1 minute read

Suggested itineraries

Here are our suggested overnight stopping points to help you plan your trip. Total distances

Suggested itineraries

Route options Total distance (km) Total ascent (m) Coastal option via Ramsgate, including Winchelsea loop 250 2064 Coastal option via Ramsgate 234 1983 Inland option via Minster, including Winchelsea loop 236 1869 Inland option via Minster 220 1788

Coastal option via Ramsgate, including Winchelsea loop

Two nights – 60km per day Margate Folkestone Rye Distance from start (km) Cumulative ascent (m) 62 589

126 1376

190 2091

Three nights – 90km per day Distance from start (km) Cumulative ascent (m) Sandwich 90 909 Lydd 177 1656

Inland option via Minster, including Winchelsea loop

Two nights – 60km per day Distance from start (km) Cumulative ascent (m) Minster 63 627 Hythe

Rye 123 175 1300 1509

Three nights – 90km per day Distance from start (km) Cumulative ascent (m) Deal 83 701 Lydd 161 1434

Through the EXPERIENCE project, Cycling UK has developed several cycle hub locations in Kent, including Wye, Canterbury and Dover. We are supporting hospitality businesses in these hub locations and along the Cantii Way route to become accredited Cycle Friendly Places, so you know you will be greeted with a warm welcome and everything you need.


Explore more of Kent by bike

As well as accredited Cycle Friendly Places, we have also developed promoted day routes in each cycle hub location. Why not stay a little longer and explore more of the area?

Discover the routes at experience.cyclinguk.org/kent

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