Big Bike Revival Data Agreement: 2022 At Cycling UK, we are responsible to protect the people we are collecting personal data from. As a Grant funding recipient of the Big Bike Revival programme, you have agreed to collect personal data on our behalf and have that same level of responsibility; to protect the people you are collecting personal data from. It is essential that you and anyone who has access that personal data understands how to handle, store, and return it appropriately, in line with Cycling UK’s policies and procedures, and with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal data information is held at Cycling UK within the organisation and as a recipient of Grant funding, you must not share this information outside your organisation, send it by any means to any third party, share it in general conversation or use it for your own purposes whilst in your role or once your role has ended. As a Grant funding recipient and Big Bike Revival delivery partner it is your responsibility to ensure that the personal data collected as part of the Big Bike Revival programme is kept securely stored, handled according to the guidelines and returned by the secure method as set out by Cycling UK. The personal data you must collect according to this agreement will be from every participant that has attended every event. Specifically, you agree to collect is: • Participants personal data: Name, Email address, Consent Additionally, you must provide the following event information: • Events dates • Head count: number of people reached, engaged with, or promoted too • Bikes fixed (If applicable) Please read through the details below and confirm that you will comply to these conditions. Once your agreement is received you will be allowed to deliver the Big Bike Revival programme. • You have received your personal ‘online Data Sheet’ and you are accepting responsibility for the safe handling, storing, and returning of all participants personal data as a legal entity of Cycling UK. • Participants personal data will only be collected, handled, stored and returned to Cycling UK for the sole purpose of evaluating the Big Bike Revival programme. • Any physical copies of participants personal data will be securely destroyed upon return to Cycling UK. • Your personal online ‘Data Sheet’ will be kept in a password protected cloud storage format. • No back-up copies of participants personal data will be kept either locally or in a cloud storage environment by the Grant funding recipient. • Participants personal data will not be passed onto any other person(s) or third party. • By receiving the ‘online Data Sheet’ you are accepting responsibility for the safe keeping, handling and returning as a legal entity of Cycling UK.
Todays date: Thursday, 14 April 2022 I have read and I agree to comply with the above terms and conditions. Double click the field below to sign.
X Print your name: Print your organisation;