2 minute read
Main terms
Main terms
The socially-constructed behavior of the different sexes, a social perception (concept) of relationships between women and men expressed in all spheres of life, including politics, economy, health, science, law, culture and education.
Gender discrimination
Any distinction, exclusion or preference that restricts rights and interests based on gender prejudice, stereotypes and sex that is aimed at, or leads to, the restriction or elimination of the recognition, enjoyment and exercise of equity between women and men in political, economic, social, cultural and other spheres of public life.
Direct gender discrimination Discrimination directly related to sexual identity.
Indirect gender discrimination Discrimination that does not directly relate to sexual identity.
Gender equality Equal treatment and availability of conditions and opportunities in society that are free from sex-based discrimination.
Gender-based violence
Violence that occurs as a result of normative role expectations and unequal power relationships associated with gender.
Domestic violence
All acts of physical, psychological, sexual and economic violence within the family or between former or current spouses or partners regardless of whether the abuser cohabitates or has cohabitated with the victim or not.
Demonstration of differential treatment of persons in substantially similar situations, which is due to any of the (protected) grounds that prohibit discrimination (sex, gender, age, religion, health condition, disability, property status, etc.) without any objective reason and reasonable explanation.
Indirect discrimination
An apparently neutral law, policy, condition, act, standard or practice, the application of which limits the rights of some groups on any of the grounds of non-discrimination and puts them at a particular disadvantage.
Direct discrimination
Decisions, actions or inaction aimed at limiting the rights and interests of a person and/or a group of persons with certain characteristics, distinctions, exclusions or preferences, which is aimed at or leads to the restriction or elimination of the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of equality between persons in various spheres of life.
The killing of women and girls based on their gender, resulting from gender inequality and the establishment of power over their lives and bodies by the patriarchal system.
Patriarchy A form of social life wherein the man is the major carrier of political power and moral authority. Patriarchy is characterized by the existence of male power and male privileges, in which women are subordinated and considered a subject.
A term that describes the supposed dominance of men over women. Sexism manifests itself in a patriarchal society at all levels.
A political ideology or social movement with the key goal of reaching equal rights between women and men and eradicating all forms of discrimination against women in society. Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist abuse and oppression, which also includes perceiving systemic sexism.