California State University, Northridge
Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication
Department of Music
in collaboration with the David Nazarian College of Business and Economics and the Tseng College
present the
Monday, May 22, 2023
Andrew Surmani, MBA
Associate Professor, Academic Lead, Music Industry Administration
Jesse Knepper, Program Manager, Graduate & Professional Education Programs and Services (GPE)
Jeffrey Izzo, JD
Associate Professor, Mike Curb Endowed Chair of Music Industry Studies
John Roscigno, DMA
Professor and Chair of the Department of Music
Dan Hosken, DMA
Dean, Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication
Acknowledgement of Students Graduating with Honors
Andrew Surmani, MBA
Faculty Remarks
Class Representatives Remarks
Morgan Lee
Oda Evjen Gjøvåg
Shawna Grismer
Class Video Presentation
Reading of Student Names
Jeffrey Izzo, JD
Andrew Surmani, MBA
Campus Icons and Traditions
The University Seal
The University Seal is separated into four quadrants each identifying a part of the rich culture that makes California State University, Northridge unique.
• The San Fernando Mission heritage is depicted by the arched adobe columns;
• The feather quill pen and parchment represent scholarship;
• The geomorphology of the San Fernando Valley is created by the surrounding Santa Monica, San Gabriel, and Santa Susana Mountains, along with the Chatsworth Hills.
• The Sun, which is both in our moniker, C “SUN,” as well as an attractive environmental feature which Southern California is famous for.
The Academic Dress
The traditional attire worn at Commencement Exercises had its beginnings in the Middle Ages when the university first developed as an institution of higher learning.
The most important centers of intellectual life in the 10th century were the monasteries, the segment of society least affected by the disorders of the time. The relative stability of the monastic life left monks free to develop systematic graded education for the first time in Western society. The first students were the monks and priests themselves, and the costumes they wore were more for protection from the elements than as distinctive regalia for the scholarly way of life. In later centuries, the costumes took on brighter colors, and the hood, a stole-like garment, was singled out as the item to be made distinctive for various degrees by color, trimming and lining.
The use of caps, gowns, and hoods has been continuous in the United States since Colonial times - the tradition having been transplanted from Oxford and Cambridge to the New World. Prior to 1895, academic costumes varied widely from university to university. However, the dress code was later standardized for all American universities. Students began a movement which would spread throughout the country to make academic regalia an integral part of the commencement ceremony. A desire to make the festivities more impressive, as well as to add grace and dignity to the function, led to the success of this endeavor.
At California State University, Northridge, the baccalaureate candidates wear a wide-sleeved gown and the master’s candidates wear a gown with slit sleeves. Both groups wear caps with colored tassels. The lining of the master’s hood matches the tassel color, which identifies the College in which the degree has been taken.
College Tassel Color
• Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication (White/Red)
• David Nazarian College of Business and Economics (Beige)
Hood Color
• Business (Beige)
• Music Industry Administration (Red)
• Other Music areas (Pink)
Graduating Students
Master of Arts in Music Industry Administration
Class of 2023 | Cohort 10
Aishah Imani Bradley
*DCat Cornelius
Ceara Costa
Mike Dalager
Matthew Esposito
Crystal Figueroa
*Anita Gannon
***Daniel Garcia
Noah Gause
Stephan Gelpi
**/***Oda Evjen Gjøvåg
***Raphael Gomez
Veronica Gonzalez
Alexander Gradwohl
*/***Shawna Grismer
Aubrey Howell
***Lidia Lavenant
***Morgan Lee
Luojia Li
Amaya Martin
Aubrey Martin
Nigel Martin
***Brooke McCoy
Jessica Menchaca
Karina Montes
***Rodney Montreal
*Lisa Moore Teague
Derek Morris
Malaika Richardson
***Evelyn Rodriguez
*Barry Uko
***Noa Vinshtok
Caelyn Ware
Danika Wright
*Students graduating with MIA Program Honors
**Students graduating with Music Department Honors
***Students graduating with California State University, Northridge Honors
Service Award (Anita Gannon)
Honors Students
An individual who demonstrated strong initiative and selfless service by extending themself in exceptional ways to help their peers, the Music Industry Administration program, and the University.
Networking Award (DCat Cornelius)
An individual who demonstrated exceptional networking capabilities by actively building and/or expanding their professional network both inside and outside the Music Industry Administration program for the betterment of themself, their peers, and the University.
Character Award (Barry Uko)
An individual who continually demonstrated the principles of good character (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship) in all aspects of their personal and professional life.
Professional Development Award (Lisa Moore-Teague)
An individual who demonstrated the greatest amount of professional growth over the academic year by taking an active role in their education and embracing the learning opportunities afforded by the Music Industry Administration program.
Future Executive Award (Shawna Grismer)
An individual who demonstrated exceptional leadership, managerial capabilities, and industry knowledge that promises future success as an executive within the music industry.
Outstanding Music Industry Administration Student of the Year
(Oda Evjen Gjøvåg)
An individual who demonstrated exceptional achievement both inside and outside of the classroom, is dedicated and an active participant in their own education, and exhibits character of the highest quality and a strong work ethic.
Graduating “With Distinction”
(Daniel Garcia, Oda Evjen Gjøvåg, Rafael Gomez, Shawna Grismer, Lidia Lavenant, Morgan Lee, Brooke McCoy, Rodney Montreal, Lisa Moore-Teague, Evelyn Rodriguez, Noa Vinshtok). For graduate students who possess a 3.885 or higher GPA on formal master’s degree program coursework, the notation “With Distinction” is posted with the degree on the transcript.