the basics of ArcToolBox Geoprocessing tools and Python scripts for importing and converting between data formats: Shapefile, CAD, Coverage, Geodatabase Feature Class, annotation and tables. Spatially reference and symbolize CAD data in ArcView. XGIS 114-1 Module Four: Vector GIS Analysis Explore GIS vector analysis in ARCGIS 9.x - ArcView (ArcMap). Problem solving based on real-world examples will demonstrate attribute table manipulation, buffers, dissolves, merging, clipping, intersecting and unioning of GIS data sets and the implementation of more advanced queries. Develop Geoprocessing tools via Model Builder. Explore the implementation of Python scripts to support your models and manipulate/develop table results.
XGIS 115-1 Module Five: Raster GIS Analysis Explore GIS raster analysis in ARCGIS 9.x - ArcView (ArcMap), Spatial Analyst through problem solving based on real-world examples. Interpolate DEMs and identify random and systematic errors within surfaces. Implement cell-based analysis of raster categorical and elevation data. Integrate vector and raster analysis. View, manipulate and display satellite data, DEMs and orthophotos. Locate, download and process web-available free raster data (e.g. Federal NTS raster maps, DEMs, satellite data). XGIS 116-1 Module Six: Tins, Perspectives, Flys, Referencing and Rectification Explore GIS 3-D analysis in ARCGIS 9.x - ArcView (ArcMap), 3-D Analyst. Create and manipulate 3-D point, line and polygon vector data, TINs, DEMs, satellite data and digital orthophotos as 3-D perspectives and animated fly-throughs. Explore and implement georeferencing of scanned maps, airphotos and digital images. Develop table values based on field data that may include slope/dip, distance, azimuth/bearing and elevation attributes into 3-D vectors for 3-D Analyst display and manipulation. Explore methods to use large data sets in ARCGIS (e.g. Terrain format).
250-960-5980 or 1-866-843-8061
FOR MORE INFORMATION: UNBC Continuing Studies Tel: Fax: Toll free: Email: Web:
250-960-5980 250-960-5984 1-866-843-8061
University of Northern British Columbia 3333 University Way Prince George, British Columbia Canada V2N 4Z9