Growing the next farming generation through AGcessibility for all A joint Scholarship initiative and support program has been established to break barriers in agriculture education for students and diversify the emerging horticulture and agriculture workforce. Charles Sturt University is partnering with the Anthony Costa Foundation, goFARM Australia and Australian Farming Services to create a program designed to make
“I will be honest, I cried when I received the offer as I am the first person in my family to go to university. My dreams are to start a small business as an artificial insemination technician and to start my own cattle enterprise where I breed my own bloodlines, in addition to inspiring other young Indigenous and non-Indigenous women to pursue a career within the agricultural industry that is beyond just labouring work.” - Emily Greer Emily pictured (left), with Anthony Costa Foundation Representative Richard Bligh and Investor Relations Associate GoFARM Australia, Anna Keenan.
2022 Donor Impact Report
an immeasurable impact to accessible agriculture for First Nations students and those from low socio-economic backgrounds. The program, AGcessibility: Diversifying the Next Gen of Agriculture will enable greater employment prospects in the industry through awarding more than ten scholarships annually. Agriculture, horticulture and livestock industries have long been the backbone of regional Australia, with an estimated one-third of employment in regional areas linked in some way to these industries. Charles Sturt University alone has an estimated 82 per cent of graduates remaining in regional areas. Cynthia Scherer, General Manager of the Anthony Costa Foundation, said the scholarship partners were inspired by Charles Sturt’s commitment to agriculture. “Our partners goFARM and Australian Farming Services really have their ears to the ground when it comes to all things horticulture and agriculture, and it was through these partnerships that we were introduced to Jim Pratley and all the amazing work he and Charles Sturt University do to address the big issues facing the sector. We felt a real synergy immediately and given the Costa family’s history in horticulture and agriculture, we knew we wanted to be involved.” Cynthia believes that these scholarships will help young people build a future in regional Australia. The joint scholarship initiative and support program offered by AGcessibility provides young people with access to education and a pathway for well-remunerated