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It’s a New Day... and we are grateful to be here, sharing it with you in good health and in anticipation of a great new crafting year.

We are pleased to report that the needlework community continues to grow and thrive. The last few years have seen a substantial increase in numbers as new fiber artists, knitters and crocheters continue to enrich our world with their creativity. As more people realize the benefit of making things by hand, KnitPro is proud to meet their needs with quality tools and responsibly manufactured products. Here are some of our efforts on behalf of our valued market of makers:

We are thrilled to present the elegant Lantern Moon line of knitting needles, crochet hooks and accessories. Since they have proved to be very popular in the USA, we are introducing them into all the other markets in 2023, where we are confident, they will enjoy the same warm reception.

As part of KnitPro’s ongoing commitment to our shared environment, we have redesigned and produced new packaging for all our knitting needles and kits using plastic-free and recyclable materials. This has been a very meaningful project for our company since sustainability has been a cornerstone of our mission from the beginning.

These are just a few examples of the endeavors that have kept us working hard this year. We look forward to telling you more later in the season.

None of this would have been possible, of course, without the hard work and dedication of our loyal team members. Over 1500 women and men - some of whom have been with us from the beginning - have devoted their lives and talents to producing KnitPro products. Thanks to their efforts and abilities, KnitPro has been able to grow in service to the craft industry. We are grateful and proud to work alongside them.

We would not be here without the continual support of our business partners, colleagues, friends and our loyal customers. All of you, along with our wonderful staff, have helped make KnitPro a successful enterprise. Please accept our deepest gratitude, along with our heartfelt wishes for a prosperous year filled with health and peace.


Es ist ein neuer Tag... und wir sind dankbar, hier zu sein und ihn bei guter Gesundheit und in Erwartung eines großartigen neuen Handwerksjahres mit Ihnen zu teilen.

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass die Gemeinschaft der Handarbeitenden weiterhin wächst und gedeiht. In den letzten Jahren ist die Zahl erheblich gestiegen, da neue Faserkünstler, Strickende und Häkelnde unsere Welt weiterhin mit ihrer Kreativität bereichern. Da immer mehr Menschen die Vorteile der Handarbeit erkennen, ist KnitPro stolz darauf, ihre Bedürfnisse mit Qualitätswerkzeugen und verantwortungsvoll hergestellten Produkten zu erfüllen. Hier sind einige unserer Anstrengungen im Namen unseres geschätzten Herstellermarktes:

Wir freuen uns, die elegante Marke “Lantern Moon” mit Stricknadeln, Häkelnadeln und Zubehör zu präsentieren. Da sie sich in den USA sehr beliebt sind, führen wir sie 2023 in allen anderen Märkten ein. Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass sie mit offenen Armen empfangen werden.

Als Teil des kontinuierlichen Engagements von KnitPro für unser aller Umwelt, haben wir neue Verpackungen für unsergeamtes Sortiment von Strick-, Häkelnadeln und Sets aus plastikfreien und recycelbaren Materialien neu gestaltet und produziert. Dies war ein sehr bedeutsames Projekt für unser Unternehmen, da Nachhaltigkeit von Anfang an ein Eckpfeiler unserer Mission war.

Dies sind nur einige Beispiele für die Bemühungen, die uns in diesem Jahr hart arbeiten ließen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihnen später in der Saison mehr zu erzählen.

Nichts davon wäre natürlich ohne die harte Arbeit und das Engagement unserer treuen Teammitglieder möglich gewesen. Über 1500 Frauen und Männer – von denen einige von Anfang an dabei sind – haben ihr Leben und ihr Talent der Herstellung von KnitPro-Produkten gewidmet. Dank ihrer Bemühungen und Fähigkeiten konnte KnitPro im Dienste der Handwerksbranche wachsen. Wir sind dankbar und stolz darauf, mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten.

Wir wären nicht hier ohne die kontinuierliche Unterstützung unserer Geschäftspartner, Kollegen, Freunde und unserer treuen Kunden. Sie alle, zusammen mit unseren wunderbaren Mitarbeitern, haben dazu beigetragen, KnitPro zu einem erfolgreichen Unternehmen zu machen. Bitte nehmen Sie unsere tiefste Dankbarkeit an, zusammen mit unseren herzlichen Wünschen für ein erfolgreiches Jahr voller Gesundheit und Frieden.


• Canada





• Austria •Belarus • Belgium • Bulgaria


• C.Republic





• France

• Ireland








Luxembourg • Moldova












• China

• India

• Jordan






• Malaysia


• Saudi Arabia





• Srilanka











South Korea




• Argentina • Barbados

• Brazil

• Uruguay




• Namibia

• South Africa

• Reunion Island

• Australia

• NewZealand

Brand New Packaging for Our Needles ! / Brandneue Verpackung für unsere Nadeln!

All Environmentally Friendly Materials / Alle Materialien umweltfreundlich

• Recyclable Paper /

• Recycelbares Papier

• All Plastic Free /

• Alles plastikfrei

• FSC Certified Paper /

• FSC-zertifiziertes Papier

All KnitPro products are produced in our eco-compliant facilities. /

Alle KnitPro-Produkte werden in unseren umweltfreundlichen Einrichtungen hergestellt.

Brand New Designs for Our Needle Kits ! / Brandneue Designs für unsere Nadel-Kits!

All Environmentally Friendly Materials / Alle Materialien umweltfreundlich

• Handcrafted in Fabric /

• Handgefertigt aus Stoff

• Color-Coordinated small cases /

• Farblich abgestimmte kleine Etuis

• Stylish & Useable in many ways /

• Stilvoll und vielseitig verwendbar

• Plastic Free /

• Plastikfrei

All KnitPro products are produced in our eco-compliant facilities. /

Alle KnitPro-Produkte werden in unseren umweltfreundlichen Einrichtungen hergestellt.

Fixed Circular Needles


Nylon Coated Stainless Steel Cables... Always kink free Nylonbeschichtete

Edelstahlseile... Garantiert


Interchangeable Circular Needles

Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Mattgoldene Metallverbinder Matt Gold Metal Connectors

Double Pointed Needles


New Livelier Color

Neue lebendige Farben

Single Pointed Needles


Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Details on Page No. - 21

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Details on Page No. - 25

Details on Page No. - 40

Details on Page No. - 31

Symfonie Deluxe - Special ICN
Karbonz Deluxe - Special ICN
Zing Deluxe - Special ICN

Stainless Steel Cables / Edelstahlseile

360° Black Nylon coated Stainless Steel Swivel Cables

360° drehbare Seile aus schwarzem, mit Nylon beschichtetem Edelstahl

Details on Page No. - 93

Nylon coated Black Stainless Steel Fixed Cables

Schwarz nylonummantelte nicht drehbare, feststehende Edelstahlseile

Details on Page No. - 93

Punch Needle / Stanznadel-Set

The Earthy Kit

Das Earthy Set

Details on Page No. - 15

The Vibrant Kit

Das Vibrant Set

Details on Page No. - 14

Pre-Stretched Fabric Frames For Punching / Vorgespannte Stoffrahmen Zum Stanzen

Rectangle Frames (Set Of 2)

Rechteckige Rahmen (2ER-SET)

Details on Page No. - 16

Square Frames (Set Of 2)

Quadratische Rahmen (2ER-SET)

Details on Page No. - 16

Zing Interchangeable Set (Melodies of Life) / Zing austauschbare Rundstricknadeln (Melodies of Life)

Details on Page No. - 82

Karbonz Interchangeable Set / Karbonz austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Details on Page No. - 82

Symfonie Rose Interchangeable Set / Symfonie Rose, austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Symfonie Rose Crochet Set / Symfonie Rose Häkelnadelset

Details on Page No. - 81 Details on Page No. - 81

Punch Needle Art

The Vibrant Kit / Das Vibrant Set

The Vibrant kit consists of 1 muticolored wooden handle, 4 adjustable stainless steel needles in 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 & 5.0mm diameter, 3 attachments, 2 threaders

Das Vibrant Set enthält einen mehrfarbigem Holzgriff, 4 verstellbare Edelstahlnadeln mit 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 und 5.0 mm Durchmesser, 3 Aufsätze, 2 Einfädler

Code: 21001

The Earthy Kit / Das Earthy Set

The Earthy kit consists of 1 Earthy colored wooden handle, 4 adjustable stainless steel needles in 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 & 5.0mm diameter, 3 attachments, 2 threaders

Das Earthy Set enthält einen erdfarbenen Holzgriff, 4 verstellbare Edelstahlnadeln mit 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 und 5.0 mm Durchmesser, 3 Aufsätze, 2 Einfädler

Code: 21002

Pre-Stretched Fabric Frames For Punching / Vorgespannte Stoffrahmen Zum Stanzen

Square Frames (Set Of 2) / Quadratische Rahmen (2ER-SET)

Frame 1 - 25 x 25 x 2.5cm - Monk's Cloth / Rahmen 1 - 25 x 25 x 2,5 cm - Mönchstuch

Frame 2 - 20 x 20 x 2.5cm - Duck Fabric / Rahmen 2 - 20 x 20 x 2,5 cm – Segeltuch

Code: 21010

Rectangle Frames (Set Of 2) / Rechteckige Rahmen (2ER-SET)

Frame 1 - 28 x 33 x 2.5cm - Monk's Cloth / Rahmen - 28 x 33 x 2,5 cm - Mönchstuch

Frame 2 - 23 x 28 x 2.5cm - Duck Fabric

Rahmen 2 - 23 x 28 x 2,5 cm – Segeltuch

Code: 21011


Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Circular Needles /

Circular Needles /

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set


Deluxe - Normal ICN (19301)

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / 360° drehbares Edelstahlseil

Packaging / Verpackung Accessories / Zubehör

Deluxe - Special ICN (19302)

4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

60cm, 80cm (2 Nos.) & 100cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

40cm (2 Nos.), 50 cm (2 Nos.)

8 end caps, 4 cable keys / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel

Purple fabric case / Lila Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Double Pointed Needle Sets / Nadelspiele im Set

Packaging/ Verpackung Size/ Größen

2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00mm 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 & 5.00mm

Purple Fabric Case / Lila Stofftasche

Only KnitPro needles offer the unique chevron mark! Nur KnitPro Nadeln tragen das einzigartige Chevronzeichen.


Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set


Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / 360° drehbares Edelstahlseil*

Accessories / Zubehör

Chunky (20663) Starter (20660) 9.00, 10.00 & 12.00mm 4.00, 5.00 & 6.00mm

60, 80 & 100 cm

6 end caps, 3 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 6 Endkappen, 3 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

Deluxe - Normal ICN (20661) 60, 80 (2 Nos.) & 100 cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Packaging / Verpackung Purple Fabric Case / Lila Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & 6.00mm

Deluxe - Special ICN (20662) 40cm (2 Nos.), 50 cm (2 Nos.)

8 end caps, 4 cable keys / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Single Pointed Needle Sets / Jackenstricknadeln im Set

35 CM (20667) 30 CM (20666)

Packaging/ Verpackung Size/ Größen

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

Purple Fabric Case / Lila Stofftasche

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Double Pointed Needle Sets / Nadelspiele im Set

Pink fabric case / Rosa Stofftasche

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel

Cables / 360° drehbares


Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

Deluxe - Normal ICN (47424)

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

60cm, 80cm (2 Nos.) & 100cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Pink fabric case / Rosa Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.


Deluxe - Special ICN (47425)

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

40cm (2 Nos.) & 50cm (2 Nos.)

8 end caps & 4 cable keys / 8 Endkappen & 4 Seilschlüssel

Pink fabric case / Rosa Stofftasche

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Single Pointed Needle Sets / Jackenstricknadeln im Set

Size/ Größen

Packaging/ Verpackung

Pink fabric case / Rosa Stofftasche

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Double Pointed Needle Sets / Nadelspiele im Set

(31283) Length/ Länge

Packaging/ Verpackung Accessories/ Zubehör Size/ Größen

2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 & 5.00mm 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & 6.00mm

Premium needle case in denim & beige finish / Hochwertige Nadeltasche in Denim & Beige 1 needle view sizer / 1 Nadelmaß

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Deluxe (Normal) (31281)

Size / Größen

Cables / Seile*

Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

*To be used with 40/50cm cables / Zum Gebrauch mit 40/50 cm Seilen

Deluxe (Special) (31282)

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 & 12.00mm 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 & 12.00mm

60cm (2 Nos.), 80cm (2 Nos.) & 100cm (2 Nos.)

12 end caps, 6 cable keys, 20 Linea stitch markers, 1 set of magnets, 1 set of cable connectors & 1 Pen / 12 Endkappen, 6 Seile und Schlüssel, 20 Linea Maschenmarkierer, 1 Set Magnete, 1 Set Seilverbinder & 1 Stift

Premium needle case with chart keeper in denim & beige finish / Hochwertige Nadeltasche mit Grafikhalter in Denim & Beige

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

2 each of 40cm & 50cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys, 20 Linea stitch markers, 1 set of magnets & 1 Pen / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seile mit Schlüssel, 20 Linea Maschenmarkierer, 1 Set Magnete & 1 Stift

Premium needle case with chart keeper in burgundy & beige finish / Hochwertige Nadeltaschen mit Grafikhalter in Bordeaux & Beige

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Double Pointed Needle Sets / Nadelspiele im Set

fabric case / Graue Stofftasche

*These sizes will not have brass tips. / Diese GröBen werden keine Messingspitzen haben.

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set


*To be used with 40/50cm cables / Zum Gebrauch mit 40/50 cm Seilen

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel

Cables / 360° drehbares


Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung


Deluxe - Normal ICN (41631)

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & 6.00mm

60cm, 80cm (2 Nos.) & 100cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Deluxe - Special ICN (41632)

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & 6.00mm

40cm (2 Nos.), 50 cm (2 Nos.)

8 end caps, 4 cable keys / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel

Grey fabric case / Graue Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.


Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

2 cm

*To be used with 40/50cm cables / Zum Gebrauch mit 40/50 cm Seilen

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Deluxe (Normal) (42140)

Size / Größen

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

60cm, 80cm (2 Nos.) & 100cm Cables / Seile*

Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Deluxe (Special) (42161)

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & 6.00mm

40cm (2 Nos.) & 50cm (2 Nos.)

8 end caps, 4 cable keys / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel

White & Silver Vegan Leather case / Weiß & Silbernes Veganes Lederetui

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

*To be used with 40/50cm cables / Zum Gebrauch mit 40/50 cm Seilen

Interchangeable Needle Set / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Deluxe - Normal ICN (10616)

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / 360° drehbares Edelstahlseil*

Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

60cm, 80cm (2 Nos.) & 100cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Blue fabric case / Blaue Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Needle Set / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

/ Größen (mm)

Deluxe - Normal ICN (12370)

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / 360° drehbares Edelstahlseil*

Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

*To be

(2 Nos.) & 100cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Blue fabric case / Blaue Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Needle Sets / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel

Cables / 360° drehbares


Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

Starter (22552)

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 & 5.00mm

60cm, 80cm & 100cm

6 end caps, 3 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 6 Endkappen, 3 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Deluxe - Normal ICN (22553)

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00 & 10.00mm

60cm, 80cm (2 Nos.) & 100cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Green fabric case / Grüne Stofftasche


Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln *To be used with 40/50cm cables / Zum Gebrauch mit 40/50 cm Seilen

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Double Pointed Needles / Nadelspiele

Single Pointed Needles / Jackenstricknadeln

Fixed Circular Needles / Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Circular Needles / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln

Interchangeable Needle Set / Austauschbare Rundstricknadeln im Set

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / 360° drehbares Edelstahlseil*

Accessories / Zubehör

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

Deluxe - Normal ICN (50620) 60, 80 (2 Nos.) & 100 cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Packaging / Verpackung Grey Fabric Case / Graue Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

waves & Other Crochet Hooks

Single ended crochet hooks / Einseitige Häkelnadeln

Set of 9 crochet hooks (Single Ended) / Set aus 9 Häkelnadeln (Einfach)

Single ended / Einfach (47430) Pink fabric case / Rosa Stofftasche

Single ended / Einfach

Crochet hook Sets / Set mit Häkelnadeln

Single Ended / Einfach (20668)

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel

Cables / rote, um 360 Grad

drehbare Edelstahlseile*

Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

3.5, 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0 mm

Double Ended / Doppelseitig (20669)

3-3.5, 4- 4.5, 5- 5.5, 6.0-6.5, 7.0-8.0 mm

Tunisian / Tunesisch (20670)

• 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

50, 70 (2 Nos.) & 90 cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Purple Fabric Case / Lila Stofftasche

*Cable length denotes complete crochet length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Häkelnadeln.

Only KnitPro needles offer the unique chevron mark!

Nur KnitPro Nadeln tragen das einzigartige Chevronzeichen.


Single ended / Einfach

Afghan / Tunisian (Single ended) / Tunesisch, austauschbar (Einfach)

Afghan / Tunisian Crochet Set / Set mit tunesischen Häkelnadeln

Size / Größen Cables / Seile

Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 & 12.00mm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys, 20 Linea stitch markers, 1 set of magnets, 1 set of cable connectors & 1 Pen / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seile mit Schlüssel, 20 Linea Maschenmarkierer, 1 Set Magnete, 1 Set Seilverbinder & 1 Stift 31286 50, 70 (2 Nos.) & 90 cm

Premium needle case with chart keeper in denim & beige finish / Hochwertige Nadeltasche mit Graphikhalter in Denim & Beige

*Cable length denotes complete crochet length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Häkelnadeln


Gold crochet hook with black soft feel handle / Häkelnadel Gold, mit schwarzem Softgriff

Silver crochet hook with black soft feel handle / Häkelnadel Silber, mit schwarzem Softgriff


Steel crochet hooks with black soft feel handle / Häkelnadel aus stahl, mit schwarzem Softgriff

Steel crochet hook / Häkelnadel Stahl

Grey Aluminium Hook - Single Ended / Graue Häkelnadel aus Aluminium

Grey Aluminium Tricot/Afghan Traditional crochet hook with black head (Length 30cm) / Graue Aluminium -Trikot/traditionelle afghanische Häkelnadel mit schwarzem Kopf (Länge 30 cm)

Single ended / Einfach

Afghan / TunisianSingle Ended / Afghanisch / TunesischEinfache Häkelnadel

Traditional tunisian crochet hookDouble ended (Length 30cm) / Traditionelle, tunesische Häkelnadeldoppelseitig (Länge 30cm)

Tricot / Afghan traditional crochet hookSingle ended (Length 30cm)

Traditionelle, afghanische Häkelnadeleinfach (Länge 30cm)

Single ended / Einfach

Tunisian (Single ended) / Tunesisch, austauschbar (Einfach)

Tunisian Crochet Set / Set mit tunesischen Häkelnadeln

Size / Größen

22554 50, 70 (2 Nos.) & 90 cm

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / rote, um 360 Grad drehbare Edelstahlseile* 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm

Accessories / Zubehör

Packaging / Verpackung

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Green Fabric Case / Grünes Stoffetui

*Cable length denotes complete crochet length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Häkelnadeln

Single ended / Einfach


Single ended / Einfach

Special Sets

Symfonie Rose Interchangeable Set / Symfonie Rose, austauschbare Rundstricknadeln


Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / rote, um 360 Grad drehbare Edelstahlseile*

Accessories / Zubehör

3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 & 8.0mm 60, 80 (2 Nos.) & 100 cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Packaging / Verpackung Rose Pink Foiled Box / Box mit rosafarbener Folienummantelung

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Symfonie Rose Crochet Set / Symfonie Rose Häkelnadelset

Size / Größen 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 & 8.0mm

Packaging / Verpackung Rose Pink Foiled Box / Box mit rosafarbener Folienummantelung

Karbonz Interchangeable Set (Box of Joy) / Karbonz austauschbare Rundstricknadeln (Box of Joy)

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / rote, um 360 Grad drehbare Edelstahlseile*

Accessories / Zubehör

3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 & 8.0mm

60, 80 (2 Nos.) & 100 cm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys & 1 set of cable connectors / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel & 1 Set Seilverbinder

Packaging / Verpackung Black & Grey Box / Schwarze und graue Box

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.


Interchangeable Set (Melodies of Life) / Zing austauschbare Rundstricknadeln (Melodies of Life)

Size / Größen

360° Swivel Stainless Steel Cables / rote, um 360 Grad drehbare Edelstahlseile*

Accessories / Zubehör

& 8.0mm

8 end caps, 4 cable keys, 1 set of cable connectors, wool needles & stitch holders / 8 Endkappen, 4 Seilschlüssel, 1 Set Seilverbinder, Wollnadeln & Maschenhalter 47412

60, 80 (2 Nos.) & 100 cm

Packaging / Verpackung Holographic Foiled Box / Box mit holografischer Folienummantelung

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Indigo Wood Mini Interchangeable Needle Set / Indigo Mini-Holz-Nadelspitzen-Set


Size / Größen

Cables / Seile*

Accessories / Zubehör

3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 & 6.0mm

27 & 30 cm

4 end caps & 2 cable keys / 4 Endkappen & 2 Seilschlüssel

Packaging / Verpackung Washable paper and denim case / Waschbare Papier- und Denim-Tasche

Mini Interchangeable Needle Length is 5cm / Die Mini-Nadelspitzen sind 5 cm lang.

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Indigo Wood Interchangeable Needle Set / Indigo Holz-Nadelspitzen-Set


Size / Größen

Cables / Seile*

Accessories / Zubehör

3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0 & 8.0mm 60cm, 80 cm (2 Nos.) & 100 cm

8 end caps & 4 cable keys / 8 Endkappen & 4 Seilschlüssel

Packaging / Verpackung Washable paper and denim case / Waschbare Papier- und Denim-Tasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Beginner Interchangeable(Special) Needle Set / Nadelspitzenset mit kurzen Nadelspitzen für Anfänger


Size / Größen

Cables / Seile*

Accessories / Zubehör

3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 & 8.00mm 40, 76 & 96 cm

4 End Caps, 3 Cable Keys, 1 set of cable connectors, Measuring Tape, Stitch Ring Markers, Locking Stitch Markers, Rainbow Folding scissors, Tapestry Needles & Aluminum Cable Needles / 4 Endkappen, 3 Seilschüssel, 1 Set Seilverbinder, Maßband, runde Maschenmarkierer, Maschenmarkierer als Sicherheitsnadeln, Regenbogen-Faltschere, Wollnadeln & Aluminium-Zopfnadeln

Packaging / Verpackung Cotton Canvas case / Baumwoll-Canvas-Tasche

*Cable length denotes complete needle length / Die angegebene Seillänge entspricht der Länge der gesamten Nadel.

Snug Collection / Gemütliche Sammlung

Wrist Bag / Handgelenktasche

Size: 38(W) X 36(H) X 10(D) cm

Code: 12810

Tote Bag / Tragetasche

Size: 40(W) X 29(H) X 12(D) cm

Size(With handle): 40(W) X 57(H) X 12(D) cm

Code: 12812

Duffle Bag / Seesack

Size: 36(W) X 19(H) X 16.5(D) cm

Code: 12811

Shoulder Bag / Schultertasche

Size: 40(W) X 26(H) X 14(D) cm

Size(With handle): 40(W) X 48(H) X 14(D) cm

Code: 12813

Bumblebee Collection / Hummelsammlung

Wrist Bag / Handgelenktasche

Size: 38(W) X 36(H) X 10(D) cm

Code: 12820

Tote Bag / Tragetasche

Size: 40(W) X 29(H) X 12(D) cm

Size(With handle): 40(W) X 57(H) X 12(D) cm

Code: 12822

Duffle Bag / Seesack

Size: 36(W) X 19(H) X 16.5(D) cm

Code: 12821

Shoulder Bag / Schultertasche

Size: 40(W) X 26(H) X 14(D) cm

Size(With handle): 40(W) X 48(H) X 14(D) cm

Code: 12823

Bloom Collection / Bloom-Sammlung

Wrist Bag / Handgelenktasche

Size: 38(W) X 36(H) X 10(D) cm

Code: 12800

Tote Bag / Tragetasche

Size: 40(W) X 29(H) X 12(D) cm

Size(With handle): 40(W) X 57(H) X 12(D) cm

Code: 12802

Duffle Bag / Seesack

Size: 36(W) X 19(H) X 16.5(D) cm

Code: 12801

Shoulder Bag / Schultertasche

Size: 40(W) X 26(H) X 14(D) cm

Size(With handle): 40(W) X 48(H) X 14(D) cm

Code: 12803

Code: 12830
Doctor Bag / Handgelenktasche

Accessory Pockets / Zubehörtaschen

Needle Pockets / Nadeltaschen

Single Pointed Needle / Interchangeable Circular Needle Pockets / Nadeltaschen für austauschbare Nadelspitzen

• Use as a yarn stash bag or a go-to project bag / Als Garnaufbewahrungstasche oder als To-Go Projekttasche geeignet

• Can accommodate 1-1.5 Kilograms of yarn or 3-4 Knitting Projects / Kann 1–1,5 kg Garn oder 3–4 Strickprojekte aufnehmen

Needle Cases / Nadeltaschen

Passion Collection

Interchangeable Needle Case

Nadeltasche für Wechselsysteme

Size: 16.5(W) X 22.5(H) X 1.5(D) cm

Code: 12840

Double Pointed Needle Case

Nadeltasche für Nadelspiele

Size: 16(W) X 24.5(H) X 2(D) cm

Code: 12841

Project Pouch with roll-on cases / Projekttasche mit aufrollbaren Hüllen

Size: 29(W) X 17(H) X 6.5(D) cm

Code: 12843

Fixed Circular Needle Case

Nadeltasche für fixierte Rundstricknadeln

Size: 16(W) X 24.5(H) X 2(D) cm

Code: 12842

Needle Cases / Nadeltaschen

Blossom Collection

Interchangeable Needle Case

Nadeltasche für Wechselsysteme

Size: 16.5(W) X 22.5(H) X 1.5(D) cm

Code: 12850

Double Pointed Needle Case

Nadeltasche für Nadelspiele

Size: 16(W) X 24.5(H) X 2(D) cm

Code: 12851

Project Pouch with roll-on cases / Projekttasche mit aufrollbaren Hüllen

Size: 29(W) X 17(H) X 6.5(D) cm

Code: 12853

Fixed Circular Needle Case

Nadeltasche für fixierte Rundstricknadeln

Size: 16(W) X 24.5(H) X 2(D) cm

Code: 12852


Stainless Steel Cables / Edelstahlseile

360° Black Nylon coated Stainless Steel Swivel Cables

360° drehbare Seile aus schwarzem, mit Nylon beschichtetem Edelstahl



Nylon coated Black Stainless Steel Fixed Cables

Schwarz nylonummantelte nicht drehbare, feststehende Edelstahlseile

Black Fixed Cables/ NEW /

360° Purple Nylon coated Stainless Steel Swivel Cables

360° drehbare Seile aus violettem, mit Nylon beschichtetem Edelstahl

Nylon coated Purple Stainless Steel Fixed Cables rote nylonummantelte nicht drehbare, feststehende Edelstahlseile

20cm (To make 40cm IC Needle) / 20cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 40cm Länge)

30cm (To make 50cm IC Needle) / 28cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 50cm Länge)

35cm (To make 60cm IC Needle) / 35cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 60cm Länge)

56cm (To make 80cm IC Needle) / 56cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 80cm Länge)

76cm (To make 100cm IC Needle) / 76cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 100cm Länge)

94cm (To make 120cm IC Needle) / 94cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 120cm Länge)

126cm (To make 150cm IC Needle) / 126cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 150cm Länge)

With 1 cable key & 2 end caps / mit einem Seilschlüssel & 2 Endkappen

360˚Black Swivel Cables/ Schwarz, um 360 Grad drehbare, feststehende Seile

Schwarz, nicht drehbare Seile

360˚Purple Swivel Cables/ rote, um 360 Grad drehbare, feststehende Seile rote, nicht drehbare Seile

Purple Fixed Cables/

Length Länge Nylon Cables / Nylon Seile

(Coordinated with Ginger Needles) (Koordinieren mit Ginger Nadeln)

The cable length shown above is the complete needle length achieved upon joining the needle tips with the cable. Die oben angegebene Seillänge ist die Gesamtlänge, die sich ergibt, wenn die Seile mit den Nadelspitzen verschraubt sind.

20cm (To make 40cm IC Needle) / 20cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 40cm Länge)

30cm (To make 50cm IC Needle) / 30cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 50cm Länge)

35cm (To make 60cm IC Needle) / 35cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 60cm Länge)

56cm (To make 80cm IC Needle) / 56cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 80cm Länge)

76cm (To make 100cm IC Needle) / 76cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 100cm Länge)

94cm (To make 120cm IC Needle) / 94cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 120cm Länge)

126cm (To make 150cm IC Needle) / 126cm (Für eine Rundstricknadel mit 150cm Länge)

With 1 cable key & 2 end caps / mit einem Seilschlüssel & 2 Endkappen

Row Counter Rings / Reihenzähler Rings

Size (Inner Diameter)/ Größen

(Innerer Durchmesser)

Size 7 (17.3mm)

Size 8 (18.2mm)

Size 9 (19.0mm)

Size 10 (19.8mm)

Size 11 (20.6mm)

Size 12 (21.4mm)


Row Counter Clicky

Reihenzähler Clicky 10860

Row Counters

Reihenzähler 10816

Pack of 2 Row Counters

1 for needles in size 2.00 - 5.00mm

1 for needles in size 4.50 - 6.50mm

Packung mit 2 Reihenzähler

1 für Nadelstärke 2.00 - 5.00mm

1 für Nadelstärke 4.50 - 6.50mm

Folding Scissors / Faltschere

Knitting Needles & Crochet View Sizer with Yarn Cutter / Nadelmass für Strick- und Häkelnadeln mit Fadenabschneider

Retractable Measuring Tape / Einziehbares Maßband

Needle View Sizer / Nadelmaß

Rose Gold / Rosa Gold

Winding & Dispensing Accessories / Wollwickler & Zubehör

Swift / Skein Winder / Wollhaspel / Strangwickler

Signature Swift

Signature Wollhaspel


Natural Swift Natural Wollhaspel


Ballwinder / Wollwickler

Signature Ballwinder

Signature Wollwickler 35002

Ballwinder Wollwickler 10941

Band replacement set for Ballwinder

Ersatzantriebsriemen für Wollwickler


Natural Ballwinder Natural Wollwickler


Yarn Dispenser Wollabwickler

Signature Yarn Dispenser

Signature Wollabwickler


Natural Yarn Dispenser

Natural Wollabwickler



Blocking Accessories / Zubehör zum Lacespannen

Rainbow Knit Blockers / Regenbogen kammnadeln

Pack of 20 / Pack à 20

8 Pcs. of Knit Blockers having 4 pins & 12 Pcs. of Knit Blockers having 8 pins

8 Stück 4-fach Kammnadeln & 12 Stück 8-fach Kammnadeln

Lace Blocking Mats / Spannmatten

Pack of 9 mats of 30x30cm each / Paket mit 9 Matten je 30x30cm 10874

*Colour of Mats may change without prior notice Farbänderungen ber Matten ohne Vorankündigung möglich

Knit Blockers / Kammnadeln

T Pins / T-Nadeln

Pack of 50 pins / Pack à 50 Nadeln 10873

Pack of 20 / Pack à 20

8 Pcs. of Knit Blockers having 4 pins & 12 Pcs. of Knit Blockers having 8 pins

8 Stück 4-fach Kammnadeln & 12 Stück 8-fach Kammnadeln

Blocking Wires / Lace Spanndähte

Pack of 15 stainless steel wires – 6 wires of 95cm each, 6 wires of 50cm each, 3 flexible wires of 95cm each, 20 T-Pins and 1 measuring tape

Das Set besteht aus 15 Edelstahldrähten – 6 Drähte à 95cm und 6 Drähte à 50cm, 3 flexiblen Drähten à 95cm, 20 T-Pins und einem Maßband

Pack of 16 Tubes / Packung enthält 16 Röhren - 10872

Pack of 8 Tubes / Packung enthält 8 Röhren - 10875

Pack of 4 Tubes / Packung enthält 4 Röhren - 10876


Stitch Markers / Maschenmarkierer

Stitch Ring Markers

Maschenmarkierer 10897

Pack of 50 : 10 large, 20 medium & 20 small

Packung mit 50 St. : 10 groß, 20 medium & 20 klein

Split Ring Markers

Offene Maschenmarkierer 10898

Locking Stitch Markers

Verschließbare Maschenmarkierer 10899

Tapestry Needles

Stopfnadelset 10900

Pack of 30 Packung mit 30 St.

Pack of 30 Packung mit 30 St.

Pack of 4 needles : 2 small & 2 large Packung mit 4 Nadeln : 2 Kleine & 2 Große

Metal Stitch Markers / Maschenmarkierer aus Metall

Pack of 7 / Packung mit 7 St.

Knitting Chart Keepers / Anleitungsmappe

Magnet replacement set for chart keepers

Ersatzmagnete für Anleitunsmappen

Set of 4 magnets / Set mit 4 Magneten 10921

Product / Produkt Passion Blossom Magma


Description / Beschreibung

Steel Magnet / Stahlmagnet

Strip (Small) / Streifen (klein)

Strip (Big) / Streifen (groß) 20.00mm

Length / Länge 10.00mm 12.50mm 12.50mm

Width / Breite

Rejoice Pom Pom Makers / Rejoice Pomponschablonen

Set of 4 (3.5, 5.5, 7.0 & 9.0cm) - 10871

Nirvana Pom Pom Makers / Nirvana Pomponschablonen

Set of 2 (3.5 & 4.5cm) - 10863

Set of 2 (6.5 & 8.5cm) - 10864

Magnetic Knitter's Necklace Kit

Megnetische Kette für Stricker/Innen


Kit includes one wooden pendant with embedded magnets, three cable needles (Center Scoop - 2.5mm, "J" Hook - 3.0mm, Double Pointed3.5mm and 20 stitch markers (5 each of four types)

WARNING: Magnets can have dangerous effect on medical devices and/or implants such as pacemakers. So always keep the Magnetic Knitters Necklace away from such implants or other magnet sensitive devices.

WARNUNG: Magnete können gefährliche Auswirkungen auf Medizinprodukte und / oder Implantate wie Herzschrittmacher haben. Halten sie die magnetische Kette daher immer von solchen Implantaten oder anderen magnetempfindlichen Geräten fern. Bastelsatz beinhaltet: 1 Holzanhänger mit eingefügten Magneten, 3 Zopfnadeln (mittig gebogen 2,5mm, “J” Haken 3,0mm, gerade Nadel 3,5mm & 20 Maschenmarkierer (4 verschiedene Modelle je 5 St.)

Aluminium Stitch Holders Aluminium Maschenhalter


Pack of 3 Holders

16.0, 11.0 & 8.0 cm

Packung mit 3 Maschenhaltern

16.0, 11.0 & 8.0 cm

Aluminium Cable Needles Aluminium Zopfnadeln


Pack of 2 needles : 2.50 & 4.00mm

Packung mit 2 Nadeln : 2,50 & 4,00mm

Cable Connectors Seilverbinder


35mm (2 Nos.) & 50mm (1 No.) length with 1 cable key

2 St. mit 35mm & 1 mit 50mm Länge mit einem Seilschlüssel


Pack of 2 needles : 6.00 & 8.00mm

Packung mit 2 Nadeln : 6.00 & 8.00mm

Wool Needles Wollnadeln


Repair Hooks Reparaturhaken


Pack of 3 needles

2.25, 2.75 & 3.25mm

Packung mit 3 Nadeln 2,25, 2,75 & 3,25mm

Symfonie Wood Cable Needles Symfonie Wood Zopfnadeln


Pack of 3 Hooks

3.50, 4.50 & 5.50mm

Packung enthält 3 Häkelnadeln 3,50, 4,50 & 5,50mm

Pack of 3 needles : 3.25, 4.00 & 5.50mm

Packung mit 3 Nadeln : 3.25, 4.00 & 5.50mm

Circular Needle Protectors (with silicon grips)

Rundnadelschutz (mit silikongriffen)


Pack of 3 Tubes for needle size upto 5.50mm / Packung enthält 3 Röhre für Nadelstärken bis zu 5,50mm

Point Protectors / Spitzenschoner


Pack of 4 Protectors

2 for needles in size 2.00 - 5.00mm

2 for needles in size 4.50 - 10.00mm

Packung mit 4 Kappen

2 für Nadelstärke 2,00 - 5,00mm

2 für Nadelstärke 4,50 - 10,00mm

Aqua Sock Blockers / Aqua Sockenspanner

Size/ Größe

Large (EU size 41+) / Groß (EU Größe 41+)

Medium (EU sizes 38.0 - 40.0) / Medium (EU Größe 38,0 - 40,0)

Small (EU sizes 35.0 - 37.5) / Klein (EU Größe 35,0 - 37,5)

NOTE: In order to improve the product performance or for any other reason, KnitPro can change the product design, component’s color, specifications, packaging, etc. without any prior notice. All product information, picture, etc. given in the catalog are for reference purpose only and the actual product offered for sale could differ on account of changes in specifications or design.

ACHTUNG: Um die Produktqualität zu wahren oder auch aus anderen Gründen, behält sich KnitPro vor das Produktdesign, Farben einzelner Bestandteile, Spezifikationen, Verpackung etc. ohne vorherige Ankündigung zu verändern. Alle im Katalog enthaltenen Produktinformationen, Abbildungen etc. dienenausschlieblich dem Ansichtszweck. Das eigentliche, zum Kauf angebotene Produkt, kann sich sowohl in den Spezifikationen als auch im Design hiervon unterscheiden.

Stainless Steel

Lace Circulars

Double Points

Single Points

Bags & Accessories

To “Be Mindful” is to be in the moment


“Knitting & the Art of Mindfulness”

The ancient art of knitting is known for its many benefits:

• Focus & rhythm of movement induces calmness

• Stress is relieved

• The Mind is free to focus on the moment

• Harmony is Felt

• Peace Results

“Discover and enjoy inner peace as your mind flows in harmony with the rhythm of your hands.”

- Betsan Corkhill, “Knit for Health & Wellness”

“We believe in “therapeutic knitting.” It has extraordinary potential to calm the mind.”

- Dr. Alberta Costa, Founder of EWE Connection

The Mindful Collection

Imagine a creative tool that helps harness the spirit of the soulful craft of knitting. Then let yourself imagine a collection of knitting needles that deliver superior performance while inspiring the knitter with soulful and soothing words.

Add to that a whole series of accessories and tools to complement those extraordinary needles and please the knitter. Well, KnitPro has created just such a treasure.

Let us introduce you to The Mindful Collection

• Lace Tip Stainless Steel Needles

• Available in Fixed & Interchangeable Circulars

• Double Point Needles

• Single Point Needles

• Plus Bags & Accessories


words are printed on each needle...

to enhance knitting peace and pleasure

Features of the collection

Superior Stainless Steel Material for a smooth knitting surface

Perfectly Crafted Tips for fine fiber work

Smooth Colour Coordinated Nylon Coated Stainless Steel Cables for no-twist Glide

Crisp & Clear Laser prints on all needles

Environmentally friendly packaging, using natural materials

Inspirational Words, printed on each needle, to enhance knitting peace and pleasure

Healthy long term effects for body and mind

Focus & rhythm of hand movement

Peace in the moment

Calm Mind

Fixed Circular Needle

25 cm (10") to 120 cm (47")

The Mindful Collection circular needles are manufactured from Stainless Steel material that is durable, long lasting, environmentally friendly & recyclable.

Inspirational words, (ex: Imagine, Believe, Focus) on each needle size, are clearly visible. The flexible stainless steel cables are encased in a teal nylon coating for ease of work and flow.

Fixed Circular Needle Specifications

Available in a full range of sizes

25cm - MM: 2.0-6.00; US: 0-10

40cm - MM: 2.0-10.00; US: 0-15

60cm to 120cm - MM: 2.0-12.00; US: 0-17

Colour Coordinated Nylon Coated Stainless Steel Cable

Memory free with no annoying twist

Needle Lengths: 25, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 (CMs) 10, 16, 24, 32, 40, 47 (Inches)

Needle tips available in three lengths: 5cm, 10cm, 13cm

Mindful words, imprinted on each needle, encourage knitters to focus on the moment.


Interchangeable Needle

10cm(4") & 13cm (5")

The Mindful Collection interchangeable circular needle tips are manufactured from Stainless Steel material that is durable, long lasting, environmentally friendly & recyclable.

Inspirational words, (ex: Imagine, Believe, Focus) on each needle size, are clearly visible.

Our Interchangeable needles have the advantage of a swivel top rotary mechanism, which ensures easy turning with no annoying twisting.

Interchangeable Circular Needle Specifications

Available in a full range of sizes

10cm (4") - MM: 3.0-10.00; US: 2.5-15

13cm (5") - MM: 3.0-12.00; US: 2.5-17

Colour Coordinated Nylon Coated Stainless Steel Cable (offered separately)

Memory free with no “annoying” twist

Needle Lengths (Incl. Cables):

10cm (4") - 40, 48, 56 (CMs) / 16, 19, 22 (Inches)

13cm (5") - 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150 (CMs) / 20, 24, 32, 40, 47, 60 (Inches)

Mindful words, imprinted on each needle, encourage knitters to focus on the moment.

LACE INTERCHANGEABLE TIPS 10cm (4") & 13cm (5")

Double Pointed Needle

15cm (6") & 20cm (8")

Knitpro continues its tribute to the mindful art of knitting with our new collection of double point needles. The convenient 15cm(6") length is ideal for socks and small circumference projects and 20cm(8") length is ideal for larger circumference projects.

An inspiring word is printed on each of the 5 needles (per size) to help keep you focused on the meditative benefit of your work.

The Mindful Collection double point needles are made of stainless steel material that is durable, long lasting, environmentally friendly & recyclable.

Double Pointed Needle Specifications

Available in a full range of sizes

15cm (6") & 20cm (8") - MM: 2.0-8.00; US: 0-11

Mindful words, imprinted on each needle, encourage knitters to focus on the moment.

DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES - 15cm (6") & 20cm (8")

Superior Stainless Steel Material for a smooth knitting

Inspirational Words, printed on each needle, to enhance knitting peace and pleasure

Perfectly Crafted Tips for fine fiber work

Single Pointed Needle

25cm (10") to 40cm (16")

For those of us who love knitting with single point needles, KnitPro has developed a complete set of Mindful Collection “straights” in a variety of favourite lengths.

Each pair of needles is imprinted with a meditative word to help encourage focus and create the peace of mind that comes from knitting.

Made of high-quality stainless steel, the satin finish is silky to the touch and ensures a smooth glide for all yarns. The teal colour coordinated wooden heads are clearly printed with mandala symbol.

Single Pointed Needle Specifications

Available in a full range of sizes

25cm (10") to 40cm (16") - MM: 2.0-12.00; US: 0-17

Mindful words, imprinted on each needle, encourage knitters to focus on the moment.


Perfectly Crafted Tips for fine fiber work

Teal colour coordinated wooden heads with mandala print

Inspirational Words, printed on each needle, to enhance knitting peace and pleasure

Interchangeable Cables in Stainless Steel

Our Stainless Steel Cables do so many things at once and they do it all so well!!

First, they are strong and flexible since they are made of finest grade stainless steel strands. The cable’s nylon coating is silky smooth and colour coordinated with The Mindful collection – a soothing teal colour. As importantly, they are memory free so there’s no annoying twisting.

Swivel Cable


20cm/8" to make 40cm/16" IC needle

28cm/11" to make 50cm/20" IC needle

35cm/14" to make 60cm/24" IC needle

56cm/22" to make 80cm/32" IC needle

76cm/30" to make 100cm/40" IC needle

94cm/37" to make 120cm/47" IC needle

126cm/49" to make 150cm/60" IC needle

Comes with 1 cable key & 2 end caps

Fixed Cable

The teal-coloured end caps, carrying the floral print, ensure that work stays put on the cable should it be necessary to remove a needle. The cable keys, used for tightening the tips to the cable, have a colour coordinated top.

The Mindful Collection Cables will work with all KnitPro needles


20cm/8" to make 40cm/16" IC needle

28cm/11" to make 50cm/20" IC needle

35cm/14" to make 60cm/24" IC needle

56cm/22" to make 80cm/32" IC needle

76cm/30" to make 100cm/40" IC needle

94cm/37" to make 120cm/47" IC needle

126cm/49" to make 150cm/60" IC needle

Comes with 1 cable key & 2 end caps

The Gratitude Set

Interchangeable Lace Needle Set 13cm

The Gratitude Set defines the word value. It includes 12 sizes of stainless steel 13cm needle tips. The stainless-steel needle tips are offered in a circular fabric case in the collection’s signature design and colours. Each secure needle compartment is size-labeled so finding or storing the right sized needle is easy.

The set’s value is further enhanced with 4 swivel cables with lifeline holes... The set also includes a large selection of accessories that are packaged in a separate zippered pouch.


Gratitude 36301

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 & 12.00

2.5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.75, 11, 13, 15 & 17

4 Swivel Cables (360 degree rotational): 1 cable of 60cm, 80cm(2nos.) & 100cm Fabric case with floral motif

6 End Caps, 4 Cable Keys, 1 pair of Cable Connectors, 1 Needle Gauge, 2 Darning Needles, 10 Locking Stitch Markers, 10 Split Stitch Markers, 30 Round Stitch Markers

Size (mm)

The Believe Set

Interchangeable Lace Needle Set 13cm

The Believe set contains the 7 most often used sizes of 13cm stainless steel interchangeable needle tips. The set is presented in a rectangular fabric case in the collection’s signature design and colours. Each secure needle compartment is size labeled, so finding or storing the right sized needle is easy. The set includes a separate zippered pouch containing 3 swivel cables and a large selection of accessories.

Size (mm)

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & 6.00

2.5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10

3 Swivel Cables (360 degree rotational): 1 cable of 60cm, 80cm & 100cm Fabric case with floral motif

4 End Caps, 2 Cable Keys, 1 pair of Cable Connectors, 1 Needle Gauge, 2 Darning Needles, 10 Locking Stitch Markers, 10 Split Stitch Markers, 30 Round Stitch Markers

The Warmth Set

Interchangeable Lace Needle Set 10cm

The Warmth set contains 11 sizes of 10cm stainless-steel interchangeable needle tips. The stainless-steel needle tips, with their perfectly shaped points, glide smoothly when paired with the included swivel cables. The set is presented in a semi-circular fabric case in the collection’s signature design and colours. Each secure needle compartment is size labeled, so finding or storing the right size needle is easy.

The set includes a separate zippered pouch containing 3 swivel cables and a large selection of accessories.


Size (mm)

3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 & 10.00

US 2.5, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10.75, 11, 13 & 15

3 Swivel Cables (360 degree rotational): 1 cable of 40cm, 48cm & 56cm

6 End Caps, 4 Cable Keys, 1 pair of Cable Connectors, 1 Needle Gauge, 2 Darning Needles, 10 Locking Stitch Markers, 10 Split Stitch Markers, 30 Round Stitch Markers

Fabric case with floral motif

The Kindness Set

Interchangeable Lace Needle Set 10cm

The Kindness set brings together 7 of the most popular sizes of 10cm interchangeable needle tips, along with 2 swivel cables, plus accessories. The stainless-steel needle tips, with their perfectly shaped points, glide smoothly when paired with the included swivel cables. Each secure needle compartment is size-labeled so finding or storing the right size needle is easy.

The kit comes in a handy rectangular fabric case in the collection’s signature design and colours. It includes a large selection of accessories that are packaged in a separate zippered pouch.


3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50 & 6.00

4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10

2 Swivel Cables (360 degree rotational): 1 cable of 40cm & 56cm



Fabric case with floral motif

End Caps,
Cable Keys, 1 pair of Cable Connectors, 1 Needle Gauge, 2 Darning Needles, 10 Locking Stitch Markers, 10 Split Stitch Markers, 30 Round Stitch Markers

The Explore Set

Fixed Circular Lace Needle Set 25cm

This set contains 8 popular sized stainless steel fixed circular needles with 25cm length. These needles are perfect for smaller circumference projects, such as socks or hats. Each needle is safely secured in size-labeled separate compartments, so storing and finding the right size needle is easy.

The kit comes in our unique triangular shaped case that opens flat. It includes a large selection of accessories that are packaged in a separate triangular shaped zippered pouch that fits inside the larger case.

Metric Size (mm)

US Size


Explore 36320

2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 & 6.00

Packaging 0, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 10 Fabric case with floral motif


Needle Gauge, 2 Darning Needles, 10 Locking Stitch Markers, 10 Split Stitch Markers, 30 Round Stitch Markers, Pair of Scissors

The Grateful Set

Double Pointed Needle Set 15cm

KnitPro honours the meditative art of knitting with this set of seven 15cm stainless-steel double point needles in sizes 2-5mm. Each 5-needle set is securely held in place in size-labeled compartments, so storing and finding the right size needle is easy.

The kit comes in a handy rectangular fabric case and includes a large selection of accessories that are packaged in a separate zippered pouch.

Grateful 36331

2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 & 5.00

0, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 7 & 8

US Size
Metric Size (mm)
Fabric case with floral motif
1 Needle Gauge, 2 Darning Needles, 10
Locking Stitch Markers, 10 Split Stitch Markers, 10 Round Stitch Markers

Sterling Silver Plated Metal

Needle Gauge

Beautiful flower shape complements the look and colour of the Collection

Sterling Silver Plated in premium satin finish

Accurately sized and spaced holes ensure correct needle measurement

Conveniently sized to fit into tote or case

Packaged in cotton drawstring bag

Code: 36631

Sterling Silver Plated Chakra Stitch Markers

This set of Chakra symbol silver plated stitch markers reinforce the charm of the Mindful Collection.

Finely finished smooth rings fit easily and securely on needles

Grouped in sets of 10, in different diameters, to accommodate needle width

Packaged in a multi-purpose drawstring fabric pouch.

Code: 36632

Teal Wooden Darning Needles

Set of teal coloured darning needles made from high-density laminated wood

Offered in pack of 2 small & 2 large needles that handle all sewing needs

Packaged in reusable cylindrical natural wood case, that is printed with the Mandala symbol

Code: 36635

The Mindful Markers - Mega Pack

Super value Mega Pack contains 100 teal coloured stitch markers

Five sets of 20 per shape: locking, split and 3 different ring sizes

Packaged in a drawstring cotton case.

Code: 36633

The Teal Retractable Tape Measure

The teal-coloured wooden case tape measure is the ideal complement to the Mindful Collection’s needles and accessories.

The serene lotus design on the front is a reminder of the Collection’s beauty.

The 150cm (60") interior tape measure is smoothly retracted by pressing

Code: 36634

Rainbow Folding Scissors

Pretty Colourful scissors with a shiny metal finish

Scissors conveniently fold down for protection from sharp points

Safely stored in soft drawstring pouch

Ideal for bags, totes & travel

Code: 36646

The Mindful Knit Blockers

Easy to use, these mandala-decorated blockers speed up the blocking process.

Sturdy, rust resistant stainless steel pins anchor knitting for easy blocking.

The gradient shades of the signature teal colour helps to customize blocking shapes.

Packaged in its own colour coordinated

Code: 36650

The Teal Row Counter

Helps keep track of rows

Easy to see numbers

Teal coloured case with coordinating mandala design on top

Packaged in drawstring cotton case

Code: 36648

The Mindful Tote Bag

Beautiful & well-designed bag complements The Mindful Collection in colour and style

Larger size accommodates big projects and tools

Multiple inside pockets for organised storage

Separate compartments to keep needles & other notions safely stored

An interior snap hook keeps keys, and needed items, close at hand

Sturdy teal coloured long shoulder straps make it easy to carry.

Dimension: 36cm(H) X 30cm(W) X 12cm(D)

Code: 36661

The Twin Circular Bags

Handy pair of bags that complement The Mindful Collection theme

Offered in two useful sizes in circular shape

Multiple inside pockets for smart storage

Comes with a long strap for ease of carrying


Large - 22cm(H) X 22cm(W) X 8cm(D)

Small - 10cm(H) X 10cm(W) X 4cm(D)

Code: 36663


25cm(H) X 16cm(W) X 8cm(D)

Code: 36662

Circular Needle

Needle Packaging

Responsible Packaging: Using only eco-friendly paper and cotton materials that can be used and reused many times

Colour Coordinated & Identifiable for easy brand recognition

“Windows” on pack make words & needle size easy to read

Packaging has cut out hole for easy in-store display

Accessories Packaging

protective reusable draw-string

Helps keep the product secure

Premium way to offer products

The KnitPro Philosophy

KnitPro was created from a vision that was nurtured by our founder during the time he spent in California & Michigan in the 1960’s & 70’s.

In a reflection of his value system, he was determined to create a just & righteous organisation that espoused the fair treatment of women.

Today, it is a family honoured enterprise that supports over 1000 employees. KnitPro is proud to be an inclusive company that supports the rights of all its workers and contributes to the education of their families.

A strong advocate of women’s fair wage employment, the family owned company is located in an eco-compliant facility in Jaipur, India.

We are proud of the 380 women on our team

Who create magic along with our knitting needles

It is their laughter and passion

That make our products sparkle

The KnitPro family

We dine together We arrive together

We dance & celebrate together

We care for each other

We nurture dreams at the village school

They aspire to be musicians & artists

Discover Life

Be Mindful

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