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3. Stage a stunt or action

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You need the public and decision-makers to sit up and take your election campaigning message on board but, even with the internet and 24-hour news, you’re finding it difficult to attract any notice. Jim Densham, our campaigns manager in Scotland recommends eye-catching stunt action, and offers some tips on going about it creatively and effectively.

a. What is a stunt or action?

A stunt is a headline-grabbing, focussed event designed to send a message to the public and decision-makers. They can be big and complicated, such as a mass cycle ride, or small and quick, e.g. hanging a banner in public or a photocall outside parliament.

We don’t recommend extreme stunts or protests, such as chaining yourself to railings or climbing buildings, or actions involving a high level of danger – imagine the risk assessment! And please don’t break the law.

b. Objectives

An effective stunt or action should:

• Make a visual impression. You want to turn heads, generating photos and film that attract attention in the media or on social media. • Be relevant. For media attention, you need a ‘hook’, something that makes the story timely or urgent. • Be innovative. Again, to pique media interest and excite public notice, choose something people can’t miss, something they haven’t seen before. The media gets bored with the same old story.

• Tell your campaign message. Design the stunt or action so that’s it’s easily understandable and relevant to what you want to put across. • Account for your audience. Make decision-makers notice and grasp your message.

c. What to consider

• Location – mostly, stunts and actions are held outside or in a public place, and where it’s relevant to the message, such as: • Where the decision-makers are, e.g. outside the town hall • Where the problem(s) is/are, e.g. to illustrate where a new cycle lane is needed • An iconic or recognisable place locally. • Timing • If possible, time your action to coincide with another event, e.g. a conference, election or council meeting. • You can’t control the weather, but a sunny day makes all the difference –alternatively, a well-lit night-time action can look fantastic. • Lunchtime or a weekend may well attract more supporters. • Permissions – depending on the location, check whether you need permission from the council, police or other party, e.g. for a gathering or mass bike ride. • Supporters – decide if you want supporters to attend (none, a few, or as many as possible). A diverse group is preferable, and the media love to feature children at events. • Invitations – do you want to invite decision-makers to attend to hear your message or, for example, to receive a petition? • Press release – tell the local or national media when, where and why you’re staging the stunt. (See sections 4 and 5 on media relations). • Props – placards, visuals, inflatables, costumes – anything to display prominently, add colour, attract attention, look good in a photo, turn heads or make people smile. Be creative. Use humour if relevant. • Noise – megaphone and whistles – make some noise to attract attention. Think up some catchy chants.

• Photos and film: • Phone photos are great, but a professional photographer will take good quality shots. Ensure you take photos of any politicians, celebrities or decision-makers who support the campaign – preferably standing by a banner, placard or prop. (See section 4 for more on photos). • A film can take your campaign to another level – short clips on a phone can be good for social media. Film some brief interviews with supporters or decisionmakers too. • Social media – use the social media outlets you control and ask supporters to share: • Live tweets – try to get your action trending immediately on social media • Hashtag – create a simple hashtag for twitter and social media. (See section 5 for more on social media) • Follow-up: • Tell the decision-makers what happened, the impact and your message. • Tell your supporters what happened. • Use your photos and film in your future communications.

d. Examples of stunts, actions and photocalls

• Mass gatherings – e.g. outside parliament, council offices or other location where the decision-makers are. During COP26 in Glasgow, GoBike supporters lined the streets to the venue with cyclists highlighting the slogan ‘This Machine Fights Climate Change’ . • Mass cycle ride – along the lines of Cycle on the Senedd8 or a Kidical Mass ride.

9 • Petition handover – an organised event to hand over any signatures you’ve collected. • Photocall – a visually strong action to attract press photographers. • Banners/props – display safely in public. • Light projection – project visuals onto a building or structure (see left). 10 • A pop-up installation – e.g. a pedestrian crossing (but somewhere safe). • A vigil – to show respect and highlight road danger.

8 http://cardiffcyclecity.org/campaigns/cycle-on-the-senedd/ 9 facebook.com/KidicalMass/ 10 cyclinguk.org/cop26-cycling-fights-climate-change

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