August Drill RSP Newsletter

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Defender! Paratus Preliator

Your Monthly Newsletter from the Army National Guard Recruit Sustainment Program July 2012

Upcoming Drill Dates:

Training Period: 3 – 5 August 2012

Aug 3-5 MUTA 4

Report to: RTI, Camp Niantic, 38 Smith Street, Niantic Ct 06357  Report time: No later than 1900 hrs, Friday Uniform/location Red Phase (1st Drill): Civilian clothes RTI White/ Blue Phase: ACU if issued/ civilian White: RTI Blue: RTI Green Phase: IPFU (PT Uniform) RTI Gold Phase (completed IET): ACUs (Bring civilian clothes)/ RTI  Parking: Privately Owned Vehicles (POVs) are to be parked behind Colonel Nett Hall (near the RTI)  Family Briefing (Gold Phase at 1000 at Colonel Nett Hall)  Battle Handoff Ceremony will be at 1030  Dismissal: Sunday at 1200  Drill attendance is mandatory. Bring a black pen and your battle book to drill


Prepare for Drill:  Coo rdi nat e t r an spo rt atio n to a nd f ro m  

 

PAY: ALL members must have Direct Deposit.


NEW ENLISTMENTS: Bring your initial counseling form (DA4856) and SF 1199 (Direct Deposit Form) to drill. CHANGES: Keep us informed of any changes to your address, contact information, or personal information (marriage, children, etc). In case of a family emergency while you are attending RSP have your family contact the RSP Orderly Room (Bldg 102) @ 860-6914292

  

Ca mp Ni ant ic fo r you rs e lf (c all your recruiter if you have an y iss ues ) Br ing a lo c k If you a r e un de r a do cto r’ s c ar e f or a n y re a son: Contac t your recruiter and RSP at 860- 223- 8023 prior to drill. Bring docum entation. Br ing sp a re PT ge a r i f yo u w e re not i ssu ed an y: ( sw eat pan t s, sh ort s , t - shi rt , sw eat shi rt s ne a ke r s) (w e w ill b e tr ai nin g outdoo rs ) No p e rs ona l e le ct ron ic dev ic e s Br ing yo ur I D t o d ri ll . All warriors are required to bring a photo ID. See your recruiter if you do not have a m ilitar y ID. Ha ir to in cl ude f ac ia l mu st b e in a c co rdan ce w ith AR 6 7 0 - 1: Ask your recruiter if you don’t k now what to do. P er son al h ygi en e it e ms . You will be s ta ying over- night on Frida y and Saturda y, s o m ak e s ure to bring personal h ygiene item s, (deod or ant , to othb ru sh/ pa st e, tow el, raz or, s how er sho es , et c) and m ak e sure you bring a c hange of c lothes . H yd r ate ( ak a dr in k w ate r): Begin h ydration at leas t two da ys bef ore training. Al l tob a cc o p rod uct s a r e p roh ibi ted a t RS P d ri ll . Ph ys i ca l T r ain ing ( PT ) is not a onc e a m onth event. You should be training throughout the m onth. At a m inim um train three da ys a week to im prove your pus h - ups, sit- ups , and 2 m ile run sc ore. Review your battle book f or nutrition and PT guidelines. Bring your Battle book to ever y drill.

August Training ALL: Friday: RTI @ 1845: Attendance, Issue Linen, Secure Gear, Administration and Height/Weight. 1st RSP Drill Red Phase Basic Training Orientation: Saturday: Introduction to the military, Drill and ceremonies, Rank Structure, Initial counseling issue. Sunday: clear barracks, BHO ceremony White Phase: Saturday: LRC Road March, Awards Sunday: Clear Barracks, Drill and Ceremony Green Phase: (know your AKO username & password) Saturday: LRC Road March, Awards Sunday: Clear Barracks, Drill and Ceremony

TRICARE Reserve Select Health Insurance: You are eligible to enroll in “TRICARE Reserve Select” as long as you are an active drilling member of the National Guard. TRICARE Reserve Select is an affordable fee based insurance plan that you can pay for from your monthly drill check. You can also enroll your family. Go to https:// for details and enrollment instructions. Be patient and read everything. This is a good program, but it is set up by the government so pack a lunch when filling it out J Once there, select purchase coverage and you will be guided through the process. Follow all the instructions and don’t rush through it. Bring your questions to drill or call your recruiter or for technical questions call 1-800-538-9552.

Blue Phase: Last drill prior to shipping Saturday: Out Process, Prep for Shipping, Awards Sunday: Clear Barracks, Drill and Ceremony Gold Phase Battle Hand Off (BHO): Friday: Attendance, Secure Gear, Assist RSP Cadre Saturday: Briefings, Promotions, Awards Sunday: Family briefing at 1000 at Colonel Nett Hall Graduation ceremony at 1030 at Colonel Nett Hall

UPCOMING DRILLS SEP 7-9 2012 TY 2013 Drill Date 13-14 OCTOBER 2012 3-4 NOVEMBER 2012 1-2 DECEMBER 2012 5-6 JANUARY 2013 2-3 FEBRUARY 2013 2-3 MARCH 2013 6-7 APRIL 2013 4-5 MAY 2013 1-2 JUNE 2013 13-14 JULY 2013 3-4 AUGUST 2013 7-8 SEPTEMBER 2013 MYPAY (WEBSITE TO TRACK YOUR PAY)

Want to ship to training early? Contact SGT Conroy at

Military I.D. Card Website This website can help you find the military I.D. facility closest to your home. If you are married or have children they need an I.D. card so they can get benefits like health insurance, P.X. access. Commander’s Notes: Welcome Congratulations on your decision to serve your country. Remember you represent the United States Army and the Connecticut Army National Guard both in and out of uniform. Always conduct yourself in a manner that brings credit to yourself and your unit, the CTARNG and the U.S. Army. Physical conditioning is your personal responsibility and must be done regularly in order to prepare for basic training. Get training advice from the RSP cadre or your recruiter. The RSP Cadre wants you to be successful in all your training. Safety Spring is here and a great time to start enjoying outdoor activities. Remember that the weather changes quickly and wear appropriate clothing. Remember to practice safe habits when participating in outdoor activities. If you ride a motorcycle you must have a state issued license, wear Department of Defense mandated safety clothing, and complete the MSF safe rider program. Do not operate a vehicle after consumption of alcohol or prescription drugs. If you have questions about good safety practices see your recruiter, RSP cadre, or go to for more information. CPT Shawn O’Dea RSP Detachment Commander



You must meet height and weight requirements  PASS THE 1-1-1 PT Assessment  No medical or legal issues  Small amount of cash and/ ATM card Drivers License and/or Photo ID You will be flying to Basic. Pack Accordingly!!! EVERYTHING MUST FIT IN A CARRY-ON BAG OR BACK PACK! Below is a list of items that you should take with you to Basic Training.

 2-day supply of season-appropriate, comfortable



 2 sets of white underwear.

DOCUMENTATION YOU NEED HAND CARRIED WITH YOU! Failure to have documents will delay training!!!

 2 locks, (combination or padlock)  2 pairs of white, calf-length, athletic socks  Disposable razor. (Shave before you get TO TRAINING. You cannot carry them on the plane)

 Shaving cream (travel size)  1 Washcloth  1 Towel (SMALL)  Toothpaste(TRAVEL SIZE) and Toothbrush with case

 Dental Floss  Hairbrush or 6" comb (no point for males unless you want to scratch your back!)

 Antiperspirant (TRAVEL SIZE)  Shower shoes  Personal Hygiene Items (KEEP TO A MINIMUMTRAVEL SIZE)

 Shampoo (TRAVEL SIZE)  Soap and Soap case


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Social Security Card Military ID Drivers License and/or Photo ID SF 1199 (Direct Deposit)(filled out) ATM Card or checks Copy of Birth Certificate Copy of High School Diploma or GED Promotion Documentation (DA 4187) Copy of Dependents documents: * * * * * *

Children’s Birth Certificate (if applicable) Spouse’s Birth Certificate (if applicable) Marriage Certificate (If applicable) Divorce Decree (If applicable) Family Care Plan (If Applicable) Copy of dependents social security cards

10. Housing Allowance documents * Request for BAH (DA 5960) * NOTARIZED copy of rental agreement (If you have to pay rent) * Copy of Utility bill for address above

See your Recruiter if you need assistance Make sure that you deal with any personal issues before you ship to training. Arrange for someone to take care of your children, pets, pay bills, etc. You need to focus yourself on completing training without undue distractions from home.

Recruit Sustainment Program National Guard Armory 855 Stanley Street New Britain, CT 06051

«Last Name» «Address 1» «City», «State» 0«Postal Code»

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