Your guide to faux foliage and florals.

2 Florals & Foliage

3 Florals Materials & Construction Styles & Shapes Stems & Branches Plants & Foliage Materials & Construction Styles & Shapes PortfolioVessels VesselsFoliageFlorals Inspiration 30282622141246816183234
magnolias 4 Florals & Foliage
Techniques for tulips, for


Faux florals can be produced out of many materials, here are a few of the more commonly used techniques. Each option offers a unique look and feel as well as the ability to be layered with additional materials and techniques.

Options to get started with.
6 Florals & MaterialsFloralFoliage
Poly Silk & Fabric Foam
$+ $$+
Silk flowers offer a very realistic appearance and a premium look. consciousoffersstylizedRepresenting
7 Foam Molded Paper $$+ $$-$$$ $$$
Molded from latex or polyester, this type of flower offers a wide range of looks and costs.

Offering a range of looks from semi-realistic to fully stylized, paper is a versatile and artistic floral option.
Representing a more stylized look, foam also offers a durable and costconscious flower.
Defining what we want from our plants.
Realistic Attempting to closely recreate the look a plant found in nature.
8 Florals & StylesFloralFoliage
It is possible to create almost any style of artificial flower, but most fall into one of these three catagories. Defining the overall style of your flowers can help to determine what material might be the best fit.

9 lookcloselyand feel of nature.
Based on real plants, but taking some creative liberties with the end result.
Inspired by naturally occuring plants, but focused on a more abstract look.

10 Florals & Foliage

Floral wreath. Compact

A wider, looser arrangement.

Single stem flowers. Structured
Floral garland.

Florals are not limited to traditional bouquets and can be made into natural looking plants, stylized wreaths, or a creation from your own imagination. These are a few styles to get started with and draw inspiration from.

Shapes Arrangements&
Consider density and shape to help define your arrangement style.
Compact Structuredarrangements.arrangements.

StemsFoliage Branches&

12 Florals &
Tying it all together.
Both foliage and florals use stems on most occasions. The stem is often overlooked, but they help to ground the exciting focal points of the plant. Stems can also help to tie together both foliage and florals in the same piece, helping to create a final cohesive look.
Molded Molded stems shape of natural molding in of stems, almost can be added
stems excel at mimicking the overall natural stems and branches. By a modular receptical on the ends almost any type of floral or foliage added to a molded stem.

Paper-wrapped wire stems offer more customizability in both color and texture, ranging from realistic to highly stylized. Wire adds the ability to tweak the overall shape of the plant, allowing for more customization.

Wrapped Wire
Plants & Foliage out with philodendron.

14 Florals & Foliage

Plastic molded foliage is possibly the most common with a wide range of existing molds available.

16 Florals & Foliage Poly Silk & Fabric Foam Molded $+ $$+ $$-$$$
Silk can achieve a realistic look while also offering the ability to be printed to add a higher level of detail. Representing a more stylized look, foam foliage is a good alternative to paper.
Much like artificial florals, faux foliage can be made from a wide range of materials to achieve many different looks. While there are many other options, these materials are the most commonly used and can be applied in most situations. Often these materials are mixed together to achieve a more natural appearance.

the ease of which it can be printed on, paper offers one of the most versatile materials for faux foliage.
Options to get started with.
17 commonexisting
Inspired by naturally occuring plants, on a more abstract
Attempting to closely recreate the look and feel of a plant found in nature.

18 Florals & Foliage

Based on real plants, but taking some creative liberties with the end result.
Realistic Semi-realistic
Defining the right look.
We can tailor the style of foliage to achieve almost any look, however these three options offer a great place to start. From here we can refine the look of your foliage to nail your desired style.Stylized plants,naturallybut focused abstract look.

Styles and silhouettes.
Shapes Arragements&

20 Florals & Foliage Single leaves A greenery
While we can always mimic the shape of different plants, we love to find new and innovative ways to work with foliage. Start by playing with size, shape, and color - the sky’s the limit!

Stand alone shapes.
leaves and branches greenery wall panel.

Sculpted topiary.

22 Florals & Foliage

Vessels it all a home.

Resin vases

We offer a wide variety of materials and construction techniques for custom vessels, as well as offering more cost-conscious options.
A place for your plants to stay.
Having the right vessel for your plants or florals can make all the difference.
From floor-standing to tabletop we can provide the perfect vessel and arrangement to fit your vision.
24 Florals & VesselsFoliage
25 AcrylicPaperWoven

Metal vessel

26 Florals & Foliage

Plants in practice.

28 Florals & FloralsFoliage


30 Florals & FoliageFoliage


32 Florals & vesselsFoliage


Themes Inspiration&
Putting it all together.
34 Florals & Foliage


Themes & Inspiration
bright blooms

36 Florals & Foliage


Tropics Themes & Inspiration

38 Florals & Foliage


40 Florals & bohemianFoliage modern

Themes & Inspiration


42 Florals & rusticFoliage

Themes & Inspiration


Themes & Inspiration
44 Florals & SPRINGFoliage

Epidendrum (Epidendrum) Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia)Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia) Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides) Bromeliad (Bromeliaceae) Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) 46 Florals & SUMMERFoliage Themes & Inspiration

Sugarbush (Protea) Sugarbush (Protea) Epidendrum Orchid (Epidendrum) Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis) Paradise Red Ginger (Alpinia purpurata)

Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) & Inspiration
48 Florals & FALLFoliage Themes
Cattail (Typha latifolia)

Dahlia (Dahlia Cafe Au Lait)

Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana)
White Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata)
Banksia (Banksia)
Bunnytail (Lagurus ovatus)
Winter (Ilex Silver dollar eucalyptus (Eucalyptus cinerea) White Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)50 Florals & WINTERFoliage Themes & Inspiration

Amaryllis (Hippeastrum Amaryllis)
Winter berry (Coniferae)
(Ilex verticillata) Quince (Cydonia oblonga) Willow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus nicholii) Evergreen

52 Florals & you!ThankFoliage
Contact us today to start planning your plants and sales@ctcvisual.comkeenpacna.combunzldistribution.com/retailflorals!|ctcvisual.com