PERMIAS Congress 2013 Proposal

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Table of Contents Executive Summary Background Congress’ Objectives Sponsorship Benefits Sponsorship Packages Agenda Committee Structure Appendix: Contact Person

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PERMIAS Congress 2013 Proposal

Executive Summary Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Amerika Serikat (PERMIAS) or the Association of Indonesian Students in the United States (U.S.) is the primary student body for Indonesian students in the U.S. PERMIAS aims to connect ideas and foster collaborations between Indonesian students across the U.S., regardless of fields of study, backgrounds, and locations. Since its inception in 1961, many PERMIAS alumni have held prominent positions in the Indonesian government and the private sector in both Indonesia and the U.S., as well as in the civil society. As part of PERMIAS’ continued mission in uniting Indonesian students across the U.S., PERMIAS is hosting the 2013 National Congress on May 25-26, 2013 in Washington D.C. This year’s congress marks a special importance in PERMIAS’ history, as it is the first congress after 12 years of hiatus due to declining number of Indonesian students in the U.S. since 1998. Agenda of the 2013 Congress includes ratification for a revision of the PERMIAS Constitution to better suit current aspirations and election of new national PERMIAS officers. Attendance of this congress consists of regional chapter officers from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C, Houston, and more. The success of this year’s congress will lay a framework for a continued national network among Indonesian students in the U.S. With that goal in mind, we are seeking your financial support to sponsor this event through the listed sponsorship packages detailed in this proposal. The packages are Platinum ($7000), Gold ($5000), Silver ($3000), and Bronze ($1000). We greatly appreciate your support, which will ensure the success of our National Congress.

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Background Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Amerika Serikat (PERMIAS) or the Association of the Indonesian Students in the United States (U.S.) was founded on December 24, 1961 in Washington, D.C. PERMIAS aims to unite Indonesian university students across the U.S. through regional chapters and nationally through the PERMIAS National Congress. Regional PERMIAS chapters typically host local events such as cultural exhibitions, sports competitions, and social outreach events. Occasionally, neighboring chapters would collaborate to hold larger events. Representatives from regional PERMIAS chapters also meet for national events such as PERMIAS National Congress, the first Congress of Indonesian Diaspora, and other seminars. Many PERMIAS alumni have become leaders in their fields, whether in public sector, private sector, or civil society. When PERMIAS was established in 1961, PERMIAS founders wished that the National Congress would be held every two to three years in order to maintain the organization’s unity, as well as to facilitate the organization in adapting to members’ evolving aspirations and challenges of the era. PERMIAS representatives regularly met from 1961 to 1973. However, the National Congress did not take place between 1973 and 1986 due to regional chapters’ financial issues. The National Congress was regularly held again from 1986 to 1999 reflecting the steady increase in the Indonesians students’ population in the U.S. throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Unfortunately, the Indonesian students’ population in the U.S. had declined since the 1998/1999 academic year due to the political and economic crises in Indonesia, as well as the implementation of stricter U.S. immigration policies. The National Congress therefore had not been taking place as members faced financial and personnel issues. Although the current number of Indonesian students in the U.S. is still far from the number when it was at its peak (7,131 students in 2011/2012 academic year in comparison to 13,282 in 1997/1998), the trend is going towards a positive direction as the current number of Indonesian students increased by 2.7% from the previous academic year1.The U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership signed in 2010 contributes to this growth, as both governments realize the importance of improving educational exchanges between the two countries. We, PERMIAS from our respective chapters, collaboratively hope to use this momentum to reinstate and maintain the National Congress and PERMIAS National chapter.

Institute of International Education. (2012). “Top 25 Places of Origin of International Students, 2010/11-2011/12.” Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. Retrieved from


Congress’ Objectives •

To re-establish a national network of Indonesian students across the United States

To recommence PERMIAS National which consists of all PERMIAS chapters

To ratify a revision of the PERMIAS National Constitution To publish our collective visions and missions for Indonesian’s future

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Sponsorship Benefits As an anticipated event in Indonesian American community, PERMIAS National Congress will include a diverse target audience from different demographics within the United States. Sponsors will have the opportunity to market themselves among audiences which will comprise of Indonesian students from various areas within the United States, PERMIAS alumni, the diplomatic community of Washington, D.C.‘s famed Embassy Row, and the general public from Washington D.C. and greater area. As an international community, Washington D.C. provides a specific niche of global-minded leaders with interest in the growing economy of Asia. There are many benefits by being a sponsor for our event. Such benefits include but are not limited to the following: 1. Supporting education of Indonesian students in the United States. Most of our PERMIAS alumni have held prominent positions globally as we have highlighted earlier. With your sponsorship, your company will have a part in maintaining this long tradition of the success of American educated Indonesians. 2. Global marketing opportunity. Our sponsorship packages will ensure your company’s presence in PERMIAS National Congress for marketing purposes towards our globally-inclined target audience. As an Indonesian company, sponsorship through our event will broadcast your brand in the American market. As an American company, this event could also prompt opportunities for expansion of your business in Indonesia and South East Asia. 3. Fostering relationship of Indonesia and the United States. As the world’s fourth most populated nation and South East Asia’s largest powerhouse, Indonesia is actively engaging in the world’s dynamic development and economic growth. Naturally, Indonesia and the United States must maintain excellent relationship that has been maintained through education, trade and anti-terrorism intelligences. Your company’s presence at our event will show your support for long-term partnership of these nations. 4. Recruiting avenues. The Indonesian student population in the United States is comprised of many of the brightest young minds of Indonesia, and this event will be a perfect opportunity to market your company among these potential job-seekers. Our “Indonesia 2050” papers will also be an avenue where your company may scout the best talents of our student population. 5. Tax exemption. Participating sponsors may also be entitled to tax exemption in the United States. PERMIAS is collaborating with Indonesian American Association (IAA), a 501 (c)(3) - non-profit organization, as its Fiscal Sponsor partner. IAA has been the main organization, supported by the Indonesian Embassy, for promoting social and cultural welfare of the Indonesian community in the United States since the early 1950s. For more information regarding IAA, please visit their website at

Sponsorship Packages Benefits /Price Booklets





(2 pages)

(1 page)

(½ page)

(⅛ page)

(20 seconds)

(10 seconds)

(5 seconds)

(10 minutes)

(5 minutes)

Fliers Slideshows Backdrop Ads Logos on T-shirt On Stage Presentation Booth on May 25, 2013 Other options are welcomed; please contact us through emails listed below.

Sponsorship Contacts: Jennifer Frentasia : (408) 705-0987, Steven Wong : (408) 637-9587, Abraham Agus : (240) 467-6756, Confirmation is due by March 1, 2013 Available tax exemptions: 501 (C)(3)for Educational Non-Profit.

Mailing Address: Indonesian Embassy, Education Attaché 2020 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington D.C. 2003

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Agenda Saturday, May 25 2013: Time


8AM - 9AM


9AM - 10AM


10AM - 12PM

Opening Remarks - Chris Tanardo - Dr. Adrianus Mooy (former Governor of Bank Indonesia) - H.E Ambassador Dino Patti Djalal

12PM - 1PM

Lunch and break

1PM - 3PM

Indonesia 2050 paper presentations

3PM - 6.30PM

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Presenter 1

Presenter 2

Presenter 3

Presenter 4

Presenter 5

Presenter 6

Presenter 7

Presenter 8

Presenter 9

continued presentation and pre-recommence -Moderator: Dharma Datubara Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Pre-recommence Presenter 10

Presenter 11

Pre-recommence Presenter 12

Presenter 13

Pre-recommence Presenter 14

Presenter 15

Pre-recommence Presenter 16

Presenter 17

6.30PM - 7.30PM

Dinner and break

7.30PM - 9PM

Constituting our AD/ART & elections

Sunday, May 26 2013: Time


10AM - 2PM

Sight Seeing DC

2PM - 4PM

General Rehearsal for PERMIAS performers

5PM - 8PM


8PM -

Closing Ceremony by newly appointed PERMIAS National officers

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Committee Structure Steering Committee

Organizing Committee

Christopher Tanardo Willam E Wijaya Biantra Ardhana Nanang Putra PERMIAS San Francisco

Abraham Donnie Agus Project Manager, PERMIAS Washington, D.C.

Edwin Sutrisno Mia Gunawan PERMIAS Washington, D.C.

Jennifer Frentasia Sponsorship Coordinator, PERMIAS Washington, D.C.

Heynel Axelevi PERMIAS Chicago Andika Febrio Dwipayana PERMIAS Milwaukee Siera Tamihardja PERMIAS Los Angeles Nella Zaini Emalia DaSilva PERMIAS New York

Ardhi Agung Pradhana President of PERMIAS Washington, D.C.

Kezia Sinaga General Communication, PERMIAS Washington, D.C.

Appendix Contact Person Name




Nanang Putra



Siera Tamihardja



Edwin Sutrisno



Nella Zaini



Putri Arum Jati



Emalia DaSilva



William E Wijaya



Kezia Sinaga



Donnie Abe



Aushaf Fajr



Andika Dwipayana



Heynel Axelevi



Philip Effendy



Christopher Tanardo



Biantra Wiyogo



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PERMIAS Congress 2013 Proposal

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