1 minute read

RIDE Support Resources – Setbacks Cutout

My bike was stolen

I tried to make a local journey using maps and got totally lost

I tried to make a local journey using a route planning app and got totally lost

I had a fall or near miss

An angry motorist shouted at me and blared their horn

I got totally soaked in the rain

The wind on my return journey made my cycle home a real slog

My route took you a lot longer to my destination than I thought it would

I went to get my bike out for a short journey and the tyre was flat

I didn’t feel safe cycling on my last journey

My chain broke I just couldn’t make it up a steep hill

RIDE Support Resources –Shift up, Shift Down! (Snakes and Ladders)

Participant numbers: 2–4

Materials needed: A print out of the game – works best at A3 or larger. Playing pieces. Single dice.

The game can be a good ice breaker or starting point to talk about things that set us back on cycling locally and things that encourage us. Use different scenarios to discuss how someone would overcome those obstacles.

NOTE: Green cycle path goes up, red path goes down Encourage participants to come up with their own examples of what encourages them and what challenges them.

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