"The Wolves" program

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December 8–11, 2021

California State University, Fullerton

UNIVERSITY CREDITS Framroze Virjee, President, California State University, Fullerton Carolyn Thomas Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ron Coley, Vice President, Administration and Finance/CFO David Forgues, Vice President, Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Amir H. Dabirian, Vice President, Information Technology Tonantzin Oseguera, Vice President, Student Affairs Gregory J. Saks, Vice President, University Advancement

C OL L E G E O F T H E AR T S Arnold Holland, Ed.D, Dean Dave Mickey, Associate Dean Maricela Alvarado, Assistant Dean Christopher Johnson, Budget Coordinator Heather Guzman, Assistant to the Deans Edward J. Fink, Ph.D, Director, School of Music Jade Jewett, Chair, Department of Visual Arts Jamie Tucker, Chair, Department of Theatre & Dance Jennifer Frias, Director, Nicholas & Lee Begovich Gallery John Spiak, Director, Grand Central Art Center - Santa Ana Lara Farhadi, Senior Director of Development Ann Steichen, Director of Development Erika Garcia, Support Group Coordinator Julie Bussell, Director, Marketing & Patron Services Stephanie Tancredi, Box Office Manager Heather Richards-Siddons Marketing & Communications Specialist Alvin Chiu, Graphic Designer Jason Pano Social Media Strategist

WELCOME TO THE COLLEGE OF THE AR TS First, I’d like to start off by saying something I have looked forward to saying for a very long time: “Welcome back!” Welcome back to live performances and in-person exhibitions; welcome back to the thrill of sitting in a darkened theatre or concert hall, waiting with palpable anticipation as performers fill the stage; and welcome back to the very personal experience of being in the presence of an artwork that moves you or challenges your expectations. We’ve missed you. While away from campus, our students continued to create, learn, rehearse, and perform – sometimes in the tiny boxes we’ve all grown accustom to viewing from home – as they prepared for the moment they would once again feel stage lights shining on them. As you can imagine, they are more than ready to perform in front of a live audience! This season, we are offering both on-campus and live streaming options for many of our Department of Theatre & Dance and School of Music performances to accommodate a variety of patrons. With enhancements to our HVAC and air filtration systems, we are also able to provide students with the full breadth of our first-rate performance facilities and numerous art galleries where they perfect their craft daily. In returning to campus, we can once again deliver the full scope of immersive academic experiences and opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration that make our college a living laboratory for the arts. Here, success is measured in lines of dialogue, sheets of music, and slabs of clay as our students, faculty, and staff work together to present concerts, exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and performances to 40,000+ visitors annually. This would not be possible without the support of our community. As a leading CSU in the arts, we are an essential part of the cultural fabric of Southern California, providing transformational experiences to our students, community, and beyond. If ensuring the arts remain at the forefront of higher education in Orange County is a passion of yours, I encourage you to support the College of the Arts at any level by donating to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence today (arts.fullerton.edu/giving). Thank you for joining us for another season of theatre, dance, music, and visual arts. Our doors are open, and we can’t wait to put on a show for you! Arnold Holland, Ed.D.

Dean, College of the Arts


Jamie Tucker Chair, Department of Theatre & Dance Debra Noble,* Vice Chair, Department of Theatre & Dance FULL-TIME STAFF Department of Theatre & Dance

FULL-TIME FACULTY | Theatre Acting Maria Cominis Svetlana Efremova• Eve Himmelheber John Short Jim Taulli

Administration Hilda Aboytia Technical and Production Staff Mike August, Production Manager

Design and Technical Production Scott Bolman Hyun Sook Kim Fred Kinney JR Luker Bill Meyer Carolyn Mraz Kathryn Wilson Directing Mark Ramont•* Musical Theatre Josh Grisetti Marty Austin Lamar Theatre Studies Heather Denyer• Amanda Rose Villareal Voice and Movement Anne James David Nevell• FULL-TIME FACULTY | Dance Muriel Joyce Lisa D. Long Debra Noble* Alvin Rangel-Alvarado

Lois Bryan, Master Electrician Matt Connelly, Amanda Horak Staff Scenic Lab Foremen JR Norman Luker, Faculty Technical Director Russell Mackensen, Staff Technical Director Heidi Enzlin Cole, Charge Scenic Artist Jen Frauenzimmer Business/ Production Coordinator Lori Koontz, Costume Lab Techncian Terri Nista, Costume Lab Manager Ross Jones, TV Studio Technician Jeff Lewis, Production Sound Engineer Libby Nicolay, Director of Photography Bob West, Properties Master Brigitte Bellavoine, Jennifer Schniepp & Craig Shields, Accompanists Stephanie Tancredi Box Office Manager & Safety Coordinator Cathi Craig, Lead House Manager *denotes program coordinator / •denotes area head

www.facebook.com/CSUFTheatre Instagram | @csuftheatre Twitter | @csuftheatre arts.fullerton.edu The Department of Theatre & Dance at California State University, Fullerton is fully and continuously accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre (1974) and the National Association of Schools of Dance (1982)

Assistant Director, Dramaturg Jennifer Burch

Assistant Costume Designer Fallon Heaslip

Stage Manager Lila Zamani-Morfin

Co-Makeup/Hair Designers Hannah Buckhoff, Jamie Gallagher

Set Designer Mio Okada

Soccer Consultant Delaney Dombek

Lighting Designer Pattaranan “Pokey” Pookoom

Prop Master Bob West

Sound Designer Darrius Estigoy

Technical Director Jackson Halphide

Costume Designer Carina Holley

Production Manager Mike August

Land Acknowledgement The Department of Theatre and Dance acknowledges our presence on the traditional, ancestral and unceeded territory of the Gabrielino/Tongva Nation. We pay our respects to the Indigenous land caretakers past, present, and emerging. For more information please visit the Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe website. Resources https://native-land.ca/ • https://gabrielinotribe.org/ http://nahc.ca.gov/cp/tribal-atlas-pages/gabrielino-tongva-nation/

Cast Solange Marcotte..............................................................................................................#11 Sarika Mande....................................................................................................................#25 Molly Renze......................................................................................................................#13 Evelyn Menchaca..............................................................................................................#46 Catherine Holper.................................................................................................................#2 Jordan Steinberg.................................................................................................................#7 Brizeth Lomeli....................................................................................................................#14 Joy Lee...............................................................................................................................#8 Alyssa O’Neal-Abend........................................................................................................#00 Bailey Martin......................................................................................................Soccer Mom

Dramaturgical Note According to the Census Bureau, in 2019, there are roughly 20 million teenage girls in the United States. Teenage girls face assumptions every day of their lives. Nothing they like is good or of value. They are unintelligent, weak, and materialistic. Boys run their lives. Girls have no interest in sports. Any struggles they face are overexaggerated or meaningless. This is the generalization that our world has come to believe about teenage girls, whether we realize it or not. As anyone who has been a teenage girl knows, the world is wrong. Like anybody else, these women are complex. Teenage girls are constantly being judged and looked down upon. They are brought down by the male-focused world around them. Girls can’t talk about their periods or other hormonal factors because everyone else thinks it’s disgusting. Tampons, pads, and other feminine hygiene products cannot be seen for fear of the female body. Commercials even use blue liquid instead of red as not to scare people by indicating a highly natural and common occurrence. Gender does not define how one acts or the importance of one’s thoughts. And yet, any chance to make fun of the teenage girl is taken. This is misogyny at its finest, as it tries to control a vulnerable demographic in their formative years. The experience of this show and the story itself is refreshing-being in a room with an almost entirely female group of people and creating together was refreshing. The inherent gender bias that men have against women, especially in the workplace, was mostly not present here. When it was just women in the room, we could be our authentic selves and we did not have to apologize. We did not have to change for men or experience being talked down to by them. This is special; it was a gift. The cast and crew were able to create a truthful work on what it means to be a teenage girl in sports and have female camaraderie. Without a judgment-free zone and female-filled room, this play would not have been possible in creating a realistic and beautiful show. This show honors all 20 million teenage girls and all women. Show them respect.

ABOUT THE DIRECTOR SARA GUERRERO Sara Guerrero, a Southern California Chicana native of Mexican/Mestizo ancestry, is a professional versatile theatre artist whose mission is to model, share, and create theatre-making opportunities for and with her community. As the founding artistic director of Breath of Fire Latina Theater Ensemble, (breathoffire.org) she and the ensemble are artists-in-residence of California State University of Fullerton’s Grand Central Arts Center. Under Guerrero’s leadership, the organization serves as an incubator for historically excluded voices in theater by providing programming in the guidance of storytelling. A CalArts alum, she’s been recognized as a 2021&’20 Woman of Distinction (Senate District 34), 2020 Hispanic Lifestyle Latina of Influence Honoree, Community Engagement “COVID-19 Artist Grant” Awardee, “People to Watch’’ by American Theatre Magazine, and “Best [Artistic] Director” and “Person of Interest” by OC Weekly. In 2021 her play “Have To Believe We Are Magic” was featured in Teatro Vivo’s Austin Latinx NewPlay Festival , Tu y Yo Theatre (CSUSM) Project and is scheduled in the “Occupy 2022” Women’s Theatre Festival. Some of her directing credits include Policarpa (CSUF), Atacama (Queens Theatre), Guadalupe in the Guest Room (Creed Rep Theatre) The Madres (Skylight Theatre), She Kills Monsters (CSULA), Essentials (Center Theatre Group), Real Women Have Curves (Costa Mesa Playhouse), Angel of the Desert (South Coast Rep), Blood Wedding (University of Oklahoma). Later this school year she will be guest directing Karen Zacarias’ Native Gardens for Chapman University and Olvidados: A Mexican American Corrido, a new theatrical work, with the University of Massachusetts Amherst and partnered with her ensemble, Breath of Fire. To learn more, visit: teatroguerrero.com or follow @guerreroprincess @teatroguerrero

Director’s Note With uncertainty, that still lingers, for more than a year I worked remotely, directing in zoom-like boxes. So, when given the opportunity to dive into a play, in-person again, safely, driven by fierce female characters who navigate young adulthood, soccer, identity, relationships, politics, loss, and a female bond that is forged in ways that sometimes words can not express, I did not hesitate. I love the power and camaraderie that takes place when women come together. In life and in story (and, especially in the space, with these people, held for this process). Despite the many challenges we continue to face, historically and currently, women are still not equally treated, paid, viewed, respected. We are losing our right to choose for our own bodies, objectified, shamed for menstruation and other bodily functions, continuously undervalued, underestimated, and the list goes on. Despite all the obstacles we continue, we fight, we march, we are resilient, we prevail. “We are always the same age inside” a Gertrude Stein quote that touches on my sentiments, to this experience, and included on the first page of the play. An experience that has been refreshing, empowering, challenging, renewing and one I will treasure. No matter our age, our skills, or range of experiences this task was for all of us. Not to say I didn’t feel my actual age (maybe older) during the soccer bootcamp led by our fierce captain of the CSUF Women’s Soccer team. Another incredible opportunity to learn, watch, and connect, and learn from other women and their incredible spirit, commitment, and athleticism. As a director, I never claim to know every answer, that’s impossible, exhausting. Directing for me is rooted in collaboration, along with the wearing of many hats. I enjoy approaching the work circularly, laterally, and especially with this play and with this amazing and strong ensemble of creatives. Essentially, we are all accountable storytellers to this story. Now, I must warn you audience, as you sit comfortably, this play and its characters are rarely still. LIVE SOCCER BALLS. You may find yourself wishing to move with them or away from them. Hopefully not the latter. LOL. I laugh back at a comment I heard (pre-pandemic), ‘Oh that soccer play. Easy. A group of young girls, right? Not complicated.’ The staging of this is one of the complicated layers, requires much choreography -almost musical like minus the music. The ongoing and simultaneous conversations that take place become a “pick your own adventure” for the audience. As once described by the playwright in an interview for the Lincoln Center Theater. This piece is multifaceted, complicated, humanlike the women telling this story,and beautifully rooted in ensemble, like a team, like the one they are to portray on our stage. Despite uncertainty still lingering, I am forever grateful and thankful to the department and my team, cast, creatives, these beautiful humans, to their fireceness, their trust, their spirit, commitment, resilience, offering, bringing this story to you. Thank you, mask up, brace yourselves, and enjoy tonight’s show. WE. ARE. THE. WOLVES.

Student Production Staff Assistant Stage Manager CJ Lazatin Assistant Costume Designer Fallon Heaslip Scenic Artists Lindsey Kirkwood, Ty Kaneshiro, Luke Andruchow, Adam Miller, Jae Austin, Mohammad Saman, Trinity Ruelas, Nicole Bernardini, Destiny Manewal Assistant Lighting Designer Noemi Barrera Lighting Programmer Yaesol Jeong Light Board Operator Dillon Lopez

Camera Crew Justin Slater, Shantelle Cueva, Tamara Armstrong, Thaies Quezada-Deda Costume Crew Alec Avina, Arriella Guidubaldi, Emily Kelley, Hayley Rametta, Jasmine Jaramillo, Martin Jimenez, Kae Ruiz Makeup Crew Audrey Gibbs, Bianca Saybe, Haley Hollis, Kevin Luena, Keza Kananura, Maria Ewald, Ebitimi Kpaki Production Office Assistant Madeleine Lindbeck, Abel Marquez, Collette Rutherford

Sound Board Operator Julian De Leon Deck Crew Cara Cartmill, Dave Vera, Gabriel Myers Prunty, Hannah Satterlee, Madison Dabalos, Mila Gonzales, Avi Spitzer Faculty & Staff Production and Mentors Stage Management Mentor Shay Garber Technical Direction Mentor JR Luker Set Design Mentor Carolyn Mraz Lighting Design Mentor Scott Bolman Sound Design Mentor Rebecca Kessin Costume Design Mentor Hyun Sook Kim Makeup Design Mentor Kathleen Price Dramaturgy Mentor Dr. Heather J. Denyer

Department Notes & Policies Proceeding Safely: Please keep in mind events are subject to change pending state, county, and university health and safety regulations regarding COVID-19. The College of the Arts will host events as permitted insofar as these regulations allow us to operate safely. All ticket holders will be notified promptly of any changes. The university has mandated that masks be worn in all indoor spaces. CSUF’s Facilities Management division has and will continue to ensure proper ventilation in buildings. This includes adjusting incoming fresh air flow ranges and enhanced HVAC filters. All buildings in the College of the Arts have been upgraded from Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 8 to either MERV 11 or MERV 13. Commitment to Diversity: The Department of Theatre & Dance affirms its commitment to inclusiveness in student learning and success in all areas of theatre based on merit and achievement, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical appearance, mental or physical disability, marital status or age. Cell Phones & Electronic Devices: Cellphones and other electronic devices must be turned off prior to the start of the performance and at the beginning of the second half to minimize disruptions in the theater and ensure the enjoyment of all patrons in attendance. The video and/or audio recording of this performance by any means whatsoever is strictly prohibited, and any recordings will be asked to be deleted. Food & Drink Policy: Food and drink is not allowed in the venue, with the exception of bottled water. If you do not follow these guidelines, you may be asked to leave. *** Faculty, Staff and Guest Artists of the Department of Theatre & Dance are specialists in their respective disciplines. Within these groups, the following professional artist unions are represented: • • • • • •

SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild/American Federation of Radio and Television Artists) SDC (Stage Directors and Choreographers Society) USA (United Scenic Artists) AEA (Actors’ Equity Association) AGMA (American Guild of Musical Artists) AGVA - American Guild of Variety Artists

The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival™ 53, part of the Rubenstein Arts Access Program, is generously funded by David and Alice Rubenstein. Additional support is provided by The Honorable Stuart Bernstein and Wilma E. Bernstein; the Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation; the Dr. Gerald and Paula McNichols Foundation; The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust; Hilton Worldwide; and Beatrice and Anthony Welters and the AnBryce Foundation. Education and related artistic programs are made possible through the generosity of the National Committee for the Performing Arts and the President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts. This production is entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF). The aims of this national theater education program are to identify and promote quality in college level theater production. To this end, each production entered is eligible for a response by a regional KCACTF representative, and selected students and faculty are invited to participate in KCACTF programs involving scholarships, internships, grants and awards for actors, directors, dramaturgs, playwrights, designers, stage managers and critics at both the regional and national levels. Productions entered on the Participating level are eligible for invitation to the KCACTF regional festival and may also be considered for national awards recognizing outstanding achievement in production, design, direction and performance. Last year more than 1,300 productions were entered in the KCACTF involving more than 200,000 students nationwide. By entering this production, our theater department is sharing in the KCACTF goals to recognize, reward, and celebrate the exemplary work produced in college and university theaters across the nation.


California State University, Fullerton • College of the Arts


The College of the Arts extends its heartfelt gratitude to the following patrons who have supported our students and programs this past year through a generous gift of $1,000 or more to the College, the School of Music, Department of Theatre & Dance, and/or the Department of Visual Arts.** $1,000,000 + Anonymous

Terri and Bob Niccum Douglas G. Stewart

$100,000+ Chapman University The Andy Warhol Foundation

$1,000+ Judy L. Atwell Betsy and Eric Azariah Lucina and John Brennan Janet & Allen Bridgford Irene Chinn Stephen W. Collier and Joann Driggers William S. Cornyn CEC Artslink D. Barry Schmitt Revocable Trust Susan and Richard Dolnick Lisa M. Draskovich-Long Lucetta A. Dunn Shawna and Greg Ellis Dr. Anne Fingal Evelyn K. Francuz Fullerton Families and Friends Jacquelyn Garrabrant Annette L. and Leon J. Gilbert Susan-Ellen Gilmont Dr. Mark J. Goodrich Dr. Margaret F. Gordon Theresa Harvey James L. Henriques Trevor E. Illingworth Michelle Jordan Gladys M. Kares Gwendolyn and Carlos C. Leija John M. Martelli and Paul Coluzzi Karen and George Mast Thelma and Earl Mellott Sylvia Megerdichian Mary E. Moore Patricia and Carl Miller Betty Murphy Ann and Douglas Myles Yoshino and Ujinobu Niwa Debra L. Noble L. Palin Kerry and John Phelps The Presser Foundation Deanna and Arie Passchier

$25,000+ Anonymous Lee C. Begovich Johnny Carson Foundation Leo Freedman Foundation Frank and John Olsen Frank J. and Jean Raymond Music Associates Alliance for the Performing Arts $10,000+ Art Alliance Affordable Housing Access Inc. The Blackbaud Giving Fund Marilyn D. Carlson Darryl Curran Dwight Richard Odle Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund Ellen and Bill Groves Robin and Steve Kalota Eleanore and James L. Monroe Michael L. Mavrovouniotis Dr. Katherine S. Powers and Håkan O. Rosengren Raymond James Charitable Endowment Fund Sue and Dr. Edward A. Sullivan The Thorsen Family $5,000+ Drs. Voiza and Joseph Arnold Dr. Marc R. Dickey MaryLouise and Ed Hlavac Morningside of Fullerton Norma Morris Jill Kurti Norman Orange County Community Foundation

Sheila Pinkle Sharon and Dr. Anil K. Puri Mary and Jerry R. Reinhart Renaissance Charitable Foundation Nancy and Robert Rennie Christine Rhoades Sandra and David Rhone Dr. Stephen M. Rochford Ann and Thad Sandford D. Barry Schmitt Louise P. Shamblen Martha Shaver Ingrid R. Shutkin Lorena L. Sikorski Carol Smith Sparkman Janet L. Smith Dodo V. Standring Robert Van Sternberg Verne Wagner Dr. Sean E. Walker Debra Winters Richard Wulff YourCause, LLC

Very special care has been given to the preparation of this donor listing. Please contact Ann Steichen at (657) 278-7124 with questions or concerns. **Gifts received from July 1, 2020 through September 2021

ONTIVEROS SOCIETY The Ontiveros Society includes individuals who have provided a gift for Cal State Fullerton through their estate plan. Our deep appreciation is extended to the following Ontiveros Society members, whose gifts will benefit the students and mission of the College of the Arts: Anonymous John Alexander Lee & Dr. Nicholas A.* Begovich Gail & Michael Cochran Marc R. Dickey Joann Driggers Betty Everett Carol J. Geisbauer & John* Geisbauer Sophia & Charles Gray MaryLouise & Ed Hlavac Gretchen Kanne

Dr. Burton L. Karson Anne L. Kruzic* Loreen & John Loftus Alan A. Mannason* William J. McGarvey* Dr. Sallie Mitchell Eleanore P. & James L. Monroe Lynn & Robert Myers Dwight Richard Odle* Sherry & Dr. Gordon Paine Dr. June Pollak & Mr. George Pollak*

Steven Rochford Mary K. & William Sampson Douglas G. Stewart Andrea J. & Jeffrey E. Sward Richard J. Taylor Verne Wagner Richard Wulff Dr. James D. & Dottie Young* *deceased

The College of the Arts Proudly Recognizes the 300+ Members of Our


ART ALLIANCE: Art Alliance promotes excellence and enjoyment in the visual arts, and their fundraising efforts contribute to student scholarship, gallery exhibitions, opening receptions and sculpture acquisition on campus. Special support and event underwriting Fay Colmar John DeLoof

Joann Driggers & Steve Collier Loraine Walkington

ALLIANCE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS: The Alliance for the Performing Arts (formerly MAMM) benefits performing arts students through underwriting visiting artists; special theatre, dance, and music performances; and other unique experiences for members. Special support and event underwriting Judy Atwell Drs. Voiza & Joe Arnold Ebell Club of Fullerton

Dr. Margaret Faulwell Gordon Norma Morris Richard Odle Estate

Kerry & John Phelps Jeanie Stockwell Verne Wagner

MUSIC ASSOCIATES: Music Associates maintains a tradition of active involvement and community support, and raises scholarship funds for School of Music students through annual fundraising events and membership dues. Special support and event underwriting Marilyn Carlson Evelyn K. Francuz Sandy & Norm Johnson Marti & Bill Kurschat Karen & George Mast

Thelma & Earl Mellott Bettina Murphy Grace & Ujinobu Niwa Kerry & John Phelps Mary & Jerry Reinhart

Ann & Thad Sandford Dodo V. Standring Carolyn & Tom Toby John Van Wey

MORE INFORMATION: Erika Garcia • 657-278-8683 There are many ways to support the College of the Arts, the School of Music, Department of Theatre and Dance, and Department of Visual Arts



INSPIRING TITANS TO REACH FORWARD The College of the Arts creates a unique learning environment, encouraging individual achievement and artistic expression in 2,700+ student artists, performers, and scholars. As a college, we inspire our students to reach not only higher but forward as they take steps toward realizing their full potential as artists and innovators through a rich variety of artistic opportunities. This takes exceptional faculty members, state of the art facilities, and support from community members like you. The Dean’s Fund for Excellence provides resources for students to engage with leading artists through masterclasses and artists’ residencies; travel to competitions and workshops; and the practical application of industry-standard technology and equipment in the classroom, all of which have a huge impact on the educational experience of our students. Change the lives of these aspiring artists by making a gift of any amount to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence. G E T I N V O LV E D . G I V E T O D AY ! Ann Steichen, Director of Development 657-278-7124 • asteichen@fullerton.edu Thank you for giving your time and financial support to the student artists who have created this performance for you. G I V E O N L I N E arts.fullerton.edu/giving

COLLEGE OF THE ARTS • SELECT EVENTS | FALL 2021 Kim Abeles: Smog Collectors, 1987-2020 Through December 18, 2021 Begovich Gallery

Alex McDonald, piano: Guest Artist Recital Wed., November 3, 2021 Meng Concert Hall

How I Learned to Drive September 29 – October 2, 2021 Arena Theatre

Almost, Maine November 3–6, 2021 Arena Theatre

University Symphony Orchestra Sat., October 2, 2021, 3 pm Meng Concert Hall

Opera Scenes: Opera Meets the Seven Deadly Sins November 4-6, 2021 Recital Hall

CSUF Wind Symphony & CSUF Smphonic Winds Sun., October 3, 2021, 3 pm Meng Concert Hall Fullerton Jazz Orchestra & Fullerton Jazz Chamber Ensemble Sat., October 8, 2021, 8 pm Meng Concert Hall Advanced Vocal Workshop with guest Mark Robson, piano Tues., October 12, 2021, 8 pm Recital Hall (Nickelodeon) The SpongeBob Musical October 13–16, 2021 Little Theatre Sonnets for an Old Century October 20 – 23, 2021 Arena Theatre University Singers & Concert Choir Sun., October 17, 2021, 3 pm Meng Concert Hall Within Reach October 27 – 30, 2021 Hallberg Theatre Rong-Huey Liu, oboe, & William May, bassoon: Faculty Artist Recital Tues., November 2, 2021, 8 pm Meng Concert Hall

University Symphony Orchestra feat. guest concertmaster Jorja Fleezanis Sun., November 14, 2021, 3 pm Meng Concert Hall Fullerton Jazz Orchestra & Fullerton Jazz Chamber Ensemble Tues., November 16, 2021, 8 pm Meng Concert Hall Fall Dance Theatre November 16 – 20, 2021 Little Theatre CSUF Wind Symphony Fri., November 19, 2021, 8 pm Meng Concert Hall Titan Voices & Singing Titans Mon., December 6, 2021, 8 pm Meng Concert Hall University Band Wed., December 8, 2021, 8 pm Meng Concert Hall The Wolves December 8 – 11, 2021 Young Theatre Deck the Hall at Cal State Fullerton! December 11, 12, 2021 Meng Concert Hall

For complete information and tickets ArtsTickets.fullerton.edu • Box Office: (657) 278-3371 arts.fullerton.edu/calendar


Production dates: TBD


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