Winter 2018
The Quarterly Magazine of CTC Wessex Cycling in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch Published Quarterly - Free on line or ÂŁ2.50 annual subscription for mailed hard copies.
Winter 2018
The Quarterly Magazine of CTC Wessex Cycling in & around Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch The last issue of 2018 and hopefully the last issue for me. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you all. There are some changes within CTC Wessex Cycling, we have a new President and Secretary and from the next issue of Cycle Ink a new Editor. Julian James has taken the reins as President and Chairman and Dave Mansfield has taken on the role of Secretary. These appointments were made at the last AGM and reported in the minutes printed in full in this issue. Since then I have been persuaded to pass the role of Editor to Shawn Shaw, he will be assuming this at the next issue. You can contact him, please send him your thoughts, and reports of your cycling experiences. A few words and a photograph is all that is needed, more if you like. A further change is that the Group trophies will be awarded at the Christmas Lunch which will be held just as this issue is published. The recipients are also given in this issue. Thank you for all of your support during my time as editor.
By Mike Walsh
“CycleInk” is the Newsletter of CTC Wessex Cycling, a Member Group of Cycling UK (Cyclists’ Touring Club). Published quarterly. Views expressed are not necessarily those of the club. The committee meeting is the deadline for contributions. our mirror site at
Cycle Ink #191
West Coast 2018
By Tristram Hobson
Extracts from Tristram’s blog written under canvas using a mobile phone whilst riding Adventure Cycling’s Pacific Coast Route thus including errors. Editor
What's it all about? July 15, 2018 This year I turned 50. With all landmark birthdays comes the sense of time slipping by. I'm not one for the grass to grow beneath my feet anyway, but I decided to take the opportunity to do something big. I've always loved cycling and especially cycle touring. In 2012 I helped lead a school trip - cycling 1,000 miles from Lands End to John O'Groats. In 2014 a few friends and I cycled from Dorset to West Wales and then in 2015 we cycled from La Manche to Le Med (the length of France). My other passion is surfing. Having surfed in Australia, the Canaries, Morocco and the West Country, surfing on the US West coast has always been an ambition. Cycling the almost 2,000 miles of the US west coast was an easy choice! I am very lucky to have a couple of friends (of a similar vintage) – both called Simon who are also up for a challenge and adventure. I am hoping to raise money for Julia’s House – a children’s hospice which supplies support for children with life limiting conditions. It is fully funded by charity donations and receives no government funding. Day 1 July 23, 2018 77 miles We left at 8am after breakfast at the hostel.After several wrong turns and much indecision we made our way through Vancouver which we found to be a beautiful city. As with most cities it had affluent neighbourhoods, like the Cypress street cycle route which was dappled shade and manicured lawns outside palatial houses, and less affluent - which we found on the other side of the Fraser river, with dilapidated houses and rusting pickups outside. We made good progress and were only delayed for half an hour getting into the USA, we had lunch at Blaine on the harbour side to celebrate making it into
Cycle Ink #191
our second country. We slowed somewhat as the temperature rose, making it to Bellingham to buy supplies by 5.30pm. The last few miles were slower still with the effects of jet lag and heat catching up with me, but we made it to a lovely wooded campsite at Larrabee State Park where we were greeted by another cyclist (Randy from Colerado) who was clutching two cold cans of lager which he got out of the coolbox when he saw us arriving at the campsite. Randy is my new best friend. Day 2 July 24, 2018 70 miles. It turned out that Larrabee State park campsite is about 30m from a freight railway line – with immense trains that ran at pretty much the frequency that it takes to go back to sleep from the previous one. So whilst the campsite was lovely the sleep wasn’t great. We left at 7.15 having fruit and cereal bars before setting off. We cycled for 25 miles before having breakfast. This was our first experience of a proper American breakfast. I went for pancakes, eggs and sausage. For those, like me, who are uninitiated in such things, the pancakes here are not the slimline crepe lookalikes we have at home. No, they are at least 1cm think and the size of a dinner plate. They are eaten with vast quantities of maple syrup and butter. I was in heaven! My breakfast made the extra large Weatherspoons fry up seems like a slimmers world special. Day 4 July 26, 2018 100 miles (exactly) today. We set off with a huge breakfast (blueberry pancakes and bacon) thanks to Carolyn our ‘warm showers’ host. We made it to Montesano (approx 30 miles) for coffee and cake then Grayland for lunch by 2.15pm having covered 70 miles. Grayland is one of those places that is summed up precisely by its name. We had decided on the coastal route (105) because we thought we’d have scenic views of the Pacific for 50 miles or so. As it happened we just had long
Cycle Ink #191
stretches of boring tarmac with no views. Until that is we’d got well past Grayland. The sun came out and the views were wonderful. We saw more eagles as well as Blue Heron. A real treat. We are staying the night at a functional, but not particularly salubrious RV park.
Day 8 July 30, 2018 I’d like to thank everyone who has sponsored my so far -it looks like we’ve raised £380 so far which is great. It occurred to me that some people might think this is one of those Hobson gets a free holiday from Julia’s House. This isn’t the case -every penny goes to support the children’s hospice. 45 miles It rained last night - first proper rain, but our stuff has remained wet from the insesent mist. The cycling seems to be getting easier - this is partly because it’s been flatter today, but also we seems to be getting fitter and used to clocking up the miles with heavy bikes. Hopefully it’s having an impact on the waistline (but the Lycra still seems tight so I doubt it). By the time we had finished breakfast the most had cleared so we decided to have a shorter day and dry out our stuff. We arrived at our campsite nice and early - around 2.30pm. Stopping at this time felt like skipping off school early! It have us the chance to wash some clothes and get everything dry. We even had a chance to read our books - neither Simon nor I have managed to stay awake long enough to read more than a page or two so far.
Cycle Ink #191
Last Day August 21, 2018 We had thought our last day would be a short trip to the finish – “only fortysomething miles”. But the combination of feeling a little the worse for wear and a very slowgoing route (hills, followed by tortuously slow cycle lanes) made the ride take longer than we’d expected. Whilst slow, cycling through La Jolla was a treat, with a beer scenic route following the coastline. But trying to cycle at any reasonable pace was difficult along the Sunday morning cycle/runner/walker/electric scooter traffic along Mission Beach. Great for a “pootle” but not if you actually want to get somewhere. After a final breakfast at Quivera Basin we had a little extra treat – a ferry ride to Coronado (part of the route to avoid a horrible bridge) before covering the final mikes to the Mexican border at 4pm. We took photos at the pedestrian (rather than vehicular) entrance to the Mexican border. The actual entrance was a one-way revolving door with bars on. It looked like the entrance to a prison. Whilst we proudly took our photos hundreds of people (almost all Mexican) dukes through – it felt like inmates returning to complete their sentence. We had decided not to go into Mexico- not because we didn’t want to see the country, but we dish the fancy the wait trying to get back into the US. We celebrated with a McDonalds shake then made our way back to San Diego – by “trolley” – the San Diego train – no peddling required!
Cycle Ink #191
CTC Wessex Cycling Awards
By Alan Baker
Sartain Cup to Graham Dore for successfully undertaking a 3,750 mile coast-to-coast ride across the USA from the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, to Yorktown, Virginia, on a tandem with his unsighted stoker, Steve Bateman. This ride raised funds for the Lions Club Charity. Riders’ Cup to Alan Young for his bike ride across Canada with companion Clive from *** to Cape Spear on Newfoundland, the most easterly point in North America, a distance of over 4,800 miles. Tourist Shield to Tristram Hobson who, together with friends, rode from Vancouver south along the Pacific Coast to the Mexican border, a distance of over 1,800 miles, raising money for Julia’s House, a local hospice for children with life-limiting conditions. Ron Cook Rosebowl to Bob, Joan and Jackie Courtney for their individual and collective hard work for the Group over several years, including building up and sustaining the success of the Sunday Inters ride group. Congratulations
CTC Wessex Cycling Club Kit To place an order for our heavily subsidised prices go to, check the size chart, then either: Complete an Order Form and send it to me by post or email. Or Phone me to tell me what you want. ANTHONY CLEWES e-mail: Tel no: 0773 7750535
Cycle Ink #191
Lands End to John o’Groats
By Paula Kirk
Extract from Paula Kirk’s Facebook entry Editor
Paula Kirk is feeling proud with Maggie Maundrell. WE MADE IT! 1000 miles, 55,000 calories burned, 25,000m of climbing, 4 punctures, 17 campsites, 6 sore legs...... We cycled from Land's End to John O'Groats through Storm Ali, England, Wales and Scotland to complete one of the hardest challenges I have ever done. Huge thank you to our back up team of Mike and Dave who made it possible, and my fellow cyclists Maggie and Paul who kept me going when it got tough! Many thanks also to our lovely friends who sent us many messages of support through out our adventure! (Another photograph on back cover)
Learn the Track at Calshot
By Paula Kirk By Alan Baker
Fancy learning to ride the track on Calshot Velodrome? New riders are invited to join existing friendly group from Oxfordshire in order to acquire track skills. All ages and riding abilities welcomed. And you don’t need your own track bike! Expert small-group tuition from British Cycling accredited track coach. Now entering their 8th annual season, these sessions start on Saturday 15 September and then run monthly until March. The first session is open to those who have no previous track experience as well as to more experienced riders. Cost is £20 per session to cover hire of the velodrome and a contribution to the expenses incurred by the coach. Bike hire is £10 per session. Hire of shoes is £3.50 (you can use your own if Look Keo compatible). Bring your own helmet. All sessions are held on Saturdays, from 1.30 pm until 5.30 pm. Remaining dates are 12 January, 16 February and 16 March. Contact to be added to the mailing list for further information. Calshot Velodrome SO45 1BR
By Alan Baker Cycle Ink #191
CTC Wessex Cycling
By Alan Baker
Committee Meeting Minutes 15th August 2018 1. PRESENT:- Julian James (Vice-Chairman); Bob Chittenden; Keith Matthews (Welfare Officer / Registrar / Membership Secretary / Website Master); Paul Turner (Right to Ride Representative); Mike Walsh (Secretary / Treasurer) and Alan Baker (Minute Secretary). In the absence of Paul Rush, Julian James took the Chair. 2. APOLOGIES:- Bob Courtney; Stephen Gray (Cycle Training Coordinator); Ali Mackenzie; Jim McDonald (attending the CTC Birthday Rides); and Paul Rush (Chairman). 3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING:- It was AGREED to amend the first sentence of Minute 16(i) by adding the phrase “ .. and in other contexts.” at the end of that sentence. The Minutes of the Meeting held on 09 May 2018 were then APPROVED as amended. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES:Minute 14:- Alan Baker reported on behalf of Jim McDonald that he now had a full complement of Ride Leaders for each Pedal Sunday Ride in the Autumn Quarter, and was short of Leaders for just two Rides in the Thursday Dawdlers’ programme. 5. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:- Alan Baker reported that Paul Rush had written to announce his intention to step down from his post as President/Chairman immediately following the forthcoming AGM of the Group. The Meeting AGREED to accept Paul’s resignation and to thank him for his work as Chairman. 6. SECRETARY’S REPORT:- Mike Walsh reported that Julie Rand at National Office had written to all Member Groups inviting them to submit their favourite rides for possible inclusion in a compendium of 140 rides celebrating the 140th anniversary of the formation in 1878 of the Bicycle Touring Club, the forerunner of the Cyclists’ Touring Club. Unfortunately, insufficient time had been allowed by National Office for suggestions to be developed and submitted and so the Group had been unable to make a contribution. 7. TREASURER’S REPORT:- Mike Walsh once again reported that the Group’s financial position was healthy. Recent expenditure, incurred or committed, included Bikeability Instructor Training; two First Aid courses; the hire of the Reef Centre, Colehill, and other costs totalling £900, for the Reef Rides on 17 June; the hire of Damerham Village Hall, and other costs, for the Group Picnic on 08 July; production of the quarterly Group Newsletter, and advertising material. 8. RIGHT TO RIDE REPORT:- Paul Turner reported on developments in our catchment area. His Right to Ride report will be published as usual in the Group Newsletter. 9. REEF RIDES (held 17 June):- Alan Baker reported on behalf of Paul Rush that the two Reef Rides had taken place without, as far as was known, any untoward incident. Paul said he had received fantastic support from the team of helpers and the Reef Centre Trustees. Disappointingly, only 40 riders had signed-on and it was clear that more thorough publicity outside the Group was required, and more support, too, from within. Alan reported that, because of Paul’s absence, no debriefing meeting had yet taken place and no plans had been proposed for an event in 2019, although Paul had said he hoped the event would continue. 10. GROUP PICNIC (held 08 July):- Bob Chittenden reported that the Picnic had been quite well supported, with approaching 100 attending on a day of hot, dry weather. Mike Walsh thanked Bob for his efforts as organiser, and said he thought this year’s Picnic had been the best of the series to date. 11. GRIDIRON (to be held 14 October):- Mike Walsh reported that to date 522 entries had been received, down on last year’s total at the same time of year because of the later start to canvassing for entries this year. A Mailchimp invitation to last year’s participants not yet entered this year will be carried out shortly. Discussions with caterers at the various venues for refreshments were on-going.
Cycle Ink #191
12. REEF RIDES 2019:- The Committee was reminded that Shawn Shaw had proposed changes to any future edition of the event but, in the absence of this year’s organiser, Paul Rush, it was AGREED to once again carry forward this item for discussion at a future Committee Meeting. 13. NEW RIDE LEADERS:- Keith Matthews reported that there were no new Ride Leaders to declare. 14. AWARD OF GROUP TROPHIES 2018:- It was noted that because this year’s awards will be made at the Christmas Lunch on 13 December, rather than at the AGM in October, discussion and decisions could be deferred until the next Committee Meeting. It was AGREED to carry forward this item to the Committee Meeting in November. 15. COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ PORTFOLIOS:- Mike Walsh made the point that it was becoming increasingly necessary to share more evenly the work of running the Group, and all Committee Members should be prepared to accept specific duties. 16. GROUP NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING:- Mike Walsh reported that if the Group were to endeavour to attract advertisers for the Newsletter, an Advertising Manager would have to be found as the task of attracting advertisers and issuing invoices was an unwelcome diversion for the Newsletter Editor. 17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS:- There was brief discussion and clarification of miscellaneous items. 18. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS:- It was noted that the Group AGM will be held on Wednesday 24 October 2018, and the next Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday 14 November 2018, both at Kinson Conservative Club and starting at 7.30 p.m.
By Alan Baker
Gears without Tears 1st May 2019
By Joanne Rowe
I am contacting local cycling organisations about this event organised by Bob Damper of Southampton CTC. Tony Hadland grew up on the top of a hill and every journey home involved a long, hard climb; so he soon learned the usefulness of bicycle gears! Later, he became a worldclass authority on the subject. In this talk, he traces 150 years of bicycle gear development, he discusses the pros and cons of different systems and ends with a brief review of what’s on the market today. The event on Wednesday 1 May 2019 will be at the Wells Place Centre in Eastleigh, it is free but pre-booking on the eventbrite website is essential. Visit and search Tony Hadland or follow this link: Tony Hadland I have attached a flyer and I would be grateful if you could pass this on to members of your organisation. ALL WELCOME, ESPECIALLY CYCLING UK MEMBERS AND MEMBERS OF ALL LOCAL CYCLING CLUBS If you would like any further information please get in touch.
By Joanne Rowe Cycle Ink #191
Saturday BunRuns 09:00 Wimborne Square Terry's Sat Ride 09:00 Waitrose, Christchurch
5 Jan 5 Jan
Sat Morning 60s
Dorset Dawdlers
5 Jan
3 Jan
Tuesday Toasters 09:30 Wimborne Square Thursday Rouleurs 09:30 Wimborne Square Thursday Riders 10:00 Hurn Stores
Tue 1 Jan Thurs 3 Jan 3 Jan
BROCKENHURST ROSIE LEA'S AT SETTLEY RIDGE Briantspuddle Village Hall Old Farmhouse Burley
Marnhull Coffee Run Only Barton-onSea
Blandford Blandford Burley Old Farmhouse Tel 01425 402218 10:00 Hurn Village Stores Stewards G.C.
Day Date
Time Start
RUNSLIST FOR January 2019
Shawn Shaw
Brian C
RobWard Graham D
The ride attracts cyclists from all disciplines and all abilities you are sure to find someone to ride with, contact Terry Walsh on 01202 247888 for more details. There is no leader and no back up, but generally there is an experienced cyclist in the group. The route is designed for beginners but joined in by all abilities. Start 09:00 at Waitrose Supermarket, Christchurch or just make your own way to the Old Farmhouse Tearooms, Burley for 10:0
We organise gentle and more demanding rides. Please join one of our groups who ride Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Each group has a different style. Choose the group that suits you best.
75 miles 6 hours part of the Reliabilty Series Blandford Swanage Brook Tea Room 01929 422061 Alderholt Sticky Bun Tel 01425 652437 Wareham Sports Centre
Merley Community Centre BH21 1XE Wimborne Square Sandbanks Ferry Wimborne Rec Merley Willett Arms C.P. UPTON COUNTRY PARK Waitrose Christchh Sandbanks Ferry Hurn Stores Ferndown-Junc Wimborne Rd E & West Moors Rd Wimborne Square Hurn Stores Wimborne Rec Ferndown-Junc Wimborne Rd E & West Moors Rd
10:00 08:00 09:30 09:30 10:00 10:00 09:00 09:00 09:30 09:00 10:00
09:30 09:30 10:00 10:00
Pedal Sunday
Tuesday Toasters Thursday Rouleurs
Thursday Riders
Dorset Dawdlers
Sat Morning 60s
Terry's Sat Ride Sunday Rouleurs
Sunday Inters
Pedal Sunday
Tuesday Toasters Thursday Rouleurs Thursday Riders Dorset Dawdlers
6 Jan
6 Jan
10 Jan
10 Jan
12 Jan
12 Jan 13 Jan
13 Jan
13 Jan
Tue 15 Jan Thurs 17 Jan 17 Jan 17 Jan
Tue 8 Jan Thurs 10 Jan
Blandford Lyndhurst The Mad Hatter Blandford Ringwood Café Velo
Cranborne Garden Centre
DORCHESTER ENGINE ROOM Old Farmhouse Burley West Holme, Orchard Tea Room. Tel: 01929 554716 Lyndhurst
Blandford Brasserie 65
Wimborne Rec.
Sunday Inters
6 Jan
Fordingbridge, Bridges. Tel: 01425 654149 Compton Abbas
Christchurch Waitrose Wimborne Square
Time Start
Sunday Rouleurs
6 Jan
Day Date
RobWard Tim S
Whiteparish Coffee Run Only Fritham
Hillier Gdns, Ringwood Romsey 6d Handley
Ian M
RobWard Peter D
Anna & Graham
Coffee Run Only Dawdlers New Year Lunch Bob Chitt Not Just Sundaes
Bishopstone Hockey's, Ibsley Shillingstone
Sunday Inters
Pedal Sunday
27 Jan
27 Jan
Thursday Riders
Dorset Dawdlers
31 Jan
31 Jan
Tuesday Toasters Thursday Rouleurs
Dorset Dawdlers Sat Morning 60s Terry's Sat Ride PHSG GROUP Sunday Rouleurs
24 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 26 Jan 27 Jan
Tue 29 Jan Thurs 31 Jan
Thursday Riders
10:00 Hurn Village Stores
10:00 Wimborne Rec
09:30 Wimborne Square 09:30 Merley Bridge
Blandford Moreton Dovecote Cafe 01929 462243 Cranborne GC Tel 01725 517546 North Gorley Hockey's Farm Shop
10:00 Merley Willett Arms Wareham Sports Centre
10:00 09:00 09:00 10:00 09:30
09:00 10:00 09:30 09:30
Coffee Run Only Fordingbridg e
Alan H
RobWard Ade H
Paul M
RobWard Denis E
CHILD OKEFORD GOLDHILL FARM Old Farmhouse Burley Lyndhurst, Mad Hatter. Tel: 02380 282341 Wimborne Square Fordingbridge Farnham Holt Hurn Village Stores Ringwood-Cafe Velo Fordingbridge Wimborne Square Blandford Moyles Court Sherfield English Gilberts Stockbridge 01725 884803 Merley Bridge Wareham Harrys Bar Tel Coffee Run 01929 551818 Only Wimborne Rec Blandford-Brasserie 65 Childe Oakford Waitrose Christchh BEAULIEU STEPH'S KITCHEN Waitrose Christchh Old Farmhouse Burley Broadstone Leisure Poole Park Merley Bridge Moreton, Tea Rooms. Tel: 01929 463647 Sandbanks Ferry West Holme Milton Abbas Blandford
09:00 Wimborne Square 09:00 Waitrose Christchh 09:30 Hurn Stores
Time Start
Sunday Inters Pedal Sunday Tuesday Toasters Thursday Rouleurs
24 Jan
20 Jan 20 Jan Tue 22 Jan Thurs 24 Jan
Sat Morning 60s Terry's Sat Ride Sunday Rouleurs
19 Jan 19 Jan 20 Jan
Day Date
09:30 09:30
Tuesday Toasters Thursday Rouleurs
Hurn Stores Hurn Village Stores Wimborne Square Kinson Wimborne Square Sandbanks 10:00 Ferry Ferndown-Junc Wimborne Rd E & West Moors Rd
09:00 09:30 09:00 10:00 09:30 19:30 09:30 09:50 10:00
Terry's Sat Ride Sunday Rouleurs
Sunday Inters
Pedal Sunday Tuesday Toasters Committee Thursday Rouleurs
Thursday Riders
Dorset Dawdlers
9 Feb 10 Feb
10 Feb
14 Feb
14 Feb
10 Feb 12 Feb 13 Feb Thurs 14 Feb
Hurn Stores Wimborne Rec WIMBORNE SQUARE Waitrose Christchh Wimborne Rec
10:00 10:00 09:00
Thursday Riders Dorset Dawdlers Sat Morning 60s
7 Feb 7 Feb 9 Feb
Moors Valley C.P.
Crow Farm Shop Blandford Kinson Con Club Compton Abbas Airfield 01747 811767 Corfe Castle
Coffee Run Only Cranborne
Shawn Shaw RobWard
Lawrence S
Ian C
Anna & Graham
Derek P
RobWard Peter D
Pamphill Dairy
Eling Tide Mill Coffee Run Only Winterborne Tormson
Bere Regis
Wimborne Rec. Merley Community Centre BH21 1XE Wimborne Square Hurn Stores
10:00 08:00
Pedal Sunday Jubilee
3 Feb 3 Feb
Sturminster Marshall Golf C 100 miles 8 hours part of the Reliabilty Series Blandford Lymington The Old School Cafe 07808 920934 Fordingbridge Blandford-Brasserie 65 SHAFTESBURY UGLY DUCKLING Old Farmhouse Burley Cranborne, Garden Centre. Tel: 01725 517546 Beaulieu
Wimborne Square
Sunday Inters
3 Feb
LULWORTH FINLEY'S Fontmell Magna Tearooms Old Farmhouse Burley Owermoigne, Galton Garden Centre. Tel: 01305 852324 Home Farm, Tarrant Gunville Stalbridge
Sandbanks Ferry Wimborne Square Waitrose Christchh Upton House
09:00 09:00 09:00 09:30
Time Start
Sat Morning 60s Saturday BunRuns Terry's Sat Ride Sunday Rouleurs
2 Feb 2 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb
5 Feb Tue Thurs 7 Feb
Day Date
RUNSLIST FOR February 2019
17 Feb Pedal Sunday
17 Feb Sunday Inters
16 Feb Sat Morning 60s 16 Feb Terry's Sat Ride 17 Feb Sunday Rouleurs
10:00 09:30 09:30
24 Feb PHSG GROUP Tue 26 Feb Tuesday Toasters Thurs 28 Feb Thursday Rouleurs
28 Feb Dorset Dawdlers
09:00 10:00
24 Feb Sunday Inters 24 Feb Pedal Sunday
09:00 09:30
23 Feb Terry's Sat Ride 24 Feb Sunday Rouleurs
28 Feb Thursday Riders
09:30 10:00 09:00
21 Feb Thursday Riders 21 Feb Dorset Dawdlers 23 Feb Sat Morning 60s
Blandford East Wellow Carlo’s 01794 323673 Wimborne Rec Blandford Merley Willett Arms Wareham Sports Centre UPTON COUTRY BLANDFORD PART FORUM/YELLOW BICYCLE Waitrose Christchh Old Farmhouse Burley Sandbanks Ferry Corfe Castle, Model Village Café. Tel: 01929 481234 Hurn Stores Lyndhurst Ferndown-Junc Three Legged Cross Joe Wimborne Rd E & Browns West Moors Rd Ferndown Verwood Wimborne Square Blandford Merley Bridge Wool Ruby’s Cafe 01929 288050 Merley Bridge West Holme Tel 01929 554716 MacPenny's Hurn Village Stores Bransgore
09:30 Wimborne Square 09:30 Moyles Court
Worth Matravers
Romsey Ringwood Cranborne
Child Okeford Corfe Castle
Alan H
RobWard Paul Sgt
Joy H
RobWard Denis E
FORDINGBRIDGE FIG TREE Old Farmhouse Burley Alderholt, Sticky Bun. Tel: 01425 625437 09:00 Wimborne Square Blandford Fordingbridg Ringwood e 10:00 Merley Willett Arms Wareham Sports Centre Arne
09:00 HURN STORES 09:00 Waitrose Christchh 09:30 Waitrose Christchh
Time Start
Tue 19 Feb Tuesday Toasters Thurs 21 Feb Thursday Rouleurs
Day Date
Sunday Inters
3 Mar
Terry's Sat Ride Sunday Rouleurs
Sunday Inters
Pedal Sunday
9 Mar 10 Mar
10 Mar
10 Mar
16 Mar 16 Mar
14 Mar
Sat Morning 60s Terry's Sat Ride
Dorset Dawdlers
Tuesday Toasters Thursday Rouleurs Thursday Riders
Dorset Dawdlers Sat Morning 60s
7 Mar 9 Mar
Tue 12 Mar Thurs 14 Mar 14 Mar
Thursday Riders
7 Mar
3 Mar Tue 5 Mar Thurs 7 Mar
Pedal Sunday Tuesday Toasters Thursday Rouleurs
Sat Morning 60s Saturday BunRuns Terry's Sat Ride Sunday Rouleurs
2 Mar 2 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar
Day Date
09:00 09:00
09:30 09:30 09:30
09:00 09:00
09:30 09:00
09:30 09:30 09:30
00:00 09:00 09:00 09:00
Blandford Brasserie 65 Blandford Corfe Castle The Courtyard Cafe 01929 481234 Alderholt Sticky Bun Tel 01425 652437 Cranborne G.C. SHERFIELD ENGLISH GILBERTS Old Farmhouse Burley Arne, RSPB Café. Tel: 01929 553360 Lymington
6d Handley
West Knighton Downton
Ian M
RobWard John J
MacPenny’s, Michael Bransgore
Joan C
Shawn Shaw
Wimborne Square Okeford Fitzpaine
Wimborne Square Blandford Car Assist TBD TBD TBD Hurn Stores Burley Old Farmhouse Tel Brockenhurs 01425 402218 t Ferndown-Junc Verwood Health Cantre Damerham Wimborne Rd E & West Moors Rd Sandbanks Ferry BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE HALL Waitrose Christchh Old Farmhouse Burley
Hurn Village Stores
Hurn Stores
Wimborne Rec C'CHURCH WAITROSE Waitrose Christchh Merley Bridge
Wimborne Rec
Wimborne Rec. Wimborne Square Sandbanks Ferry
Upton House
COMPTON ABBAS Briantspuddle Village Hall Old Farmhouse Burley Downton, The Borough. Tel: 01725 238083 Walled Garden, Moreton Dewlish
Wimborne Square Wimborne Square Waitrose Christchh Hurn Stores
Time Start
09:30 Merley Willett Arms West Holme Orchard Tea C.P. Rooms 09:30 Wimborne Square Blandford 09:30 Hurn Stores Downton The Borough Salisbury Cafe 01725 554716
17 Mar Pedal Sunday
23 Mar Terry's Sat Ride 24 Mar Sunday Rouleurs
24 Mar PHSG GROUP 26 Mar Tuesday Toasters
24 Mar Pedal Sunday
24 Mar Sunday Inters
23 Mar Sat Morning 60s
21 Mar Dorset Dawdlers
21 Mar Thursday Riders
09:30 Ferndown-Junc Wimborne Rd E & West Moors Rd 10:00 Parley Cross 09:30 Wimborne Square
Christchurch Blandford
Wolvercroft Sticky Bun Tea Rooms
Anna & Graham
Dereck P
RobWard Michael W
09:30 Sandbanks 09:40 Arne RSPB Moreton Ferry 09:45 Hurn Village Stores Holmsey Old Station Tea Keyhaven Rooms 09:00 WIMBORNE STURMINSTER NEWTON SQUARE SWEETPEA 09:00 Waitrose Christchh Old Farmhouse Burley 09:00 Wimborne Rec Compton Abbas Airfield. Tel: 01747 811767 09:00 Hurn Stores Setley Ridge Hythe
09:00 Sandbanks Ferry
17 Mar Sunday Inters Lulworth Cove East Lulworth
Poundbury, Engine Room Cafe. Tel: 01305 257250 Corfe Castle
09:00 Upton House
Time Start
17 Mar Sunday Rouleurs
Tue 19 Mar Tuesday Toasters Thurs 21 Mar Thursday Rouleurs
Day Date
Waitrose Christchh Waters Edge Ruislip Waters Edge Ruislip Waitrose Christchh Hurn Stores Wimborne Rec. Wimborne Square Hardboiled Wareham Wareham Eastleigh
09:00 08:30
09:00 09:00 09:30 09:00 02:00 07:45 09:00 18:30
Terry's Sat Ride Audax
Sunday Rouleurs Sunday Inters
Pedal Sunday Saturday BunRuns Audax Audax Audax Talk
30 Mar 31 Mar
31 Mar
31 Mar 31 Mar
31 Mar 6 Apr 13 Apr 14 Apr 14 Apr 1 May
timdollrffr m timdollrffr m
Shawn Shaw Shawn Shaw & search Tony Hadland
Milford-On- Bransgore Sea Childe Okeford
Steam Ride 200km
Steam Ride 117km
Paul M
Email Email
Committee meetings at The Conservative Club, Kinson February then 15th May 14th August Annual General Meeting 16th October 2018 at 19:30 13th November
BROCKENHURST ROSIE LEA'S SETTLEY RIDGE Old Farmhouse Burley Quainton Express
Editor Mike Walsh: 17 Grove Gdns, Southbourne Rd, B’mouth BH8 9JQ TEL: (01202) 429985 Future Editor Shawn Shaw 22 Shaftsbury Road Denmark Gardens Poole BH15 2LT
Next committee meeting:
Blandford Brasserie 65 Manston Village Hall 300km Coast Coastlet Gears without Tears
Sat Morning 60s
30 Mar
Lymington, Café TBD Boldre
Merley Willett Arms
Dorset Dawdlers
28 Mar
Sat Sat Sun
London Oxford London the Ghan
Merley Bridge
Thursday Riders
28 Mar
West Holme Orchard Tea Rooms 01929 554716 Arne RSPB Bovington Matildas Tel 01929 405204 Poole The Spire High Street Swanage
Wimborne Square
Cerne Abbas
Thursday Rouleurs
Thurs 28 Mar
Time Start
Day Date
CTC Wessex Autumn Equinox
By Cathy Cottenham
Extract from Cathy Cottenham’s Facebook entry
We had a lovely riding group for the Potterers excursion to Avebury on Sunday. Five women and three men including Mak and Leslie from Christchurch BC. As well as beautiful scenery and fine weather we had all the usual long distance happenings of puncture, chain off, wobbly legs, getting off route, lights getting dim! Thank you John for organising a great day out with Keeta and Steve W ticking up just over 130 miles, Me and Steve and Maggie 120 and Mak, Leslie and John 110. This was first 100 mile ride for Mak, Leslie Steve W and me. Well done everyone
By Cathy Cottenham Basic Maintenance Workshop
By Mike Walsh
Steve Coombes an experienced trainer and cycle mechanic will deliver a basic maintenance workshop on a weekday evening in B’m’th/Poole. He will cover punctures, snapped chain, broken spoke, check and adjusting brakes, gears, saddle, handlebars, headset, wheel hubs and bearing. Cost £20. For more details and booking contact or FaceBook Skills and Trails
Cycle Ink #191
First Gridiron for charity
By Mike Jukes
NOVICE PETE COMPLETES THE 100K GRIDIRON CHALLENGE WHERE SEASONED VETERANS BACKED OUT It was always going to be a challenge for 58 year old Caravan Club Warden Pete Marriott as he signed up for the 100K Gridiron Cycle Challenge. Never having completed anything like it before, he and his son, Peter (38) prepared for the event. They were aiming to raise money for South Central Ambulance Charity. But the challenge was greater than expected. Pete went down with a debilitating virus in the week before the event and was unable to complete the planned cycle training he needed. Nonetheless they set off on the morning of 14th October just as the edge of Storm Callum swept across parts of the New Forest. Of the 1000 entrants for the event only around 285 turned up. “The rain was what I can only describe as “biblical”. It was absolutely teeming down and we were drenched within minutes “ said Pete. Throughout the day they continued on in rain, wind and falling temperatures to finally reach the finish line in late afternoon. His efforts have raised about £200 for the Charity mostly from members of the Caravan and Motorhome Club, who sponsored his challenge. Speaking about how he felt Pete said, “It would have been easy to give up and the last stretch from Burley to Lymington was really demanding. But I learned in my time in the military, that you have to be determined and set your mind to achieve your goal. My goal was to complete the Challenge and raise funds for the South Central Ambulance Charity, as I had promised to do”. Web Email
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Vanessa Casey, Head of South Central Ambulance Charity said, “We are so grateful to Pete for his support. The weather was definitely not kind that weekend, which can only have added to the huge challenge Pete had already committed to in order to support the Charity. Thank you Pete for rising above the rain! ” Following previous publicity surrounding the Challenge, one local resident has come forward and has now been trained as a community first responder to cover the Brockenhurst area. The Charity hope that she will be the first of a number who wish to see Brockenhurst with its own team of volunteer life-savers. The money Pete raised in his challenge has been put towards the costs of supplying the new volunteer with her emergency medical kit and defibrillator. Community First Responders (CFRs) are unpaid volunteers who give their time freely to help save lives in their community. They are trained by South Central Ambulance Service in basic life support, the use of AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and the treatment and control of a wide range of potentially life threatening conditions. They attend calls in their local area and provide basic life support care until the arrival of the ambulance service. When not required they remain at home or work carrying on their daily life until an emergency call comes in. Anyone who may be interested in becoming a community first responder in Brockenhurst should ring 0800 587 0207 or E mail
By Mike Jukes Donation to First Responders
By Mike Walsh
Such a grand effort by the Bransgore First Responders Peter and Pete Mariott as described above in the torrential weather prompted the CTC Wessex Cycling committee at their last meeting to make a further donation of £100 to their charity. The cheque was handed over to Mike Jukes Bransgore First Responders Group Co-ordinator by Jim McDonald on the Pedal Sunday ride he leads at their coffee stop at MacPennys 154 Burley Road Bransgore BH23 8DB. Mike Jukes sent me the following:- Dear Mike, On behalf of our group, please accept our sincere thanks for your very generous donation. Enclosed is our receipt for £100 Our volunteers are all unpaid. They attend 999 medical emergency calls and provide care and support for the patient before the arrival of the emergency ambulance. Support such as yours enables us to continue the service we provide in this area and will be put to good use on equipment and training and ………………..(Cont.)
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starting up another scheme in the Brockenhurst area. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you once again. Kind Regards Mike Jukes Group Co-ordinator 32 Pear Tree Close Bransgore BH23 8NH 07976 465890 Web Email
By Mike Walsh
Velo Domestique
By Mike Walsh
Velo Domestique at 176-180 Seabourne Road (the top end of Southbourne Grove) is not just a café, not just a bike shop, it’s a hub for cyclists in Bournemouth. Velo Domestique , serve delicious coffee, grand food, host film screenings, supper evenings and even roller evening. They are also the venue for French Lessons. A couple of Fridays evenings ago they repeated their Crank Giving a style of treasure hunt where each rider has to purchase various items from proscribed locations. All of which is donated to Hope for Food a charity for the homeless who’s representatives thanked all the many participants.
By Mike Walsh
Cycle Ink #191
CTC Wessex Cycling
By Alan Baker
Annual General Meeting Minutes 24th October 2018 1. PRESENT:- 19 members of the Group were present. The President, Paul Rush, took the Chair and welcomed Jenny Box, Head of Development for England at CUK National Office, to the meeting. Jenny introduced herself, explaining that she had joined CUK just two months earlier. Her principal role was to encourage non-cyclists to take up the past-time through the organisation of programmes such as The Big Bike Revival. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:- were received from Damian and Penny Buckley; Anna Dore; Stephen Gray; John Jackson; Paul Lucas; Jim McDonald; Joergen Holmstroem Nielsen; Paul Turner; Terry Walsh; and Judy and Paul Windwood. 3. MINUTES OF AGM 2017:- were approved as a true record of the Meeting, proposed by Keith Matthews and seconded by John Hayter. 4. MATTERS ARISING:- there were no matters arising from the Minutes not covered elsewhere on the Agenda. 5. REPORTS:(i) PRESIDENT/CHAIRMAN:- Paul Rush reported that the Group had been very active in the period under review which had provided riders with the best summer weather for cycling since 1976. The various riding groups continued to be active and well-supported, and more athletic members had participated in long-distance rides, including across the USA and Canada, and from Land’s End to John O’Groats. The Group had continued to provide Instructors for the Cycle Training programmes in schools in Poole and Bournemouth, offering training for pupils from 5 to 15 years of age, and once again additional Group members had offered to undergo training, fully funded by the Group, to become Instructors in the future. The Group’s principal promotion, The Gridiron, had recently successfully taken place, although marred by very wet weather, with Mike Walsh as Organiser. Basic Courses in Bicycle Maintenance had continued to be offered throughout the winter half-year, with Steve Coombes as tutor. A First Aid course, with an emphasis on the risks associated with cycling, had been provided for Group members by the British Red Cross. (ii) TREASURER:- Mike Walsh presented the Group’s Annual Accounts for the year to 30 September 2018. He reported that the Group’s financial position was strong with The Gridiron promotion having made a healthy surplus. Reserves were sufficient for the foreseeable future. The accounts were accepted as a true record of the Group’s financial situation, proposed by Julian James, seconded by Keith Matthews, and approved nem con. Mike Walsh sought the Meeting’s approval to claim the £200 Member Group annual allowance from National Office, proposed by Keith Matthews, seconded by Julian James, and approved nem con. (iii) MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY:- Keith Matthews reported that his work as Registrar and Membership Secretary had been made more difficult recently because National Office no longer provided him with contact details for members of the Group. This made it difficult or impossible to contact individual members and to send information to all Group members. Keith was of the opinion that his wish to have the contact details for each member of the Group amounted to fair usage within the scope of the recently enacted General Data Protection Regulation, and should be permitted by National Office. Jenny Box responded that National Office was trying hard to resolve the difficulties imposed by the new legislation. The Minute Secretary reported that, in the interim, to minimise the disruption to Group communication with members, National Office had issued an e-mail to members on behalf of the Group, giving notice of the AGM, and had also agreed to issue a further mailing in the near future with details of the Christmas Lunch. Some members present said they had not received the AGM Notice, and the Minute Secretary undertook to pursue this with National Office. (iv) CYCLE TRAINING COORDINATOR:- Stephen Gray was not able to be present. His report, summarising activity during the period under review, is attached as Appendix 1. (v) GROUP KITMASTER:- Tony Clewes reported that Group clothing sales had continued throughout the year, including as a result of exhibiting items at the Gridiron HQ. He felt that the bright colours and lettering were an aid to conspicuity and safety on the roads. (vi) RIDE COORDINATORS:- A number of reports were submitted and these are summarised in Appx 2. John Hayter reported that the Thursday Potterers often had 12 riders and has a 40-strong mailing list. Ali Mackenzie reported that the Saturday 60s group was poorly supported and she was considering how best to increase the turnout. Mike Walsh offered to help generating publicity. Mike also commented that the Poole Leisure Cycling group was still active. (vii) GRIDIRON:- Mike Walsh reported that the annual Gridiron had attracted a full field of 1,000 entries but, as a result of very wet weather on the day, less than 400 entrants had started the event and less than 300 completed the ride. The event requires an organiser for next year. (viii) REEF RIDES:- Paul Rush reported that the first edition of the Reef Rides had been poorly supported by Group members despite the efforts of the team of helpers. It was hoped to run the event again next year with increased publicity. Mike Gordon suggested that when previous Gridiron participants were contacted to inform them of next year’s Gridiron they could also be informed about the Reef Rides. (ix) GROUP PICNIC:- Bob Chittenden reported that the Picnic, held at Damerham Village Hall, had been well-supported with possibly in excess of 100 participants. The weather was warm and sunny, which complemented the attractiveness of the venue. Bob acknowledged the help he had received from Mike Walsh and confirmed that he was willing to organise the Picnic again next year.
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6. 2019 EVENTS:- John Ward reported that he would not be running the New Forest Spring series of events. The Gridiron event requires an organiser. 7. VOLUNTEERS:- The President appealed for additional help from Group members to ensure the continuing successful running of the Group’s affairs. 8. BURSARIES:- Mike Walsh reminded Group members that the Group had adequate funds available to help worthy causes such as the training of experienced cyclists as Cycle Training Instructors for school children and novice adults; and for the provision of publicity material to help promote a new venture. 9. ELECTION OF OFFICERS:- Paul Rush announced that he had already informed the Committee of his decision to step down at this AGM from his twin offices of President and Chairman. Mike Walsh announced that he did not intend to seek re-election as Group Secretary nor Newsletter Editor at this Meeting. Julian James was elected President and Chairman nem con, proposed by Mike Walsh and seconded by John Hayter. Dave Mansfield was elected Group Secretary nem con, proposed by Mike Walsh and seconded by John Hayter. Officers were re-elected nem con, as follows: Minute Secretary:- Alan Baker, proposed by Mike Walsh, and seconded by Julian James. Treasurer:- Mike Walsh, proposed by Julian James, and seconded by John Hayter. Auditor:- Ralph Huckle, proposed by Maggie Ross, and seconded by Jo Gordon. Welfare Officer/Registrar/Membership Secretary/Website Master:- Keith Matthews, proposed by Paul Rush, and seconded by Mike Walsh. Cycle Training Coordinator:- Stephen Gray, proposed by Paul Rush, and seconded by Mike Walsh. It was agreed that Paul Turner should continue to be our nominee to National Office to serve as Right to Ride Representative. There were no nominations for the vacant post of Newsletter Editor, and Mike Walsh agreed to continue in post for a short while. However, he stressed that Group members must urgently address the need to find a replacement. He also explained that gathering copy for successive issues was the most difficult aspect of the Editor’s job. Jo Gordon thanked and praised Mike for his work as Newsletter Editor. Mike Walsh reported that John Jackson had resigned from the Committee; and Bob Courtney announced that he did not feel able to continue, following unavoidable absences from Committee Meetings for reasons that would continue for sometime yet. Additional Committee Members were elected nem con, as follows: Mike Gordon, proposed by Nigel Steel, and seconded by Julian James. John Hayter, proposed by Paul Rush, and seconded by Mike Walsh. The remaining Committee Members, not being office holders, are Bob Chittenden; Jim McDonald; Paul Rush; and John Ward. It was agreed to postpone discussion of election of a Vice-Chairman to replace Julian James until the next Committee Meeting. 10. ANY OTHER BUSINESS:(i) Paul Rush announced that the Group Christmas Lunch and Prize Presentation would be held on Thursday 13 December at the Bournemouth Sports and Social Club. Tickets were about to go on sale via the organiser Dave Langley at a price of £20. (ii) Tony Clewes asked whether it would be beneficial to have a shorter Gridiron route as well as the current 100 km distance. Mike Walsh responded that such a decision would be in the hands of his successor. However, it would be important to consider that the longer event has attracted a full field of 1,000 entrants for the last few years, and a significant increase in numbers that might arise from providing two events could make the event unmanageable for the organising team. Tony offered to help next year’s organiser and to take over the organisation of the event in 2020. He and Mike will discuss this. (iii) Keith Matthews proposed a vote of thanks to Paul Rush and Mike Walsh, the retiring President/Chairman and Group Secretary, respectively. This was carried nem con. Appendix 1 CYCLE TRAINING COORDINATOR’S REPORT CTC Funded Cycle Trainers The three people funded by CTC Wessex Cycling to undergo National Standards Cycle (and Bikeability) Training: Steve Coombes, Rob Ward and Sue Ward, are now well established within the Poole Bikeability Scheme. This year they were paired up with the four experience trainers for each of the training course delivered to Poole schools and are now at the point of assessment for their full qualification. Steve Coombes has had his assessment and is now fully qualified. Rob had a mentoring assessment with a particularly difficult group of children and will be in a good position to have his final full qualification assessment when school training courses resume after Easter in 2019. Sue is also expected to have her final assessment in 2019. A number of people are seeking CTC Wessex Cycling funding for National Standards Cycle Training in 2018/2019. Rob Ward will be coordinating this with the help of Steve Gray. Poole Poole scheme is continuing to increase numbers of children trained in line with the projected expansion and has this year delivered to some new schools as well as to those with which cycle training has become well established. In addition to Bikeability Levels 1 and 2, Poole has increased the number of Balanceability and Level 3 courses it has run this year. Emily Cooper will be taking more of the responsibility for Bikeability in 2019 as Peter Wickett is heavily involved with preparations for the BCP merger.
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Poole Scheme DfT grant funding available for: Program Element 2018/2019 2019/2020 Level 1 & 2 combined 463 places 523 places Level 3 46 places 52 places Balance 65 places 68 places Bournemouth Bournemouth Scheme is also increasing the number of schools and pupils to which Bikeability levels 1 and 2 are delivered as well as maintaining a steady stream of courses run at King's Park on Saturdays throughout the season and with weekday courses during school holidays. Establishing contact with a staff member willing to take on the responsibility for Bikeability training in each of the Bournemouth schools continues to be a big challenge but the instructors are continuing to make some headway although progress is slow. An increasing number of Level 3 courses are also being delivered. Level 3 courses have been fairly bespoke based upon trainee needs so far but there are moves afoot to make them more generic and based at King's Park and to follow a fairly standard route to reduce the amount of extra work that a bespoke course entails for the instructors. At the cycle trainers meeting in December, I should be able to find out how many places the DfT is funding for Bournemouth Scheme. Dorset Dorset have a cycle training scheme. They allocate areas to individual cycle training instructors to administrate. They do not respond to enquiries about taking on new instructors. This is effectively a closed scheme. New National Standard A new National Standard for cycle training will come into force in April 2019. Qualified trainers are required to register their details and will be expected to undergo training within a period on changes to delivery to meet the new standard. Appendix 2 RIDE COORDINATORS’ REPORTS Tuesday Toasters (Rob Ward has taken over from Ali Mackenzie) Ali Mackenzie writes: The Tuesday Toasters rides are going very well, with several new members turning up, and a friendly rapport with the favourite café in Blandford, 'The Forum', where the staff are often pouring the coffees even before we have parked our bikes. A short middle section, with riders adding loops before the start, or after coffee, seems to suit many members of different riding abilities. I'm hearing that the rides continue to be popular, and I hope to return to supporting this group when I can do less work! In the meantime Rob Ward has taken over as Coordinator. Dorset Dawdlers (Jim McDonald) A full programme of Thursday rides continued to be offered throughout the year from the established starting points of Ferndown, Hurn Stores, Willett Arms and Wimborne Recreation Ground. Attendance has been the usual six to eight up to the coffee stop, although there has been some decline in the late summer, possibly due to holidays or family commitments. Six came along for the car-assisted ride from Wilton to Warminster and back on 17 July. Rides were in the 35/45 mile range which seems to suit most folk. Rides are available every Thursday for the current autumn programme, although three slots have yet to find a leader. Grateful thanks are due to those who have come forward to lead rides. Some thirty members plus family and friends enjoyed the excellent Christmas lunch in Wareham organised by Bob Chittenden. A similar event is being arranged for January of next year. Thursday Rouleurs (Mike Gordon) The Thursday Rouleurs have a variable programme of well attended weekly rides. We continue with our Spring and Autumn Century cycles, and again this year John Jackson organised the Summer Solstice 200km ride. We continue to have quarterly car-assisted rides to enable us to explore new areas. This year there was a much enjoyed 10 day tour of Normandy and Brittany organised by Denis Eveleigh and Dave Langley. We continue to attract new members and all rides have been well supported. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have volunteered to lead rides. Saturday 60s (Ali Mackenzie) Saturday 60s is going well, and members seem to be enjoying the variety of routes and café stops. We have had a few new members, but would like to increase our regular numbers. Saturday BunRuns (Shawn Shaw) Our improvers’ ride, the BunRun, is intended to take those who wish to go there somewhere outside their comfort zone. To go where the road leads and to enjoy whatever it offers along the way. Generally sections will opt for routes that are less demanding. Whilst offering the fledgling tourist much, such routes will of themselves be limiting. There comes a time when the wings want to stretch out and touch the sky. That’s what we continue to do. It is seven years since the monthly first Saturday BunRun rides began visiting a once a month cafe. This past year Xtra rides have been added for the summer months on the third Saturday each month. Our range has extended into Wiltshire and south westerly beyond Wareham. We have taken advantage of the blossoming of the Village Hall coffee and cake mornings.
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Steve Gould, who is often sweeper, for which I thank him, remains a regular and Dave from Tuckton and Tom out of Swanage join us often enough to be thought such. Our success though is measured by how many come and then pass on to other things widening their touring experience. Tom is honing his skills by occasional outings with Poole Wheelers and has completed Audax rides returning with tales of his latest adventure awheel before going off on more. Riders come along and see if they can/want to go the extra to gaze down at the landscape rather than skirting the climbs (missing out?). BunRuns very comfortably remain ‘fit for purpose’. Pedal Sunday (Jim McDonald) These Sunday rides are similar in style to the Dorset Dawdlers using the same start points, but some being of a greater distance. Attendance has fluctuated around the half dozen, except for the Inter Group Picnic which brought out 16. A full programme of rides has been entered for the autumn period. Sunday Rouleurs (Rob Ward) The Sunday Rouleurs now appeals to a core of riders who share a love of coffee, tea, toast and marmalade and various other confections. In between they occasionally cycle, but only if the weather is dry, and the climbs not too steep. Even without a youth policy for the groups, the pace remains a respectable 14-15mph, despite the Garmin readouts indicating otherwise. At times the group goes to altitudes that humans have never fully adapted to, causing loud cursing from the grupetto, a well known side-effect of oxygen deprivation. Against all rules of common sense, three Rouleurs completed LEJOG this year, and also claim to have enjoyed their expedition. Although it doesn’t appear to have persuaded any other riders to follow suit, they have all sent warm congratulations to Paula Kirk, Maggie Maundrell and Paul Martin for their outstanding achievement.
By Alan Baker
Cycling Without Age
By Mike Walsh
Cycling Without Age - Jason Falconer is working with CWA and has launched this Denmark based project to offer trishaw rides to older citizens, using volunteer ‘pilots’. Jason will train pilots in on road cycling with 2 people on E-Bikes. Presently funding has been found for first bike as you can see! Another will be arriving soon. Potential pilots please contact Madeline Logan at
Cycle Touring Festival Waddow Hall, Clitheroe, Lancashire 24 – 27 May 2019 Looking for a Christmas present for the cyclist in your life? Consider buying them a ticket to the only festival in the UK which is dedicated to cycle touring. This is just to get you are not yet on sale as we just finalising a few details with the venue. We will announce when tickets are available, in early December. In the meantime, enjoy the chilly fingers and long shadows of autumn riding. Laura and the team
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Our local rider’s wheel building offer
Rain Gridiron Photos from Sarah Castle and Paul Turner 27
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