CycleInk Autumn 2020

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CHAIRMAN / PRESIDENT: Julian James VICE CHAIRMAN - Vacant SECRETARY: Henrietta Howarth MINUTES SECRETARY: Alan Baker TREASURER: Mike Walsh AUDITOR: Ralph Huckle KITMASTER: Steve Cottenham WEBSITE & COMPLIANCE: Keith Matthews RIGHT TO RIDE: Paul Turner CYCLE TRAINING: Steve Gray 07710 201358 Cycle Ink EDITOR: Shawn Shaw Elected at the Annual General Meeting in October our committee meets four times a year and co-ordinates the group’s cycling activities and the clubruns of the various sections. Next Zoom committee meeting: 11th November 2020 t’s just a bike ride, I’ve heard said, from the keen and the disparaging. One talks of a dash about, another of many miles done. Usually they reference time; it need be quickly done. ouring whether for weeks or for a day out has more to it. A plan, preparedness is needed: an objective to be met: structure to be inbuilt. My kind of Bike Ride . . . Club or solo. imply constructed a Club Ride lists a start place, a coffee break and the stops beyond. Riders travail through interesting and memorable areas with panoramic beauty the reward. In valleys, the views veiled, the closeness brought of high hedges and dry stone walling brings tight-up kerbside concentration on the often overlooked. The plan can change along the way. Curiosity sparked, take the time, stop to see. From off Bulbarrow the view, massive and absorbing, gives depth to Blackmore Vale. There’s Alfred’s Tower; and over there The Dorset Gap! Church towers punctuate the patchwork; rape seed gold and flax blue offset green grazing and tan thatch. ot always in view. Moisture: humid risings off the valley floor gathered in a wistful mist: clouds blown bowl along, rise, relieving weight, spitting. A swirling backwash of translucent grey for the giant oaks, the wayside flowers, a radio mast. Perhaps the Cross showing in Rawlsbury Camp ancient rings shades the changes through time’s fog as fort, execution site, preaching mound. n good days butterflies, birds and four legged beasties are fleetingly glimpsed. Donned in Cycling Yellow the flighty bugs will come to you! o see seasons coloured: migrant birds return, nest & go: the cycle of growth through to harvest: wildlife. Touching living ways: a bike ride. Cycle Ink is the Newsletter of CTC Wessex Cycling, a Member Group of Cycling UK (Cyclists’ Touring Club) Views expressed in articles are personal to the writer and not necessarily those of the organisation. The deadline for contributions for the following quarters Cycle Ink :1st Dec 2020 Send your contributions to:

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A Member Group of Cyclists’ Touring Club You may be aware that the Financial and Reporting Year-End date for Member Groups is to move forthwith from 30 September to 31 March. The company (Cyclists’ Touring Club) has already approved a concomitant change for itself. As a result we, as a Member Group, are not required to submit either Annual Accounts or an Annual Report made up to 30 September this year, and our AGM scheduled for 28 October has been postponed to a date not later than 31 May next year. Had the AGM scheduled for 31 October not been postponed, it would have been held via Zoom. Whether the rearranged AGM next year is held as a face-to-face meeting, or via Zoom, will be decided by the Group Committee nearer the time. If you wish to raise any matter arising from the above changes, please do this by e-mail to Alan Baker, Minute Secretary to the Group Committee, CTC Wessex Cycling Member Group. e-mail address:

Alan Baker, Minutes Secretary to the Group Committee

Editor’s note: the Committee Meeting scheduled for 13 May 2020 did not take place. The last Meeting, held on 19 August 2020, was successfully held via the ZOOM video conferencing application.


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has revised it’s guidance on group riding in England following changes to regulations and guidance on outdoor exercise with effect from 14 September. The changes introduce a legal limit on gatherings of more than six people from multiple households in England. In England, there is still an exemption for organised sports and activities allowing activities involving more than six people. This involves individual sports bodies submitting an action plan for approval by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, with all recreational clubs relying upon that exemption being legally required to develop a written Covid-19 plan and risk assessment prior to activity. Given the nature of the requirements on clubs and participants, and that any failure to comply by either is, from 14 September, a criminal offence rather than non-compliance with guidance as it was previously,

Cycling UK can no longer advise groups that they can rely on the organised activity exemption. Accordingly, our advice is that group rides in England should be restricted to a maximum of six participants. However, multiple groups of six are permissible, as long as these groups do not come into contact with one another. Cycling UK’s advice in England is aimed at member groups and those arranging or participating in other informal group rides. It is likely that some professional and other event organisers may continue to organise events involving more than six people, and it will be for organisers of those events to satisfy themselves that they can comply with the relevant sports activity exemptions.

By Rob Kingston, Communications Officer, CUK Cycle Ink #198


To have your hard copy of Cycle Ink, the Club runs-list and newsletter, sent by post

Subscribe online at select “Subscribe” and complete the form. The cost for receiving Cycle Ink for 1 year (4 issues) is £2.50 or £5.00 for 2 years (8 issues) toward the postage and handling expenses.

-ORPay £2.50 / £5.00 direct to: CTC Wessex at Lloyds Bank sort code: 30 80 89 account number: 23925060 and confirm by e-mail, giving your name and mailing address to:

-ORCycle Ink Subscription Form complete this form clearly and, together with your cheque, mail it to:Mike Walsh, 17 Grove Gardens, Southbourne Road, Bournemouth. BH6 3QJ

Name:___________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ Town:_________________________ Post Code:_________ E-mail address:____________________________________ Signed:__________________________Date:____________ CTC/CUK Membership number:________________________


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Runs Notes: Sunday Inters Stephanie has taken on the roll of co-ordinator for the Inters from Tristam who has fallen ill soon after assuming Colin’s duties. Best wishes Tritram for a full & swift recovery. For further details on the next session of outings please refer to:

Sunday Pedalers & Thursday Dawdlers If more than 6 riders turn up at the start, it is suggested 2 groups are formed to be widely spaced on the road. Some cafes will be operating under the restrictions in place. This may mean ‘off-sales’ only. Best bring your own supplies for a stop en route. I would be grateful if any leader would let me know if they do not wish to take their ride as listed in the published programme. I hope the above will allow us to get back to some semblance of normal and to meet up again. Yours on two wheels

Jim McD

Thursday Riders With the current Cycling UK advice there are 2 rides listed for most Thursdays this quarter. Group numbers are currently restricted to a maximum of 6 people to each group. The details of the proposed ride(s) will be sent out by email each week asking who would like to join, on a 1st come 1st served basis. No leaders have been included on the list. Volunteers to lead will be very welcome from amongst our registered leaders. To join the email list please contact me via the website. Hope this is ok for everyone.

Cathy C

Thursday Rouleurs The position of ride section co-ordinator remains vacant and no list has been published for the coming quarter. The website will be kept updated

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Sunday Rouleurs In line with the guidance for group riding, group sizes will revert to a maximum of six. For the foreseeable future we will be maintaining two starts: 1. Wimborne Square - 09.30 2. Hurn Stores - 09.00 Whilst the cafes remain open, the Wimborne Square group will be heading eitherto: ● Cranborne Garden Centre, ● The Sticky Bun at Woolvercroft, or ● Bridges in Fordingbridge. I will continue to lead the Wimborne Square start and the rides will be on a first come first served basis by notification to me by Email, text or WhatsApp before 6pm on the day before the ride. For the Hurn Stores start, the ride is only CUK sanctioned if a registered ride leader is present (which I understand is normally the case). If you haven’t ridden with us since the re-start, then please send your phone contact details and emergency contact details to the ride leader before joining the ride.

Rob Ward

Tuesday Toasters The Ride Group size again reverts to a maximum of six. We will continue departing Wimborne Square at 09.30 every Tuesday, I expect to ride most weeks and will lead one group of six on a first come first served basis by notification by email, text or Whatsapp message to me before 6pm the day before the ride. A second group will be considered, however to qualify as a CTC ride then a registered ride leader must volunteer to lead prior to the ride, and the ride will be timed to start at 09.20. If you haven’t ridden with us since the re-start, then please send your phone contact details and emergency contact details to the ride leader before joining the ride.

Rob Ward


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Basic Maintenance Workshop

Steve Coombes, an experienced trainer and cycle mechanic, will deliver a basic maintenance workshop on a weekday evening in B’m’th/Poole. He will cover punctures, snapped chain, broken spoke, checking and adjusting brakes, gears, saddle, handlebars, headset, wheel hubs and bearing. Cost £20. For more details and booking contact

Saturday BunRuns A full programme of rides is proposed in the runs list for the next quarter. Please check the latest status at: Our usual e-mail reminder will be sent. RSVP if you intend to join the ride. In the unusual circumstance that there are more than 6 riders attending we will split into appropriate sized groups. Please forward your track & trace info via the e-mail on the BunRun webpage. Leaders are welcome to select a ride and may volunteer via the website. Tony and Colin have started leading BunRuns. A new ride section co-ordinator will be required for 2021

Shawn S

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Canada to Mexico? . . . Not this year, but something teve and I should have been riding the Sierra Cascades route down the USA from Canada to Mexico at this time but cancelled flights, contrary government travel advice and almost inevitable double quarantine were a little off putting. It would be a wasted opportunity not to at least attempt something so this is what we have come up with. Our plan is to ride from Steve’s place in Lancaster to Lizard Point, then across to Lowestoft, onward North to Dunnet Head, Southwest to Ardnamurchan and finally return to Lancaster, thereby riding between the Northerly, Southerly, Easterly and Westerly extremities of the British mainland (not quite in that order). We may yet be stopped by local lockdowns, accommodation difficulties or even contracting the dreaded Covid but we will at least give it our best shot. Here is an outline of our route and over the page a picture of Steve and me from a previous trip, back in 2016, with the tandem bike we will be using for this trip. Our progress may be followed at - We hope to raise some funds for Vision Of Adventure, for which there is a fundraising page here: Vision of Adventure is a charity offering outdoor activities (including rock climbing, canoeing, caving, cycling and triathlon') for visually impaired adults. Any contributions would be most gratefully received. For the avoidance of any doubt, Steve and I are funding our trip entirely ourselves - all monies contributed to the charity remain with the charity.


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Hopefully we will have some interesting (?) tales to tell along the way. I intend to post to the blog occasionally, rather than every day. Starting the trip around midday on 1st September 2020 we hope to complete the 2,300 or so miles before the end of September. We are under way at last. I drove to Lancaster with the tandem this morning and Steve and I set out from his place at about 12:40. We had one quite awkward steep and cobbled cycleway section down to the river Ribble near Preston but apart from that it has been great. 73Km done, about 690Km to go to get to the Lizard Point. Answers to FAQs: Yes, he is pedalling on the back – if we had £1 for every time someone has shouted out “the guy on the back isn’t pedalling” we would both be rich men! No, we don’t swap places on the bike – Steve is visually impaired so I go on the front.

By Graham Dore Cycle Ink #198


Packing for a trip? Touring Requisites 1897 style

Supplied via Keith M (from Pete &Pat Aldridge)


Cycle Ink #198

Much overnight rain. Optimistic. Sure enough, it gradually dried up to give us a lovely sunny afternoon. It has been a great ride, initially through the Shropshire hills, then along the river Lugg for a good while and finally aside the Wye Valley to Ross on Wye. Who would have thought river valleys making downstream could be so hilly! I suggested to Steve that we build a raft and float down the Wye to avoid the last monster hill up an over into Ross but he wasn't having any of it We have covered 133Km but with 1600m of ascent!

A Better Weather Day Cycle Ink #198


by Graham Dore

CTC WESSEX CYCLING RUNSLIST We organise gentle and more demanding group rides each week - to suit most tastes. Each group has a different style and meets different needs. * * * For beginners, and those returning to cycling after a long break - No membership required. ll ABOARD TO BURLEY. Every Saturday along a route intended for beginners yet attracting cyclists from all disciplines and all abilities as a social activity. There is no designated leader and no back up provided. Start 09:00 at Waitrose Supermarket, Christchurch or just make your own way to the Old Farmhouse Tearooms, Burley for 10:00 ( Contact Terry Walsh on 01202247888 for more details) * * * For an introduction to club riding: EDAL SUNDAY. The runs are approximately 30 to 50 miles, depending on the season, at an easy pace suitable for solos and tandems where the beautiful scenery can be appreciated. With stops for morning coffee, a picnic lunch and occasionally an afternoon cake stop group members will make you most welcome and be very happy to natter on matters cycling.




HURSDAY DAWDLERS Rides are at a modest pace but don't really dawdle. Most members are seniors but all are welcome. The members share an interest in the countryside, coast, buildings and views. The ride stops at cafes for elevenses and tea but members always carry their own picnic lunch. * * * Moderate Paced UESDAY TOASTERS. A 20 to 25 mile ride from Wimborne Square to Blandford using quiet roads at the pace of the slowest riders, making it ideal for newcomers to group cycling.


HURSDAY RIDERS. This group aims to provide moderately paced sociable rides of approximately 40 to 50 miles using minor roads, to explore Dorset and the New Forest. We stop for coffee, picnic or pub lunch and often afternoon tea. A good friendly day on the bike


ATURDAY BunRuns are for improvers: those looking to extend their touring range wherever the road may lead. 50 mile at a moderate pace (av 13mph) up hill, down dale stopping once for coffee & cake. * * * Medium Paced HE “INTERS” are a happy go lucky bunch who look forward to Sunday rides of 60-80 miles in the winter and 80+ during the summer enjoying sociable stops for morning coffee, lunch (own packed or pub/cafe where available) and for afternoon cake. A group with a fairly wide range of ages and abilities there is a relaxed attitude should a break "go off the front." Occasional weekend trips are organised too. * * * Somewhat quicker HE SATURDAY Velos and both ROULEURS groups take their riding that bit more seriously and produce a quicker riding experience whilst still taking in the joys of being ‘tourists’. Destinations: Coffee only Sat & Sun, while Thurs lunches and on occasions raises the bar to 100+miles for the day.



The Autism has Bikeability project, has provided bicycles, tricycles, safety gear, bicycle maintenance equipment and a wheels workshop for 84 children with autism and other difficulties. The equipment and workshop have been used every day since the opening. CTC Wessex and Rob Ward in particular continue to be involved and are kindly tutoring teaching staff basic skills to keep the bikes etc fit for purpose.

Hope for Food is a local charity based in Bournemouth set up and run entirely by Volunteers. The organisation was founded by Claire Matthews in 2012 with the aim of providing life’s basic essentials on a day to day basis to people in need of help due to the current economic climate. Originally we operated the soup kitchen from the Winter Garden’s car park in Bournemouth town but in 2014 after a the death of 42-year-old man in the doorway of Richmond Hill St Andrew’s the church offered to assist. Hope for Food’s mission is to assist men, women and children in Bournemouth and the surrounding areas, who are either homeless or living in poverty, by providing fresh food at our soup kitchens and hampers of food, good quality clothing, bedding and household goods, where needed. We aim to preserve the dignity of those we help and treat everyone with the utm respect, without judgement. We help anyone who reaches out to us in need.

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n the 2020 Spring Issue #196 we paid tribute to David Birch by re-printing his piece from 2015 on looking about as you go with a friendly tilt at wind vanes. The idea caught the imagination of Chris Brown who sought out this iron artwork adding his finds to the FB page. Others added theirs from near and far and so . . . ‘Birching’ was main stream and a respectable pursuit for the touring cyclist. After a long layoff I was out and about in the lanes and hamlets and found myself on the vane chase, or ‘Birching’.

The fighting cock, spurred and calling, is from the Drax estate. The Lady Swineherd and her charges are to be seen in Shapwick. Cowgrove is home to the National Trust badge. However birching was not always this much fun . . .

Shawn, words & pics 20

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This sections outlines all BCP Council Funding.

(Local Enterprise Partnership)


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The specifics on Emergency Active Travel Fund Low Traffic Neighbourhoods include Modal Filters. This Oakdale area is the first whole area suggestion, details here.

The symbols: Red- Modal Filter restricting through motor traffic, Green- Existing through route for Cycles and Pedestrians, Yellow- Possible perhaps difficult to ensure. BUS Grey Route – for new Bus, Cycles and Pedestrians only. Emergency Measures to Support Active Travel are being introduced across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole funded by the Government’s Emergency Active Travel Funding. Prioritising walking and cycling, as contained in the Local Transport Plan, also helps to contribute towards tackling the council’s declared climate emergency and to enable people to make journeys to work, to school, and for leisure, by bicycle instead of using cars or public transport.

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Evening Hill Trial BCP Council has introduced a protected cycle lane up Evening Hill. The trial started on Tuesday 14 July 2020 and will be in place for 6 months. The new protected cycle lane will help users cycle more safely along this busy road, and hopefully encourage visitors and residents to use their bikes to travel to and from the beach, as well as cycling along the coast. It is a small length of parking lost comparing the parking in Shore Road and Banks Road from East Dorset Sailing Club to North Haven Yacht Club, almost a mile! Details of the scheme:

Darby's Lane BCP Council has introduced an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to prioritise cycling in Darby's Lane at the junction with Wimborne Road (New Inn Junction). This is to create a safer environment to travel to and through the area on foot or by bicycle. The works are planned to be implemented the week commencing 17 August 2020. Details of the scheme: � Darby’s Lane will be closed to all motor traffic at the junction with Wimborne Road and Fernside Road (the New Inn Junction).


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● Motor vehicles will no longer be able to exit Darby's Lane onto Wimborne Road or Fernside Road. Vehicular access to adjacent businesses and residential roads will not be affected. ● The closure will be carried out using timber planters and appropriate signage, which will still allow people walking or cycling to get through. The traffic signals timing will be adjusted at the New Inn junction and the Dorchester Road junction to account for the change in traffic flows.

Whitecliff Road BCP are introducing an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to prioritise walking and cycling on Whitecliff Road at Keyhole Bridge (between Poole Park and Whitecliff Park). This is to create a safer environment to travel to and through the area on foot or by bicycle. The works are planned to be implemented the week commencing 17 August 2020. Details of the scheme: ● Whitecliff Road will be closed to all motor traffic at Keyhole Bridge to prioritise walking and cycling in the area. ● The closure applies to motorised traffic only, so people will still be able to walk and cycle under Keyhole Bridge. ● The closure will be carried out using timber planters placed either side of Keyhole Bridge.

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● Motor traffic can park in Copse Close. Motor traffic travelling from Whitecliff can access Poole Park via the Park Gates entrance, opposite the Civic Centre. ● Motor traffic travelling from Poole Park towards Whitecliff can travel through Twemlow Avenue/Orchard Avenue. Victoria Park Road BCP Council has introduced an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) to create a low traffic neighbourhood in Victoria Park. An experimental junction closure will be implemented on Victoria Park Road, between the junctions with Oates Road and Namu Road, to reduce through traffic and create a safer environment for people to cycle and walk through the area. The works are planned to be implemented the week commencing 17 August 2020. Details of the scheme ● The closure will be carried out using bollards and timber planters, along with appropriate signage.

● The closure applies to motorised traffic only, so people will still be able to walk and cycle through. ● Access to properties will be maintained and the scheme will not include the full pedestrianisation of streets. ● There will be no loss of parking spaces.

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BCP council intend to review these temporary measures in early 2021. A full report on the findings and outcomes of the ETRO will be presented to the Council’s Cabinet, who will make a decision on whether the changes should be made permanent, retained (with minor alterations), or removed. The experimental order can also be maintained for further review, up to a maximum period of 18 months.

Your views are important to BCP and they want to hear from those who live in, work in or visit the area. Give your views on the changes and how they affect you. This process is anonymous. You can give feedback using the online form throughout the trial period at this website: BCP council will undertake a review after six months. Comments received by 21 February 2021 will be considered as part of that review. Any representations received may be made public. Written objections and support will be considered by the council before deciding whether or not to make the experimental measures permanent.

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Social Media response to roads in COVID Era – The most important section- What can you contribute? There is a procurement process going on internally now, this may take time. The platform below is live and taking your suggestions now on: ● Cycleway, ● Footway, ● Road closure (Modal Filter). You can also upvote something else, Please add your reasons and comments and we will share this with all BCP officers.

BPC Cycling & Walking Officers Report Current Schemes. ● Wallisdown Road Phase 1 Bournemouth University Talbot Campus to Wallisdown Crossroads is almost complete. ● Ferndown-Wallisdown-Poole corridor. A preliminary design is under consideration. Works will hopefully start late 2020 or early 2021. ● Beechy Road Zebra crossing – complete.

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● Portchester Road. Cycle exemption to no entry restriction largely complete. ● Boundary Roundabout – an online exhibition of the proposals will take place in the near future and the forum will be notified as soon as a date has been fixed. ● Townside Access – work has commenced at the Twin Sails junction. ● Progress is being made on a number of zebra crossings. Two in Poole Lane are being advertised and crossings are due to be installed in West Hill and Broadway Lane later this summer. ● Holes Bay – some design work is underway. A survey of pedestrian and cycle traffic is to take place imminently. COVID 19 ● Various measures, e.g. widened footways are now being delivered. ● Officers are currently working their way through over 600 suggestions to identify those with the greatest potential. A number of factors are being used in the assessment including the potential to increase cycling, as well as accident history and access to educational establishments. Beryl Bikes Christchurch The ‘invitation to tender’ to provide a Bike Share service in Christchurch follows the success of the existing BCP scheme covering Poole and Bournemouth. Since launch last June demand has far exceeded expectations. Over 22 000 people have used the scheme, travelling over 500 000 km. This level of demand enables the bikes to be provided by the operator at no cost to BCP Council. For Christchurch, with a smaller population (48,500) having more widely spread residential areas, BCP will be using Local Transport Plan (LTP) Funding to purchase the bikes, which the chosen operator will then maintain at no ongoing cost to the Council. The provision of Bike Share in Christchurch is also part of our match funding commitment for the successful £79m Transforming Cities Fund Bid, complimenting the segregated cycleway network which will be developed across the conurbation in the next three years. Beryl have applied to cover Christchurch area. It was noted that in the last 10 months it has been proved that a dockless method works in the BH area, with 25% of users happy to leave bikes outside houses for £2 extra charge, meaning 75% of all bikes are returned to bays, with very little attrition. One Boscombe G.P asked for a new ‘Beryl bay’, and was given a ‘pop up’ bay for use by visitors and his colleagues. Subsequently The Adam Practice, Hamworthy also applied for and were granted a new ‘popup’ bay.

Paul Turner, CTC Wessex Cycling ‘Right to Ride’ Officer [BCP] Cycle Ink #198


Saturday, 29 August 2020 Wessex 400km Porkers ‘permanent’ with Nick This had the potential to be a nice long ride (max 27hr), with Nick for company, lovely countryside and some good weather forecast. The first half turned out as expected. There were loads more staycation tourists in and around Weymouth than when I've normally ridden the event during early May. There was a Long queue at the Lobster pot tea room on

Portland Bill which was to be expected (August Bank Holiday) and we were both carrying enough food to see us around the whole ride without stopping, but I do like a cuppa when I can. Just before Beaminster I had to ride past a flooded road under a bridge - it was just deep enough to get wet feet. By midnight we had reached Taunton Deane services and we were hoping for some hot food, but although it was open McD and Costa were closed so just a handful of people were there. Into the clear night and the mass of stars above us, and around half distance and I was noticing my chainset was loose and on inspection the drive side bottom bracket was falling apart.


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I was able to ride on and we reached Corscombe at 3am. The village hall here is usually a night control during the Porkers calendar event: you can stop for some hot food and drink. Riding as a Permanent event we didn’t expect much. However, fellow Audax rider and Dorset Coast organiser Andrew had been kind enough (thanks to a FB post) to leave some hot coffee and cake for us in a hot box. After that it wasn't too long before the sun started to rise up above the horizon and a new day appeared. The wobbly bottom bracket was getting worse but I could still pedal and there was no friction when I spun the pedals. Later that morning as more aluminium fell out of the B/B, I stopped to bodge a not very good hack to keep the bearings away from the frame and stop the chainstay from getting rubbed with a couple of zip ties. This worked for a bit but wasn't great. Later using a discarded drinks can I fashioned a chain stay protector, cutting it with my scissors and holding it in place with gaffer tape. It wasn't perfect but we carried on with Nick towing me the last 100km to the finish. The day had been fraught but with Nick for company, beautiful countryside and warm sunny weather things weren't too bad. We arrived with one hour to spare, which could so easily have been lost if my mechanical had become worse, or if we had spent some time at a cafe, which due to current covid conditions wasn't happening.

By Alan Parkinson & Nick Allen (SWLondonRC) Cycle Ink #198



TC Wessex Cycling have a set of Competitive Rollers which are available for use by anyone either for a club event or on another occasion either within or outside CTC Wessex Cycling. There is no charge for their use. Daniel Armstrong at Velo Domestique 176-180 Seabourne Road (the top end of Southbourne Grove) looks after the rollers and they can be collected from there. Terry Walsh refurbished the rollers some time ago and they have since been used on a number of occasions: at Velo Domestique, at a Bournemouth Jubilee Wheelers event and at the St Peter’s School Sports Convention. The rollers can provide a very good evening for riders and spectators giving much fun. To discuss the set up please contact Terry on 01202 247888.

© Mike Walsh

To place an order at our heavily subsidised prices go to check the size chart, then either: ● Complete an Order Form and send it to Steve by post or email. ● Or contact: Steve Cottenham to tell him what you want. e-mail: Tel no: 07834727841


Cycle Ink #198

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