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Pro du ct D esig n

Over the Mist




Ripple Light




Touch byTouch


Float Guide




Inpassing Lock




graph i c de si g n

illus trat i on

Visual for TDC


Visual for TTDW


Seed Book


Poster I


Poster II


Poster III


Poster IV






Over the Mist Aquarium Ripple Light XXLab Touch byTouch Float Guide Click!Click! Inpassing Lock Polyhedron




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

over the mist 01

over the mist graduation project A series of glass illumination design demonstrates a miniature world which features the image of mountain and water. category: craft/glass/light/material year: 2014 exhibition: 2014 Taiwan Design Expo 2014 Rising Star at Taiwan Designer's Week 7

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Over the Mist This project mainly explored the possibility of traditional glass craft and tried to utilize it in to our final project. The lights are constructed by layer glasses which are formed in organic shape and painted in gradient glass paint. This creates motion and movement of the mist and moisture within the static object. 8

product design

over the mist 01

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

over the mist 01


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

over the mist 01

we executed our design into three types of form to make the whole series more completed.After numerous times of trial and error , we have made three type of form: The Hill, The Mountain, The Cloud The Hill andThe Mountain are made out of three and five glass layers respectively to represent the scence of mountain shrouded in mist and c l o u d . T h e C l o u d re p re s e n t t h e floating cloud.




Tube Blowing The special point is ,we use “tube blowing” technic instead of traditional blowing technic, this method is initially used for manufacturing laboratory items such as beaker ,erlenmeyer flask …etc. By using this kind of technic we can create extremely thin glass shell up to only 1mm and form the organic shape which even are hard to made by mold easily.




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

aquarium 02

Aquarium material experiment of patina A material experiment that try tto discover the possibilty of patina and imply the reult to a serie of vaes design which demonstrates the visual effects and beauty of patina. category: copper/vase/craft/material year: 2015


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Starting Point This project initially started from the tutorial video on youtube. Recently using e-cigarette become a unmistakable trend , more and more people have one and want to customize it into different appearance. One of the customizing method is to oxide the copper mod and force the patina onto the surface. By using amonia, salt and vinegar,which can be found in our daily life, we can oxide the copper mod by ourselves easily.Therefore, lots of people upload tutorial video to teach others how to do it. All these videos drews my attention, due to the visual effects of the patina and how simple the process is. By following the instructiton, I prepared lots of items made out of copper and tried to test them.However I found that it is not that easy to make the patina perfect, the result is really hard to control.After numerous repeated and trial-and-error process, I finally found out the right porpotion of the solution and got the visual effects I expect. 16

product design

aquaruim 02

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

aquarium 02

The Coating Another issue about patina is the coating part.even though the patina provide nice patterns and visual effects, it's really hard to put it in use if there is no coating on it. Some people choose to put clear coat/paint on it, however, due to the rough suface of patina, the refleciton of the clear coat will become a certain problem. The solution I found is to use epoxy to replace the clear coat.With thick epoxy on it, there will be no disturbance of reflection like clear coat does, and the refraction within the epoxy creates an silent and oceanic scene.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


product design

aquarium 02

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

aquarium 02

Aquarium The greenish and bluish patina forms the atmospher of ocean.All the patterns and texture are so unique and constantly changing. It seems like it freeze the best moment for me when I coat the epoxy on it, and the copper board directly become my own tiny aquarium which save the most dedicated scene within. The copper boards are used as the background to accentuate the plants and flowers.However the vase itself also can be the accessory to the space.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


product design

aquarium 02

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

aquarium 02

Changeable I use wood base as a clamp to fasten copper boards, in this case, we can easily change the copper board in different angles or even replace it with other copper board to suit the poseture of plants/flowers we have. Backward I remain the original material and only polished it to provide another style for the user.




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Ripple Light 03

ripple light experimental project lead by Sam Weller �Ripple Light“ is a experimental work derived from"thinking through making" workshop lead by Sam Weller which is trying to discuss the origin of the material and manufacturing technic.

category: work shop/experimental year: 2015


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Thinking through Making Workshop A week long workshop based at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) in Taipei City, Taiwan. Travelling to an unfamiliar city we set out to find inspiration in existing objects, materials and landscapes, finding new functionality and new possibilities. The brief was set to create the starting point for an everyday object which enhances a previously mundane task. In the time constraints of one week, we sought inspiration in the plethora of materials, fixings and objects which are readily available in Taipei City.


All the raw material and object are from ShinChen St. and Taiyun Rd. This area is the manufaring center in Taipei which consists abundant of manufacturers and material providers.

Ripple Light 03

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

a. the waste of copper manufacturing | b. pvc boards with different patterns | c. peg board for modeling use | d. the watse of aluminum manufacturing | e.,f. by overlapping different types of modeling board, the intersection shows numerous pattern.

Ripple Light 03








You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Ripple Light At the end, I chose modeling boards as my main material for my project due to the special pattern effects which occurs when overlapping and rotating two boards. This method is very simple but the visual effect is very strong. I decide to ues this kind of effect and combine with other material to build up this installation.


product design

Ripple Light 03


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

The circle matrix pattern occurs by overlapping peg boards. The circle matrix will transform from intense to loose while you rotate with different angle degrees.

The ripple effects casue by overlapping transparent modeling boards(with groove on it).Ripple effects will transform like water stream down the river while you rotating boards with different angle degree.The effects will become more stronger if put lights on it.


Ripple Light 03

try it yourself




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

XXLab 03'

XXlab side project of Ripple Light XXlab is a side project of Ripple Light.By constructing an open source platform which is connect with designers,customers and the providers, we can bring the aesthetic concept into our daily life to normal people and activate the decline business district as well.

codesigners: Chen,Huan-Yu category: open source/experimental/web year: 2015


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

XXLab 03'

What is XXlab ? An Open Source Platform we hope to create an open source platform,start from the designers,to make more people dicover the possibilty of daily objects.By providing high quality open sourece design(including the instruction of building it,where to buy all the material and the tehnics we need),we can promote aesthetic concept to people and direct the people into those area and fields which are declined.

Apply design to civic culter Design is no more a professional field which is not in touch with reality.Everyone has the chances to make good design through this platform,also enhance the experience about aestheic .

Promotion for the area By following the instruction we give, people will beocme more familiar with different kind o f p rov i d e r s ( m a t e r i a l s , t o o l s ) a n d h ave a d e e p e r understanding of basic manufacure technic.It will become a positive effects for those providers. The process of becoming a "maker" make the sense of identiy to the area grow and reach the the pomotion approach. 32

xx represent the meaning of pronoun, you can fill in any names or words to illustrate you own D.I.Y. object. This echoes our spirit of the brand : put your imagination and creativity to our everyday object ,everyone could be the maker.

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

XXLab 03'


sponsor fee

Material &Tools Provider

provide good design reputation, exposion

Designer graphic for the business mode

How we work? The system mainly constructed by four roles: 1.XXLAB 2.Providers(tools, material) 3.People 4.Designers

On the one hand , XXLAB as a opene source design platform,will provide high quilty design instructions to people to create different kinds of designs, and due to the exposion of the instruction, we will ask the provider for the promotion fee to maintain and run the platform. On the other hand, we will put another factor, deisgners in. we pick up and raise designs from designers. Through this way, we can ensure that the platform will be in a certain level of diversity and freshness. At the same time, younge designers will recieve a great amount of exposion and start to gain their own reputation. By connecting these four roles, the system will become a virtuos cycle and construct a stable business model 33

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

XXLab 03'


Final Result-XXlab website w e h ave s u c c e s s f u l l y p u t o u r website online ,and upload the result of "Thinking through making" workshop, and the detailed website conext is on the right. Still, this is not a fully completed system, but under this kind of structrure,we hope that there will be more and more designers and friends to cooperate with and step forward to our fianl goal.

HOME As a homepage ,it will give a brief introduction about our idea, and a quick peek about our newest design. PROJECT Great designs selected by xxlab. We will show up the release date to maintain the excitment of our user. When you click into different design, there will be a detail instruction graphic which tells you how to execute the design step by step including where you can buy the material(there will be a google map link of the material provider on the page),what kind of manufaturing technic you need(also have the map feature). We also provide reblog feature, you can post the project you like onto different social network. XX gallery It is a online forum where people can upload their own design artifacts.In this place, people can discuss and learn from each other. DESIGNERS

link to our website


Call for designer, Through the exposion we provide, young designer could build up their own reputation.

By using the open source instruction, normal people can make some unique design ,and understand the the manufacturing knowledge.This kind of experience would motivate them to make things by own hand then find out more possibilities.




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Touch by Touch 04

Touch by touch assistive interface for the blind’s travels Touch by touch is an assistive interface for the blind’s travels. It is composed two devices, one for the companion, and the other for the blind person. When the companion draw on his or her touchpad, on the blind person’s device the braille board covered with latticed buttons (technology of integrating organic field-effect transistors and polymeric actuators) synchronizes and shows the companion’s drawing.

category: asistant tool/ blind/ eduaction year: 2013


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Issue Listen to the ocean: companion with blinds

"the chemiacal reaciton between blinds and the one who accompany, really give us totally different views toward to our lives " http://miniddy10.tumblr.com/post/63991704038


Touch by Touch 04

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Touch by Touch 04

Traveling with Blinds Blind people encounter much inconvenience in daily lives. Simple things may be very difficult for them, not to mention travelling, which requires much time and work. Despite its difficulty, it is still possible for them to travel. Accompanied by sighted people, and with some help from them, the blind are also able to adventure and to experience the world. However, personal perception might result in gaps of communication. Blind people might not fully understand their partners’ description of the landscape. Therefore, I’d like to create a user interface different from sound and voice, providing more intuitive and objective perception for the blind. With this device offering more references to the world, blind people can understand more about the beauty of it. Meanwhile, for the sighted, with renewed process of portraying, they can experience and observe more details of what they see.

Extended Value Touch by Touch also applies to education apart from its function of providing new experiences for the blind. With its simultaneity, this device serves as a blackboard that facilitates their image understanding.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Touch by Touch Touch by Touch 是一個盲人旅遊中的輔助介面,由兩個 Touch by touch assistive 裝 置 組 成, 一 個 給is伴an 遊的 人 使 用,interface 一 個 給 盲 人 使 用。 當 for the blind’s travels. It is composed 伴 遊 的 人 在 觸 控 板 上 繪 圖 時, 盲 人 所 使 用 裝 置 上 的 點 字 two devices, one for the companion, and 板 有 格 狀for 浮動 按 blind 鍵, 其person. 同步改變 後將伴 遊者的圖畫顯 the配other the When the 示於點字板上。 companion draw on his or her touchpad, on the blind person’s device the braille board Touch covered by touch with is anlatticed assistivebuttons interface for the (technology integrating organic blind’s travels. of It is composed two devices, one for field-effect transistors and polymeric the companion, and the other for the blind person. actuators) synchronizes and When the companion draw onshows his or the her touchpad, companion’s drawing.device the braille board covered on the blind person’s with latticed buttons (technology of integrating organic field-effect transistors and polymeric actuators) synchronizes and shows the companion’s drawing. 40

product design

Touch by Touch 04

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Touch by Touch 04

Technology Using EAP(electroactive polymers) as the main material to construct the braille pad to support the system.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Touch by Touch 04

Perception The true value of Touch by Touch is not to provide an accurate picture of landscape but to offer a reference that triggers the blind’s imagination and encourages them to construct a picture in their mind.


clear buttom

clear buttom

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Touch by Touch 04

The system alerts with sound when the two are away from each other for more than a safe distance.


Safety In unfamiliar places, it’s quite dangerous to stray from our companions. For the blind, it is even more severe. Touch by Touch is equipped warning system. When the two are away from each other for more than a certain distance, there will be a sound alert in order to avoid dangerous situations.



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design


play buttom record buttom

Record We need tools to record when we travel. For the blind, sound recording is a better option than pen and paper. With Touch by Touch’s recording function, blind people are able to record sound immediately and play it when they need.


Touch by Touch 04

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Touch by Touch 04




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Float Guide 05

Float Guide traffic signal for imediate rain & flood “Float Guide� is a simple traffice signal that shows you where the potential dangers are without complicated eletric system. It will elevate while the water level is rising up during the flood,make sure you can see it all the time.

codesigner: Chun ,pei-chen category: traffice signal year: 2013 award: Universal Design Award


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


Suburb 48

product design

Float Guide 05

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Float Guide 05

Immediate Rain and Flood When heavy rain comes,sometimes we will confront an instant flood due to the bad condition of drainage system in the city. As the water level comes to a certain height,it's hard to come across the obstacles under the water like centre island or ditch cover on the road. In the surburb,the situation could be worse and complicated.More obstacles and lack of reference for traffic like buildings ,will make the whole situation much more dangerous when the flood comes.

As a conclusiton, 1.pedestrian is not familiar with the condition under water 2.It is hard to tell the direction while there is no obvious reference in suburb. 3.Drivers will face a certain difficulty to tell the condition of the road. These are the main issue we may confront while there is immediate rain or flood .To face this kind of problem, we hope to find a simple and concise way to solve it.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Structure and Feature By cobmbining the reflection boards and buoy , we can create a new type of traffice signal. We can see the reflection boards all the time due to the buoy set on the extention stucture and keep passengers and drivers from under water danger. Because of its simplicity and nonelectric based material, it's easy to repair and maintain this traffic signal as a public good.

reflection board


extention structrue


Use as the warning signal to tell pedestrian and driver where they should be aware of .

By using its hollow structure and buoyance,it will pull up the extention structure when the flood comes.And keep the reflection board above the water surface

Strectching with the water level,if there is no flood ,it will fold into the road to save space.

Float Guide 05

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Float Guide 05



Float guide is intalled nearby the drain cover, beside the boundary between lane and side walk.If there is no flood, it become a traffic signal on ground.


While the flood come, the water level is rising. The float guide also elevates to the water level by using the buoyancy without electric system.


Float guide can warn people from being underpotential dangers,and also give them preferences about the direction.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Float Guide 05




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Click! Click! 06

Click! Click! eco-observation tool for wetland It is important to learn how to observe the nature without damaging the environment. Click! Click! provides an opportunity to observe intertidal crabs and to learn in observation. Even for those who are afraid of crabs, they can have the chance to understand the beauty of nature as well. Meanwhile, we can teach children correct notions and grow up together with the nature.

category: ecological observation tool/ wetland year: 2013



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Ecological Observation & collecting


product design

Click! Click! 06

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Click! Click! 06



Ecological Observation in Wetland Normally we get in touch with nature with onthe-spot observation and discovery, but this might cause accidental damage to the nature. In wetland, many damages to creatures are often caused by children who observe. They presume crabs will bite them when they have the first contact with crabs. As a result, the children are so nervous and agitated that they catch them with inappropriate force, or are too afraid to hold them well. All these result in the damage to the creatures.

mentally nervousness & fear eco-education


eco-conservation physical damage to wild life

expected value we hope we can find a correct balance between ecological observation and ecological conservation through this design project.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Click!Click! We apply the idea of a clip to be a medium between users and creatures without losing the fun of catching creatures. This reduces their fear so as to prevent the creature from being hurt and its claw-like shape increases children’s interest in observation. Additionally, Click! Click! is equipped with magnifiers. This allows children to observe more thoroughly the nature so as to appreciate and respect it.


product design

Click! Click! 06

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Click! Click! 06

Through mentally stability ,we can reduce the physical damage to wetland creature.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Click! Click! 06

magnifying glass observation room draining hole

Using instruction

draining hole


When children pick up the crab, Click! Click! becomes a small observation ro o m so t h a t t h e ch i l d re n m ay observe in a close distance. Plus, thanks to the popularity of cameras, u s e r s c a n t a ke a p h o t o d u r i n g observation instead of capturing them home.

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Click! Click! 06




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Inpassing Lock 07

Inpassing lock bicycle lock design "Inpassing lock" is a new type of bicycle lock.Slimpifly the process of how we place and lock the bike by combining the lock and the stand together. codesigner: Chun ,pei-chen category: bicycle lock/efficiency/ lifestyle/ sport/ outdoor year: 2013 award: Lite-On Award 2014 63

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Bicycle is become part of our life in recent days, therefore, how to optimize the locking process would be a certaiun issuu.


Inpassing Lock 07

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Inpassing Lock 07

The Bike Lock Some people have to lock their bicycles everytime to prevent being stolen from other people, however, it becomes an inconvenient thing in daily life. The locking process is pretty annoying due to the complexity of how we lock the bike and it takes a lot of steps to finish.Traditioanl lock is an object seperated from the bike which means you may have the chance to forget to lock the bike.

Parking Procedure Preparation


finding the lock


even forget to lock

unlock it


tie it to the wheel or other object

lock it


unlock it

take it off from the bike

place it


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Feature and Function By combining the lock and the stand, you can stop and lock the bike at same time and never forget to lock."Inpassing Lock" simplify the process of how we lock and place the bike. InPassing lock also provide another mode to lock the bike.You can take off the stand by pressing the release buttom and use the stand as the strip to lock the bike to railings or any other stuff beside the road for preventing being stolen.


product design

Inpassing Lock 07

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Inpassing Lock 07




You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Polyhedron 08

Polyhedron Chopping Board Design It is important to learn how to observe the nature without damaging the environment. Click! Click! provides an opportunity to observe intertidal crabs and to learn in observation. Even for those who are afraid of crabs, they can have the chance to understand the beauty of nature as well. Meanwhile, we can teach children correct notions and grow up together with the nature.

category: kitchen ware/ chopping board year: 2012 award: 2012 Taiwan International Design Competition 69

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


product design

Polyhedron 08

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Polyhedron 08

1. Normally we have to use mutiple chopping boards while cooking due to the type of iangredients.Therefore we will meet a certain level of inconvenience.

Cooking & Chopping Board In order to meet different kinds of needs in using cutting boards, we use one with multiple boards; however, a multi-facetted cutting boardwith conventional design takes up too much space, resulting in inconvenience of storage.

2. Traditional chopping boards need the stands to dry out the moisture after wahshing it. If there is moisture remain,it will cause some hygiene issues.


Insights and Issues

Sometimes we cut ourself while cuting the ingredient, and most of the reason is that , the surface of food is too slippery that can not be steady on the chopping board.


Moisture & Hygiene


Integration of Different Boards


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

The Wise Solution With soft rubber as a backbone to connect four boards with each other, this product enables users to have an easy-to-use multiple spaces for chopping food ingredients.


product design

Polyhedron 08

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Polyhedron 08


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Section 1

Section 2

Section 4

Section 3

Convenient: Multiple Spaces to Use Connected by rubber, four separated cutting boards can attach to neighboring ones with magnets embedded inside the boards, which creates four different planes to use. This simplifies the process of changing different boards.


Polyhedron 08

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Polyhedron 08

Effortless: The Missing Edge Missing edges at corners provide a place to hold effortlessly in changing boards. In addition, they make it easier for users to pick up cutting boards on a table.

the gap creating by the missing edge

the missing edge provide the place to hold for flipping the boards


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Soft rubber also creates a non-slip environment

Safe: Rubber As a Backbone Soft rubber replaces a shaft to connect four boards. It can also be folded in V shape, facilitating pouring out ingredients after chopping. Soft rubber also creates a non-slip environment that keeps users from cutting their fingers.


Polyhedron 08

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

product design

Polyhedron 08

the chopping board stands by itself, therefore, the moisture can be easily dried out.

Hygiene: Stand without a Stand The Polygon allows users to dry the cutting board by standing it upright without any stands. Rubber strips on surface keeps the cutting board from contamination when being placed on tables. 77


Visual for TDC Visual for TTDW Seed Book Poster I Poster II Poster III Poster IV 0022



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

graphic design

Visual for TDC 02

Visual for

TDC annual exhibition TDC Annual Exhibition in Taiwan 2014 Type Direct Club Annual Exhibition was imported to Taiwan by pro. KenTsai Lee, which has a fundamental impact to allow graphic design major students to verify the high level design in New York City. This visual Identity was organized pro. KenTsai Lee and won lots of famous international award now.

credit: creative director/ ken-tsai Lee art director/ ken-tsai Lee key visual designer/ ken-tsai Lee ; Cheng Shiun You Illustrator/kuan-Ting Pan year: 2014 award: Golden Pin Design Award 2014 81

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


graphic design

Visual for TDC 02

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

graphic design

Visual for TDC 02


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

1. 2.

1. setup of the exhibition hall 2. identity card


graphic design

Visual for TDC 02

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

graphic design

Visual for TDC 02

The whole visual was invited being a bookcoover of Hanzi • Kanji • Hanja, which was published by viction:ary



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

graphic design

Visual for TTDW 03

Visual for

Taiwan Tech Design Week What is TTDW ? Taiwan Tech Design Week is one of the most inportant event in Taiwan Tech Design department. It's an anual exhibition which shows our educational achievement and also provides different kinds of workshops, lectures and performances,in order to veiw design from different perspective and illustrate the outline of TTD .

credit: visual team leader/ You,Cheng-Shiun vice leader/Lu,Yi-Shuan key visual/Chan,Yin-Yin; You,Cheng-Shiun; Lu,Yi-Shuan members/Hong-Da ; Lee, jay-ting year: 2013 87



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

Flyer and Printing Detail


graphic design

Visual for TTDW 03

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

graphic design

Visual for TTDW 03

Exhibition Hall Setting



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

graphic design

Seed Book 01

the seed book illustrated handbook of plants

seed book is an illustrated hand book of plants,not only provide the knowledge of plants, we also give the readers another special experience that they can meet the actual plants in person

category: ecological observation tool year: 2013 93


Papermaking & Seeds This idea is come from the line " to see is to believe".when we reading books and knowledges, most of the time we are eager to see or witness by ourselves, in order to remove the block to the truth. And this book is out from this kind of idea. I utlize the traditional handmade paper technic to put all kinds of seeds and thread inside the paper.This books is an illustrated handbook of plants, all the seeds within the page is as the same as the plant that page introduce.After you reading it, you can ripe off the thread and the page would fall off, then you can plants the page, and wait for the real plant growing in the future ,which make the knowledge in book become true in front of your eyes. All the pictures in book are monochrome, and I place the color of the plants right above its picture, so you will expect what kind of the color it would be, but you need to see the acutal plant to find out the acurate color setting.



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

graphic design

Seed Book 01


1.2 ripping off the page 3 the color place above the picture

3 2



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


Visual for Poster I 04

ILlustration for live band performance I client: the wall live house credit: design/lyx , illustration/ You Cheng-Shiun year: 2014



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


Visual for Poster II 05

ILlustration for live band performance Ii client: the wall live house credit: design/lyx , illustration/ You Cheng-Shiun year: 2014



You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


Visual for Poster III 06

ILlustration for live band performance Iii client: the wall live house credit: design/lyx , illustration/ You Cheng-Shiun year: 2014


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio



Visual for Poster IV 07

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


Visual for Poster IV 07

ILlustration for live band performance iv KORNER LIVE: BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD client: Korner credit: design/lyx , illustration/ You Cheng-Shiun year: 2014 105

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio



Visual for Poster IV 07

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


Visual for Poster IV 07


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio



0022 08

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


0022 08

0022 indie publishing zine

This is my very first zine, only 300 copies. All the works are from 2012 to 2014. Printed on comic papars and colored paper with two special color.Binding the book with knitting.


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio

details of the book



0022 08

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


0022 08


You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio



0022 08

You,Cheng - Shiun portfolio


0022 08





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