Gianni Schicchi by Giacomo Puccini Buoso’s Ghost by Michael Ching
April 21–24, 2022
California State University, Fullerton
UNIVERSITY CREDITS Framroze Virjee, President, California State University, Fullerton Carolyn Thomas Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ron Coley, Vice President, Administration and Finance/CFO David Forgues, Vice President, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Amir H. Dabirian, Vice President, Information Technology Tonantzin Oseguera, Vice President, Student Affairs Gregory J. Saks, Vice President, University Advancement
C OL L E G E O F T H E AR T S Arnold Holland, Ed.D, Dean Dave Mickey, Associate Dean Maricela Alvarado, Assistant Dean Christopher Johnson, Budget Coordinator Heather Guzman, Assistant to the Deans Edward J. Fink, Ph.D, Director, School of Music Jade Jewett, Chair, Department of Visual Arts Jamie Tucker, Chair, Department of Theatre & Dance Jennifer Frias, Director, Nicholas & Lee Begovich Gallery John Spiak, Director, Grand Central Art Center - Santa Ana Lara Farhadi, Senior Director of Development Ann Steichen, Director of Development Erika Garcia, Support Group Coordinator Julie Bussell, Director, Marketing & Patron Services Stephanie Tancredi, Box Office Manager Heather Richards-Siddons Marketing & Communications Specialist Alvin Chiu, Graphic Designer Jason Pano Social Media Strategist
WELCOME TO THE COLLEGE OF THE AR TS First, I’d like to start off by saying something I have looked forward to saying for a very long time: “Welcome back!” Welcome back to live performances and in-person exhibitions; welcome back to the thrill of sitting in a darkened theatre or concert hall, waiting with palpable anticipation as performers fill the stage; and welcome back to the very personal experience of being in the presence of an artwork that moves you or challenges your expectations. We’ve missed you. While away from campus, our students continued to create, learn, rehearse, and perform – sometimes in the tiny boxes we’ve all grown accustom to viewing from home – as they prepared for the moment they would once again feel stage lights shining on them. As you can imagine, they are more than ready to perform in front of a live audience! This season, we are offering both on-campus and live streaming options for many of our Department of Theatre & Dance and School of Music performances to accommodate a variety of patrons. With enhancements to our HVAC and air filtration systems, we are also able to provide students with the full breadth of our first-rate performance facilities and numerous art galleries where they perfect their craft daily. In returning to campus, we can once again deliver the full scope of immersive academic experiences and opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration that make our college a living laboratory for the arts. Here, success is measured in lines of dialogue, sheets of music, and slabs of clay as our students, faculty, and staff work together to present concerts, exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and performances to 40,000+ visitors annually. This would not be possible without the support of our community. As a leading CSU in the arts, we are an essential part of the cultural fabric of Southern California, providing transformational experiences to our students, community, and beyond. If ensuring the arts remain at the forefront of higher education in Orange County is a passion of yours, I encourage you to support the College of the Arts at any level by donating to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence today (arts.fullerton.edu/giving). Thank you for joining us for another season of theatre, dance, music, and visual arts. Our doors are open, and we can’t wait to put on a show for you! Arnold Holland, Ed.D.
Dean, College of the Arts
Gianni Schicchi by Giacomo Puccini
Thu/Sat Fri/Sun Gianni Schicchi............................ Haocheng Sun Michael Segura Lauretta....................................... Eileen Garrido Mai Saito Alejandra Morales (study cover) Zita.............................................. Leeza Yorke Kiana Hamzehi Rinuccio....................................... Yngwie Zamarippa Yngwie Zamarippa Gherardo..................................... Evan Banks Sam Miller Nella............................................ Gabrielle Poveda Nya Nulty Gherardino................................... Abigail Sorber Ryan Guidotti Betto............................................ Aidan Mulholland Aidan Mulholland Simone........................................ Dylan Leisure Dylan Leisure Marco.......................................... Emilio López Felix Emilio López Felix La Ciesca..................................... Martina Goldring Beatriz Avila Casillas Lilah Hernandez (study cover) Master Spinelloccio..................... Ryan Morris Ryan Morris Amantio di Nicolai (Nataio).......... Bryce Livingston Bryce Livingston Pinellino....................................... Ryan Morris Ryan Morris Guccio......................................... Aaron Leppke Adrián Bañuelos *****INTERMISSION*****
Buoso’s Ghost by Michael Ching
Thu/Sat Gianni Schicchi............................ Adrián Bañuelos Lauretta....................................... Jordan Birgy-Krasnoff Rinuccio....................................... Yngwie Zamarippa Friar I........................................... Joseph Rios Friar II.......................................... Ryan Morris Nella............................................ Kirsten Leon La Ciesca..................................... Jillian Fisher Zita.............................................. Leeza Yorke Gherardo..................................... Josh Evans Marco.......................................... Emilio López Felix Betto............................................ Aidan Mulholland Simone........................................ Dylan Leisure Magistrate................................... Bryce Livingston
Fri/Sun Aaron Leppke Corina Gonzales Yngwie Zamarippa Joseph Rios Ryan Morris Thalia Moore Julia Galvan Kiana Hamzehi Josh Evans Emilio López Felix Aidan Mulholland Dylan Leisure Bryce Livingston
It is our great privilege
and honor to present to you this very special double bill. To perform a work by Giacomo Puccini, one of the greatest and most beloved Italian opera composers is always special, but to combine it with a new work, and to have the opportunity to work directly with the composer of that work, makes for a truly extraordinary experience. How fortunate we are to have been able to host the composer of Buoso’s Ghost, Michael Ching, earlier this semester, as he worked with our singers, our orchestra, and our composition students for four exciting days. We are proud to be able to present the California premier of Buoso’s Ghost, his wonderful sequel to Gianni Schicchi. I can think of no better circumstance in which to direct my first full-scale production here at CSUF and I am immensely proud of these exceptional students. I am also very grateful to work with the remarkable faculty who train, teach, and take such good care of them. Special thanks to our applied voice faculty, Mark Goodrich (area coordinator), Patricia Prunty, Janet Smith, Linda Leyrer, Susan Montgomery-Kinsey, and James Martin Schaefer, and all the College of the Arts and School of Music faculty and staff who make it possible to program such challenging repertoire and produce it at a high level. I hope you enjoy the performance and look forward to seeing you back for future productions.
-Kerry Jennings
English captions for Gianni Schicchi provided by Linda Cantoni and Regina Opera Company English captions for Buoso's Ghost provided by Michael Ching
special thanks
to the CSUF School of Music Voice Faculty for all their help in preparing and coaching each student for their roles. Mark Goodrich (Vocal Area Coordinator), Patricia Prunty, Janet Smith, Linda Leyrer, Susan Montogmery-Kinsey, and James Martin Schaefer
Gianni Schicchi
Wealthy Buoso Donati has just died, and his relatives are vying to express the most grief. The weeping and wailing soon give way to alarm, however, as poor relation Betto starts to spread the news that he has heard a rumour in town that Donati left his considerable wealth to a monastery. Everyone turns to old Simone, Donati’s cousin, who thinks they might have some hope for inheritance if the will is still in that room. A frantic search begins. At last young Rinuccio, Zita’s nephew, triumphantly announces that he has found the will. He then bargains with his aunt Zita, Donati’s cousin, to allow him to marry Lauretta, daughter of Gianni Schicchi. Zita says he may marry anybody he wishes, as long as the will leaves them all well off. Rinuccio sends little Gherardino to find Gianni Schicchi and Lauretta. Zita solemnly opens the will, while Simone tenderly lights candles for the deceased. Together they silently read the will and find to their dismay that the rumour is true: Donati has left everything to the monks of Santa Reparata. Suddenly it occurs to the relatives that there may be a way to get around the will. Rinuccio suggests that Gianni Schicchi can help them. Zita will not hear of it, but Gherardino, who has returned, announces that Schicchi is on his way. At this point, Simone, and Zita strongly object to a marriage between a Donati and the daughter of an upstart like Schicchi. But Rinuccio points out that clever men like Schicchi (and Arnolfo and Giotto, and the Medici), “new people” from the outskirts of the city, are and will continue to be the making of Florence (“Firenze è come un albero fiorito”). Schicchi arrives, Lauretta in tow. He cynically comments under his breath on how downcast the Donatis look, as Lauretta and Rinuccio whisper together lovingly. Schicchi, in his best undertaker tone, expresses his sorrow for the family’s great loss. Gherardo retorts that the loss is great indeed. Schicchi points out that they will have the comfort of the inheritance, prompting Zita to bitterly inform him that they have been disinherited. She asks him to take Lauretta and go, as she will not have her nephew marry a girl without a dowry. Lauretta and Rinuccio protest, but neither Schicchi nor Zita will bend until Lauretta pleads with her father and threatens to throw herself in the Arno if she cannot marry the man she loves (“O mio babbino caro”). The doting Schicchi cannot resist her. He studies the will and a solution dawns on him. He asks the relatives if anyone else knows that Donati is dead. When they tell him no one else knows, he orders Marco and Gherardo to remove
ABOUT THE OPERAS Donati’s body to another room and orders the women to remake the bed. As they comply, uncertain of Schicchi’s intentions, there is a knock at the door. Maestro Spinelloccio, the doctor, has arrived. The relatives hastily inform him that Donati is better. They stop him from coming in, saying that Donati is resting. Suddenly a strange voice issues from the bed, asking the doctor to come back later. “I’ve risen from the dead,” says the imposter, and the doctor goes away impressed with his own doctoring skills. Schicchi asks the relatives to summon the notary and to tell him that Donati is dying and wants to make his will. When the notary arrives, the room will be dark, and in the bed, he will see the figure of “Donati,” complete with cap and chin strap. With this clever plan under way, the relatives get down to the business of dividing up Donati’s possessions. The cash will be split equally. Simone wants the farms at Fucecchio; Zita, those at Figline; Betto, those at Prato. Gherardo and his wife, Nella, want the lands at Empoli; Marco and his wife, La Ciesca, those at Quintole. Simone suggests that they leave the matter of Donati’s most-valued possessions—the house, the mule, and the mills at Signa—to Schicchi’s discretion. As Schicchi is dressed for the role he is to play, he warns the relatives that the law in Florence is that whoever forges a will gets a hand cut off and is exiled (“Addio Firenze”). A knock announces the arrival of the notary and the witnesses. “Donati” greets them gratefully and explains that he would have written out the will himself, but he suffers from palsy. He then revokes all prior wills. The notary asks about funeral expenses; “Donati” wants them to spend no more than two florins. He revises his legacy to Santa Reparata, giving them only five lire and explaining that if he left too much to charity, people would say that it was dirty money. “Donati” now keeps his promises as to the cash in hand and the various farms and lands. However, when it comes to the mule, the house, and the mills, he leaves them to his dear friend Gianni Schicchi. The horrified relatives, bearing in mind the penalty for forgery of a will, must stifle their outrage. When the notary and witnesses have departed, the relatives turn on Schicchi in a rage and begin to loot the place before he chases them out. Meanwhile, Rinuccio and Lauretta enter and tenderly recall how they shared their first kiss. Schicchi returns, carrying some of the loot he managed to grab back from the Donatis. Moved at the sight of the happy lovers, he turns to the audience and asks, “Tell me, ladies and gentlemen, if Donati’s money could end up better than this? For this bit of fun, they stuck me in hell…and so be it. But with the permission of the great father Dante, if this evening you’ve been amused, grant me extenuating circumstances.”
Buoso’s Ghost
As the sequel begins, we see Lauretta and Rinuccio, arm in arm, planning their future. Feeling the proud father, Schicchi, looks on. The couple go off to buy their wedding ring. Alone, Schicchi straightens up the house. He sees some food and wine that the relatives have brought and sits down for a snack. But he discovers that the food and drink have all been poisoned by the relations. He is interrupted by a knock at the door. Two brothers have come to collect on Buoso Donati’s will. Schicchi shows them the “revised” document and they leave in shock. Alone, Schicchi imagines the relatives making their plans to poison old Uncle Buoso. We hear the relatives approaching. Quickly Schicchi scribbles a note and tucks it into Buoso’s nightshirt. They have come screaming for blood. Just as they are about to beat Schicchi senseless, a magistrate arrives to try the case. The relatives immediately assume an air of mourning. Then they angrily accuse Schicchi of murdering Uncle Buoso. Schicchi beseeches them for mercy. He sneaks up to each one and tells them that he knows that they have poisoned Buoso’s food and drink. They are stunned and worried. They quickly switch gears. Each group of relatives offers Schicchi a bribe if he will blame somebody else, but Schicchi makes no promises. The magistrate brings everyone back to order. When Old Simone refuses to accuse Schicchi, then the magistrate does it himself. Schicchi defends himself, keeping the relatives on pins and needles. Finally, sobbing he goes over to Uncle Buoso’s body and falls on the corpse. He pulls out the note and reads it: Uncle Buoso has committed suicide. All are shocked at this horrible sin. The magistrate is miffed that he can’t condemn Schicchi and leaves. Alone, the relatives realize that Schicchi has outwitted them again. Jokingly, Betto says that they will get the money back in the long run cause Rinuccio and Lauretta are getting married. They realize they can just kill Schicchi now and inherit everything. Overhearing this, Schicchi prepares. He hides behind the body. He summons the ghost of Buoso Donati and scares the family from the house. In an echo of the end of the Puccini, Schicchi comes downstage and asks the audience to forgive the upstart composer for writing the sequel.
OPERA ORCHESTRA Violin 1 Krsistina Tsanova Isaac Visoutsy
Clarinet Eric Just Julian Rymar
Violin 2 Soo Hyun Park Emma Hill
Bassoon Sloan Quessenberry
Viola Esra Arin Xinyi Yan Cello Hyejin Lee Michelle Jung Bass Nathan Eskridge Flute Michelle Chang Joel Charboneau (piccolo) Oboe Victoria Solis
Horn Josiah Wallace Peter Bement Trumpet Taylor Shirley Isaiah Soto Trombone Jacob Marsh Timpani Daniel Garcia Percussion Victoria Canonizado Isabell Liao Harp Brian Noel
COTA CREATIVE TEAM STAGE AND MUSIC DIRECTION Stage Director................................................................................. Kerry Jennings Music Direction........................................................Kimo Furumoto, Mark Salters, David Bergstedt, Jens Hurty Conductor (Gianni Schicchi)........................................................... Kimo Furumoto Assistant Conductor (Buoso’s Ghost)....................................................Jens Hurty Coaches/Rehearsal Pianists...................................Mark Salters, David Bergstedt Assistant to the Director..................................................................... Thalia Moore PRODUCTION STAFF AND CREW Scenic Designer.................................................................................Fred Kinney+ Technical Director................................................................................... JR Luker+ Lighting Designer...............................................................................Jordan Curiel Stage Manager...............................................................................Tiffany Joy May Assistant Stage Manager....................................................................... Cris Quick Light Board Operator................................................................... Alexandra Rubio Crew.........................................Alyssa Cavero, Sarah Gediman, Luke Templeman Rita Donna Karann, Kiana Smith, Danniela Azurdia Ashley Beltran, Luciana Manicone, Christopher Lara TECHNICAL AND PRODUCTION STAFF Production Manager....................................................................... Michael August Master Electrician................................................................................... Lois Bryan Staff Scenic Lab Foremen.......................................Matt Connelly, Amanda Horak Charge Scenic Artist.....................................................................Heidi Enzlin Cole Business/Production Coordinator............................................. Jen Frauenzimmer Costume Lab Manager............................................................................ Terri Nista Costume Lab Technician.......................................................................Lori Koontz TV Studio Technician............................................................................ Ross Jones Production Sound Engineer....................................................................Jeff Lewis Audio Technician............................................................................. William Lemley Properties Master.................................................................................... Bob West Accompanists..............................................Brigitte Bellavoine, Jennifer Schniepp ...........................................................................................................Craig Shields Box Office Manager & Safety Coordinator............................... Stephanie Tancredi Lead House Manager............................................................................ Cathi Craig + Faculty
Edward J. Fink, Ph.D - School of Music director Bongshin Ko - School of Music assistant director FULL-TIME FACULTY
Theory and Composition Dr. Pamela Madsen - composition, theory Dr. Ken Walicki* - composition, theory
Conducting Kimo Furumoto - instrumental Dr. Robert Istad - choral Dr. Dustin Barr - instrumental Jazz and Commercial Music Bill Cunliffe* - jazz piano; arranging; Fullerton Jazz Orchestra, Fullerton Big Band and combo director Rodolfo Zuniga - jazz studies, jazz percussion, and music technology Piano, Organ, Piano Pedagogy Ning An - piano Bill Cunliffe - jazz piano Alison Edwards* - piano, piano pedagogy, class piano Dr. Robert Watson - piano Music Education, Teacher Training, and Teaching Credential Dr. Christopher Peterson - choral Dr. Dennis Siebenaler* - general Dr. Gregory X. Whitmore - instrumental
Vocal, Choral, and Opera Dr. Mark Goodrich* - voice, academic voice courses Dr. Robert Istad Director of Choral Studies; University Singers Dr. Kerry Jennings – Director of Opera Dr. Christopher Peterson - CSUF Concert Choir and Singing Titans conductor Patricia Prunty - voice, academic voice courses Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion Dr. Dustin Barr - Director of Wind Band Studies; University Wind Symphony Jean Ferrandis - flute Sycil Mathai* - trumpet Håkan Rosengren* - clarinet Dr. Gregory X. Whitmore Symphonic Winds conductor SCHOOL OF MUSIC STAFF
Music in General Education Dr. John Koegel* Dr. Katherine Reed
Michael August - Production Manager
Music History and Literature Dr. John Koegel* - musicology Dr. Katherine Reed - musicology
Chris Searight - Musical Instrument Services
Eric Dries - Music Librarian
Jeff Lewis - Audio Engineer
Paul Shirts - Administrative Assistant Elizabeth Williams - Accountant
Strings Kimo Furumoto - Director of Orchestral Studies Bongshin Ko - cello Dr. Ernest Salem* - violin
Sue Winston - Office Coordinator
* denotes Area Coordinator
facebook.com/CSUFMusic Twitter | @CSUFMusic Instagram | @csufmusic soundcloud.com/csufmusic music.fullerton.edu The School of Music at California State University, Fullerton has been fully and continuously accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music since 1966
California State University, Fullerton • College of the Arts
The College of the Arts extends its heartfelt gratitude to the following patrons who have supported our students and programs this past year through a generous gift of $1,000 or more to the College, the School of Music, Department of Theatre & Dance, and/or the Department of Visual Arts.**
$1,000,000 + Anonymous
Terri and Bob Niccum Douglas G. Stewart
$100,000+ Chapman University The Andy Warhol Foundation
$1,000+ Judy L. Atwell Betsy and Eric Azariah Lucina and John Brennan Janet & Allen Bridgford Irene Chinn Stephen W. Collier and Joann Driggers William S. Cornyn CEC Artslink D. Barry Schmitt Revocable Trust Susan and Richard Dolnick Lisa M. Draskovich-Long Lucetta A. Dunn Shawna and Greg Ellis Dr. Anne Fingal Evelyn K. Francuz Fullerton Families and Friends Jacquelyn Garrabrant Annette L. and Leon J. Gilbert Susan-Ellen Gilmont Dr. Mark J. Goodrich Dr. Margaret F. Gordon Theresa Harvey James L. Henriques Trevor E. Illingworth Michelle Jordan Gladys M. Kares Gwendolyn and Carlos C. Leija John M. Martelli and Paul Coluzzi Karen and George Mast Thelma and Earl Mellott Sylvia Megerdichian Mary E. Moore Patricia and Carl Miller Betty Murphy Ann and Douglas Myles Yoshino and Ujinobu Niwa Debra L. Noble L. Palin Kerry and John Phelps The Presser Foundation Deanna and Arie Passchier
$25,000+ Anonymous Lee C. Begovich Johnny Carson Foundation Leo Freedman Foundation Frank and John Olsen Frank J. and Jean Raymond Music Associates Alliance for the Performing Arts $10,000+ Art Alliance Affordable Housing Access Inc. The Blackbaud Giving Fund Marilyn D. Carlson Darryl Curran Dwight Richard Odle Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund Ellen and Bill Groves Robin and Steve Kalota Eleanore and James L. Monroe Michael L. Mavrovouniotis Dr. Katherine S. Powers and Håkan O. Rosengren Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Sue and Dr. Edward A. Sullivan The Thorsen Family $5,000+ Drs. Voiza and Joseph Arnold Dr. Marc R. Dickey MaryLouise and Ed Hlavac Morningside of Fullerton Norma Morris Jill Kurti Norman Orange County Community Foundation
Sheila Pinkle Sharon and Dr. Anil K. Puri Mary and Jerry R. Reinhart Renaissance Charitable Foundation Nancy and Robert Rennie Christine Rhoades Sandra and David Rhone Dr. Stephen M. Rochford Ann and Thad Sandford D. Barry Schmitt Louise P. Shamblen Martha Shaver Ingrid R. Shutkin Lorena L. Sikorski Carol Smith Sparkman Janet L. Smith Dodo V. Standring Robert Van Sternberg Verne Wagner Dr. Sean E. Walker Debra Winters Richard Wulff YourCause, LLC
Very special care has been given to the preparation of this donor listing. Please contact Ann Steichen at (657) 278-7124 with questions or concerns. **Gifts received from July 1, 2020 through September 2021
ONTIVEROS SOCIETY The Ontiveros Society includes individuals who have provided a gift for Cal State Fullerton through their estate plan. Our deep appreciation is extended to the following Ontiveros Society members, whose gifts will benefit the students and mission of the College of the Arts: Anonymous John Alexander Lee & Dr. Nicholas A.* Begovich Gail & Michael Cochran Marc R. Dickey Joann Driggers Betty Everett Carol J. Geisbauer & John* Geisbauer Sophia & Charles Gray MaryLouise & Ed Hlavac Gretchen Kanne
Dr. Burton L. Karson Anne L. Kruzic* Loreen & John Loftus Alan A. Mannason* William J. McGarvey* Dr. Sallie Mitchell Eleanore P. & James L. Monroe Lynn & Robert Myers Dwight Richard Odle* Sherry & Dr. Gordon Paine Dr. June Pollak & Mr. George Pollak*
Steven Rochford Mary K. & William Sampson Douglas G. Stewart Andrea J. & Jeffrey E. Sward Richard J. Taylor Verne Wagner Richard Wulff Dr. James D. & Dottie Young* *deceased
The College of the Arts Proudly Recognizes the 300+ Members of Our
ART ALLIANCE: Art Alliance promotes excellence and enjoyment in the visual arts, and their fundraising efforts contribute to student scholarship, gallery exhibitions, opening receptions and sculpture acquisition on campus. Special support and event underwriting Fay Colmar John DeLoof
Joann Driggers & Steve Collier Loraine Walkington
ALLIANCE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS: The Alliance for the Performing Arts (formerly MAMM) benefits performing arts students through underwriting visiting artists; special theatre, dance, and music performances; and other unique experiences for members. Special support and event underwriting Judy Atwell Drs. Voiza & Joe Arnold Ebell Club of Fullerton
Dr. Margaret Faulwell Gordon Norma Morris Richard Odle Estate
Kerry & John Phelps Jeanie Stockwell Verne Wagner
MUSIC ASSOCIATES: Music Associates maintains a tradition of active involvement and community support, and raises scholarship funds for School of Music students through annual fundraising events and membership dues. Special support and event underwriting Marilyn Carlson Evelyn K. Francuz Sandy & Norm Johnson Marti & Bill Kurschat Karen & George Mast
Thelma & Earl Mellott Bettina Murphy Grace & Ujinobu Niwa Kerry & John Phelps Mary & Jerry Reinhart
Ann & Thad Sandford Dodo V. Standring Carolyn & Tom Toby John Van Wey
MORE INFORMATION: Erika Garcia • 657-278-8683 There are many ways to support the College of the Arts, the School of Music, Department of Theatre and Dance, and Department of Visual Arts
COLLEGE OF THE ARTS • SELECT EVENTS | SPRING 2022 Ann Phong: Re-evaluating Normal Through May 21, 2022 • Begovich Gallery BG Projects: Valentina Aproda Maurer Through April 30, 2022 • Begovich Gallery Lobby A Midsummer Night’s Dream Apr. 15–30, 2022 • Young Theatre Fullerton Jazz Orchestra & Fullerton Jazz Chamber Ensemble Apr. 21, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall Gianni Schicchi (Giacomo Puccini) and Buoso’s Ghost (Michael Ching) Apr. 21–24, 2022 • Recital Hall CSU Fullerton Symphonic Winds Apr. 24, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall Jazz Singers Apr. 26, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall CSUF New MusicEnsemble Part of the 21st Annual New Music Festival Apr. 27, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall A Midsummer Night’s Dream Apr. 15 - 30, 2022 • Young Theatre Jane Austen’s Lady Susan Apr. 29–May 14, 2022 • Hallberg Theatre University Band May 4, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall Fullerton Jazz Orchestra May 6, 2022,8 pm • Meng Concert Hall University Wind Symphony May 7, 2022, 8 pm • Meng Concert Hall Spring Dance Theatre May 11–14, 2022 • Little Theatre University Symphony Orchestra & Symphonic Chorus May 14, 2022, 3 pm • Meng Concert Hall
For Studio Series performances, complete information, and tickets: ArtsTickets.fullerton.edu • Box Office: (657) 278-3371 • arts.fullerton.edu/calendar
April 15–30, 2022 • Young Theatre