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Welcome to the 2023 Autumn edition of Thrive, Charles Sturt University’s magazine for alumni and friends.

We hope you have been enjoying a great start to the year – 2023 will no doubt be full of challenges and opportunities for us all as we navigate a world full of change. After the tumultuous few years behind us of climate-related disasters and the challenges posed by the pandemic, we are perhaps more adaptable and resilient than we had ever expected to be.
In this edition, we are delighted to showcase some of our outstanding alumni and their work in speaking to some of these challenges and drive change for the better. Dive into the stories shared by Anna Coren and the insights she has shared through her investigative journalism on the frontline in Afghanistan (p4). We also profile the passionate voices of Shakufeh and Shokoofeh as they share their stance on the protests in Iran (p6).
We have been fortunate to gain access to an alumnus who has unswervingly served our communities, particularly during the catastrophic floods in 2022/23, Deputy Commissioner Daniel Austin of the NSW State Emergency Service. See page 20 for Daniel’s reflections on these recent disasters and his own path to leadership in the emergency services field. We also visit Sandy MacQuarrie – paramedic and researcher - to discuss his contribution to the recent National Geographic series Limitless with Chris Hemsworth (p16). Charles Sturt University offers our thanks and gratitude to all our selfless alumni who serve to protect lives in our communities – your hard work and commitment is nothing short of epic, and we applaud your efforts. Read about our alumni award winners from 2022 (p11) – and consider if you, or any alum you know, should be nominated for this year! The 2023 Distinguished Alumni Awards will open in April – we would love to recognise and share your successes and inspire the next generation of Charles Sturt alumni.
Find out more here
We recently caught up with ABC pop culture reporter Mawunyo Gbogbo to discuss her career and new book Hip Hop & Hymns (p8). Mawunyo also appeared at Bathurst Library in March for an author in conversation event co-hosted by Charles Sturt University. Don’t forget to look at our upcoming events on our website. We will celebrate with some Melbourne-based alumni in May, and June 1st will see us in Sydney for our Vivid Cruise – we hope you can join us!
Our Alumni Fun Run was a highlight of last year with 204 participants raising over $10,000 for our students. Head to page 22 and read about the fantastic way our community came together online.
In other exciting news Charles Sturt University has launched our Reconciliation Action Plan (see p19 for more details). Thank you to all those who donated or participated in our Alumni Fun Run and appeals in 2022, your generosity is just brilliant. Your donations will make a huge difference to students who will benefit with scholarships to support their study. While we always welcome your donations there are many ways to use your talents to support the next generation. Our Alumni Give program is always looking for new volunteers. Find out more on page 25. We hope you enjoy this edition of Thrive as much as we enjoyed finding and sharing these stories. If you have a story to share of your own, please reach out at alumni@csu.edu.au
Sarah Ansell Director, Advancement Office & CEO, Charles Sturt University Foundation Trust