INTRODUCTION Central States Underwater specializes in underwater pipeline installati on and survey in all marine/inland environments. We are a trusted name in the industry for our services include pipeline constructi on, pre-installati on surveys, testi ng, sub-bott om profi ling, marine HDPE pipe installati ons, underwater pipeline survey, etc. CSU as well specializes in underwater pipeline inspecti ons and repairs. Our extensively trained and experienced team of engineers starts by providing you pre-project data and requirement that you will need to meet. From performing lakebott om profi ling to soil sampling, our team works and winds up together with the operators.
Underwater Pipeline Inspections and Bathymetric Surveys CSU’s Bathymetric surveys provide you with detailed, comprehensive data on each object underwater. Using the most advanced and sophisticated technologies, we provide you with comprehensive report, acoustic images and 3dimensional models that leave nothing to the imagination. CSU takes pride in being a resource to oil & gas companies, engineering firms, barge terminal operators and the like. We have a batch of commercially certified, experienced divers with far-reaching knowledge essential to bring about an efficient underwater pipeline survey. We have grown familiarized with underwater construction techniques and we are well-versed with modern tools and mechanism.
Hydrophobic Surveys
CSU utilizes the most advanced multi-beam systems blended with RTK-GPS to shape the complete area around the submerged structures. This gives a detailed picture, delineating the areas of sediment, slope conditions, scour and debris build-up. The data gathered is then used to form a 3-dimensional model, which can be further used for scour calculations as well as visual inspections.
ROV surveys
ď‚Ą We have Remotely Operated Vessels that are used to collect data when conditi ons below the waterline are indefi nite or hard to access. ď‚Ą These survey vessels are outf itt ed with high-defi niti on video cameras plus sonar systems as they navigate and gather valuable data.
Acoustic imaging Underwater visibility is usually limited, especially when ti des are too high to use divers safely. Sector scans a.k.a. acousti c imaging are used then. This is a technology combined with acousti cs to shape up an image of the abutment or the pier to identi fy structural scour issues. Usually, these images are combined with CAD drawings to build a pictographic reference of the enti re pipeline structure.
 Central States Underwater, this is how, makes a great choice if you’re considering a comprehensive and eff ecti ve underwater pipeline survey service.  Having served and improved at the same ti me, we are today standing out with the largest base of happy and sati sfi ed customers.
Website : https://www.csugulfcoast.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CentralStatesUnderwater https://twitter.com/CSUDiving https://www.linkedin.com/company/central-states-gulf-coast-csuinc.-?trk=prof-0-ovw-curr_pos