6 minute read
By Mickey Nichols
Is it just me or has the whole world (especially our dear US of A) gone completely nuts? The announcement came yesterday that our current incompetent, senile, and America-hating administration has formed a government sponsored and backed speech determining department headed up by the Department of Homeland Security tasked with “finding and fighting” both mis and dis information. To assign the responsibility of whether a certain kind of speech is either a “hate crime” or perhaps even domestic terrorism to some government bureaucrat is sheer madness! If this doesn’t smack of 1930’s Germany and present day Russia and China then it certainly fools me. Maybe our leaders feel that they simply don’t have enough existing power in order to quell the rising tide of dissent that now peeks over the horizon and threatens their nearly 100% control of idea dissemination through their very willing lackeys in the drive-by media. It is no coincidence that this formation of a new organization to inhibit thought and speech control comes swiftly on the heels of the purchase of Twitter by a truly “free speech” truist. The loss of the ability to manipulate and control the liberalagenda spreading media giant has wreaked havoc within the “ woke” crowd! This is confirmed by the number of leftists who have already stated that they are closing their Twitter accounts because, according to them, they no longer feel “relevant” . What they mean is that they don’t want a platform where ideas are discussed and promoted that don’t agree with their agendas! These people are messing with the very fabric of our freedoms when they try to overrun and trample the First Amendment and we as Americans are obligated to fight this extreme governmental overreach with all our combined power!
I am reminded of the old movie where the demented TV anchorman encourages the whole nation to shout out their window, “I’m mad as hell and I am not going to take it any more!” Well, I think that make believe movie time has become real time for us in this country. This latest attempt at monitoring free speech and perhaps even going as far as arresting and punishing anyone who openly disagrees with their thinking under the guise of “hate crimes” or domestic terrorism deserves no less than all of our open scorn of both the idea and the ones who promote this evilness. November cannot come soon enough to vote this present cadre of
fools out of power!. The Bible speaks of this type of people when it says “professing themselves to be wise they became as fools. ” And this latest madness by this administration has come hard on the heels of other foolhardy ideas such as wokeness in business in the form of “social function” , CRT, BLM, social justice, inclusion, diversity, eccuminism in religion, and a whole litany of any and every whim that may occur to anyone on any given day. All of these are simply code words straight out of the pits of hell conceived by communistic or America-hating people who want nothing more than to overthrow the greatest nation that has ever existed upon this earth. Businesses and corporations are being bullied into submission by elites in the media and from Hollywood into donating and supporting these outlandish ideas to the tune of tens of millions of dollars that allow these pseudo “charities” to continue to propagate and promote their anti-American rubbish.

Do I sound angry? You bet your bottom centavo that I am angry!! We are scolded by these high-minded socialistic “scientists” if we don’t “follow the science” and in their very next breath they tell us and want us to believe that a man can give birth. Hah! These are the very same people who throw a tantrum if a gentleman has the gall to simply open a door for a lady or perhaps stand when a lady enters a room. The victory that was won in the battle for equality in college or high school athletics that was finally achieved by the passing of Title IX is now being shattered by desperate males posing as women competing against females. How convoluted can we get?!? And school teachers and administrators providing an “identity closet” where little boys and girls can leave their
homes dressed as Mom and Dad would have them dressed and then change these little ones into clothing that befits whatever they feel like on a particular day. I say this is child abuse and child porn of the highest order! Arrests, conviction, and punishment should be the result of this perversion and any person participating in this type of behavior should have to serve hard time and definitely be banned from any contact with children in the future.
Communist China keeps such close tabs on all their citizens that everyone receives a “social score” given by governmental overseers based on the activities and speech of each person. Jobs, careers, marriage, number of children, and virtually all other decisions in life are determined by these “scores” . If one should disagree with authorities or openly voice opinions that differ from the rulers’ agenda then the “social score” drops accordingly and swift retribution is in order. If the dissenter is vocal too often or too loud then many times the citizen simply disappears. Dictators and brutal regimes have followed these dictates since time immemorial. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Papa Doc, Amin, Chavez, Pol Pot, and countless other despots come to mind. Hundreds of millions of people have been slaughtered at the whim of these Godless men. And there have been Godless women also! I’ll let you google them.

Are we close to this happening in the USA? Could it truly happen here? Well, the first step is the control of speech. The sacredness of free speech is the reason the First Amendment to the Constitution is first! If free speech goes, everything else follows. The Second Amendment has been under attack for years so I would have us all remember why this Amendment was passed: to protect us from our own government! Pogo had it right after all: “I have seen the enemy and it is us. ” We have heard the following axioms: “ Every great civilization has fallen from within” and “No democracy has lasted longer than two centuries. ” Are we on our deathbed? Are we breathing our last breaths? Can our beloved USA rise from our present state and stand tall again? It can happen. But only if the American people realize the horrible condition that we are now being choked by. A return to 1940’s and 1950’s morality. Realizing the depth of our nation’s depravity and begging God’s forgiveness. And the first place to start this “revolution” in America is in our
churches. Our pastors need to call sin sin. And our Christians need to live out their Christianity. And vote out the scoundrels! I could list a thousand things that I would personally like to see done but I would be satisfied if we start with these few things.