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ASI president ready to make strides in the 2023-24 school year

By Averi Yanney News Reporter

With the 2023 elections for Associated Students Inc. having determined next year’s board of directors, Daisy Alamillo is ready to create more leaders for ASI. Alamillo, the current vice president, looks forward to the upcoming year.

According to Alamillo, she has been with ASI for three years but has devotedly advocated for students since she was in high school.

“Our goal really is to be that official voice for the students and uplift their concerns,” said Alamillo.

Alamillo is looking forward to reviving ASI in the upcoming school year.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, students had little interaction with each other and student organizations.

Having come out of that, Alamillo hopes to bring ASI back to life.

“Our advocacy will be for how to have students on campus,” said Alamillo.

Alamillo has already taken notice of concerns she plans to advocate for on campus, such as having more cultural centers on campus and better resources available to students.

Another concern Alamillo has noticed is the lack of initiative from Facilities. Recently, the fumigation of the squirrels on campus has resulted in many student

The Runner Staff


Jennifer Burger jburger1@csub.edu


Haydee Barahona hbarahona@csub.edu

Ernesto Leon eleon19@csub.edu


Teresa Balmori Perez, Brianna Fay, Jocelynn Landon, Autumn Layton, Kristen McGuire, Julisa Muñoz, Jennifer Serrano Ramirez, Isiah Santana


Frankie Nadal


Susana Alfaro


Joshua Alvarado, Christopher Gomez, Guadalupe Leon, Dina Olvera, Jacob Torres, Kaley Brown Soren, Zachariah R.L. Rush, Averi Yanney, Aria Zahler


Yarely Coronado, Mayra Gomez, Yesica Valenzuela


Nicholas Castillo, Jocelyne Ordonez


Anaiah Alfred, Gillian Galicia, Ray Alarcon Marquez, Philisa Moore, Ranara Lim, Alexis Robinson


Clarissa Alarcon

Kiara Zabala voices to gather together in protest.

“Students see the need for Facilities to be transparent,” said Alamillo.

Alamillo believes Facilities should be “ensuring students’ rights to be protected.”

Alamillo is determined to advocate for students and teach more to be better student leaders.

According to a 2023 article by The Runner, the newly elected board are collectively concerned with advocating for student voices.

The incoming ASI board also share a coming goal to ensure the needs of all students and work to create better student leaders.

The 2023-24 ASI Board of Directors will be also be lead by gnasio Castillo as executive vice president, Alejandro Romero as the vice president of campus life, Taylor Thomas as vice president of legislative affairs, and Larry Gonzales as vice president of university affairs.

There was a runoff election to determine the vice president of finance between Kayla Medina, current ASI director of outreach and Coby Nguyen, current ASI chair, on April 12. Medina won the election with 55% of the votes while Nguyen took 45%.

“Without student opinions, we’re only a board of 26 when we are really 9,000,” said Alamillo.

THE RUNNER California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Highway Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099


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