"20th Annual Festival of Winds" program

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California State University, Fullerton

UNIVERSITY CREDITS Framroze Virjee, President, California State University, Fullerton Carolyn Thomas Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ron Coley, Vice President, Administration and Finance/CFO David Forgues, Vice President, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Amir H. Dabirian, Vice President, Information Technology Tonantzin Oseguera, Vice President, Student Affairs Gregory J. Saks, Vice President, University Advancement

C OL L E G E O F T H E AR T S Arnold Holland, Ed.D, Dean Dave Mickey, Associate Dean Maricela Alvarado, Assistant Dean Christopher Johnson, Budget Coordinator Heather Guzman, Assistant to the Deans Edward J. Fink, Ph.D, Director, School of Music Jade Jewett, Chair, Department of Visual Arts Jamie Tucker, Chair, Department of Theatre & Dance Jennifer Frias, Director, Nicholas & Lee Begovich Gallery John Spiak, Director, Grand Central Art Center - Santa Ana Lara Farhadi, Senior Director of Development Ann Steichen, Director of Development Erika Garcia, Support Group Coordinator Julie Bussell, Director, Marketing & Patron Services Stephanie Tancredi, Box Office Manager Heather Richards-Siddons Marketing & Communications Specialist Alvin Chiu, Graphic Designer Jason Pano Social Media Strategist

WELCOME TO THE COLLEGE OF THE AR TS First, I’d like to start off by saying something I have looked forward to saying for a very long time: “Welcome back!” Welcome back to live performances and in-person exhibitions; welcome back to the thrill of sitting in a darkened theatre or concert hall, waiting with palpable anticipation as performers fill the stage; and welcome back to the very personal experience of being in the presence of an artwork that moves you or challenges your expectations. We’ve missed you. While away from campus, our students continued to create, learn, rehearse, and perform – sometimes in the tiny boxes we’ve all grown accustom to viewing from home – as they prepared for the moment they would once again feel stage lights shining on them. As you can imagine, they are more than ready to perform in front of a live audience! This season, we are offering both on-campus and live streaming options for many of our Department of Theatre & Dance and School of Music performances to accommodate a variety of patrons. With enhancements to our HVAC and air filtration systems, we are also able to provide students with the full breadth of our first-rate performance facilities and numerous art galleries where they perfect their craft daily. In returning to campus, we can once again deliver the full scope of immersive academic experiences and opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration that make our college a living laboratory for the arts. Here, success is measured in lines of dialogue, sheets of music, and slabs of clay as our students, faculty, and staff work together to present concerts, exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and performances to 40,000+ visitors annually. This would not be possible without the support of our community. As a leading CSU in the arts, we are an essential part of the cultural fabric of Southern California, providing transformational experiences to our students, community, and beyond. If ensuring the arts remain at the forefront of higher education in Orange County is a passion of yours, I encourage you to support the College of the Arts at any level by donating to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence today (arts.fullerton.edu/giving). Thank you for joining us for another season of theatre, dance, music, and visual arts. Our doors are open, and we can’t wait to put on a show for you! Arnold Holland, Ed.D.

Dean, College of the Arts

Edward J. Fink, Ph.D - School of Music director Bongshin Ko - School of Music assistant director FULL-TIME FACULTY

Theory and Composition Dr. Pamela Madsen - composition, theory Dr. Ken Walicki* - composition, theory

Conducting Kimo Furumoto - instrumental Dr. Robert Istad - choral Dr. Dustin Barr - instrumental Jazz and Commercial Music Bill Cunliffe* - jazz piano; arranging; Fullerton Jazz Orchestra, Fullerton Big Band and combo director Rodolfo Zuniga - jazz studies, jazz percussion, and music technology Piano, Organ, Piano Pedagogy Ning An - piano Bill Cunliffe - jazz piano Alison Edwards* - piano, piano pedagogy, class piano Dr. Robert Watson - piano Music Education, Teacher Training, and Teaching Credential Dr. Christopher Peterson - choral Dr. Dennis Siebenaler* - general Dr. Gregory X. Whitmore - instrumental

Vocal, Choral, and Opera Dr. Mark Goodrich* - voice, academic voice courses Dr. Robert Istad Director of Choral Studies; University Singers Dr. Kerry Jennings – Director of Opera Dr. Christopher Peterson - CSUF Concert Choir and Singing Titans conductor Patricia Prunty - voice, academic voice courses Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion Dr. Dustin Barr - Director of Wind Band Studies; University Wind Symphony Jean Ferrandis - flute Sycil Mathai* - trumpet Håkan Rosengren* - clarinet Dr. Gregory X. Whitmore Symphonic Winds conductor SCHOOL OF MUSIC STAFF

Music in General Education Dr. John Koegel* Dr. Katherine Reed

Michael August - Production Manager

Music History and Literature Dr. John Koegel* - musicology Dr. Katherine Reed - musicology

Chris Searight - Musical Instrument Services

Eric Dries - Music Librarian

Jeff Lewis - Audio Engineer

Paul Shirts - Administrative Assistant Elizabeth Williams - Accountant

Strings Kimo Furumoto - Director of Orchestral Studies Bongshin Ko - cello Dr. Ernest Salem* - violin

Sue Winston - Office Coordinator

* denotes Area Coordinator

facebook.com/CSUFMusic Twitter | @CSUFMusic Instagram | @csufmusic soundcloud.com/csufmusic music.fullerton.edu The School of Music at California State University, Fullerton has been fully and continuously accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music since 1966


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Jerome Diebolt, director

Matt Bausman, director

Darklands Legends RANDALL D. STANDRIDGE Dance of the Mad Prince The Serpent Priest and the Black Bell The Queen’s Masque

Carnegie Anthem WILLIAM OWENS Kentucky 1800 CLARE GRUNDMAN

Memories Eternal BRYCE NEWTON

On the American River ALAN LEE SILVA

Critical Mass TODD STATLER

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Dylan Harlan, director Prelude, Siciliano, and Rondo MALCOM ARNOLD, ARR. PAYNTER Prelude Siciliano Rondo Songs of Old Kentucky BRANT KERRICK John Riley Barn Dance

10: 00a m


Richard King and Rudy Arevalos, directors A Festival Prelude ALFRED REED Lux Aurumque ERIC WHITACRE Savannah River Rhapsody ROBERT SHELDON

1 1 : 00a m


James Quirion, director Greensleeves ALFRED REED Symphonic Dance No. 3, “Fiesta” CLIFTON WILLIAMS

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Matthew Howe, director Moorside March GUSTAV HOLST Symphonic Dance No. 3, “Fiesta” CLIFTON WILLIAMS


12: 45 pm

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Gregory X. Whitmore, director

Susie Marin, director

“A Tale of Two Centuries”

Midnight on Main Street BRIAN BALMAGES

Sparkleberry (2006) YUKIKO NISHIMURA (b. 1967) Rise (2019) ADAM SCHOENBERG (B.1980) Lightning Round (2021) KEVIN DAY (b. 1996) (California Premiere)


3 : 00p m

Dr. Jamal Duncan, guest conductor


The Power of Rome & The Christian Heart (1947) PERCY GRAINGER (1882-1961)

Joe Dudek, director

Kristen Lawrence, organ

2: 00pm


Melissa Palmer, director Evan Shegina, assistant director Dances of a Shimmering Spirit ROBERT SHELDON The Photo Album RANDALL D. STANDRIDGE Manhattan Beach March JOHN PHILIP SOUSA

Prelude and Fugue in B-Flat Major JOHAN SEBASTIAN BACH, ARR. MOEHLMANN Bandancing JACK STAMP City Shuffle Tango Waltz Slow Dance Last Dance The Klaxon HENRY FILLMORE

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Fernando Penaloza, director Consuelo Ciscar FERRAN FERRER Come Sweet Death JOHAN SEBASTIAN BACH, ARR. REED Second Suite in F GUSTAV HOLST March Song Without Words Song of a Blacksmith Fantasia on the ‘Dargason’


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Joshua Parsons, director Florentiner March JULIUS FUČÍK, ED. BOURGEOIS Mannin Veen HAYDN WOOD

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5 : 45 p m


Dustin Barr, director “Tribulations and Triumphs” Rivers of Air (2018) JAKE RUNESTAD (b. 1986) The Eyes of the World Are Upon You (2017) JENNIFER JOLLEY (b. 1981) Chester (1957) WILLIAM SCHUMAN (1910-1992)

Peter Bement, graduate student conductor Five Themes from the Star Wars Trilogy (1977/1997) JOHN WILLIAMS (b. 1932) ARR. DONALD HUNSBERGER The Imperial March Princess Leia’s Theme Battle in the Forest Yoda’s Theme Star Wars (Main Theme)

PR OGR AM NOTES AVAILABL E O NLI NE music.fullerton.edu/programnotes


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James J. Charrette, director

Mark Santos and Jeremy DelaCuadra, directors



Filum Vitae (The Thread of Life) KENLEY KRISTOFFERSON


Symphonic Overture CHARLES CARTER

Zeus: King of the Gods ROB ROMEYN

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Mathieu Girardet, director Moth VIET CUONG Variations on a Theme of Robert Schumann ROBERT JAGER

10: 00a m


Dave Jewett, director Gigue Francaise CARL STROMMEN Afterlife ROSSANO GALANTE Rhythm of the Winds FRANK ERICKSON

1 1 : 00a m


Walter Simonsen, director K2 JULIE GIROUX Irish Tune from County Derry PERCY GRAINGER Shepherd’s Hey PERCY GRAINGER

1 1 : 3 0a m


Anastasia Homes, director Synergy ROBERT BUCKLEY The Wishing Well ROSSANO GALANTE They Shall Run and Free BRANT KARRICK


12: 45 pm


Gregory X. Whitmore, director “A Tale of Two Centuries” Sparkleberry (2006) YUKIKO NISHIMURA (b. 1967) Rise (2019) ADAM SCHOENBERG (B.1980) Lightning Round (2021) KEVIN DAY (b. 1996) (California Premiere)

2 : 3 0p m


Geoffrey Radant, director Solas Ane SAMUEL R. HAZO Red Rock Mountain ROSSANO GALANTE

3 : 00p m


Dr. Jamal Duncan, guest conductor

Michael Tramm, director

The Power of Rome & The Christian Heart (1947) PERCY GRAINGER (1882-1961)


Kristen Lawrence, organ


2: 00pm

Incantation and Dance JOHN BARNES CHANCE


David Morales, director

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Suite from Symphonie Fantastique HECTOR BERLIOZ, ARR. STORY A Ball March to the Scaffold A Witches’ Sabbath

Downtown Divertimento JOHAN DE MEIJ Dog Play (at Madison Square Park)

American Fold Rhapsody, No. 2 CLARE GRUNDMAN

Susan Willmering, director

Sheltering Sky JOHN MACKEY Choreography ROBERT SHELDON

CSUF WIND SYMPHONY Piccolo Anthony Alcain Joel Charboneau Flute Anthony Alcain Michelle Chang Joel Charboneau Dayee Chung Joseph Loi Kaylee Yeon Oboe Luke Dodson Emily Frank Victoria Solis Alex Youngerman English Horn Luke Dodson Victoria Solis E-Flat Clarinet Jongeui Kim Clarinet Spencer Danielson Daniel Hernandez Jongeui Kim Christy Nguyen Julian Rymar Mia Thompson Duarte Vale Bass Clarinet Julian Rymar Contrabass Clarinet Owen Wells

Bassoon Gildardo Alvarado Sloan Quessenberry Alec Richard Contrabassoon Gildardo Alvarado

Bass Trombone Cameron Gandara Sebastian Martinez Euphonium Dylan Barnum Casey Tran

Saxophone Daniel Castellanos Julie Enciso Cole Quizon Elijah Samuel Colin Ward Nic Zelaya

Tuba Miguel Jimenez Maldonado Michael Salgado Erick Velasco

Trumpet Trevor Cannon Michael Choi Carl Fong Jake Petmecky Taylor Shirley Susanna Sun Hugo Tomas

Percussion Marcel Barragan Sebastian Delgado Daniel Garcia Eddie Mijares Sal Montaño Isaac Vazquez Jacob Wetzel

Horn Peter Bement Alex Delperdang Julianne Pitchford Sam Stevens Josiah Wallace

Piano Mathew Yang

Trombone Ashley Kocour Eduardo Madrigal Jacob Marsh Phuong Vo

Double Bass Andrew de Stackelberg

Harp Linda-Rose Hembreiker Music Librarian Peter Bement Daniel Castellanos Logistics Manager Julian Rymar

CSUF SYMPHONIC WINDS Piccolo Shawnee Herrera Flute Christian Azarias Janeva Garibay Rogelio Justo Anna Lopez Jeffrey Nguyen Julian Pando Aylin Zuazo Oboe Lana Sardilla Alex Youngerman Bassoon Carlos Cano Alejandra Conde Joshua Quen Clarinet Rodney-Joseph Borg Shawn Bryant Shyanne Crocker James Nguyen Matt Prichard Monserrat Rodriguez Josiah Sanchez Isai Solis Isaiah Vogt Bass Clarinet Owen Wells

Saxophone CJ Andrade Isabella Beltran Danilo Gutierrez Julio Hernandez Derek Phillips Daniel Rowe Sam Tobilla Trumpet Alonna Freeborne Andrew Gonzalez Ethan Hong Alyssa Langford Corbin Morris Christian Perez Jordan Sandoval Isaiah Soto James Teubner Horn Alexander Delperdang Marissa Diaz Andrew Fong Sophia Saldaña Trombone Zackary Brewer Rami Elghossaini Giovanni Gallegos Bryan Melchor Matheu Padua Paulina Ramirez Bass Trombone Carlo Bonelli Andrew Fresquez

Euphonium Jacob Flores Flint Parrell Mya Sanchez Tuba James Cervantes David Jimenez Michael Massie Double Bass Carlos Zagal Percussion Andrew Brannon Christine Curran Alexander Ford Dante Hernandez Peyton Johnson Galadriel Pokraki Piano Pei Chi (Catherine) Chen Harp Linda Rose Heimbrieker Music Librarian Anna Lopez Logistics Manager Andrew Fresquez



Jamal Duncan joined the faculty of the Arizona State University in Fall of 2020 as Associate Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Instrumental Conducting. His primary responsibilities are conducting the Arizona State University Wind Symphony and teaching classes in the conducting curriculum. A native of Flint, Michigan, Duncan received the doctor of musical arts in wind conducting and a master of music in wind conducting degrees from Michigan State University where he studied with Dr. Kevin L. Sedatole. Prior to arriving to Tempe, Duncan was the Assistant Director of Bands at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. At Arkansas, he served as Director of the Hogwild Pep Band, Assistant Director of the Razorback Marching Band, music director of the Arkansas New Music Ensemble, conductor of the Symphonic Band, and co-conductor of the Wind Symphony and Concert Band. He also taught courses in Instrumental Conducting. An ardent supporter of growing the repertoire of wind bands and chamber ensembles, Duncan is actively involved in the commissioning of new works from established and emerging composers, including, Steven Bryant, Andrea Clearfield, Kevin Day, Alex Shapiro, Jim Territo, and Dana Wilson. Duncan is also committed to programming music that tells the stories of different cultures with an intentional focus on diverse composers and composers who tell these stories. Duncan has guest conducted high school and middle school bands and orchestras in Michigan, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Florida, and internationally in England and France. He has also presented clinics at various state music conferences. He has also presented at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic and participated in the 2021 Reynolds Conducting Institute. Duncan served in the public schools of Lansing, Michigan for seven years where he taught middle school band, music appreciation and elementary general music. Duncan served as the music director and conductor of the Flint Youth Wind Ensemble, one of several youth ensembles in the Flint School of Performing Arts. Duncan received a bachelor of music degree from the University of Michigan with a dual emphasis in clarinet performance and music education. He is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity, The National Association for Music Education, and the College Band Directors National Association. He holds honorary memberships in Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma.



Classically trained pipe organist Kristen Lawrence has been called the Queen of Halloween for writing and producing elegant, fun, and melodic music for the Halloween season—but enjoyed all year by fans. Lawrence’s music and lyrics are unique and eclectic, colored by the diversified influences of Bach, Tori Amos, Loreena McKennitt, Elfman & Bartek, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and Nightwish. Kristen incorporates these folk, classical, and rock genres to create her Halloween Carols.™ If Christmas has its carols, why not Halloween! In addition to her original compositions, Lawrence has researched traditional folk songs and arranged them for organ. fHer two versions of the English “Souling Song” are based on the older roots of Halloween traditions—one from pagan Samhain and the other from the Christian tradition of soul cakes that evolved into trick-or-treating. Her two versions of the American folk tune “Ghost of John” are loved by kids and their parents who sang it in grade school. Because of this research, Kristen was asked to write about the music of Halloween for Halloween history expert Lesley Bannatyne’s book, Halloween Nation: Behind the Scenes of America’s Fright Night. An accomplished musician, she has been guest organist for Halloween Spooktaculars as well as many of Pacific Symphony’s family programs, writing an accompanying Jurassic Park organ score for their Dinosaurs! program to highlight the 4322-pipe “monster” concert organ. Kristen was also commissioned to compose organ music to accompany the Lon Chaney silent film classic, Phantom of the Opera, playing her counterpointed themes live on the oldest pipe organ in Orange County. Her musical setting of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” for strings and organ reflects her serious analysis of Poe’s famous poem and has been called “exquisite” by Poe scholars. It has been featured for the National Endowment of the Arts’ THE BIG READ: Short Stories and Poetry of Edgar Allan Poe. A Keyboard Magazine review, reporting about Lawrence’s elegant use of pipe organ, harpsichord, piano, and vocals in her Halloween carols, foretold a spooky coincidence by stating, “If the Halloween Town of Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmashad a resident keyboardist, it would be Kristen Lawrence.” Who would have guessed that the planets would align so that Steve Bartek—orchestrator for Nightmare and other Danny Elfman film music—would be playing guitar with Kristen’s latest music projects! Spooky good, indeed! Some of these most recent songs show the “rock” side of Kristen, and feature special guest performers Steve Bartek (Danny Elfman, Oingo Boingo), John Avila (Oingo Boingo), Jeff Friedl (Devo, A Perfect Circle), MB Gordy (Doobie Brothers), Monte Pittman (Madonna) and other magical musicians.


DUSTIN BARR Dustin Barr is Director of Wind Studies and Associate Professor of Music at California State University, Fullerton where he actively manages all aspects of the university’s comprehensive band program, conducts the Wind Symphony and University Band, oversees the graduate wind conducting program, and teaches courses in conducting and music education. Prior experiences include appointments as Assistant Director of Bands at Michigan State University, Director of Bands at Mt. San Antonio College and Assistant Director of Bands at Esperanza High School in Anaheim, California. Barr is a recipient of numerous accolades for his conducting and scholarly work. Most recently, the CSUF Wind Symphony was named a winner of the 2021 Ernst Bacon Memorial Prize for the Performance of American Music by the American Prize organization. Another signal honor was the ensemble’s invitation to perform at the 2019 National Conference of the College Band Directors National Association. The Wind Symphony’s forthcoming album, Effigy, is also a noteworthy achievement. It is the result of innovative musical practices and remote recording projects undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic. Beyond CSUF, he has been a guest conductor of prominent ensembles like the United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own” and the Air Force Band of the Golden West. He was a finalist for the American Prize in Conducting, a Rackham Merit Fellow at the University of Michigan, and was recognized as one of the nation’s preeminent young conductors as part of the 2010 National Band Association’s Young Conductor Mentor Project. He is a regular conductor/clinician for Disney Imagination Campus. Barr’s research includes working extensively with theatre director Jerald Schwiebert on the melding of performance theory with a variety of movement theories and disciplines to establish innovative pedagogical approaches to teaching conducting. Their co-authored book, Expressive Conducting: Movement and Performance Theory for Conductors, was published by Routledge in 2018. This work has made Barr a highly regarded pedagogue in the field conducting. He has given numerous masterclasses throughout the USA and Spain. Furthermore, his research on Scandinavian music for chamber wind ensembles has produced published performance editions of Asger Lund Christiansen’s Octet, op. 43 and Svend Schultz’s Divertimento for Wind Octet. Barr holds a Doctor of Musical Arts in conducting from the University of Michigan. He received his Master of Music degree and Bachelor of Music degree from California State University, Fullerton. His principal conducting mentors include Michael Haithcock and Mitchell Fennell.


GREGORY X. WHITMORE Gregory X. Whitmore is an Assistant Professor of Instrumental Music Education, at The California State University Fullerton School of Music. In this capacity, Dr. Whitmore teaches in the Instrumental Music Education Program, supervises student teachers and conducts the CSUF Symphonic Winds. In addition to his work in higher education, he in his eighth season as Music Director of the Pacific Symphony Youth Wind Ensemble (Irvine, CA). This follows appointments as Director of Bands at Irvine Valley College (Irvine, CA), Mt. San Antonio College (Walnut, CA), and College of the Desert (Palm Desert, CA). Prior to his work in higher education, he spent 13 years as Director of Bands at Cathedral City High School (Cathedral City, CA). A native of Ypsilanti, Michigan, he received his bachelor’s degree in instrumental music education from The University of Michigan School of Music, Theater and Dance in Ann Arbor, Michigan. While a student at The University of Michigan, he performed in the University of Michigan Bands and led the University of Michigan Marching Band as “Michigan’s Man Up Front” - Drum Major - from 1999 to 2001. He received his master’s degree in music with an emphasis in wind conducting from California State University Fullerton studying under Mitchell Fennell. He holds a master’s degree, and a doctorate in music and music education from Columbia University (Teachers College) in the city of New York. Whitmore has conducted ensembles in such notable concert venues as The Golden Hall of The Musikverein (Vienna), The Wiener Konzerthaus (Vienna), The MuTh (Vienna), Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall (Costa Mesa), Symphony Hall (Chicago), The Kennedy Center (Washington, D.C.), Carnegie Hall (New York City), Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles), Meng Concert Hall (Fullerton, California), Holy Trinity Church (Stratford, England), St. John’s Smith Square (London), Chateau Vaux le Vicomte (Paris), and Heidelberg Castle (Germany). Under his direction, the Cathedral City High School Symphony Band was selected to perform as the showcase ensemble during the 2008 California Band Directors Association Annual Convention. He is the Second Place Winner of the 2017 American Prize in Conducting. Whitmore belongs to professional organizations that include College Band Directors National Association, Kappa Kappa Psi Honorary Band Fraternity, Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity, Pi Kappa Lambda Honor Society, The National Association for Music Education, Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association, and the California Music Educators Association. Learn more about Greg Whitmore at gwhitmore.com


The School of Music was among the first academic programs offered when Cal State Fullerton opened its main campus in 1960. From the very beginning, the emphasis on musical performance in an academically stimulating environment has been a cornerstone of the School of Music. The members of the CSUF Wind Symphony and CSUF Symphonic Winds study and perform music as part of an overall university curriculum that prepares musicians for careers in the performing arts, education and business. With a strong emphasis on musical performance, the students in both of these ensembles are also part of an ongoing effort to perpetuate and maintain a great American cultural tradition. Our purpose in studying and performing this music is to develop an appreciation for the music of our time, to further the tradition of excellence in wind performance at Cal State Fullerton as well as the traditions of the American concert band, and to provide an educational foundation from which our students and audience can contribute to the cultural landscape of society.


ADJUDICATORS Dr. Mitchell Fennell Professor Emeritus, CSU Fullerton Dr. Jamal Duncan Arizona State University Prof. Kevin Mayse Riverside City College

FESTIVAL PERSONNEL CSUF School of Music Festival Coordinator Dr. Dustin Barr Director of Wind Studies Associate Professor of Music Festival Co-Host Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Omicron Pi chapter Sebastian Martinez, president

California State University, Fullerton • College of the Arts


The College of the Arts extends its heartfelt gratitude to the following patrons who have supported our students and programs this past year through a generous gift of $1,000 or more to the College, the School of Music, Department of Theatre & Dance, and/or the Department of Visual Arts.**

$1,000,000 + Anonymous

Terri and Bob Niccum Douglas G. Stewart

$100,000+ Chapman University The Andy Warhol Foundation

$1,000+ Judy L. Atwell Betsy and Eric Azariah Lucina and John Brennan Janet & Allen Bridgford Irene Chinn Stephen W. Collier and Joann Driggers William S. Cornyn CEC Artslink D. Barry Schmitt Revocable Trust Susan and Richard Dolnick Lisa M. Draskovich-Long Lucetta A. Dunn Shawna and Greg Ellis Dr. Anne Fingal Evelyn K. Francuz Fullerton Families and Friends Jacquelyn Garrabrant Annette L. and Leon J. Gilbert Susan-Ellen Gilmont Dr. Mark J. Goodrich Dr. Margaret F. Gordon Theresa Harvey James L. Henriques Trevor E. Illingworth Michelle Jordan Gladys M. Kares Gwendolyn and Carlos C. Leija John M. Martelli and Paul Coluzzi Karen and George Mast Thelma and Earl Mellott Sylvia Megerdichian Mary E. Moore Patricia and Carl Miller Betty Murphy Ann and Douglas Myles Yoshino and Ujinobu Niwa Debra L. Noble L. Palin Kerry and John Phelps The Presser Foundation Deanna and Arie Passchier

$25,000+ Anonymous Lee C. Begovich Johnny Carson Foundation Leo Freedman Foundation Frank and John Olsen Frank J. and Jean Raymond Music Associates Alliance for the Performing Arts $10,000+ Art Alliance Affordable Housing Access Inc. The Blackbaud Giving Fund Marilyn D. Carlson Darryl Curran Dwight Richard Odle Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund Ellen and Bill Groves Robin and Steve Kalota Eleanore and James L. Monroe Michael L. Mavrovouniotis Dr. Katherine S. Powers and Håkan O. Rosengren Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Sue and Dr. Edward A. Sullivan The Thorsen Family $5,000+ Drs. Voiza and Joseph Arnold Dr. Marc R. Dickey MaryLouise and Ed Hlavac Morningside of Fullerton Norma Morris Jill Kurti Norman Orange County Community Foundation

Sheila Pinkle Sharon and Dr. Anil K. Puri Mary and Jerry R. Reinhart Renaissance Charitable Foundation Nancy and Robert Rennie Christine Rhoades Sandra and David Rhone Dr. Stephen M. Rochford Ann and Thad Sandford D. Barry Schmitt Louise P. Shamblen Martha Shaver Ingrid R. Shutkin Lorena L. Sikorski Carol Smith Sparkman Janet L. Smith Dodo V. Standring Robert Van Sternberg Verne Wagner Dr. Sean E. Walker Debra Winters Richard Wulff YourCause, LLC

Very special care has been given to the preparation of this donor listing. Please contact Ann Steichen at (657) 278-7124 with questions or concerns. **Gifts received from July 1, 2020 through September 2021

ONTIVEROS SOCIETY The Ontiveros Society includes individuals who have provided a gift for Cal State Fullerton through their estate plan. Our deep appreciation is extended to the following Ontiveros Society members, whose gifts will benefit the students and mission of the College of the Arts: Anonymous John Alexander Lee & Dr. Nicholas A.* Begovich Gail & Michael Cochran Marc R. Dickey Joann Driggers Betty Everett Carol J. Geisbauer & John* Geisbauer Sophia & Charles Gray MaryLouise & Ed Hlavac Gretchen Kanne

Dr. Burton L. Karson Anne L. Kruzic* Loreen & John Loftus Alan A. Mannason* William J. McGarvey* Dr. Sallie Mitchell Eleanore P. & James L. Monroe Lynn & Robert Myers Dwight Richard Odle* Sherry & Dr. Gordon Paine Dr. June Pollak & Mr. George Pollak*

Steven Rochford Mary K. & William Sampson Douglas G. Stewart Andrea J. & Jeffrey E. Sward Richard J. Taylor Verne Wagner Richard Wulff Dr. James D. & Dottie Young* *deceased

The College of the Arts Proudly Recognizes the 300+ Members of Our


ART ALLIANCE: Art Alliance promotes excellence and enjoyment in the visual arts, and their fundraising efforts contribute to student scholarship, gallery exhibitions, opening receptions and sculpture acquisition on campus. Special support and event underwriting Fay Colmar John DeLoof

Joann Driggers & Steve Collier Loraine Walkington

ALLIANCE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS: The Alliance for the Performing Arts (formerly MAMM) benefits performing arts students through underwriting visiting artists; special theatre, dance, and music performances; and other unique experiences for members. Special support and event underwriting Judy Atwell Drs. Voiza & Joe Arnold Ebell Club of Fullerton

Dr. Margaret Faulwell Gordon Norma Morris Richard Odle Estate

Kerry & John Phelps Jeanie Stockwell Verne Wagner

MUSIC ASSOCIATES: Music Associates maintains a tradition of active involvement and community support, and raises scholarship funds for School of Music students through annual fundraising events and membership dues. Special support and event underwriting Marilyn Carlson Evelyn K. Francuz Sandy & Norm Johnson Marti & Bill Kurschat Karen & George Mast

Thelma & Earl Mellott Bettina Murphy Grace & Ujinobu Niwa Kerry & John Phelps Mary & Jerry Reinhart

Ann & Thad Sandford Dodo V. Standring Carolyn & Tom Toby John Van Wey

MORE INFORMATION: Erika Garcia • 657-278-8683 There are many ways to support the College of the Arts, the School of Music, Department of Theatre and Dance, and Department of Visual Arts


COLLEGE OF THE ARTS • SELECT EVENTS | SPRING 2022 Johan Smith, guitar Feb. 9, 2022, 8 pm • Recital Hall

John Hallberg, saxophone Apr. 9, 2022, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall

CSUF Voices On Stage with Mirror Visions Ensemble Feb. 15, 2022, 8 pm • Recital Hall

University Symphony Orchestra with Talich Quartet Apr. 9, 2022, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall

21st Annual New Music Festival Pamela Madsen, artistic director Beginning Feb. 25, 2022

“Trumpet in the Baroque” John Thiessen, baroque trumpet Apr. 13, 2022, 8 pm • Recital Hall

University Symphony Orchestra with Zhu Xi Jin, piano Feb. 27, 2022, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall

Boris Slutsky, piano Apr. 13, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall

Bill Cunliffe & Alison Edwards, duo piano Mar. 1, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall Rob Watson, piano Mar. 6, 2022, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall Füreya Ünal, piano Mar. 8, 2022, 8 pm • Recital Hall Ann Phong: Re-evaluating Normal Mar. 12–May 21, 2022 • Begovich Gallery

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Apr. 15–30, 2022 • Young Theatre Fullerton Jazz Orchestra & Fullerton Jazz Chamber Ensemble Apr. 21, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall Gianni Schicchi (Giacomo Puccini) and Buoso’s Ghost (Michael Ching) Apr. 21–24, 2022 • Recital Hall CSU Fullerton Symphonic Winds Apr. 24, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall

Rise: Music United 15th Annual Collage Concert Mar. 12, 2022, 3 pm • Meng COncert Hall

Jazz Singers Apr. 26, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall

Alexander Kobrin, Piano Mar. 16, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Apr. 15 - 30, 2022 • Young Theatre

Fullerton Jazz Orchestra & Fullerton Jazz Chamber Ensemble Mar. 18, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall

Jane Austen’s Lady Susan Apr. 29–May 14, 2022 • Hallberg Theatre

Kerry Jennings, tenor Mar. 19, 2022, 8 pm • Recital Hall Cabaret Mar. 25–Apr. 9, 2022 • Little Theatre University Singers & Concert Choir Mar. 26, 2022, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall Rong-Huey Liu, oboe with the Felici Trio Apr. 7, 2022, 8 pm • Recital Hall Talich Quartet Apr. 8, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall

University Band May 4, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall Fullerton Jazz Orchestra May 6, 2022,8 pm • Meng Concert Hall University Wind Symphony May 7, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall Spring Dance Theatre May 11–14, 2022 • Little Theatre University Symphony Orchestra & Symphonic Chorus May 14, 2022, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall

For Studio Series performances, complete information, and tickets: ArtsTickets.fullerton.edu • Box Office: (657) 278-3371 • arts.fullerton.edu/calendar


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