1 minute read
from BFA&BA'23 Stanislaus State Graduating Seniors Exhibition Catalog
by California State Univeristy Stanislaus School of the Arts
Majority of my work at Stanislaus State has been focused on feelings and emotions. Majority of my works are based on feelings that I’ve felt or have been coming to terms with in 2021. This influenced my current work to capture certain feelings.


I wanted to focus on feelings and emotions as it was something I felt was lacking, which was meaning in my work. I wanted to capture these ideas as my main focus to create something that I wanted to look back at and be a reminder to me. A reminder that it is okay to feel certain ways and to express them.
The expression of emotion and feeling is still a foreign concept to me when it comes to using it as an inspiration in my work. I felt I was lacking in any attachment to my work that I would be “proud” of prior.