Solutions to Fund Your Future.

With a laser focus on expertise, quality, and relationships, CTA strives to deliver tax credit results you would expect from a large firm, while providing the focused attention you would get from a small one. Our goal is to provide you with expert advice, accurate results, and a lasting relationship.
“CTA has been a tremendous help for Tamarack Grove and what we do each year. My firm is all about relationships and they run theirs the same way.”
- Brian Sielaff, CEO Tamarack Grove Engineers Research + Design Client
Our firm is recognized as one of the leading firms in our industry throughout the nation. By combining our expertise, experience, and the energy of our staff, each client receives close, personal, enthusiastic, and professional attention. Our high standards, service, and specialized staff make all the difference when comparing CTA to other firms. We make sure that every client is served by the expertise of not only their personal account manager, but our entire firm.
Since 2003, Mike Woeber and Dawson Fercho have been delivering Research tax credit services to companies in all industries across the United States. In 2014, we realized that highly specialized tax services had become more transactional and less client focused, prompting us to form our own company, CTA. Our new company was founded on the principal of becoming an extension of our clients’ tax advisory team by bringing measurable value to them. That value is delivered when our clients realize a tax benefit for a reasonable cost.
• 12-year average R&D experience within senior project staff
• Senior Staff involved in all R&D study analysis’
• 325 A/E industry clients
• $43 million annual research tax credits
• 12% of our clients within ENR 500 List
• Industry associations – Sponsors, Speakers, Writers, Bloggers
• Zweig Group, PSMJ, EFCG, ACEC, AEC Advisors, LLC, DBIA, AIA/States
CEO and President
VP of Business Development
VP of Operations
Vikki Johnson, CPA
R&D Consultant
Director of Engineering
The R&D Tax Credit helps companies of all sizes underwrite the cost of innovation. Although manufacturing and technology companies have historically reaped the greatest benefit, virtually any company that designs, develops, or improves a product or process may be eligible, including engineering, architecture, and construction companies.
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Georgia has been ranked #1 for businesses since 2012. As of 2019, over 40 state and local tax credits are available to Georgia-based companies. The Job Tax Credit and Quality Job Tax Credit programs are the most aggressive and lucrative tax credits available. These tax credit programs allow companies to offset 100% of their state withholding tax liability.
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This deduction allows a company to deduct energyefficient commercial building improvements to mechanical and electrical systems. Under the preBudget Act law, this deduction didn’t apply to property in service after 12-31-2016 but has been extended to apply to property placed in service before 1-1-2018.
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This study allocates construction or acquisition costs to specific categories – maximizing accelerated depreciation for qualifying building components. The shorter the depreciation period, the more significant tax savings are realized. This study also increases your sales tax exemptions, lowers your property taxes, and provides the basis for your property records system.
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