West Point

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Want to be one of the 170 Soldiers admi ed to West Point next year? Current Soldiers Soldiers who are currently serving in an Ac ve Duty, Reserve or Na onal Guard capacity are encouraged to apply to USMA to further their educa on. West Point is commi ed to helping qualified Soldiers reach their full poten als and secure commissions in the Regular Army. Soldiers must have compe ve scores on either the SAT or ACT to be considered for admission to the academy.

Soldier Experience USMA believes Soldiers enhance the Corps of Cadets, and we value the life experiences you have earned as a Soldier. If you want to be an officer in the U.S. Army, the academy will give you an excellent educa on and the training you need to lead Soldiers as you con nue to serve.

Start Here If you want to apply, start by allowing enough me for the process. Classes start each July, so it’s best to start your applica on the preceding summer to allow enough me to complete the en re admissions process. It’s recommended that applica ons be completed by 1 December, but the file comple on deadline is 28 February. Next, consider whether you meet the basic eligibility requirements. For an application or more information: Those who have component SAT scores in the 500’s or ACT scores in the 20’s and achieved average grades or be er in high school MAJ Ryan Liebhaber are especially encouraged to apply. DSN: 688-5780 As a Soldier you must be recommended by your company (845) 938-5780 commander. Even though that endorsement cons tutes a Ryan.Liebhaber@usma.edu nomina on, Soldiers are s ll encouraged to obtain addi onal nomina ons from their congressional nomina on sources. http://www.usma.edu/applynow

Admissions requirements: ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Be a U. S. ci zen Be unmarried Have no legal obliga ons to support dependents Be between the ages of 17 and 22 on 1 July of the year entering West Point (no older than 21 on 1 July of the year entering the Prep School) ✔ Be of high moral character ✔ Have a sincere interest in a ending West Point and becoming an Army officer.


What must I score on the SAT/ACT?

When you complete the candidate ques onnaire online at www.usma.edu/applynow, that opens your Admissions file and begins the process.

Keep in mind there is not a dedicated score, as we evaluate several areas. Academics are 60 percent of our evalua on, while 30 percent is your leadership poten al (based on high school and Soldier experiences), and 10 percent is your physical ap tude.

How is the applica on process different for Soldiers? The applica on steps are the same for Soldiers and civilians who apply. However, Soldiers can obtain nomina ons from their company commanders and are automa cally considered for the preparatory school if not directly admi ed to West Point.

When should I apply? You can apply at any me. The class starts each year in July, which means admissions decisions are made usually no later than April. It’s best to start an applica on early (Aug/ Sep) to give yourself me to complete the required tests and evalua ons and to complete the Admissions packet. The file comple on deadline is 28 February.

What happens a er I complete the Candidate Ques onnaire (CQ)?

Can I use my GI Bill to pay for USMA? No – there’s no need, since all tuition, room and board, and medical and dental care are paid by the Army. Plus, the value of your education at West Point (more than $250K) will far exceed your GI Bill benefits. You can use the GI Bill for graduate school after West Point.

Are there age waivers? No. You must not be older than 22 on 1 July in the year you enter USMA and not older than 21 on 1 July when entering the preparatory school.

What if I don’t have a high school diploma? You can apply with a GED. Be aware your SAT/ACT scores will carry more weight in your academic evalua on.

What do I do if my unit is deploying?

Once you complete your CQ and the Admissions Office reviews it, you will receive some type of correspondence. Compe ve candidates will receive an admissions packet that must be completed by 28 February. Nothing will happen to your iniƟal applicaƟon if ACT (plus wriƟng) or SAT scores are not submiƩed.

Every year we work with Soldiers who are forward deployed. Many of these areas have educa on centers and medical facili es. You s ll can complete the admissions process while deployed. It is impera ve to start early and do as much as possible while in garrison.

Where can I take the SATs or ACTs? Can I use the ASVAB instead?

What if I’m a good leader, but I need more academic prepara on to be admi ed to USMA?

West Point only accepts the SAT or ACT. You can use your post educa on center for the test; they have study materials and offer more test dates than are available for civilians. No ASVAB scores are required. NOTE: If you take the ACTs, you must take the opƟonal wriƟng secƟon; USMA will not consider ACT scores without a wriƟng score. To help you prepare, you can use march2success.com.

When you apply to USMA, you also will be considered for the United States Military Academy Preparatory School, which prepares candidates selected by USMA Admissions Office for the academic, physical, and military challenges of USMA. USMA Preparatory School is a 10-month program, and you can learn more by visiting www.usma.edu/USMAPS.

Who completes my commander’s endorsement?

Do I get paid while at the USMA Prep School?

Your first-line commander (i.e., company commander) normally completes the recommendation, but any commander (i.e., battalion, brigade, etc.) can do so.

Is it hard to get accepted? You will never know unless you apply. USMA values the life experiences Soldiers have and how they enhance the Corps of Cadets. Take your SAT/ACT early and o en, if need be, and complete your packet ASAP. If you want to be an officer in the US Army, West Point will give you a comprehensive educa on and training to lead Soldiers.

Yes. You will receive pay at your current enlistment grade. The me at USMAPS counts as me in service, too.

Is there a Service Remaining Requirement for the Prep School? Do I have to reenlist to go to USMA/USMAPS? Yes, Ac ve Duty Soldiers must have enough me remaining in their enlistments to extend 13 months past the scheduled USMAPS gradua on (usually late May). If directly admi ed to West Point, you must have enough me to complete one year.

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