Introductory Certificate in Geographical Information Systems
Introductory Certificate in GIS This four month certificate program is designed to meet the requirements of natural resource industries, the public sector and first nation organizations for skilled people in the rapidly growing field of Geographic Information Systems. The certificate serves to fill a growing demand for entry level GIS technician skills in today’s job market. This entry level program is geared for those individuals with little or no experience in mapping and GIS. Students will be develop a level of competence and a broad skill set that will allow them to be successful in achieving employment at the end of the four month program.
XCMP 005 Computer Skills Training In this course, students are introduced or given a refresher into the Windows based operating system as well as the applicable software that will be used during the Certificate program. Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel will be the focus, but other skills will be covered depending on the skill level of the students. By the end of the course students will be able to use computers and software applications to perform tasks necessary to have successful completion of the Introduction to GIS Certificate. They should also be able to incorporate these skills into future employment in the workplace. XGIS 070 Introduction to GIS Concepts This course is designed for those students who are new to GIS and do not have a GIS background. This course provides the foundation for understanding what a GIS is, what it can do and how others are using it. Students learn the basic functions of a GIS, why a GIS database is powerful, as well as what coordinate systems and map projections are and why they are important. Course objectives are to visualize geographic data, create maps, query a GIS database, perform spatial analysis using common analysis tools, and solve geographic problems using a systematic approach.
XGIS 071 Introduction to Mapping and Cartography This course focuses on the fundamentals in map making, compilation, scales, symbolizations, projections, and map reproduction, including emphasis on the planning and designing of maps and graphs as a method of geographic communication. The course serves an introduction to reading and interpreting maps as well as the study of cultural and physical geography as portrayed on scaled topographic maps. XGIS 005 Using GPS for GIS This course will focus on the use of GPS in relation to a GIS system. The course will start with an overview of GPS, GPS history and GPS uses and applications. Additional concepts relating to GPS fundamentals of satellite navigation, how GPS works, utilizing GPS data in a GIS, proper GPS collection techniques, GPS error budgets, types of receivers and government acquisition guidelines will be covered. The course will finish with future trends in GPS.
XGIS 072 Applications in GIS This course concentrates on enhancing the knowledge and skills of the participants through practical examples to gain a clear understanding on the use of GIS. Applications in various fields of natural resource management will be the focus and specifically the utilization and constraints. XGIS 073 Data Acquisition for GIS This course provides students with the knowledge and practical experience necessary to develop skills in the acquisition, conversion, management, analysis and creation of spatial data. Topics include acquisition of existing data sets, data format conversion and acquisition of data from remote sensing sources and global positioning systems. XGIS 074 Maps and Spatial Information This course will provide an introduction to the geographic and mapping principles needed to understand geographic information science. The course will explore common reference and coordinate systems, datums, grids, projection systems. Interpretation of conventional aerial photographs, photogrammetry, sources of spatial data layers, and introductions to non-photographic remote sensing and digital photogrammetry will also be covered.
XGIS 075 Information Analysis & Visualization This course relies on the knowledge obtained in previous modules so that students will be able to explore the spatial analysis and processing capabilities of geographic information systems: data query, distance and density analysis; overlay and modeling functions; as well as network and 3D visual analysis. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify, define and apply the many ways of solving a spatial problem using a GIS. Different options of data presentation will also be explored.
XGIS 077 Independent Project In this course students will apply their recently acquired knowledge into an applied project. Students will be encouraged to design individualized final projects using their own or other available data of interest. Students will work independently to complete a project from the beginning that would simulate industry level tasks that may be encountered upon acquisition of employment.
XGIS 076 Advanced Concepts in GIS This course is designed to advance the students knowledge in the field of GIS. The course will build on the principles learned in the previous modules. Emphasis will be placed on concepts and spatial reasoning of the GIS techniques, rather than simply providing skills training in the use of ARCVIEW software. By the end of the course, students will have a thorough understanding GIS functionality and used for implementing the technology, as well as its potential usefulness in geographic and natural resource management applications.
250-960-5980 or 1-866-843-8061
Introductory Certificate in GIS APPLICATION PROCESS All students interested in participating in this Certificate program must submit an application package. Each application must include: • Current resume • 1500 word essay on a topic of your choice • Computer-skills testing • Application form Admission Requirements All applicants must have the following for admission to this program: •
Grade 12 completion; and • 2 to 3 years of related work experience. (Equivalent combination of work and education will be considered) Download the Application Package on our website: continuingstudies
COST $6,200.00 for the full program
TEXTBOOKS The cost of textbooks are in addition to the program fee. Textbooks are estimated at $100 - $150 per course.
SCHEDULE Proposed Start Date:
November 8, 2010
End Date:
March 31, 2010
14 weeks of training over the four month period.
9:00am - 4:00pm each day
The program aims to deliver two weeks of concurrent instruction, with one week breaks.
Computer lab based instruction, with a few days of outside activities.
LOCATION Terrace, BC Prine George, BC
Starting November 2010 Starting January 2011
LEVEL OF PREPARATION Students who successfully complete all requirements of the Introductory Certificate in GIS will have sufficient knowledge for an entry level position in this field. Students should expect to invest a minimum of 2 to 3 years of experience at a junior level before moving into positions of greater responsibility.
SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION + GRADES In order to complete the Introductory Certificate in GIS, students must complete all course requirements at a satisfactory level. All courses will be evaluated on attendance, participation, group or individual assignments, exams or any combination thereof. Courses will be graded according to UNBC’s Grade Scheme. Students who successfully complete all course and program requirements will receive a Introductory Certificate in GIS from UNBC Continuing Studies.
CONTACT HOURS Total Contact Hours = approximately 420 hours
250-960-5980 or 1-866-843-8061
FOR MORE INFORMATION: UNBC Continuing Studies Tel: Fax: Toll free: Email: Web:
250-960-5980 250-960-5984 1-866-843-8061
University of Northern British Columbia 3333 University Way Prince George, British Columbia Canada V2N 4Z9